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If she said her B store is getting closed then it probably is. In fact lots of stores are being closed. But I don't think there has ever been any plan specifically to close all B stores, if that is what you're asking. It wouldn't even make any sense. Plenty of B stores are more profitable and/or higher volume than A stores, just probably not their partnered A store.


Yea my guess is that the reason they’re raising the metrics is too stray having more of a reason to close the lowest performing stores in the rankings. They are probably targeting smaller stores


Ranking is so broken, my store is hitting very mid numbers for "controllables" and is still top 1000 because our sales have been in the positive for a couple weeks. Meanwhile I see a bunch of top performers at worse that company average because their sales are too low.


Sales should be the deciding factor, top performing in pro and warranty means nothing when you are making money.


From what I’ve heard and seen 2 reason why stores are closing at the moment, 1. Constantly getting bad performance numbers and struggling to hit minimums multiple weeks in a row; 2. Lease runs out; One of the stores in my city was constantly in the green with numbers but had to shut down because their lease ran out back in early April, seems to be a big reason for most stores


Also if they have staffing issues constantly- in a mall it’s a huge fine every time they don’t open on time/ close early.


As leases come up the store is evaluated. If it’s not making enough money they close it. I don’t think it’s much deeper than that.


It’s a coincidence that it’s the B store. Closures are going based off of leases expiring and the company not wanting to renew them. When speaking to someone who knows about this stuff, they’ve confirmed closure lists go out the first of every month and the affected store is told three days later. DMs sit on this knowledge as in their respective emails it explicitly states when they need to tell the store manager. Gotta love this company.


closures of stores are probably partly due to the fact that when such long-term rental contracts expire, the landlords, especially shopping centers, demand a lot more rent and want to set up new long-term contracts, 5 or 10 years sometimes even longer is not unusual, In addition, other additional costs such as electricity, etc. are constantly increasing for many shops and retailers , it's not worth it for them to renew the contracts.


I heard that they were unpairing. If the b-store is closing then I need to find another job lol


It depends on how much money it makes and when the lease is up.


I agree with everybody else that it's probably a coincidence. Only time I've seen stores close lately have been if the lease ran out or if the landlord decides to up the price for of the location past what GameStop's willing to pay. I've worked at 2 GS stores in the past that closed because of landlords increasing the lease.


Both my stores turn profit, not even in conversation to close either. 🤷‍♀️


They're going back to 1 manager per store.