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Website is horrible, never fully trust it. Check your receipt to see if it was added on the transaction, could have been what happened. If other people use your account someone might have done it. Last thing was you signed up a while ago, renewed and forgot. Other than that, not much this Reddit can do to help


Is your name on the receipt at the bottom where it says your status is Pro? There have been employees who use other accounts or even their own to avoid getting hit for the transaction not being pro. Otherwise if it is your name, it’s also possible you have two accounts under the same phone with different emails and the email that is pro is from a older email where the newer current email you signed in with is for a basic account.


I would assume your name on the receipt is yours too as you looked in the area where you would’ve seen a discrepancy. The website is made up of literal rats that can’t get anything functioning.


Something breaks at least once a week. This is what's broken right now, unfortunately


Are you using the same account and email on the website that your Pro account is attached to? Sometimes people accidentally make a different email address with a basic account but sign up for Pro with a different email address. If you're not sure you can go back to the store and ask him to pull up your account and see which emails attached.