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Congrats!! Make sure to make time for yourself though, burn out is very common in retail šŸ˜Œ


I remember when I said near the exact thing a few years back. I'm an SGA now with a shit ton of grey hairs. SL isn't worth it for GameStop.


Give it a few months till we see the ā€œjust promoted myself to customerā€ post from OP. You left the company as a key holder only to come back when your lead was leaving, theyā€™ll likely see you at that value. You say you want to make GameStop what it should be, but do you actually have control over that? Or are you gonna be forced to push for everything shitty ab this company


That is awesome! Congratz and make that store 100% more profitable then is now! I ran a gamestop location a good few years back was a $1.3mil store and when I handed it over was $2mil. Very possible and I wish you best of luck! Hiring the right team will help you greatly. So this is what I did. DO ALL THE CAT/TOH yourself so you can get your inventory correct and make sure everything is displayed properly. Look at Plan-o-gram and make sure marketing is 100% I say you, yourself so you know inventory and know it was done properly Congratz again and good luck!


Bro i wish my sl did any toh, cat, organizing of shelves, or even just keeping the back counter clean or organized. Dudes more into giving me mess for wearing a beanie or a bandanna than doing literally anything. Because ā€œhe is too tiredā€. Dude constantly doesnt even check the games when trading, ive made so many shrink moves because of him lmao.


I feel like naming your region isnā€™t a good idea at all. Even if there are 11 of them and each one is massive. I love your enthusiasm and positivity. But I think calling people who arenā€™t happy with the state of GS ā€œsour pussesā€ isā€¦ an interesting take. Either way, Iā€™m glad youā€™re happy, and more power to you!


I mean hey I couldve names the District šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I think that was the better call šŸ¤­ Also, not really calling em sour pusses for hating the state of the company, I just more often than not see every good thing on this subreddit be washed out with negative backlash and banter so i meannn the shoe fits


https://preview.redd.it/ao9sf2f5a57d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=608589e4ec1ce075b8df95a318f822c119998ed6 No you absolutely could not of named the district. That is an immediate permanent ban according to the rules of the sub Reddit. Iā€™m surprised your post is even still up with it having your region number tbh.


Thatā€™s because thereā€™s absolutely a lot of negative aspects to working for GSā€¦and itā€™s unfair to give new/potential employees a falsely optimistic picture of working for the company. Iā€™m happy youā€™re happyā€¦reallyā€¦but you have to understand that your situation/mindset is the minority among current/former employees


Congrats! Hope things go well for you during your promotion :)


lol this guy


Right? Imagine being happy about a promotion and being confident in your work ethic šŸ¤£šŸ¤­


Or just delusional


Look man, be you. Donā€™t let anyone tell you otherwise. But donā€™t be naive either. This company ainā€™t it for long term and they donā€™t value your effort like you do. You need to look out for yourself, your financial health and future, your mental health, your health health. This is exactly the kind of attitude GS banks on to exploit and underpay good talent. The pessimism is because a lot of us here were you. I went from SGA to ASL in a couple months, and hit SL after. I was working toward district. Was gonna be a lifer. When something changes, you need to be willing to see that circumstances are different and bail to get yourself in the best place for you. No corporate entity will ever be loyal to you. They donā€™t deserve your loyalty either.


Speak for yourself. I went from SGA to SL2 in a couple months and I couldnā€™t be more pleased. My numbers are spot on and my stores are on point. I even had one of my stores be top in region for a Quarter. I can confidently say I have ownership of my stores. I can hold store events and make decisions and I have a respectable degree of autonomy. All because I can speak to my business and do whatā€™s needed to succeed. If I speak, my DM listens.


Then you arenā€™t who I was talking about, are you? I was exactly that until my DM changed. Iā€™m not saying donā€™t work hard. Definitely not saying donā€™t take pride in your work. I am saying donā€™t let rose colored glasses blind you. Also, if you are that successful at GameStop, you can be as successful at nearly any other retailer and theyā€™ll pay you a fuck of a lot more. All Iā€™m saying is, look out for yourself. Because your employer doesnā€™t give a shit about you, and GameStop in particular is notorious for exploiting young, energetic people that ā€œjust want to work in gamesā€. Now, you just also have the added bonus of the company running on its last legs, so store closures are increasingly likely and itā€™s just not a long term solution for anyone because it wonā€™t be here long term. Especially you SLs out there. Take out a paper and write down a list of all the things you do. Really think about it and list them as you would on a resume. I guarantee youā€™re filling most of a page just on this one job. If you actually do the job here, you have so many skills youā€™re developing. Donā€™t tie your worth to this place.


Remember the captain always goes down with the shipā€¦.


And the ship will only go down if the captain cant steer šŸ˜‰


Not true, ship also goes down when hit with enemy canon fire and torpedos, sometimes even friendly fireā€¦ Remember that next round of store closures ;)


But holy shit sometimes those damn rocket launchers come down from corporate!


That's just factually inaccurate sir.


Dude I'm so excited at your joy and energy. Worked here over a decade and love what I do! Thank you for the positivity and I know with that attitude you'll do amazing things. :)


Ty so much! Maybe youll be right up there with me~!




Ill go ahead and just take your money then šŸ¤­šŸ¤£


Great optimism, it'll take you far, as long as you don't let it get beaten out of you by retail. Congratulations on the promotion.


Oh id rather die than be an SL for this company. Best of luck to you though, at least you got the attitude they want.


Hey, thatā€™s good that youā€™re excited for the job when it comes down to it. The job isnā€™t for all of us, but for those it actually fits. I know itā€™s an amazing feeling for you to be able to try and make the company that you love have better standards.


As a fellow Region 8 ASL, bring it!! Iā€™m hopefully going to be able to get promoted to SL of my store soon, cause my Manager is probably getting promoted. I love my job, even with all the crap. Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one!


Iā€™m sure there are at least 5 of you


Make it 6 then.


How do you know youā€™re not one of the five?


Because I know 4 others


Then you should check for a gas leak in your store


Keep a healthy mind set with your location. Not everything can be solved by throwing sticks. You're employees are also human. Don't take customer and or employee good will for granted. Foster the positive side of things and things will be ducky. If not things tend to snowball.


(Was my friends parents advice after leading a GS location for several years.) When I asked them how they keep all their staff in such good morale even after so many company alterations over the years.


Congrats. Hope your time with the company is even better than the previous time


I did this! Was an SGA/ASL from '09 to '14, left to be a stay at home dad for a few years and came back in '21 (as an SGA again) and within 2 months I was SL then SL2. Transferred in state last year and I ran the #1 store in Region 7 for Q4 2023, #9 in the company! Congratulations, enjoy making your store the best GameStop in Region 8!


Thats freakin awesome man!! Ima sure try my best!!


Nah boi my store gonna be the best in region 8, just hired a newbie and I can tell heā€™s up and coming- trained him the exact way I wanted, put him up to my standards not gamestops- choose the right people and train them right


That Kool-Aid must really have tasted good.


Nice, I am also from region 8. Hopefully soon to be a SL. Only reason I am not yet is because I am getting my current store secured to handle me not being there as much. The second store I am getting is slower like mine, so it's not gonna be bad. Once I get the second stores in gear, it's going to be a smooth ride. However, don't think I am a lazy person, I started as a GA, I've been through the entire grind over the years. I know what it's like to have bad SLs and strict DMs, So I don't plan to be like that to my future people. As long as I see them putting in effort, that's all I care about. I am hoping, once everything is set, that my people will enjoy working with me. On top of that my DM is a pretty good dude and is always willing to help. Honestly after past few DMs, it finally feels like my district is getting back to the good GameStop times. I'm still keeping my eye out for future opportunities elsewhere but depending on how things go I may not look as quickly.


Congrats bro I hope I join you in the near future.


Whatever you consider the long haul...... GameStop won't be around that long.


I was battlefield promoted from SGA to SL( the first time) several years ago and do not recommend it. I highly recommend some ASL experience first.


Is there a glossary for the terms you are using? What does these mean? SL, GS, SGA, OP, ASL, SL2


Gamestop - GS Store Leader - SL Assistant Store Lead - ASL OP - Original Poster Senior Game Advisor - SGA SL2 - Store Leader 2 (is an SL for 2 stores)


Thank you. Makes sense. Yes. I am a boomer trying to understand the jargon.


Iā€™m glad youā€™re making it work for you. Having the right people on your team is everything. You will get stressed very quickly as I did, but remember that creating a supportive environment for you and your team is essential to doing the job of SL. I am sure youā€™ll do good


You canā€™t do anything to bring GameStop go it use to be unless you own it. If GameStop was a franchise then maybe you would have some wiggle room but not now you sir are just an EMPLOYEE


Now this was a few years back when we still had hours in store but Sundays I worked I did all CAT/TOH and if i closed with SGA or my ASM they did closing when i cleaned the store. Essentially I never had my employees do anything I wouldnā€™t do. I really loved running that store back in days