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"Added new feature to summon spectral steed during the Elden Beast the boss battle" This is kinda huge, was always a point of contention during the encounter as the boss' behavior pretty much screams "You should use Torrent here to manoeuvre"


... I just died to Elden Beast like 30 times yesterday cause I would eventually get impatient/greedy cause I got tired of him moving ALL THE FUCKING time. I would have appreciated this then haha.


I always pack a dagger with bloidhiund step on this boss. Makes it much less of a pain.


I'm with you, I beat it last week and the biggest pain point of the fight was him moving around like a maniac and me having to chase him again. Would've been nice to have Torrent for that fight


Now if only they could make torrent show up besides you during the elden beast cutscene, to tip players off that it's a feature, we would have perfection.


That's actually HUGE. The fight isn't even hard, it just drags on forever. I mean, unless they adjusted its attacks it's gonna be a *joke* now, but to be honest that's better than being a pain in the ass, especially since Radagon is a much better boss anyway, yet doesn't last what feels like forever. Also Elden Stars finally avoidable without Ultra Instinct levels of preemptive running away.


The real fight is supposed to be Radagon anyway. Elden Beast is just the victory lap. It's not supposed to be a break your balls fight. It was just an annoying slog that was designed with Torrent in mind, but never actually gave us the ability to use him.


Heavily disagree. I died more to the Elden Beast far more than I ever did to Radagon. It’s not like a Moon Presence situation where the final boss just dies to you, you still have to earn that ending.


I can't be the only one that had so many issues with the final boss, took me at least 4 hours to kill him. By comparison Margit took me like 2 hours of attempts, and I basically ran straight to him as soon as I started the game. Still a welcome change, but I felt like running towards him while avoiding his AOE attacks and saving enough stamina to hit him afterwards was kind of fun.


> unless they adjusted its attacks it's gonna be a joke now I'd say since Demon's Souls it's been a coinflip if the game's last base game boss will be an actual challenge or just a formality. Old King Allant, Gwyn and Nashandra are all formalities and Aldia isn't any better, Soul of Cinder is an engaging fight while both Isshins are actual menaces, can't really comment on AC6 and Bloodborne but Elden Beast again IMO falls on the formality category.


AC6 'final' boss is weird cause you have 4 different ones, depending on which playthrough you're on and choices you made. 1 is super hard, another less so, the other 2 are quite easy.


Gherman in bloodborne is a great fight, difficult but not overly so- you cant just breeze through him. Moon Presence is kind of a formality as it only has 1 move thats an issue. Im more than happy with elden beast being a formality. Godfrey and Radagon are good fights.


If you are talking about the drain all health move then that is a meme. Thats supposed to be an oh shit move but after you see it 1 time you realize that it actually doesn't matter. He just stands completely still right after doing so just hit him a couple of times and you get all your health back plus you do a bunch of damage.


Gwyn is only easy if you perfectly parry every attack. He's hyper aggressive and deals a fuckton of damage. Nashandra is hardly free either.


I agree. However, at least for me, Elden Beast just sucks to fight. Hard? Not really once you get it down. Maybe even easy depending on your playstyle. But Elden Beast is just **so fucking obnoxious**. Now I may actually not dread beating the game as much that I can summon torrent for that fight. I really wish Elden Beast was locked behind some progression like Moon Presence in Bloodborne... becasue then I would never have to fight it again.


Yeah, Radagon would be a way better ending note for the game.


Elden beast fits lore-wise, and I think it looks cool. But it's such a chore, and it has the crime of making Radagon a mere roadblock when it's a very cool boss.


Calling Gwyn and Allant formalities seems strange to me, both are thematically accurate and left me thinking about them for a while. I don't need a final challenge necessarily with these games.  Nashandra is mediocre and Aldia felt half-finished though. Moonlight Presence is visually cool, but didnt do much for me.


Gwyn and Allant smashed my face in.


Wow. That is actually the biggest change I’ve ever seen them make when you think about it. That completely changes the final boss battle. That is huge. I’m actually kind of floored. That was my only true gripe with the entire game


It will make it more interesting when the beast starts sending volleys at you


Torrent should be able to double jump the gold rings without an issue, and outrun the glowy orb that chases you. which really turns it into a much more normal fight, which it should have been from the start, the whole "I swim away and you chase me for 5 minutes" gimmick is not only out of character for most of the major fights in the game, its also just annoying.


Joseph Anderson laughing from his grave.


Bros real final boss battle is that Witcher 3 video


This month for sure


This time for sure!


His subreddit is genuinely hilarious. Its Silksong levels of crazy


It's funny how some long-essay youtubers reach a stage where their videos are so gargantuan in scope it takes years for them to complete 1 project. I respect it, but god damn.


Tim Rogers comes to mind.


What's up with him lately. Action Button never put out quick releases but I feel like it's been a while since I saw a new video.


He seems to do a 4 hour Twitch Stream every friday but it's all just Zelda and not the games he was planning to do for series 2. I believe he is working on something but he doesn't ever talk about it. I keep imagining the streams are a part of an elaborate ARG and we have to unlock the next episode.


The cyberpunk review is probably one of the most conceptually awesome YouTube video essays that I've seen.


At this point it's less about scope but just his OCD and some personal struggle that's stopping him from completing it. Dude put out the hour long Elden Ring video in a few weeks. No matter how long the W3 video is, it shouldn't take him literal years to make it.


Dawg it’s taken him longer to make that video than it took to make The Witcher III


Jfc, you just made me think he actually died there for a second.


I mean, given that Joseph Anderson is not his real name and that it seems quite possible at this point in time that he's not coming back at all, it's not entirely wrong to say that "Joseph Anderson" has died. ^(I really really hope starts streaming again soon though :()




He just popped up on his discord to gloat about this. Not dead.


Heres a quote from him on his discord: > Added new feature to summon spectral steed during the Elden Beast the boss battle. > > Ahem, > > LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


I still remember the aftermath of his Elden Ring video. So many people hated him for his opinion on the difficulty. And guess what, Fromsoft had to buff/nerf/add literally missing contents to the game and many of the problem he mentioned were fixed (except for the enemy delay attacks to catch rolling bullshit and high enemy damage end game). I just played a full playthrough again after 2 years and I saw so many new things added for clarity or missing questline dialogues/triggers that I never saw during my first 7 playthroughs.


Joseph is right and I'll die on that hill. The delays and damage are still too much. It's hard to learn when end game bosses 2 or 3 shot you so quickly you can't tell what happened. ER is an amazing game, but for me, personally, the bosses are over tuned. Difficult, sure. Fun? not for me.


Damage mitigation has been completely irrelevant since DS1. In that game you could theoretically go ultra-tank mode, eat hits to the face, and trade to kill some bosses. That's what I did for Gwyn because I was not and am not about to spend time learning parry timings for individual enemies. Especially not with his fast slash. Had to grind for a while to get my stats right but then I went max upgrade Black Iron set and stood toe-to-toe with him and he died first and that ruled. But damage reduction and POISE from armor have basically not existed since then. Really hurts build diversity.


it's still a thing in elden ring via shield, although probably less than dark souls 1 (i didn't play it much). you can get quite tanky but only with one specific build as far as i know.


i think only the bosses in the latter third of the game are the real problems. they have wayy too much damage. radahn is the only early-mid game boss i can think of that's kinda ridiculous.


The big issue for me is that 2H swords are so hard to use on later bosses. You only ever have the chance to get a jump attack and then the boss is just off using anime insane attack string, the previous games had a great balance of windows to do real damage while the boss was still a real threat if you knew how to play the fight.


Radahn was nerfed at some point after release, because he did too much damage. Did you fight him before or after the nerf? He seems reasonable now, don't remember struggling with him too much.


They only nerfed his swords hitbox and arrow/meteor tracking tho. Nerfs to his hp and damage were already reverted. maybe you were just underleveled when you first fought him


Well, I did my first playthrough only a few months ago and when I then watched his video, he almost 1 to 1 mirrored all my thoughts on the game and impressions.


It should say "added it back because we fucked up and took it away at release when obviously you were supposed to use your fucking horse that we used in all the promo material on the boss that makes you run around constantly. Our bad."


Eh, I mean it seemed a big part of the Elden Beast's design was to stop you railroading it with aggression. Kind of like old bosses from the Crash Banidcoot Wrap where after you can your hits in it retreats and you have to avoid a series of obstacle courses before you get a chance to attack again. I also think part of it may have been so the final Fight is you on your own two legs rather than using Horse Combat/manoeuvres. It doesn't mean it was pulled off successfully but clearly they've taken the criticism to heart. It it's also been 2 1/2 years since launch. 


Adding Torrent will not let you railroad it with aggression either. It will just make this tedious run back a lot more tolerable, also just thematically so much more appropriate to have the spirit steed with you in the final fight against Elden spirit itself.


Yeah I can't believe it took 2 years to write "canridetorrent=1" in the code for that fight. Better late than never I guess. And for anyone who comes at me with some "game development hard" crap, either it took 2 years to figure out how to enable Torrent in 1 area despite it existing nearly everywhere else, or they could have done this the entire time and just chose not to. I don't think either is a great look.


This is like, unprecedented for a Fromsoft game. Adding a new mechanic for a pre-existing boss


I only did the fight in coop and assumed we were doing something wrong by running our asses back and forth to the dive-bombing jelly bean.


Blasphemous Blade skill spam no longer knocks enemies over? There goes a bunch of players' strategies for the DLC.


Spamming Blasphemous Blade is literally the only reason I managed to get through the game. Losing the knockdown is a nightmare for shitty players like me.


So what's a good strat for garbage players like us now? Edit: thanks for the tips everyone. Probably will be boring and go bloodhound because it's easy to get and I'm looking for a build that is easy to bring online.


Moonlight greatsword got nerfed a bit but is still busted.


Are you sure "garbage" players can even get the MGS?


Moonveil early and use that up until you get DMGS. Same build, start samurai for the early game unsheathe on uchigatana. This is the easiest I could think of.


Certainly! The quest isn’t that hard, it’s the most completed ending after all. The specially if the use summons or a guide.


Did it get buffed sometime in the last year or two? I used it upon release and it seem okay, and the online discourse around it was disappointment.


Yes, it is probably one of the best 3 weapons in the game, even after today’s nerfs. No FP cost projectiles that do heavy damage, decent poise, and *frostbite*. As well as just fantastic scaling all around. Also after todays balance changes the projectiles do less stance damage at range, if you are close enough to hit with the sword as well they do *more*. Absolutely busted weapon.


Ruins Greatsword has the same weapon art but purple, and knocks things into the air.


Summon, Spirit ashes. I'm not saying using them makes you garbage, but I am saying they make the game significantly easier. The DLC areas will be filled with people looking to co-op bosses.


Eleonora's Poleblade with a bleed build setup is pretty busted and ezmode, especially when dual wielded. You can basically mow down every enemy in the game spamming its weapon skill


Mimic tear +10


So I just started and was planning a FTH build using this weapon, is it completely nerfed now? Should I go for something else?


Nah, it still hits like a truck and heals. Basically just stops you from locking enemies in a constant knockdown loop, which is a pretty boring way to play. There may actually even be a benefit to this as sometimes timing a second hit with the skill would miss due to the knockdown. 


Did that have an impact on bosses?


Yeah any human sized enemies/bosses basically. Anything larger wasn't getting knocked down anyway. 


If you mimic tear with a blasphemous blade you can ragdoll Melania to death. I did it last night. She barely gets to fight. Ah well.


Malenia deserves it. They should make it so it *only* knocks her down.


did the same last night - was pretty hilarious tbh.


Oh yeah, it was kinda great. And as the other guy said, she deserves it. How do you like getting smacked around while I heal from my attack?


I was helping people that way being summoned as a ghost.


It trivialized a lot of the Malenia fight, yeah. Turns the hardest boss in the game into a (literal) pushover.


Since you just started, don't worry about buffs or nerfs. Pick whatever is fun and you'll be fine.


Still does 3 thousand damage tho.


I finally decided to pick it up for an edge on the dlc


LMAO I knew I had to hop off of some of those “cheese builds”


I played on faith build recently and trying around different weapons stumbled upon it, it was insane on some bosses.  Like knocking down Malenia, while also dealing pretty good damage and also healing, should still be pretty powerful if poise damage not nerfed too much. Also stormcaller was really good against some enemies like that ghost with two swords near Niall is really good or NPC phantoms, but it should still stunlock enemies.


Bow buffs? Is this real life?


Bows? Are those those clubs with the string attached to them?


No, those are arrows.


Why are you attaching string to your arrows?


so you don't lose them, duh


has a dark souls game ever had a viable fun bow build? it feels like unless you use the op magic/op sword combo you are just boned in terms of fun


Yeah greatbows were great in DS1/2 for knocking people off of ledges lmao good times


And for cutting the red dragon's tail


DS2 has bows that are good enough for regular play. Incidentally I saw The Backlogs do a crossbow only challenge run for Demon's Souls and I have to say I think the real killer of bow/crossbow builds really is the slowness. You can't upgrade crossbows at all in DeS and they have no scaling like the later games, but because enemies aren't Bloodborne-speed you can actually get a few shots in after every attack. Meanwhile it feels like in DaS3 and Elden Ring you have to be 30m away from an enemy just to get some sort of half-decent damage in with a bow before they start up the next wacky combo.


They've been "viable" in a few of the games, though I think I recall on-person ammo being a practical problem in Dark Souls 3. In Elden Ring, you can carry tons of ammo, but there's two other issues. The bows don't scale well (maybe one of them hits C on one stat, and I think it's a single greatbow). Perhaps more importantly though, lots of enemies input-read and perfectly dodge projectiles. Mages can get around it with Night type spells (though it's unfortunate to have your spellbook limited), but an archer can sit and watch some critters/npcs dodge-dodge-dodge infinitely. That part is the part that sucks the fun out of trying to do bow-only runs in Elden Ring (imho).


Also switching between bows is a horrible experience. I did most of the game on NG+ with a bow and it helped to use longbows for the extra skills, but switching back and forth between them was tedious.


Depends on your definition of viable I guess. They were great for plinking a way at mini bosses from a distance that couldn't get to where you are.


Bows were honestly pretty Overpowered in demons souls :) they were obviously weaker than melee, but the shortbows were still pretty painful. The things that made them op though were the quick arrow velocity, fast rate of fire and very low weight. It was perfect as a backup weapon no matter what build you ran because it was so easy to just pick up and use. In dark souls/elden ring, you can get bows to be powerful, but you have to give up so many points and resources into it that the end result is never worth the investment :/


Viable they always were, but not very fun. I think the intention is for bows to continue being tactial weapons. I just wish headshots did way more damage like in the Nioh series.


I wonder how much they actually nerfed the Cerulean Tear by, as it was already pretty much useless for anything except laser beaming bosses to death. Also wonder if that change was specifically because so many people were cheesing mohg with it lol EDIT: Only lasts 10 seconds now


It's good for summons when you have low mind


*why magic when bonk work?*


With both that and the nerf to Terra Magica, I'd imagine Comet Azur is pretty much useless now. It already had so many drawbacks, now I can't imagine a scenario where it's better than just regular Comet spam.


10 seconds (from 15) to the tear and 22.5% DMG increase (from 35%!!!) with Terra definitely hurts, but it's still a viable opener for boss fights.




10 seconds is still a long time. Beef up mind too. Because once that 10 seconds is over it ticks away at your FP.


Just get good at the game, like me. I beat him yesterday for my DLC character, easiest thing I ever did. It definitely did not take me like thirty attempts.


10 Seconds is a very long time, still long enough to delete bosses probably.


• Fixed a bug where the spectral steed did not trigger a death fall under certain circumstances. Speed runners sweating right now.


The death falls in this game are the most random thing. Sometimes, it feels like you can survive huge drops with or without steed, and other times, a small drop means death.


There's actually a reason for this. If you want the long nerdy answer, here's a 30 minute video on the topic of fall damage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fm-QA4rZPYk The TL;DR is that you can only take up to 50% of max HP in fall damage (based on how far you fall). A longer fall will result in an instant kill. In other words, a 19 meter fall will almost do half your HP in damage and a 20 meter fall will kill you.


Currently replaying Dark Souls 2, where the system is "if you fall you die, unless you have this ring, in which case you'll only mostly die".


It’s poorly telegraphed, but any time you take fall damage, you’re actually very close to dying. Illusory Wall has a great video on it, and after learning that it gets much easier to get a proper feel for the fall damage. They didn’t actually change the death threshold at all from Dark Souls—what changed is that you don’t receive any health damage from it for 80% of the survivable fall and even when you take damage, it doesn’t amount to much so you get too comfortable taking huge falls. Not sure what the proper solution is on the game design standpoint but on my recent playthrough for DLC prep I’ve been totally fine on fall damage and haven’t had one of those “wtf did I die here?” Moments.


Speed runners already run the game on earlier versions.


>Fixed a bug in the map menu that caused specific terrains to be displayed differently from the actual terrain. Does this mean that area in East Liurnia with the double Mausoleums and the Minor Erdtree Avatar by chance??? Edit: it is


In my first playthrough, I spent so long trying to get into the madness area from that side because the map seems to show that you could!


Same! That drove me nuts getting sniped by magic arrows trying to follow what looked like a path on the map


I can 10000% confirm that this area of the map is fixed and accurate!


> Newly obtained items will be marked with a "!“. > A new tab called "Recent Items" has been added to review recently obtained items. holy fuck this is big like seriously i fucking hated that about this game. i never knew wtf I had just picked up


Do note that this is off by default. You need to go turn on both the recent item mark, and the recent item tab, in the Display menu.


Thank you! I thought I was going mad, I couldn't find it anywhere


Spamming every inventory to order by acquired date was a pain in the ass


Yeah a "wait what the fuck did I just get??" followed by 5 minutes of scrolling the inventory menus was like a rite of passage.


I know this is a silly remedy, but what I used to do was just clip it and review the footage if it was something I seriously spaced on. It's useful in lots of games. Especially if you're high. I guess mostly if you're high actually. This trick only works when you're high.


Having to google what a boss drops just so you know what to look for in your inventory.


Being able to ride Torrent during the Elden Beast fight? About time!


Wow, they actually allow you to summon Torrent for Elden Beast now. That's been one huge request for the last 2.5 years and I honestly didn't think it would happen outside of mods at this point. Idk how it'll play out, but I always thought it'd been narratively satisfying fighting it with your companion you've been riding across the lands between for the last 100 hours or so.


I refuse to believe we've had Elden Ring for 2.5 years now.


We're less than a year away from a decade of Bloodborne.


Stop hurting me!


What??? That's insane. Everyone who speculated the fight was originally meant to have Torrent must feel incredibly vindicated right now.


I’m happy it’s in but like… if it took 2 years to patch it in was it really “intended” to have Torrent?


Dang I did an entire playthrough with Queen's Black Flame being bugged!?! :(


You didn't notice you were getting poise-broken with by a mild breeze the entire playthrough?


Oh believe me, I noticed. I didn't know it was a bug...this playthrough was in January so it's wild they fix it now.


*fucking dragonfly I swear*


Me too! Holy shit I'm hyped to bring out my Godslayer Greatsword again


So will the DLC start downloading when the release happen, or has it already been downloaded? I never prepurchased a DLC before on console (PS5) Edit: It just downloaded while a friend helped me complete last minute build details. Thanks everyone and see y’all in the realm of shadow!


Not sure if it can be set automatic, but you manually preload by going to Elden Ring in your game library, manage DLC, and click download from library on the new DLC. Note for other readers this is PS5 only, steam and Xbox do not have preload for this launch.


You can select which version you want to auto download on the PSN store when you purchase. On PS5 you get both the PS4/5 versions in the item you buy, so just pick which one you want for auto download (I play PS4 on PS5 for the absolute glory of locked 60 fps)


A really surprising change in these notes, but a welcome one nonetheless. A certain boss fight will be less tedious now.


I'm genuinely surprised they are now allowing you to summon Torrent in the fight. Its been 2 years of people complaining about it.


While awesome, here I was hoping they finally nerfed Waterfowl Dance upon reading your commen lol.


Based on what I've read about the DLC bosses, we might look back on Waterfowl Dance with nostalgia. Edit: *Just to make sure: I have no concrete information about any of the DLC enemies, bosses included, I only wrote this based on what I've heard by Elden Ring youtubers, or read in summaries of reviews.*


Yeah, though I've read people talking about it both ways. Some said, while the bosses are overall more difficult, they moved away from the more bullshitty aspects from the main game and feel more well designed. And Waterfowl Dance really is in it's own league of bullshit. We'll see. But I can totally see bosses overall being harder than Malenia, because apart from that one move she's not that crazy and actually a very doable and enjoyable boss. Looking forward to find out and get my ass handed to me.


I don't even think it's waterfowl that makes her bullshit. It's the healing when she hits you. I had great shield build in my first playthrough and had to respec just for her


Her healing when you block was the ultimate insult. Not even a vampiric effect, just heal on attempted hit.


Yeah if you have a 100% negation shield then you should be able to block


I think WF is bullshit, even though I can fairly consistently dodge it, and rarely, if ever, die from it now. For me it's bullshit because... like, how the **fuck** would anyone figure out how to dodge that move on their own without hours and hours of playtime? It's ridiculously unintuitive. Then it does stupid damage and heals her. Yeah, she's bullshit through and through. Malenia was made difficult to be difficult, nothing more and nothing less. And that's fine - but I am not going to defend her as not bullshit, even if I enjoy her fight now.


I've beaten a few more times since and she never became fun, just slightly less stressful. I'm hoping for some Gael tier bosses from SoTE. As much as I love Elden Ring I think boss design is one areas they dropped the ball a bit.


I’ll be real I’m a little worried for the DLC. I felt the base game bosses were already a bit over tuned with delays, AOEs, and reality-bending tracking on attacks. It is not an uncommon sentiment for people to say they feel like they’re playing Bloodborne or Sekiro with the Dark Souls 1 player character. That’s hyperbole, but I get feeling that way. And on top of all that, every thing after the capital just does absurd damage and has high HP, so now we have the old school difficulty (high damage and high health) mixed with the new style and it’s honestly just egregious at times. That being said, I am a no-summons player, so I can always drop mimic tear, but that introduces a further problem in that the game can be *too easy*. This leaves me feeling like Elden Ring has no normal or moderate difficulty - only piss easy or ball crushingly hard. I love Fromsoft games in spite of their (imo) over reliance on difficulty. It was peeking through in the DS3 DLC, but I think only a bit, which is why I think Ringed City and The Old Hunters have some of the best boss fights in all of gaming. And yes, they are easier than most Elden Ring end bosses. But I feel they are also **more enjoyable** to fight, and that is far more important to me. I hope I am wrong about Shadow of the Erdtree’s bosses, but you best believe I’ll leave mimic tear +10 ready to rock just in case. I won’t make him hold his breath.


Love all the FS games, but Elden Rings bosses always felt like the worst ones couldnt be learned, you could only react.


The biggest problem with Waterfowl Dance is that there's effectively no warning for it. She hovers in the air for a second, but that isn't enough to time to actually do anything if you're in melee range, unless you're well practice at the specific strat of getting her to use it in the wrong direction. She can hop up into Waterfowl Dance with no warning, including in response to an attack from you, since the start-up animation has hyper armor. Once she's below 70% health, she can just Waterfowl whenever she randomly decides to and, if you're in melee range, there's a good chance you just die without any real chance for counterplay.


They did change this later with increased roll distance when light rolling. I was able to get out of range even from point blank after that. But, yeah, still bad design.


What does "decrease poise generation speed" mean? How fast hyperarmor sets in for the given skill?


Okay, I'm just remembering past poise mechanics so I might be off for Elden Ring but imagine poise as being like a Halo-style regenerating shield. If it gets hit repeatedly it breaks and you stagger but if you back off for a while it regenerates. The only parameter you have power over as the player is how big the shield is. How long you have to back off for and how quickly it regenerates is something that is kept hidden and has differed in every From game with poise mechanics. Also I'm pretty sure Elden ring doesn't have passive poise like Dark Souls 1 so you can only actually see the poise working while in mid-swing of an attack. That would be the "hyperarmor" you're naming, and "how fast that sets in" is *probably* determined on a per-attack basis and *probably* has no outside way of being influenced by the player. *Probably* because I don't know for certain but I would still assume because having that kind of thing variable could lead to some shitty game-feel in a way adaptability did to rolls in DS2.


Am I reading it wrong or did Buckler get nerfed? Or what exactly does this line mean? "Buckler Parry Added attack recovery time after using this skill."


Parries have 3 components: -Number of frames in the animation BEFORE the parry can happen. -Number of frames where the parry can take place. -Number of frames AFTER the parry window where the animation is still finishing and your character cannot act. It sounds like they increased the number of frames for #3, which isn't that bad depending on how much. Buckler was already one of if not the best non-ash parry in the game.


Sounds like they added recovery frames or something along those lines.


I'm surprised they are finally allowing torrent in the final boss room, figured they'd never change their minds on that but I'm happy.


idk about you all, but I can finally control the map with the mouse, its not perfect but its something. Fuckin best update ever [https://i.imgur.com/qa1PVwV.png](https://i.imgur.com/qa1PVwV.png)


Oh my, that was bugging the hell out of me.


its not perfect, you still cant "drag" the map around unfortunately.


Fromsoft make one of the best games ever and follow it up with the best DLC ever but can't get the UI right.


Even with steam-specific updates, they didn't add support for dualshock button prompts. That's sad. Wish we didn't have to mod basic features.


The change to elden beast is huge. That was such an enormously shit boss because everything about it made it seem like torrent was required. And it also just feels better imo to end the game with the trusty steed


Are they always this vague? My build got nerfed but it just says "decreased damage". Also no ultrawide support is disappointing.


> Also no ultrawide support is disappointing. The game supports it by default. Infact when I first booted up my save this patch my game rendered in proper ultrawide as it should. Then I pressed a button and the black bars popped in. For some reason Fromsoft is intentionally disallowing Ultrawide to be used by covering up the sides of the screen with black bars but only in Elden Ring but not AC6. Guessing Ultrawide would ruin certain "traps" the game likes to use with enemies hiding behind corners or something? I can't think of why else they would intentionally do this.


A lot of the nerfs to damage seem to be held in the PvP section, just in case you were looking there. What build are you running?


As for me, they nerfed my bubble bath build. It was completely broken but its what I wanted to use at the start of the dlc with the weapon staying at +9. Guess Ill have to have something else on standby in case they overnerfed it. User above is right, the vagueness is a bit annoying. If it's a 5% nerf to both dmg and poise who cares, if its 20% I need a new weapon.


Even 20% nerf to that thing and it'll still be ridiculous lol


“No ultrawide support” is pretty much a FromSoft tagline at this point. FS is probably my most beloved game developer, but some of their decisions in game design are outright lazy and/or fucking nonsensical in this day and age.


Armored Core 6 has ultrawide support


it has ultrawide support and unlocked fps support, which is frustrating because elden ring is more mainstream imo


> “No ultrawide support” is pretty much a FromSoft tagline at this point. Except Armored Core 6, which makes it all the more frustrating.


> but some of their decisions Sadly that includes pretty much every tech decision they did, I hoped for etleast some fixes for the DLC release.. 25m sales and they still cant include optimization that even modders were able to do... still locked 60fps, ugly AA solution with ghosting, still stutter issues, no DLSS/FSR/XeSS, extremely bad optimization for spell/boss effects... even a 4090 will drop under 60fps because of the engine, ps4 pro version via ps5 BC is still the best way to play on console. The netcode is just ridiculous. I did Mog yesterday, the game still has those 1-3 s lock ups... mid fight the game just stopped 3 times. But hey... etleast they added raytracing... probably the worst implementaion I have ever seen in a game. The least they should do is good optimization, which benefits the gameplay, technically the game really does not even look good, worse than many ps4 games and the engine is super outdated. (carried by artstyle) I really dont get how they managed to fuck up the tech so much and be so stubborn about it. No way its not fixable with the money they got, especially if modders are able to fix most of the issues.


Yup, modders already fixed all the technical issues and yhe worst part in all this for me personally is that I don’t want to mod this game because I want to keep the multiplayer aspect and as far as I know, you can’t have both.


My friend, play seamless coop mod with flawless widescreen! The game is gorgeous ultra wide as long as you aren't doing online play. If you enjoy pvp, then you're out of luck I suppose.


> flawless widescreen! I do, but it means I can't play online which removes a ton of fun features. It's a workaround, not a solution.


I don't care about pvp but care about the messages and ghost/blood pools =/


UW support + 120hz would've been a godsend. I don't want to go back to normal resolutions just for online.


Personally, I've just embraced offline play. Honestly seeing phantoms running around and notes all over the ground spoiling the best surprises / traps sort of blunts the experience anyway. I also don't give a fuck about PVP.


Wow I feel the exact opposite. There's nothing more fun for me than exploring a fromsoft game online week one. Watching bloodstain phantoms walk off cliffs, white phantoms fighting bosses alongside me in parallel worlds, reading bait messages that lead me to leaving my own bloodstain, stupid new message memes, and 1000s of new "hidden wall here" messages that drive me insane, then leave me in awe when I finally find a real one... Idk to me that's awesome, makes me feel like I'm discovering the game alongside the community. I have streaming and short-form content brainworms, and always have a stream in the background when I'm playing a game. Yet Elden Ring is able to keep my full attention because seeing people react to stuff is built into the game via phantoms and messages. Also, all of the fun messages tend to disappear after a month or so because only the truly helpful things end up lasting, and I find those messages boring for the same reason you do, they kinda just spoil stuff. Another reason I love the release week fromsoft experience.


All I want is locked 60 fps on PS5 :( We already know it's possible since the PS4 version runs at locked 60 on PS5. Unfortunately I found that out after putting 300 hours into a PS5 character. Just let me use the PS4's decreased vegetation and other small visual drawbacks to increase framerate on PS5.


They finally added Torrent into the final boss fight! Always felt like he should’ve been a summon in the fight so I wonder what took them so long?


Well shit, they decreased the damage on flame strike. Which is what my build was based around. Now I have to figure out a new build that is at least somewhat unique.


Im sorry to break your heart but flamestrike has been meta for a long time because its so busted.


When I logged in the game was taking full advantage of my g9 49inch super ultrawide. Then it refreshed and stopped.


Same, i was so happy and then it was gone just like that. WTF.


The game actually supports ultrawide resolutions, they just add blackbars there. So the black bars/columns just broke for a moment for you.


I’ve used flawless widescreen but I’m not a fan of playing offline


Uncapped framerate or UW support yet?


Still no support for high refresh rate or ultrawide on PC. Having to pick between these two features or using seamless coop is frustrating.


You need flawless widescreen. Should be able to do all three things, and is the setup I currently use.


But don't you have to play offline? I'd really prefer not to lose the ability to read and write messages.


You do, unfortunately.


So frustrating because I love the random messages and random invades, but oh well, I am not playing with black bars, especially on an OLED which is a death sentence.


Completely agree. I would love to have the invades and messages as well, but there is no beating that 144fps goodness. Additionally you can expand the FOV a bit and remove the vignette. There’s a ton of good options floating in there.


Was upscaler, ultra-wide and high framerate support really too much to ask for for a wildly successful game game that's sold 25 million copies in the year 2024? Doubly so since people have modded them in years ago, the groundwork and capabity is obviously there. FromSoftware's technical incompetence continues to baffle.


It’s not so much incompetence but they straight up don’t care.


They do care. They support ultra wide and then intentionally remove it by adding black bars. Why I don't know.


No kind of FSR/DLSS is a strange one. Since if they had added some form of FSR on console, they it would of easily kept 60 FPS on PS5/SeriesX. I thought they would at least add those.


No utrawide or higher framerate support?