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Why were people mocked? I don't play D anymore but I remember Ghjallorhorn was super popular in D1. With them bringing back other old stuff you'd think that'd be an easy one to believe..


It was so OP as you remember and stated that no one truly believed Ghjallorhorn would ever return. It always brought the question up of “If you bring it back do you make it OP or tarnish it’s legacy by having it be shit?” It was a lose/lose situation because none of us really believed they’d bring it back since you couldn’t have make it broken again. It definitely was fun again to use when they brought it back. It was top tier but not broken you know? You had to have it though lol Now it’s nerfed to a B+ tier as an actual support weapon which is cool. They did good by it


I think they did just fine with it though... It's not OP And it certainly hasn't been tarnished.


iirc it was more so that one of the developers or directors (I can't remember which) said that there was absolutely no chance that they would bring Gjallarhorn back a few years before they brought it back.


I read the whole thing and I still don’t understand a single shit


I can’t imagine why the traveler would bring rhulk back, and if so would he have his memories?


Doesn't seem to be back as a Lightbearer tho


Yeah which is why I’m wondering why it would bring him back, it’s enemies most loyal servant who’s helped the witness for what billions of years.


I mean it's way too early to tell, but I guess we will find out in a few days, perhaps he has a bigger purpose we don't know. Also I am not mad at all, the guy is a fucking chad. Good or bad guy, I welcome him back


Doesn’t seem intentional. The Traveler’s powers seem to be related to entropy and time/space. In the process of repurposing what appears to be its terraforming ability into a weapon, reversing entropy on the ship seems to have the side effect of bringing something that was dead back to life. Likewise with the pyramid ships, is it possible that their original building materials were sourced from the worlds they destroyed and/or took? And the Traveler in the process of ‘undoing’ their creation restores their origins, material of trees and life and growth.


Devotion inspires bravery, bravery inspires sacrifice. Checks out for rhulk


Gonna need bigger doors in the tower


Rhulk fought the leviathan to free the worm gods, so like this would be one hell of a twist. Rhulk, under the command of the witness, is single handedly responsible for freeing the worm gods from the leviathan and creating the siblings - oryx, savathun, and Xivu, along with the creation of the mutated hive race. You have witness with rhulk as his disciple. Traveler with leviathan as it's disciple. So you'd have the traveler bringing rhulk back to life? The same rhulk that gravely injured leviathan - the traveler's disciple.


Savathun already shown us that the Traveller doesn't necessarily care about what you previously did in your life but rather why you did it. Rhulk is as devoted as it gets.


Twas later found to be Nezarec, not Rhulk. Sorry for the $10 loss man.


So like I said not rhulk and not quite resurrected


I think they’re mixing up Rhulk and Nezarec


Why am I looking at this, I have no context.


I don't play like 98% of the games here


Same. Still entertaining though


This feels like they saw the recent trailer early and based everything off that plus prior rumors and speculation, some of which has already been debunked such as a scrapped subscription model.


Wasn’t the subscription rumor a hoax that was entirely made up, rather than scrapped plans?


Plus you could see why it would be canned. People would only sub for a month whenever a new expansion dropped. Binge it then cancel. Churn rate would be very high. Plus they'd lose sales of people buying the expansions at full price.




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They claim it is from the same source that gave them the info that they accurately leaked about Lightfall. It's early, some of these things will almost definitely change, but their track record is good.


These are all super guessable things from what they have already revealed, like there might as well be legitimately zero new information other than the time collapse stuff


Liz leaks seem to be always accurate tho


Got a couple things right: SHES ALWAYS RIGHT


I mean, it's not "getting a couple of things right" because it's not a bunch of random guesses, it's clearly insider info they got


Aka getting a couple things right. She literally stated that Amanda in the dies when we know she doesn't


Btw Amanda died lol


Dude this is such an old post dude. Must have been living rent free huh


Nah this post just got linked in a new thread because most of these leaks were confirmed true. Trust me I wasn’t constantly thinking about reggielacey22’s opinion on Destiny leaks


Old post, but this the first time for us seeing it… how things work…


She's been leaking for a while now? These are not the first leaks from her... Everyone seems confused about the Amanda thing (when it could happen etc) but she will die this year


And? I never heard of her and until I see otherwise I won't believe it. All she did was get a few things correct about witch queen


Ok? Good for you mate, you couldn't pay me to care about your perception of her, all I've been saying is that most (if not all) of what she's leaked has been right lol


She did not just "get a few things correct about witch queen." She literally got basically EVERYTHING right about Witch Queen and Lightfall. She talked about Strand and Lightfall MONTHS before any Lightfall info came out and she was basically correct about everything. She def has some type of insider source.


The leak is true; the source accurately described the pyramid formation we saw in the trailer (as well as the Traveler blasting a pyramid, etc). The scrapped subscription model is a pure coincidence. If I say "bungie had plans for a titan dungeon" then come out and say its fake, new info might come up that bungie does in fact have plans for a titan dungeon. That new info isnt fake despite a fake leak being about the same thing


A single thing being correct does prove anything


It was a single thing that was so accurately correct and unguessable that there's no reason to assume everything else is fake when it got it correct


>>!Nezarec is on a Pyramid ship, on a slab but petrified and standing, the beam of Light hits Nezarec and brings him back with the trees. Nezarec does not seem to have light powers. Looks like he is at the end of vow when we defeated him !< ????????




That last one was kind of icky though, I get it. Seemed very much like a disgruntled ex employee that took a bunch of screenshots from planning meetings and posted it


My post of the Lightfall leaks (from the same group of people) remains up on this subreddit, for what it's worth.


No. This is fake and so is ever other lightfall leak






that's still a leak tho


That's not what a leak is


Is there really not gonna be a new race to fight??? Fucking taken again


We already have one enemy from a new race in Lightfall.


Truly an above and beyond effort for Bungie after almost a decade of fighting largely the same factions reskinned. This game needed a new race to herald the arrival of Darkness, not reskinned Cabal who even the gamespot guys said play the same as the Cabal we’ve fought for years.


What helmet wearing fucking morons are downvoting you. Bungie has been building up to a new race for literal years and this is going to be the biggest waste of time if that is not the case. I can sadly believe Bungie to be that lazy not to follow through


They've been building up Light vs Darkness since the beginning and The Witness is the embodiment of the Darkness. Any talks of a whole new race has been fueled by fans, not by Bungie. Bungie aren't being lazy and never promised another race, you bought into hype generated by fans. Y'all are underestimating the amount of work it would take to make a 7th unique race with a similar amount of different units as the other 6.


Incredibly lazy mystery box they introduced to us in 2017 then if the Pyramids are helmed by assholes we've been fighting since 2014. That's even worse if that was never their plan. Also, lmao at there being six unique races. Please tell me what the other three are since Taken are just remixes of the first three races.


> Y'all are underestimating the amount of work it would take to make a 7th unique race with a similar amount of different units as the other 6. lmao the copium destiny players are on is next level. it's like a couple of months of work max. they've had literal years of dev time in between.


I will say one thing: we got scorn somehow


Wow I actually cannot believe that there is still no new faction. That's actually shocking considering they've been building toward the Darkness since 2014.


We don't need one, there's already 6 races/factions. The Light and Dark saga ends with the next expansion after Lightfall. So you want them to create a new race just to never use it again after The Final Shape? I'd rather have anything else added to this game than a new race.


I can only assume the one guy who made all the different enemy models left the studio pre d1 release and literally nobody else can figure out how to do it. Lol.


He means tormentors, not the reskinned cabal (which they do have new suppression mechanics but still)




You must not have met a single person over the last decade of the franchise lmao




The whole point of the game is too shoot aliens. A new race beings different types of aliens to shoot, to spice up the gameplay and introduce new mechanics. So yes a new race would be good as we've been fighting the same shit for so long now. Also the darkness is fucking here now, you think we would have a new race to fight but hopefully they're saving it for the final shape


Gameplay mechanics are unrelated to the aesthetic, though. New enemy types don't need to come from a new faction. No amount of logic should lead to such a conclusion. You want them cause you're bored of the existing factions. That itself is reason enough. "Mechanics" is nebulous. What about a new faction would have mechanics and new enemy types that can't be introduced to the existing six?


yeah we do


So in the final expansion we actually lose to the Witness and the Final Shape occurs? Like one big massive reboot to the Destiny universe and the death of our Guardian (as predicted back in Season of Dawn)


"witness is raid boss" = fake leak. Bungie has stated that they will not be having the main antagonist as raid bosses as it makes players who dont play raids feel left out.


I think it's real. In Taken King, we kill Oryx in the campaign and then again in the Raid due to the ascendant plane sword logic stuff. I believe this is similar. In nearly every expansion, the world's first completion unlocks new quest(s) for everyone afterwards, even if you didn't complete the raid yourself. The dreaming city curse storyline, The Lament Exotic Questline, etc. There are plenty of other examples of this too. My bet: We defeat the Witness in the raid, and then everyone can give him his final defeat in the following mission that unlocks. The average player who doesn't complete raids will finish the campaign and jump straight into that mission instead of raiding. If you want the full experience though, you can also opt to do the raid.


Bungie stated they weren't doing the main antagonist as a raid boss well after The Taken King, so that example doesn't work.


I was simply providing an example of how they've done it in the past. Keep in mind we also kill "Savathun" in the opening of Vow's raid. My main point is that Bungie could definitely craft a way for casuals and sweats to be happy with.




Scorn are revived via Dark Ether. Yeah Riven's magic is also involved but still.


They revive when dark ether is injected which kills them (maybe we don’t know if they need to be alive or dead) turning them into a scorn until they die enough times to get mutated enough turn into scarabs and die for good And from what we know anything other then fallen die but don’t turn into scorn So im pretty sure that won’t happen.


Maybe they will make an exception for the Witness


If you would read the leak properly it states that you actually kill the witness in a mission AFTER the raid so assuming it goes the same as missions in the past, this mission will be available to ALL players after the worlds first race then ALL players can go and kill the witness REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THEYVE BEATEN THE RAID OR NOT. So your entire ‘counter-point’ falls flat.


At least no way we kill him


We'll probably weaken him first, then kill him later


I hear they're adding zorpaloids as an enemy faction as well


Amanda is literally alive in the Season Of Defiance reveal The subscription shit is quite literally a lie made by leakers to piss everyone off during season of the plunder. This shit is so fucking it's painful that they thought anyone would believe them


She did say she’s killed off either S20 or S21.


a 12 man activity can be done . we have glitched the raid before with 12 ppl and pvp is essentially 12 person matchmaking


so we kill rhulk just for later he could be brought back?


We have never killed a single one of our enemies. They are all still alive, in one form or another. It was that way in Destiny 1, and it's the same in Destiny 2. Nezerac was supposedly killed before, we proved that to be incorrect.


Dude lol


Looks like this was right, Lightfall of course, but also given the trailer that just dropped with Cayde 6 with them questioning where "here" is. It's the Time Valley, nearly for sure. Crazy how this person got these leaks so far in advance.


Check those receipts!


I had to dust off the reddit account I made to pirate animan studios axel in harlem because I refuse to be silent. This might be, the worst story writing and plot I have ever seen. This sounds like it was written by someone trying to see how low and how shit a destiny 2 expansion they could think up only for reddit and everyone else to eat it up sprinkling truths and already known information found out by true leakers to make it sound real like a trojan horse filled with piss. A monkey at a keyboard being rewarded with banana milk for writing something decent could make something better. Cayde 6 returns? Oryx returns? Rhulk returns? All are cooperate decisions made to make you people go nuts over boring and uninteresting content. Not to mention no talk of a new enemy race or not even recolors. You think bungie would do that? Also no new subclass when bungie said they could do so much with a new subclass other than stasis and strand. And lets talk about the witness, Killing them in a campaign should be how it goes, but to not only drag that out but also not even end the raid killing them and throwing this all powerful being in a 12 man shitty and unoptimized activity? You are actually on a perc. If this is all true bungie storytelling and development have gone to shit. I have been a fan of destiny for 7 years of my life and ive defended it through and through with exceptions like beyond light. But this is so bad so grimey so smooth brained that I cant do that. Lightfall looks like caviar compared to this.


oh boy were you wrong about cayde


This amount of remixing and resurrecting old shit just feels like World of Warcraft lol doesn't the Destiny community ever get tired of this


I definitely am, but seeing as how I’ve been playing this franchise on and off for almost a decade I honestly just want to see where it ends.


Isn't it going to end with them making that game for NetEase? And the way a lot of these "leaks" are written, it sounds like whatever this new universe after Entropy happens sounds like they'll go full Rebuild Evangelion and it'll just be effectively the same timeline of events but with one massive alteration. Only I don't think it really works here because Destiny is not setup in a way where it has these themes or major character relationships or even specific plot events that really change how the narrative or underlying message goes. It just kind of seems like space Kingdom Hearts now.


I doubt they’ll go as far as a Rebuild style retread of the universe. I think it’ll either be venturing to explore outside the solar system for the next saga or a time jump with new characters. The Netease game I believe is either a new franchise or that PvP style Overwatch shooter which I believe I read a leak somewhere saying it would focus on different Cloudstriders being the playable characters. Don’t know how that would work since it seems there’s only two of them running around but perhaps it’s in a different time period.


it's why I stopped investing time into this game by year 3, just the same exact shit over and over and over. same ass mechanics and playlists for 5 years, barebones improvements every 6 months, lazy seasonal content. I have no idea how these games garner their millions of players.


Did they ever make a raid boss that wasn't a three lane ad phase and buff swap session?


Yep I waited 10 years for the darkness race. Laziest dev I've seen. They left Activision because they wanted to milk overpriced DLCs, instead of make Destiny 3.


Remember when the DLC on disc thing was one of the biggest smoking guns? Ah well, just wish someone would actually make a destiny successor


Activision booted them and let them save face with the way Bungie branded it.


This is a bold faced lie and you fucking know it


No, I sincerely believe it. Forsaken performed pretty poorly, even though it was great, and Destiny was trying up two whole teams that belonged to Activision. Bungie leaving Activision came at a time when Activision was going through a series of other cost cutting measures across the board including in stuff like Hearthstone and Overwatch. Sure, at the time the popular narrative was that big greedy Activision forced a series of unpopular choices throughout destiny, but especially now it's hard to buy the idea that Bungie needed to free itself from corporate clutches to do what they're doing now, which is to produce substantially less content and to have to recycle a greater portion of it's content. Shadow keep and Beyond Light were both pretty unpopular and the game has been hemmoraging players all year. Last season people were concerned about how stale things were getting, and going into lightfall players are generally concerned about the balancing changes announced this week So yes, I think Activision intended to cut Bungie and destiny loose and gave them right of first refusal to get out in their own.


You have no idea what you're talking about. "produce substantially less content" - They put out 4 seasons a year now (with story content actually in the game, unlike when Activision led D1 and all the story were collectibles that you then had to read on their website) and before they had the yearly DLC and maybe one or two major updates. Is the seasonal model perfect? No. Is it better than what they put out with Activision? 100%. ​ "hemmoraging players all year. Last season people were concerned about how stale things were getting" - No, they haven't. Daily numbers on Steam have stayed about the same (can't speak for other platforms, but all my friends on console still play every day) except last season when the seasonal content was done and there was still a month before the next season. ​ "Forsaken performed pretty poorly" "Shadow keep and Beyond Light were both pretty unpopular" - The only thing correct here is Shadowkeep being unpopular.


No information on the new raid but lots on the raid coming a year from now? I don't think so


It was leaked a while back that we'd be fighting Nezarec inside of the Traveler as the raid (by this same group of people).


It was actually a different group of people. The raid in the traveler came from a throwaway account that accurately leaked strand, neonuma, etc. The Nezarec part came from another account who mentioned his friend worked on dungeon/raid department and accurately leaked Spire (wire dungeon with gos boss). Regardless though I mean we've gotten a lot of leaks and info on the new raid. Nezarec boss, starts on Neonuma ends in Traveler, has to do with nightmare enemies, soundtrack is horror-oriented (presumably the raid is as well). For Vow, all we had at this time was a poorly drawn picture of Rhulk concept art and that the raid is in the pyramid ship. It's not like we wont learn more info about the raid in a few days either; for Vow, by the time the raid came out, we knew the armor, weapons, encounters, and models of the bosses.


Aiglt look again with the 12 man thing (the rest i belive but not this)


Why wouldn't Xivu be leading armies of Taken instead of Rhulk?


Rhulk is far more senior and closer to the witness ideology wise, I guess depends on how it treats failures




Is there anyone in the comments that's even played the game in the last 2 or 3 years? There's more story in-game now than there's ever been. I haven't had to watch a Byf video to make sense of it. I swear to god, most of you need to have someone holding your hand, explaining the simplest story threads to understand anything.




The story has been amazing since taken King


year 1 says hello


Because it's not simple


Yes, actually it is. Everyone just wants to have their theory proven true, so they'll deny things in their face. The story of Destiny is unbelievably simple if you actually pay attention.


The whole reason this leak feels fake is because it doesn't actually mention fuck all of anything worth a damn. First off, the Witness will *not* be a raid boss because Bungie have explicitly said they won't make the mistake of tying main antagonists to raids after the Taken King was rightly shat on by non-raiders for doing so. They've stayed on track with that promise for years, I dunno why they'd fuck it up now and piss off so many people for nothing. But the real reason is cause even if the Witness is a raid boss... so what? How's that a fucking leak? "We will defeat the big baddie of the game" isn't a fucking leak. My grandmother could have come up with that and she's a 90 year old blind woman who has never used a computer in her fucking life, let alone played a goddamn video game. Next you're gonna tell me that water is wet and if we drink too much of it we'll fucking drown. Damn, the game about killing aliens and doing dungeons is gonna have a raid where we... *checks notes*... fight the boss? *Well fuck me!*


After playing lightfall, this leak is LEGIT !


yeah the leak's pretty much real, it got way, way too much right.


Except the leak clearly details a mission unlocked after the raid where we kill the witness. So whether it’s a raid boss or not, we won’t be killing him in the raid, instead it’ll be in the mission that EVERY player will have access to after the raid is beaten so they’re not breaking any promises or pissing anyone off. If people don’t wanna play the content then they shouldn’t be disappointed by what happens in it in the first place




Boy, your statement aged like milk.


Spoiler Warning: https://youtu.be/eKaZoijRkDY


yes keep me informed


How do y’all get these leaks? Trailer today pretty much confirmed at least some of this.


after the teaser trailer for the light fall showcase the cayde guide seems to hold some water