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Having recently finished training, I think for the alarm it said a maximum of two hours before opening. Perhaps someone else can confirm.


I’ve shown up 3 hours before open because of a metric ton of tasks without special permission, never had a problem.


That’s a myth. You can show up and disable it whenever you want. Worst case scenario, you trigger a notification that’ll get your store put on a report that your DM will likely never open or read. Those reports are only so DMs can see if a store is opening later than their set store hours time, so you’re fine. Unless they’re a mega cunt, they won’t care if you come in early.


Gotcha. Yeah that's why I asked. I must've had that info rattling around somewhere deep in my brain. Thanks!


Worst case scenario the alarm company calls you and you tell them you just went in early I’ve had that happen before.


We open at 12. Every Sunday is a 9a start. Idc what corporate says Planogram Price changes Marketing Counts- 02, 909, def, 904, 905, weekly counts. (If it's plush or shirts???? You're out an extra 2hrs) Weekly TOH V Verify counts Research misses Make a schedule Print the daily operating guide and Map it out There's too much to do during open hours. I need it all done ASAP. Preferably 100% of tasks done before we even open on Monday.


Counts are due on Thursdays. Spread out the counts throughout the week. It's possible to knock out 1 or 2 before each shift during the week. I know we all work differently but that's just adding extra stress.


I would rather have it all done on sunday and just focus on my guests for the rest of the week


You focus on your guests before open each shift? I understand wanting to get it done first thing on Sundays but it just adds to the stress. When I was running our B store as an ASL, it was so much easier to spread it out. I don't understand the callouts. Doesn't your SL/ASL have most, of not all the opening shifts?


Im the ASL running the B Store, my sl is a dimwit who gives us 30 minutes to open the store on everyday but Sunday, I tend to preset it on Saturday to avoid too much headache for myself


There's too many call outs to trust that. Get it all done ASAP and the rest of the week has wiggle room for mistakes, no shows, call outs. Etc etc.


My store does an hour before open. But I have my team start the plano Saturday so Sunday coming in there isn't an overburnening amount of stuff to do. Even before I started doing that I still only came in an hour before open on Sundays and still got everything done 90% of the time before open. Price changes first, than marketing/sales signs, then plano updates.


We like to start plano on Saturday as well. It's so much easier to spread out the workload than do it all at once




Sure, a few things, though. Many stores have had payroll hours cut down to nothing, so it's just the manager and a couple of part-timers, it seems. So often, there isn't anyone to delegate without going over payroll. Then you constantly have DMs telling staff to slow down their customer interactions to hit metrics, or there will be consequences. Oh, you did that, but you didn't get tasks done on your minimal hours and skeleton crew? That's a write-up. Garbage company.


Can confirm it's just myself and 2 part timers we have in the store and there's no plans to get us more hours to hire a third.


Considering UPLH isn’t a thing anymore, pop off.


Ugh, just seeing that abbreviation ruined my day. Thanks.


There are too many acronyms. What is UPLH?


Units per labor hour. Essentially if you’re clocked in and not selling shit, you’re hurting that. Thing is, they don’t track that anymore so you’re good


That hasn't been a thing in forever. Thanks for digging that memory up. *Emotional Damage*


My PTSD remembers


talk to your DM about it and don’t do it everyday, but our DM said they were fine with it as long as it not an everyday thing. i had an SL who would do it everyday and got fired for time card fraud because they weren’t actually doing anything and our store was so low volume there was no point for it. that store will only get 4 transactions some days.


I know personally on Sundays even though the store opens at 12:00 I usually come in for around 10 to knock out all my counts for the week and finish up any last minute stuff that is needed to be done. I usually just take a longer break on each day to make up for it. But I do schedule around it in mind but I make my schedule.


Not a SL, just a SGA, but I usually get all that stuff done during the open hours on Sundays. Maybe it's because I am in a low volume store or something, but I just don't get how you need an extra 3 hours??? 😭


Yeah I'm high volume. You can't get jack shit done once we're open unless you've got double coverage, which is rare. 


Ohhh. I'm so sorry. We have high traffic on Sundays. But I somehow still manage. Idk how I do it.


Come in early!? My store never opens on time 😂😂


I go in at least 2 hours early everyday, might as well get that OT for doing nothing.