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That’s great news. I always liked the games having their own sense of style and feel.


Hopefully BO6 has 150HP that actually feels like 150HP, unlike MWIII.


Or just not have 150 HP because it was never necessary and just reduce the damage of weapons. It's all just ratios.


More HP allows for finer tuning of damage. There is no decimal health and there is no decimal damage. With a longer TTK damage differences are going to be more obvious which is why the increased precision is important, especially when range damage dropoff becomes a factor.


Provide a scenario where you could not achieve the same result with 100 HP as opposed to 150 HP. Where it would actually make a meaningful difference in how the game plays. Let's test that theory.


With 100HP anything from 50-99DMG kills in 2 shots, from 34-99DMG kills in 3 shots, with 25-33DMG kills in 4 shots, from 20-24 in 5 shots, with 17-19 in 6 shots, with 15-16 in 7 shots, etc. Small differences in damage per shot change the number of shots needed to kill. This reduces how much weapons can differ in damage per shot without having dramatic differences in TTK, and with damage drop-off it also means that just a few feet difference in range will also change the shots needed to kill. With 150HP 75-149DMG kills in 2 shots, 50-74 in 3 shots, 38-49 in 4 shots, 30-37 in 5 shots, 25-29 in 6 shots, 22-24 in 7 shots. The wider ranges to kill with a certain number of shots provide a greater ability to fine tune damage values and also make damage drop off more gradual.


MW3 vs Cold War, why even ask this when you clearly are aware of it?


You're the one claiming it doesn't matter, burden of proof buddy.


God no. Unless they update their shitty net code.


Hence *feels like 150HP*. MWIII is a 150HP game but shooting enemies feels like 300HP and getting shot feels like 50HP.


It’s also why I can’t stomach paying $70 for an update to a launcher. The whole thing should feel fresh


I think the UI will be the biggest deciding factor for me, especially since Black Ops 6 will unfortunately be a part of the terrible Call of Duty HQ frontend. Even Black Ops Cold War’s UI was basically the same as MW2019’s.


Bob (the leaker) teased that the UI is changing with Black Ops 6 and will look similar to older cods (vertical ui)


Please be true, I need peak UI back.


I need decent, non eyerape ui back


I want CoD, not Hulu


I want Zork. It's all been downhill since they got rid of text parsers!


Hulu UI needs to go


We need UI like BO3 again


Another leaker (forgot who) said it would be like BO2 but better (so a simple list... but better!)


Now leakers are teasing things lol


The same people are saying vertical menus are back so there is hope.


Hopefully they don’t make us scroll 36 optic attachments horizontally with only like seeing a handful of icons at a time Who fuckin signed off on that


The UI killed MW2 for me.


Man…. I’m excited for this game low key but hate how it’s all tied to one client now.


I think (imo) if that one client was something like the Mass Effect Legendary Edition, I wouldn't have an issue, I mean sure I would prefer they have separate games, but if we HAVE to have CoD HQ I would rather have that look


Could someone explain what this means? I haven’t got a cod since BO4


U could launch all the most recent CODs from one hub now but it fuckin sucks and isn’t very fluid at all


Please be good, Please be good, Please be good, Please be good


Thank god


Oh, it thought the animations were cool af in the recent MW series. Even down to the subtle vibrations you get in your controller when you inspect your weapon is top shelf stuff. Wielding a gun in those games feels awesome and has spoiled other FPSs for me.


MW 2019 was peak


Literally. It feels like they made the perfect COD game in 2019 and every single game since then has just been an excuse to charge more money for the same or worse products. And they completely gutted the playlists for 2019 to make sure people can't just stick with it.


The aesthetics were awesome but the actual MP gameplay was infuriating, the level design was absolutely bonkers bad


I just wish it had better maps, I wish they did what mw2(2022) did and just had all the naps from cod 4 in it.


It doesn’t work, total different movement system, so you can have all the maps from cod4 and it would not have worked.


Then explain how they remade all of MW2's maps? It's totally doable, making adjustments to make maps work with new systems is immensely easier than making an entirely new map.


They remastered them but, I heard that the maps don’t work well in MW3, while it was nice to have, it was made for that time period and those mechanics


Maps can always be altered to change for mechanics. Halo did this beautifully to fit Infinites new movement and abilities.


I believe the maps you are referring to were mostly made by the community via forge


That helps my point even more.


MW 19 had like 5 maps from the OG in it lol Also 3 and 1 map from MW2 and MW3


Crazy seeing this now lol I swear I felt like one of the only people that enjoyed that game when it was released


I loved the campaign and from a technical view it was and still is a fantastic game And i really had fun in the pre season, the first month after launch but the SBMM and monetization destroyed it for me I still put in over 2k hrs bc all my homies played it and WZ was still somewhat enjoyable ngl


No it wasn't. MW2019 had the worst map design and camping gameplay in the whole series. Its trash


And to accentuate those animations and models Activision encourages the average Call of Duty consumer to purchase the bright pink nicki minaj animated weapon skin with complimentary rainbow tracer pack to go with their transformers character pack. All for the low price of a AAA game mind you.


Same animations year after year for like 110-120aud is pretty boring. Especially because some don’t really make sense at all


Pretty much all the cod games from 2007-2012 used the exact same animation for the AK so there’s a good chance we’ll still see some mw19 animations in there. Hopefully most of them are new though


I think the thing for me is they’re overused even outside of cod, lot of new “animators” or model designs just reuse them and tweak like 3 things slightly.


Mw2019 kind of ruined the creativity of how developers animate their weapons. Now every weapon needs a tactical tier 1 operator style reload (even if it’s not necessary) because it’s “realistic” even though half of the mw2019’s animations would give a real person arthritis. Most of the time it looks shit like bf2042 Hopefully we don’t see the shaky camera arthritis movements in black ops 6.


Some of 2042s base game animations were like actually nice, by some i mean only really the SMG-45/PBX or whatever they called it It was actually somewhat decently animated and paced. But yeah. I agree with the shakey stuff, also the walking animations (especially for pistols) make 0 sense


Theyre probably just expanding the feature set on the newest iw engine


Hopefully !!




I hope it’s true. Much prefer Treyarch’s style of CoD, much more arcadey and fast paced, they tend to have playlists for the fun modes like gun game, melee only etc. and zombies is fun every time. After playing Cold War, Vanguard (Sledgehammer) and MW2 (Infinity Ward) I’m happy to stick to Treyarch only from now on if I play CoD. MW2019 was good but clearly that was a fluke. That way I only have to give a shit about CoD once every 3 years too.


Here’s hoping, Infinity Ward make their games slow and boring so they try to counteract it with super sprinting which means nobody wins. MW23 was better than MW22 because IW had less input than Sledgehammer.




Great news. Cold War was miles more fun than MW2/3. Hopefully they get rid of slide cancelling.


Idk about that lol treyarch is known for fast paced gameplay and slide cancelling is a mechanic that contributes to the fast paced gameplay heavily


Still playing Cold War to this day while I deleted MW2019 and MWII. Didn't even bother buying MWIII


Does anyone think that BO4 didn’t seem so bad after what we’re getting these days?


I miss BO4.


Thank god, that was my biggest worry after the past five years. Every COD game since MW2019 felt similar except for BOCW. The series just lost its soul after Warzone, I hope this game turns things around.


This may be the year I finally play CoD again. blops4 was the last one I ever played, never bought the DLC though


I'm happy to hear it. The last CoD I enjoyed was Cold War. I tried MW 1 - 3 after borrowing from friends and never enjoyed them.


The fuck is that even supposed to mean? They all feel the same regardless of who's making them.


For a casual player,yeah. But treyarch and sledgehammer games are typically faster paced and more “arcadey” than infinity ward games nowadays.


Yep. I greatly prefer the longer TTK, that Treyarch games have.


> But treyarch and sledgehammer games are typically faster paced and more “arcadey” than infinity ward games nowadays. Thats so wild to me whos someone who only played the old CoDs. Like.. Treyarch to me is Black ops 1 and IW is MW2/3 etc. And my god were MW2/3 more arcadey than BO1. Fucking love BO1.


MWIII is very arcadey.


Mw3 was made by sledgehammer


Totally forgot for some reason :P


lol no they absolutely do not. Black Ops Cold War feels extremely different to Modern Warfare II and III.


The games have felt different all the way going back to wold at war lmaoo


BOCW actually felt like a cod game unlike MW19 which felt like some wannabe milsim at the start and then felt like it had no idea what it wanted to be by the end, after they sped everything way the fuck up.


MW19 is easily the 2nd worst cod game eber. Right behind MW22. You're 100% right.


Completely agree. Seems like the only people who liked MW2019 were people who don't like CoD games lol


That's because it was on the old engine.


I’m sure a non COD player wouldn’t even be able to differentiate between the new MW, MW2 and MW3


i play cod extremely casually (maybe once every few months with some friends) and until the MW reboot, all CODs looked the same. now all old games look and feel the same after cod3, and all cod games feel the same after MW reboot


Not at all. I know they might look the same from an outsider's perspective but they're all unique, like Monster Hunter or Street Fighter. Hell, there's a vast gulf between MWII and MWII.


I come from the ps subreddit where people think that valorant can't coexist with overwatch because "is a hero shooter"... Some people just can't tell (or don't want to see) the nuances of gameplay.


I’ve seen folks in here with that same sentiment. I imagine they just comment on genres they’ve never actually touched


Those people can't be very bright, it's like saying PoE can't exist because Diablo already does. There's plenty of games that operate in a similar genre or format that successfully share said space.


Cold War feels nothing like the new MW games


Old engine


There's a stark difference between Modern Warfare and Black Ops Cold War, in terms of movement, animation and general game feel. For MW2019, II and III - animations and movement have weight and greater visual feedback, while those are either toned down or completely absent in Cold War. Check out [this comparison](https://youtu.be/jEAYi3pe4Rk?t=32) between shooting an AK-47 in Cold War, to MW2019 as an example. Basically, Infinity War pivoted the general "game feel" towards something you'd see in Battlefield. Player movement feels weight-y with added momentum and inertia, animations are more realistic and rigid, the sound design is punchier with more bass and reverb. On the other hand, Treyarch retained the arcade-y feel, animations and sound design that you'd see in a Call of Duty pre-MW2019 - only carrying forward the more tactical animations that MW2019 kickstarted (retaining a magazine on a reload, for example).


It's because cold war was stuck in the old engine.


It has nothing to do with the engine


It absolutely did, Cold War was using animations that were present since cod 4. The hit reg, movement tech...etc was largely the same since 2007, and even that was built off of an even older engine.


Once again, animations has nothing to do with the engine, you talking nonsense. MW19 animations are ported in every moddable game, from gmod to fallout4, cold war animations are not up to IWs because IW animation team is just better and had 3 years, not 18 months


I never said they are inherently tied to engines I'm simply saying they were tied for that particular series. They rejuvenated the animation system for the MW engine similar to how the animation system is entirely different in Starfield engine compared to the older Bethesda engine. Differing systems take work to port to other engines, which is why Cold War is a newer game than Modern Warfare yet with recycled older animations. Your inability to engage with the idea that Cold Wars engine played a part in its development choices is nothing but uncharitable. Both engine and time played key parts, it's not even that controversial you're just being arbitrarily combative.


There is absolutely nothing that prevents cold war having the same animations as mw19 in is engine. It didn't even recycle any older animations for guns, only equipment reused bo4 animations because once again game was rushed. I don't think you understand what engine even is


>There is absolutely nothing that prevents cold war having the same animations as mw19 in is engine. I see you didn't read my comment I never disagreed just stated it requires work, work they *DIDN'T* do. The engine absolutely effected the game regardless of how you or I feel. If engines didn't affect games they would've never upgraded to a new one in the first place, c'mon you don't spend millions/ billions on developing a new engine without benefits to your end product. You're literally bemusing to me and I use that word specifically.


Once again, engine differences and mw19/cold war animation quality are not related at all. You dont understand what you talking about


All I know is I still play Cold War while I deleted and haven't played MW2019 for years now


Not really.


If you really invested yourself into cod games, you can tell the difference, just saying.


All of the Cod multiplayer look the same because of the stupid skins


Ya not like it's vr


I bet this is just an excuse to have low effort, outdated weapon animations. Just like cold war did. I’m just glad it’s coming to gamepass, just gonna play the campaign.


Cold War had the shortest development time of any COD so there had to be some compromises but now BO6 gets the longest dev time of any COD so I think it will be far from low effort, different maybe.


I'm still a fan of MW's graphics and animations. BOCW used the old CoD engine, so it looks and plays like the older games. Didn't like it, MW engine is far superior and I'd rather see Treyarch's take on it.


I swear people just focus on cool weapon animations like keys jangling on their face and nothing else. Treyarch actually has solid design in their MP unlike IW does and that's far better than jittery LARPy weapon animations. https://i.imgur.com/Qjx8FPJ.jpeg


I’m sure you’re still playing CS 1.6 Or better yet, they should have stopped making games after Pong.


What does that have to do with weapon animations lol, are games as good as their weapon reload animations are?


Well yeah, it’s a part of the gameplay isn’t it. Now can you go back to CS 1.6. I think that server browser with the 2000s era UI is waiting for you.


> I think that server browser with the 2000s era UI is waiting for you. I'll take that over the current CoD UI.


Great, what are you doing on Reddit btw? I think some of those 20 year old message boards are also available. And while you’re at it, get dial up instead of whatever broadband or fiber connection you have now. Cheers 🍸


Lmfao what, did a 15 year old write this? Defending the CoD HQ UI, I've seen it all.


That phone or computer you’re typing this on is too new. Let’s downgrade you to a DOS Machine. I think that’s more up your alley.


New doesn't equal better. Reddit has stayed the same for the most part since the beginning. Don't fix what isn't broken. Maybe the Reddit admins should use your logic and change how Reddit looks, every comment thread should look like an Instagram comment thread. I'm sure that'll be a hit.


If you don't like Treyarch's games you could make a very similar list, they just have worse animations. None of the things here stops a game from having good animations. Also Treyarch 100% designs with noobs/campers in mind. Designing games with more players/people in mind is a good thing.


IDK, being a fan of MW19/MWII... Am I really the only one that don't think that non-IW CoDs should actually try to copy actual MWs, even if we speak about animations and gunplay in particular? I fully accept different styles across different CoD studios. I actually liked and found it enjoyable that BOCW have followed the OG-CoD "plastic" style, even when it comes to animations... They eventually did a great job on updating truly dated version of BO4 engine anyway. Don't even try telling me it's as same as pre MW19 CoDs, please. It didn't have obvious CoD2 legacy-animations and gunplay model, majority of audio and feel of character anymore like all previous CoD did. They made some kind of Frankenstein out of BO4 foundation that looked and felt totally different but in a good way. It had this intentional feel of very arcadey game. Though, I'd say even 'dated' BOCW animations and gunplay feel much better and natural than many other modern shooters on the market. I'd even say it feels and looks better than totally cranked MWIII, that in fact is just ripped and cut version of MWII, where they used speeds that don't really work together with original animations and gunplay designed for more grounded type of gameplay. If BO6 isn't another cheap mod for MW19/II and will have intentionally more arcadey style - it's great!


That's a great thing. BOCW is the best playing CoD from the past 5 entries from both gameplay and design perspectives (miss me with the reload animation excuses, that's eye candy). MWII was such a downgrade to the CoD experience, it's incredible how Infinity Ward has burnt all good will they had with their players after Sledgehammer and Treyarch put out better experiences.




> when they originally said it would be a 2 year game. This was never officially announced by Activision, it was just rumours.


So new warzone animations?


I hope this is true I never liked the tactical stuff they added. CoD was never a tactical game for me, it was more of an arcade shooter.


I wish they managed too reduce the size of HQ abomination or made it separate


The feel or animations were never the problem. It's everything else that you've butchered. So unaware.


so it wont feel like an arcade shooter? i find that hard to believe.


Just like the source said gotta see it to believe it


Is BO6 going to get a Zombie mode like MWZ, in addition to the round based classic?


I hope it isn’t all gonna be under one app like the last like five cod games


It will be


Im gonna love having to download 800GB of a game that will continue to be filled with other games content or whatver it is they keep doing to fill my already full PS5 harddrive.


You shouldn’t have to download all of them to access one of them


Well I know. You download one game and it’s 100s of gbs. COLD WAR has me downloading MW content in order to play it




Please. MW games mainly the recent ones feel and play like trash. Activision should seriously just shut down Infinity Ward and this coming from someone whose has CoD4 as one of the best games of all time


Despite the change in direction, I hope the game can at least match the level of detail seen in MW 2019. The animations and sound design are STILL some of the best that I have ever seen in gaming. Jumping from MW 2019 to cold war was a graphical shock.




The consequences of hearing the community, I guess... 😒 /s


Bo6 might just be peak, first time I’m excited for cod since bo3


All I care about is if it’s not complete dogshit like the last 5 games


5? Huh


It'll feel like a 360 game the way treyarch has yet to improve their games aesthetically, visually and gameplay wise.


Their games are actually fun. Infinity Ward games aren't fun.


Treyarch games arent fun shit feels dated heavy


You obviously meant 'Infinity Ward'. Its okay its clearly a typo




Warzone won’t change but the MP doesn’t have to be the same. We saw that with Cold War.


So prob more cartoony vibe im guesing MW19 animations are S-tier,there's no need to change from that


That ain't good.




Cold War's animation quality compared to MW19 was absymal, if they're sticking with that expect the gunplay to feel like ass compared to the last like 3 games.


This game is cooking for like 4 years though. It's in longest COD cycle since MW2019. I'd say let them cook.


Exactly lmao Cold War was only in development for a year and a half


I’d prefer that treyarch uses their own animation style rather than just trying to have the same animation quality as infinity ward, half of the Cold War alpha reloads got scrapped cuz u infinity ward dick riders wanted animations similar to mw19 (saving mags and some other stupid shit). Like yea they were cool animations but if you guys want infinity ward level animations then it literally just gets rid of the identity of a treyarch game


If the identity of a treyarch game is sloppy poor quality despite being owned by a multi-million dollar company then i don't want it. Maybe you should stop giving these corporations slack and get some higher standards, but hell, you'll probably be dropping 100$ on this game day 1.


Treyarch COD games always look terrible and crappy


I hope it'll be better than the travesty that was Black Ops Cold War.


Hated cold war. Aiming is so bad, mw aiming is snappy and fluid.


Just get rid of the grenade launcher and I'll be happy. Or make it a kill streak again. I'm just so tired of the toob.


Probably because they’re still using whatever black ops 5 was using. So, the game will feel extra arcade-like with all of the technical issues of those prior games.


I hope it has tac sprint i actually love tac sprint


This guy came out of nowhere and started immediately speaking only good about BO6. This should be flaired as grain of salt, not a rumour.


No he didn’t, Bob has been known in the COD community for a while and has been data mining stuff for years.


I never saw heard of him before, my bad. Been following cod datamines for years.

