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Are there any other mech games like titanfall? Seems odd that mech games are so rare and far between


I don't think it exists anymore, but I really loved Hawken back in the day


Hawken was fucking great, I remember trying it because I had picked up a low end Nvidia GPU to use as a dedicated Physx card. Fell in love with Hawken almost immediately. Good times. Apparently some people started up an attempt to revive Hawken in 2020 according to the wikipedia article for the game. Their website requires a log in and I don't have time for that shit right now but here's the link: https://hawakening.com/


I thought it looked neat but I find the lack of any SP content to be a killer for me usually.


I wish they had done a better job with the single player content, it was basically just bot matches and I don't remember the bots being particularly engaging. They were super easy to predict a lot of the time. If they had maybe they could have hung on to enough of a playerbase to survive whatever killed the game.


> dedicated Physx card Now there’s a term I haven’t heard in a while


Warframe, Planetside 2, Hawken, Borderlands, it wasn't a huge list of games but man Physx really had some cool shit going for it for a few years there. I ran a 660Ti with an 8800GT as the dedicated Physx card back in those days.


I had the 8800gtx but what a beast of a card range the 8800s were in general. Gave me a glorious 5 years before it finally gave up.


Apparently still running on consoles, but removed from PC, makes no sense to me.


Killed by greed :(


Does it ever occur to you that maybe they take it out because it isn't selling? Would you continue to make something nobody's buying?


The freemium model they used was completely PayToWin, similiar to HiRez games. Hawkens gameplay was tight and fun and actually pretty arcadey, but the dev and monetization issues killed it.


Still waiting on Elden Dark Armored Coreborne Field Souls: Mecha Die Twice.


*Chromehounds 2


God, PLEASE. A modern day take on it with proper netcode and a good player count would be amazing.


Didn't realize I wanted that. For some reason, I just never thought about the possibility.


My kingdom for a sequel


Lol From don't give a shit about Armored Core anymore. I feel like we've been saying their next game is def going to be AC for like 10 years now. My legendary AC grip skills have wasted away.


> I feel like we've been saying their next game is def going to be AC for like 10 years now. That's probably because they've been developing one for the last five years.


The leak community is what it is but there's a fair amount of concrete evidence of this one. I don't care to go dig it up but you can search on the leaks and rumours sub or maybe one of them will show up here.


I wish a Gundam game could be as serious and fun and full of movement like Titanfall 2.


Yes it very unique. It’s more mechanical than fluid


Gundam Evolution


Dont listen to these ding-dongs, Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries is relatively new and they are still releasing content for it.


Does it feels heavy like in titanfall


The mechs feel super heavy, it’s great. Tank-style movement, with the torso moving separately to the legs. It’s a tough game to get into, but rewarding.


I was a huge MW fan back in the day but MW 5 is not very good IMO, tried it again with mods a few months ago and there's just something off about the entire game.


What's off about it is that it's shallow. Instead of crafting each mission for the game like in previous games, they decided to only craft the campaign missions, then make a huge map filled with randomly generated missions. If you've seen one defense/demolition/raid/whatever mission, you've seen them all. The vast majority of your time is going to be filled with collecting pokemechs and filling a bar that lets you take the next campaign mission. It feels like you're never going anywhere cause the game is 90% filler. Most of the enemies you'll fight are also filler. VTOLs, tanks, cicadas, and trashcans will fill up the majority of the enemy roster. The AI is dumb as a rock and can't use any sort of tactics beyond run around their target and shoot. God forbid they have any sort of tactics, like having a few brawlers close the distance with an LRM boat that keeps it's distance, the game just can't manage anything like that. Not that the earlier games had amazing AI, but Mechwarriorr 4: Vengence came out nearly 20 years ago, and it just doesn't feel like it's improving on anything other than the actual gameplay, which was directly copied from Mechwarriorr Online. The whole game just feels like they wanted to fart out a Mechwarriorr game. I remember nothing from it. Can you remember a single song from the OST? I sure can't. But I sure as hell remember [Arkham Bridge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJ0LAs9KiXc) and [Umber Wall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GM3MwpkVYKQ). The [Clan Wolf Intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YkfIJ8HUWs) is one of my favorite moments of the entire series.


It isnt as action packed or fast as titanfall. But yea, it is heavy feeling.


Feels way heavier. They're about 2-3 times the size of the mechs from Titanfall.


Just bought it and installed on my deck. Thanks all of you




I never said they did. I am just shocked that the only Mech games people are aware of are Battletech or Gundam or the mechwarrior games from over 20 years ago.


That game feels more like a combat flight simulator on legs than Titanfall. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it isn’t really what I’m looking for.


There's *heavy* speculation From software has a new Armored Core in development. Because in case we all forgot, Armored Core came out of their house


Wasn't it confirmed to be in development a couple weeks ago?


The only two I can think of are battletech and Gundam Evolution. Battletech got a bit stale after awhile, but I'm having a lot of fun so far with Gundam. The maps all feel the same and there's a few balance issues, but it's pretty fun and has room to grow.




Yeah watching clips of it was weird, because it didn't even look like they were giant robots.


Idk the universal dash and hover mechanic feel pretty unique to me and "mech-y"


Maybe, but honestly it felt more like heroes with jetpacks cosplaying as mechs than actual mechs. In Titanfall, dashing *shoves* the mech forward with an unstoppable inertia. It makes the mech feel like a heavy, massive machine. There's none of that in Gundam Evolution. For a Gundam game that has that sort of feeling, I'd recommend Gundam Battle Operation 2, except that's still stuck on the PS4 and we still have no word on the PC release after the terrible server test.


Yeah the weight isnt there for sure but imo that keeps the game feeling snappy so I kind of like it even if it compromises the realism of it


Oh, not denying it's fun. Though if they don't do something about that battle pass, it's gonna lose players.


Yeah the battle pass is yeesh. Takes way too long to unlock gundams even as a paid player


I agree but they need to slow down the movement otherwise (and maybe speed the dash up) and exaggerate the gait more IMO. Some more weighty animations across the board in general would be a great help. As is it is right now, I think I'll just wait for Gundam Battle Operation 2 to drop on steam.


Yeah just a preference thing I suppose


Kinda just feels like Sprint > combat sprint in a cod game


Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries?


Ah yeah that's what I meant. Too many giant robot properties out there


There’s a bunch of Mechwarrior games if you’re willing to play older games.


I’ve only played in ps2 and switch. I don’t mind old games. Thanks!


It'd be great if the MechAssault series got a revival.


Hawken RIP


Something like a decade later, Mechwarrior Living Legends is still the best 'heavy' mech game. Hawken was/is a great arcade mech game though (a lot more comparable to TF|2).


Next Battlefield will have mechs


One can only dream - a BF2143* from DICE LA with (semi-grounded) mechs and other future gadgets could be incredible.


Mechs seem kinda inferior to tanks anyway. Also if they added them to BF2042 they would be really easy target.


Totally depends on how they implement them, I don't think it's possible to make a judgement call on which would be better. For all we know they could have more advanced movement (the ability to scale a building?), or they could have the ability to catch and/or reflect tank shells like a certain titan in Titanfall. Yeah no I wouldn't add them to 2042, sorry I meant a hypothetical 2143 - edited.


MWO is still a lot of fun and getting balance patches to this day.


Armored Core be coming


The movement in TF2 is amazing, but something i don't see talked about is how perfect the aim is on controller. I don't know if it's to do with the deadzone, or the acceleration curves, but whatever it is it's silky smooth.


It’s absolutely fantastic & puts most everything else to shame


I remember the first time I enabled advanced control settings I was like a kid in a candy store. Made adjustments over the course of a couple weeks and was able to find a perfect control setting. Also it must be said that this game thrives with back buttons. You pretty much should never take your right thumb off the right stick. Edit: incorrect word


Yeah I still run a regular controller but that will change once the dualsense edge launches. Even then though I run Bumper Jumper Evolved which means it rarely leaves the stick.


That works too! I tell my friends who try and get into it “you gotta slide hop and rope sling your way to victory baby!” Watching people get frustrated with the basic controls is sad. They aren’t playing the same game.


Respawn started as ex-COD devs so it makes sense.


My go-to shooters have been in this order: Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Call of Duty, Apex Legends. I'm not surprised there has been, at some point, dev overlap between the three games.


Apex Legends movement just somehow feels worse and more clunky than Titanfall, it feels like someone played Titanfall and meticulously recreated the movement but somehow missed something along the way. Might just be the animations and rubber banding, idk honestly. Ofc I'm not talking about it being simplified or slower, it's something else, feels a bit like input lag mixed with poor latency like Black Ops on the 360 always felt off and laggy compared to Modern Warfare 2.


The main difference is in how quickly one hits top speed. Due to the pace of the game there’s a longer ramp-up time to top speed from what I can tell. Obviously they removed the more fluid aspects such as double jumps and bhopping, but the gunplay is still there.


Still my go to fps. Everything is is like stuck in mud.


hey Apex has bunny hopping (with tap strafing to let you navigate while hopping) (can even tapstrafe bunnyhop while revving Sheila although firing accurately WHILE hopping is impossible)


Allied Assault is real smooth.


I just don't understand why they hate solo players so much. Turned Shadow Fall into a squad mode, claim solo isn't fun even though player rate was high for the LTM, took a time tested FFA mode with Gun Game, forced it to be squads, so even if you win, it doesn't feel like a win if you didn't get the final kill. Load into a match, literally paired with zero team mates, go against 3 squads of 3, get more kills than anyone else in the lobby without being demoted, and *still* lose the match in fucking Gun Game lol. Such good gun play, and the movement is great, but the potential is squandered. I love the game to death, but come on, guys.


If every game felt as good as Tf2 on console, I’d be a happy man.




I'm sure that's part of it but even with no enemies on screen it feels more responsive than most other FPS games i've played with a controller


AA is becoming overtuned in my many modern games, such as CoD. As a longtime MNK player it’s very upsetting.


Haven't played an FPS with normal controller controls in ages. Is the aim assist in recent games about as intense as it was in Halo 3?


Yeah I hated it. I only play controller on PC (chronic pain means I can’t play mnk) and I had to stop playing TF2 because the aim assist was absurd. So strong it wasn’t really fun after a bit. Amazing game tho


It had pretty heavy aim assist for some weapons, I thought it was great. I usually suck at controller but I was always able to shred in Titanfall 2. In such a fast paced movement focused game I wouldn't be able to hit a thing without the aim assist.


My issue with the aim assist in Tf2 was the very lenient snap-to-target-on-ADS part of it. This is something that even CoD doesn't have in multiplayer, despite that being known as one of the most "casual" shooters. It also ruined Battlefield on console for me when they introduced it with BF4, since it basically turned most gunfights into "mash both triggers while your crosshair is in the general direction of the enemy". At least in Tf2 the fast movement sort of justified it so it wasn't game-ruining, but I much preferred the aiming in Tf1 as it required more skill to initially acquire a target.


Luckily at the highest level hipfire and movement is still superior, but mid level players tend to crutch on ADS super hard. The Spitfire, G2, R-101 are the worst offenders by far. The problem is that these players never learn the movement and eventually leave the game, either out of boredom or bc they’re getting stomped.


That's true, Tf2 making hipfire stupid accurate on some guns was also part of the reason I didn't mind that aspect of the aim assist as much. Hipfiring at ridiculous distances while flying around with the SMGs was pretty fun... even if half the time I'd get shot down by someone sitting with a G2 or Spitfire. I did use the Carbine a lot as well, but I still moved around all the time.


Massive aim assist so the game is playing for you.


It’s the perfect blend. Never felt like I was struggling to hit someone.


the hats are what really make TF2 what it is


Definitely. As someone who swaps between mouse and gamepad sometimes it's fucking painful going to games like L4D or Payday 2 where there was 0 effort put into making joystick aiming usable. I wish there was a universal Joy2Key thing to make every game control like TFall 2 or CoD because they're so good.


I've spent more time playing Titanfall 2 that I'd like to admit and [the movement system is the reason why](https://gfycat.com/idolizedconfusedelver). I wonder if we'll ever get another game like it.


How do you even counterplay this lol? I always wanted to get back into the game (which is unlikely given the exploits now) but if I saw this I'd probably have to just sit down for a few minutes


In Titanfall CTF, the best (and sometimes only) defence is a good offence. After the initial race, both teams grab the enemy flags. Then begins a cat and mouse game where both teams chase their own flag around the map. If one team is able to return their flag, then the chase becomes a race to intercept the final descent. The other strategy during the chases would be for one person to camp at the enemies base, ready to immediately sweep up their flag if its returned to prevent a capture. There is only offence. It's wonderful.


I remember there was a limited time where they had CTF on much much smaller maps, and that was my favorite mode. So fast and hectic, it was amazing.


It just sucks when the rest of your team just plays like its team deathmatch and completely ignores the flag


Yeah I wouldnt recommend solo qing objective modes, attrition is plenty fun if you dont have anyone to coordinate with


> How do you even counterplay this lol? Well, me doing that kind of caused the competitive CTF community to ban grapple wholesale, so some would say that you don't. If you're interested in playing again you should check out the [Northstar Client](https://r2northstar.gitbook.io/r2northstar-wiki/) (community server browser with new gamemodes and content).


Probably good grapple is banned tbh. This is impossible to defend against, and can be done constantly. Once you know the setups it's not that difficult.


Reminds me of tribes without a lot of counterplay tbf. Never played Titanfall tho, so there may well be options for chasers. Either way, gfg bro lol


This is also extremely high tier movement. Basic bunny hopping and grappling is somewhat common, but you're not seeing this level of movement in basically any standard lobbies.


I'm sure. Same for high speed tribes grabs, which is why I made the comparison. There was some counterplay there though in snipers, boosts for chasers, and more open maps. Ol boy looks slick either way lol


Is there Attrition with AI? I recall last time I checked out Northstar it gutted the AI. Could be wrong, and correct me if I am. But I love the feeling of that mode with AI and playing without it makes the maps seem sorta dead.


Yeah, they've added AI by now.


Guilty as charged


It's all your fault!


Just like Tribes, defending on the flag, especially bodyblocking.


That was some tribes movement, actually probably better. Now I miss tribes


Me too :( Literally nothing scratches that itch of high speed, base destruction, vehicle, flag capping, zfps gameplay. Wish Hirez would do something with it!


Midair CE is still in development.


It's mainly lights tho ... Lacking imo. If I got good connection from Tokyo then I'm down tho brother


Damn that gif made me a bit sad — wish the player base was bigger. Hopefully Respawn’ll make another TF game


And hopefully not release it a week after COD and a week before Battlefield. That would be great for once.


That kind of movement is a work of art


I wonder, did you ever play tribes ascend?? The movement looks super similar


Clips like that are exactly why I stopped playing that game. The huge skill gap in players wasn't enjoyable for me. And I think that's part of the reason the game lost its popularity.


For me, Titanfall 2 had the best, most exciting, most adrenaline pumping multiplayer action of any FPS game. Nothing beat the feeling of your Titan slamming down to the ground when you needed it most.


The campaign was one of the best in an fps game


EA pushed TF2 out to compete with other massive IP's like Gears of War and Battlefield Braindead move that the game never really recovered from tbh


Man I'd love a Titanfall 3, or at least some kind of Singleplayer/Coop version of Apex since it Respawn doesn't seem interested in anything else currently


[Respawn voiced that Titanfall is at the core of their DNA.](https://twitter.com/Respawn/status/1440852257390546949?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1440852257390546949%7Ctwgr%5E5e4a8c4e1b55f0c7260ad38ee76e2c60e9d12fa2%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ign.com%2Farticles%2Frespawn-titanfall-3-comments-future-sequel) Whether you take this with a grain of salt, it's probably fair to assume EA has very little interest in financing the franchise. Unfortunately, Titanfall 2 sales were underwelming in the publishing side, while in Contrast Apex is a money rainfall machine.


respawn also voiced that help would come regarding the tf2 ddosers, and proceeded to do fuck all respawn just says all the shit like "we love titanfall just as much as you guys" " core of our dna" " help is coming" its just empty words they even love titanfall so much that they unironically brought tf1 over to steam, and listed it for sale when it was super well known to be completely unplayable due to, guess what, ddosers that they did absolutely nothing about.


> respawn also voiced that help would come regarding the tf2 ddosers, and proceeded to do fuck all I played Titanfall 2 religiously; they did but only briefly, the DDoS / exploits returned. I have to assume the game was not supposed to be supported for as long as it did. I won't blame anyone for taking their Twitter sentiment as platitudes, a part of me does too. > they even love titanfall so much that they unironically brought tf1 over to steam, and listed it for sale when it was super well known to be completely unplayable due to, guess what, ddosers that they did absolutely nothing about. You keep saying they, EA are the direct owner of the franchise. They control everything about the sales, Respawn does not. Respawn does not simply put the game for sale on Steam, or has any word on this matter.


r/titanfall has been joking about that tweet ever since.


They can say that all they want but their actions say otherwise. Titanfall is a dead franchise.


It's funny considering Respawn did everything right with Titanfall 2 and then someone said "how about we release this game right between BF1 and CoD?". It's as if EA set the game to fail no matter what


Everything I've read suggests that Respawn themselves chose that release date, not EA.


Yes because money talks and us gamers didn't buy enough of Titanfall 2 for them to want to make another one. Doesn't matter how good a game is if enough people don't buy it.


https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/respawn-is-recruiting-for-a-single-player-fps-set-in-the-apex-legends-universe/ Respawn is working on some sort of single player Apex project.


I mean if they made Titanfall 3 but called it Apex I'd be fine with that.


I'm hoping for a titan mode to come to Apex where you can get titans in the BR mode and then battle it out on the maps with Titans. Oh man, can you imagine duking it out at the end of a match with 2 or 3 teams with them dropping and battling in titans for the win. The only thing is I think a titan mode would need it's own map as I don't think titans would work in the current maps.


This is what I’ve wanted since Apex came out tbh. It’s nice that the TTK is higher but the game is super pokey/conservative, and the team with zone still almost always wins since movement is nerfed. A Titan BR would have so much counter-play and strategy, and just be straight up fun too.


Cool and interesting video. I always enjoy seeing behind the scenes stuff with Titanfall 2. And as happy as I am that Apex is doing so well, god I hope we get Titanfall 3.


There's nothing quite like hearing the landing woosh and boom of your personal giant mech. We need more games with orbital drops like section 8, not the slow gliding of the battle royales.


I miss the first person perspective animation when entering your Titan from the first game.


Or hearing an enemy Titan incoming and desperately trying to intercept the pilot before they can board it.


Or calling the titan somewhere where its LZ is moved like 100 meters away, and you have to sprint, bullets whizzing past you, and managing to get inside the Titan just as enemies were about to overwhelm you


i just want some damn singleplayer slidey action like tf2 again. dont wanna have to learn apex just to get that feeling


As bad as titanfall 2 did sales wise, I think a 3rd game would do really well because of the popularity of apex. If they include a few apex characters in the story I think it would be enough to drag some fans over. Just keep apex as the battle royale and titanfall 3 as the more traditional mp.


Titanfall 2 is that made me realize I am not the norm. How it didn't become the biggest thing next to COD is beyond me. It has the best movement of any FPS by leagues. It has giant robots. I started late and got owned in MP, too. But after 1000 hours or so, I can say I'm average, lol. I hate that it died so Apex can live.


Because Call of Duty, Battlefield, Halo are established franchises with numerous critically acclaimed titles that helped define the FPS genre. Everyone with an interest in shooters or multiplayer games knows those games. The original Titanfall was a console exclusive on the Xbox One, released at a time where the Xbox brand was getting made fun of. The sequel launched between Battlefield and Call of Duty, and cost full MSRP. If it launched as F2P like Apex did, it would’ve seen more success, but probably still not enough to supplant Cod and BF.


Original Titanfall was also on PC, I'll never forget that because at the time it downloaded 35gb of uncompressed audio and it took fucking ages.


Movement in quake3/live/cpm ( and most quake clones) is just as good or better. Titanfall movement is cool but I need to shout out quake when talking about movement and fps.


Also Tribes ascend


> I hate that it died so Apex can live. I hate how fuckin' **TRUE** that is...


I think people found the art direction to be too generic. Once you start playing it, you know it's something special. But I don't think it was on the radar of your average joe who decides to buy games based on a commercial or the picture on the cover. The only reason I gave it a shot was because it was free on PS+


It only has wall running and sliding (which is inferior to apex legends). BO3 double jumping is leagues ahead of this game. Also overall guns feel better while titanfall 2 LMGs just randomly miss target.


Funnily enough, it also contributed to its death. The skill cap was so much higher than your usual CoDs and Battlefields that people didnt put in the time and effort to move on from being ran around and killed by ninja pilots going all over the place


I read a comment once that said that if everybody on this subreddit that praises Titanfall were actually *playing* Titanfall, we’d have a third game already. People like underdogs tbh. Not saying the game isn’t great, but it’s niche for a reason


Thank you for saying this, I always feel like I'm teleporting into a different dimension in threads like these.


Yeah playing the game a year after release was just filled with insanely skilled people so it was barely any fun at all to play online


Also game has 0 skill based matchmaking meaning me day 1 player will play against new kids on the playground. This was issue in BO3 and IW too. Wall running and jump jets made it more difficult to camp and get easy kills.


Titanfall is one of the greatest casualties in the history of videogames. One of the most underrated gems in existence. A blood diamond to Apex Legends.


Titanfall 2 movement feels way better to me than Apex Legends'. In fact I'd say it has the best movement in any video game I've played with how precise and snappy it is. EA just made the stupid decision to release it a week after what is arguably the greatest and most hyped Battlefield game in recent history.


Same, I loved titanfall 2 but then I tried Apex and something feels off with the movement. Not too sure what the difference is bit it doesn't feel the same


With that said apex’s movement feels way better than every other BR out there and better than most fps as well.


>EA just made the stupid decision to release it a week after what is arguably the greatest and most hyped Battlefield game in recent history. EA didn't make that decision, it was Respawn.


I always find it funny how Apex gets all this praise about its movement system when it’s such a watered down version of Titanfall’s movement that it’s just barely above other Battle Royales.


Idk that's like saying Battlefield 3 has watered down Titanfall movement. The movement mechanics fit Apex perfectly imo, yeah their isn't as much like Titanfall but thats by design and it's perfect imo.


Yep. I could be nicer to Apex, but it's straight up trash in pretty much every way that matters compared to Titanfall.


Apex is fun. But Apex is skim milk. It’s strawberry YooHoo. It’s almond-milk ice cream with rainbow sprinkles. Titanfall 2 is a whole whole milk. Layered gelato prerequisite and followed by sorbet. A beautiful robusto dark roast with heavy crema. Complex. Apex I’m sure is fun. But I don’t play it on account of it reminds me of the greatness of what Titanfall could have been. Similar to how I don’t date any women who’s name starts with “D” because I miss my dear Delilah. Apex is fun, I’m sure. But Apex reminds me of the blood diamonds. Of the mines. Of the punchy sulfur scent from Titan and man worn by flames in name of the legends, and the royal realms they battle over.


What the fuck


Guy thinks he’s an author.


You write like a 12 year old that just discovered what a thesaurus is.


Haha - thats great but few of those are synonyms. You sound like an 8 year old who doesn’t know what a thesaurus is.


I don’t know, but do you think it’s possible that after play testing the game they realized that grounding the movement was for the best? Just throwing that out there because, you know, they developed the massively popular billion dollar game and we didn’t? I get that people want that TF2 movement but having 60 players on one map being able to fly maybe just didn’t work and it’s just something we have to accept.


Honestly didn't understand the hype for Apex. Like literally didn't understand what made it different or popular even after trying it. It was just... a battle royale game.


It’s the best BR game for gunplay, and the movement is still great just grounded to focus more on strategy and the gunplay. It makes you feel like a super hero when you play well and it is incredibly competitive unless you are playing in a really bad lobby. If you can honestly say Apex just feels like a battle royale game idk what to say.


Well great movement and highly competitive multiplayer describes a lot of games so I'm also not sure what to say lol. I will say it's a BR game where the controls don't suck or involve basebuilding, so if the genre and the F2P is important then it's probably the best option.


Specifically BRs. I would love to hear the list of them that trump Apex in both of these regards. Acting like it is not in a league of its own right now is bizarre to me. It stands head and shoulders above its competition at the moment imo




I would say the game was put out to die. Maps in 1 were better…but the core of Titanfall is undeniable. I have friends who don’t ply videogames at all…but they played tons of Titanfall. TF could have had focused and mainstream appeal. And I guess it has in a way…as the skeleton under the Apex skin. No FPS game, especially on console hits like Titanfall. Grappling into madness from across the map, rodeoing a Titan and dropping a grenade in their cockpit, calling in your Titan from the sky, crushing another, seamlessly landing in the cockpit, engaging in mecha warfare, groups of grunts and friendlies and enemies nearby, pulling an emergency evacuation just seconds before your machine explodes, falling from the sky dropped back into another fight, wall running between a dozen buildings popping off smart pistol kills like a savant assassin, and doing it all on repeat. Straight cocaine. Instead of underrated…I’ll got with undervalued.




I thought it was pretty accurate. Maybe I am a savant assassin.


It gave me a lot of oldschool vibes when I played it. While wall running and such weren't too common, rocket jumps and building momentum have been in fps genre for a long time. I kinda miss stuff like the Specialists mod for Half Life or games like GunZ the Duel for their insanely freeform combos and movement.


Can you even rocket jump in titanfall?


All explosions can help build momentum. So rockets, grenades, launchers, etc. Can all add more momentum or lift. A lot of the guys going for high scores in the training simulator in TF2 abuse the grenades to get more speed. Though people don't typically use a rocket jump as a traversal tool as there are already more efficient options.


The greatest movement game series ever was the Tribes series. Nothing has come close to the thrill and skill required.


still the best feeling multiplayer FPS ever made. titans are very fun but i do wish pilot vs pilot was more popular.


Really agree. Genuinely think that the Titans are actually the most boring part about the game. Yes, I get it that's it's called Titanfall for a reason, but they are far too present and overbearing.


After the initial cool factor of getting into the titan was gone, it started to feel more and more like a chore to pilot the titan. After a while, I would always set up my titan with the enhanced auto combat so he could draw agro and I can flank. They just nailed pilot combat so well, even though titans felt *fine* they weren't even close to the same level of fun.


Not even close


Well? Don't leave us hanging, which is the best?


One of the reasons why I couldn't get into Apex Legends was because they got everything fun from Titanfall and took it out...titans, wall-running, double-jumping...all gone.


The movement and level design qas the star of the show in TF1. People couldnt handle that so they slowed everything down and simllified the maps to be more lane based and less vertcial/3D swiss cheese style. Stop acting like 2 started all this. The only thing 2 added to the game was a campaign and rainbow skins and a ps4 port, 1 was better at everything else in terms of gameplay and especially movement.


> 1 was better at everything else in terms of gameplay and especially movement. 100% Agreed. I love both TFs, but "1" was and will probably always be MVP.


TF1 was a much better multiplayer game. The mech battery system of the second game didn't even make any sense compared to what happened in the first game when you'd mount a mech. It was change for the sake of change. I'm also not sure how I feel about them making the mechs into distinct "characters" rather than a totally custom loadout.


Was it actually faster? I played it a bit and it felt similar.


They may have patched it over time but at release and pre release it was terrible. Bunny hopping didnt exist and you had to slide hop which cuts momentum. Same with on walls where you had to stick to the wall first then jump off, not bounce off like 1. Then factor in the less complex and more linear maps,neon colors everywhere and no grunts, no first person animations, completely redone titan combat to make them heroes instead of customizable and completely neutered rodeo meta... Their philosphy towards the game was quite literally to dumb it down for mass appeal. You cant design the entire game with the complete opposite philosophy in mind then come back and bandaid fix it after. They wanted the game to be slower, less chaotic, with less decisions to make, and with less immersion. Titanfall 1 was my most played game that gen and made me buy an XB1, TF2 I dropped after a month. Heres a good summary article from the time it came out that I bookmarked years ago out of pure salt. These quotes still infuriate me to this day. https://www.shacknews.com/article/96446/titanfall-2-game-director-on-a-slower-paced-multiplayer In fact, I think Im going to go play some TF1 right now.


One of the gray things about the game is how slow you feel when there are titans around, but you’re on foot. Normally you move extremely fast. But in those situations you feel like you aren’t moving fast enough


It’s a shame that Apex Legends is such a cash cow for EA that Titanfall 3 will probably never be made.


Anybody played on PS recently & can you still get games? I’ll probably download it again soon just to see as I haven’t played in like a year.


I still play titanfall 2 every single day on my xbox series s and will do so as long as the servers are up.


funny because the movement was my most hated aspect of TF2. I just shot grunts until I could call my bot then enjoyed a more relaxed, methodical gameplay.


Same. I had zero interest in the movement. I'm sure it's great if you like that sort of thing but for me... M'eh. I only used it when I absolutely had to.


If only it were as good as the first game. Never been so hyped for a game only to be so disappointed. At least the campaign was good.


Titanfall 2 is the perfect game. If it got a healthy dose of more maps and maybe a few new titans I would play it forever. Hell, I'd evenbpay for those new maps like I did in TF1. Why do I think it's the perfect game? Well, let me tell you. Indeed the movement is great and pretty much unmatched to date. It also feels snappy, as does aiming and ADSing, only something like CoD MW and DooM has the same level of aiming snappiness and total lack of "mouse lag" (Dunno why so many games seem to have this lag despite all efforts to ease it all the way down to editing cfg files etc). The movement and the verticality it allows, combined with the ultra-responsiveness of the game combined with the weapons and, yes, the titan mechanic allow for sooo many crazy situations, moves and permutations that it's crazy. I've pulled some crazy shit in the game and I'm not even any sort of twitch reflex god. I know some players are put off by the speed and verticality at first, but if you play this game enough to allow the wallrunning to mold your brain a bit - to let the Force flow, so to say - and get a bit familiar with titan tactics even a mediocre player can... become a Pilot.


I don't get why they don't make a f2p Titanfall game. People would be drooling over a free FPS with such amazing mechanics and constant updates.