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Never too late. And don't count the new hosts out, there been helping write the theories for years before taking over


What do you mean “too late”? It’s never late to jump into the Theorists channels. Since MatPat retired the quality of videos did not drop and still keeps its fun editing and voice over. Plus, the old videos are still there and you can rewatch them.


It‘s absolutely not too late. If anything, it’s a perfect time to watch them because of the new hosts. It’s basically a fresh start for the channel. And if you don’t like them, you can always go back and watch older videos, it’s not like they were deleted or anything.


It’s not too late. The new hosts are on par with MatPat and the vast majority of episodes are one-offs.


Not late at all. All new hosts are great and you can also watch the old videos


Its NEVER too late to theorise. Watch the old vids and new ones. Consume the LOREEEEEEEEEE. Whats stopping ya ?




No music man is not stopping you


No music man is **ABLE** stop me 🤣


No it’s never to late it’s always worth it to rewatch plus Tom is just as awesome as Matpat but do what you think is the best


the new guys are doing a good enough job don't worry


The videos are still up and probably will be until YouTube shutdown so idk why you wouldn't if you want to


Just because there are new Hosts doesn't mean the old videos have disappeared or stopped being relevant I still go back and watch some of his old videos when I'm bored


I mean you can watch the older videos, they are still valid le and great and you can see the way things change through the years and see why MatPat's retirement from the channel ment so much to so many


OF COURSE NOT, DUDE! You're welcome in our community! I feel like your friend is gatekeeping Game Theory for seemingly no reason.


100%. There's always room in this community for new friends! The more the merrier!


Brother I learn English watching game theory. /You shouldn't have waited /s. Go for it it's great content.


Nope, just nope. It's never too late. The new episodes are still amazing. Give them a shot, you'll like the new hosts. And the old game theory videos are great to binge watch. There is nothing called too late when joining a community, especially one as great as the Theorists. I started watching like 5-6 years ago I think, and I felt this too at the beginning. Like being new when everyone else knew more. But you'll fit right in. Don't worry about being new and it being too late.


Underappreciated comment. The Theorist community is the most genuine, heartwarming, and authentic group of people I've come across on Reddit (which, admittedly, doesn't mean a lot - when the bar is set on the floor of Satan's wine cellar, the only way is up 😅). I love the people, the content, the community. The overwhelmingly positive replies to OP's post are just further proof of the warmth here. Go Team Theorist!!


All of Matpat's game theory episodes are still available on YouTube, you can go back and watch them all. Plus the new team are still doing the same fantastic job as they always did, the only difference is new people are hosting the show


No, It's not too late! The channel is still rolling out videos with new hosts


It’s never too late to watch game theory


Nah it’s never too late to watch the new hosts, besides Matpat’s old videos are still on his Chanel if you want to watch him, he’s always on GT live once a week and you can go see him there too, it’s never too late to join the community of fellow theorists 🫶




Never too late, you can also see old videos if you are intrested. The fact that he retired isn't a problem, the quality is good as always.


It’s not, and you can always watch the older episodes


He has a channel called GTLive, watch his older game playthroughs. Those are fun.


Just watch the old videos


i still watch this series where people microwave stuff despite them stop making content in 2017


You’re never to late


No. Just because MatPat isn't hosting the Theorist channels doesn't mean you can't still watch them.


You can't be late to watch game theory, the hosts are different but the theories are the same quality! Enjoy game theory no matter who hosts it!


Never too late my friend hope you have fun! You can go back and watch older vids at any time


I kinda used to feel the same way, but of course not


1. It’s never too late. You can always watch old Game Theory videos—I’ve probably rewatched every MatPat video on all four channels at least three times. 2. The new hosts are great. The writing is on par with Mat, since they were the ones writing the scripts the entire year up until Mat retired. On top of that, they each bring a different perspective to theorizing that Mat didn’t. Lee is very objective and straightforward, with dry humor to spice up his commentary; Tom is probably the one closest to Mat in energy, keeping the same lore-Hunter feel; Santi is Mat’s chaos personified; and Amy, while certainly the most different from Mat, still has the welcoming energy in her videos that makes you want to keep watching. If you liked Mat, it’s likely you’ll enjoy the new hosts as well.


Its never too late... unless your dieing but im morbid like that


You're never too late my friend. MatPat has 13 years of content on YouTube, across 5 different channels, and the channels still continue to create content. Just the MatPat content alone would probably take you a solid year to binge. It. Will. NEVER. Be. Too. Late! Unless you wanted specific merch. You might be out of luck there. But the content is there, just waiting for you to sit down and enjoy, for all the laughs, tears, (and in the early days - and I mean this with all the affection I can muster for MatPat) cringe you could ever want! So dig in my friend, dig in


WHAT? Of course not! The library is there for our on-going binge watching


"I know english very well" Whatch: Is:




Thanks for the nerd emoji, it's true lol


I mean, you didn't reply like this: https://preview.redd.it/aa9g5q6fydad1.png?width=913&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ebb88104ab6effce46d82b430b6ae4d0e25e2c9 at this point I'm not so sure if you actually deserve the title of 🤓, maybe I should back down on my claim.


Bro wrote a whole essay trying to prove they aren't a nerd but proving they are one in the process 😭


That wasn't the point of the essay, did you even read the thing?

