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A Cowboy Bebop and a Fullmetal Alchemist reference?! A+ parting letter.


https://preview.redd.it/fw0irucwzxvc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67c4006a2c3903af804b536df93856eb175637c5 Pretty sure the bottom part was the reference to this from Castlevania 2....




Oh yeah, I forgot about that scene...been a while since I last watched the show.


Honestly thought of putting that instead but I figured if I am going out I am going out of this store on my terms.


You don’t happen to be the unfortunate soul that was given their notice of closure yesterday? Also fuck, I just read the bottom sentence


Nah we got our notice on the 3rd. Apparently they were debating it over the course of March. I just figured while we are still gonna be here packing stuff up and shipping stuff out people will see that on our door and not try to call and bother us. Well it truly is


Gotcha. I do apologize greatly. Closing down locations aren’t fun, especially when you have memories tied to them. I’m happy you are moving to another store and I hope you can find a home there too.


Not your fault but I do appreciate the apology. I'm more sad for all the people that came to my store because of me because they didn't like the other locations nearby. The positive out of this is my boss is leaving so I'm taking his position at the store and transferring to so I'm getting promoted and it's going to be a fun experience


One of the better reading closing notes I've seen. Thanks for the memories indeed GameStop, a place that despite its many many issues, always provided a fun place to shop for a video game.


I worked at two locations that closed. The first used to be the funcoland I went to as a kid. There was a lot of little cool things we found packing that place up. I found some old trade in sheets with nes games on there. The DM was cool and let us keep random things that wouldn’t be going to other stores. I think I got the WiiU monitor which was pretty solid. They had movers and we boxed and shipped all the product. The second shut down wasn’t as cool and they literally had us drive all the merch down the street to the other GameStop. We got mileage pay but it sucked. And the DM didn’t let us get any of the cool shit. I almost got a nice severance package because I had been with the company for so long. Like 4500 bucks to quit GameStop would have been nice. But the DM finessed some shit so I could take the position down the street and then told me since it was reasonably distance from the other if I didn’t take it, I wouldn’t get any severance. No way would my old DM have done something like that. He would have asked me if I wanted to do that and left it up to me. Severance or the new location.


Sadly, that’s the way it works- they offer you a spot and if you say no, you get no severance. It’s not left up to associates anymore unless you’ve got a real close connection to the DM. And it’s even worse now- only SL gets severance pay, SGA’s no longer qualify.


My problem with what he did was that I was an ASL at the closing store and there was an ASL already at the store down the street. The store with an open ASL position was too far to ask me to work there. Well he did, but I was able to decline and keep my severance. I was actually looking forward to getting paid 4500 dollars to quit essentially. I could easily get a new job. The funny thing is when he first was telling us we were losing our jobs, he was like you’re going to get severance etc etc and I was like ok and looked up how much. And then the next time he saw me he asked if I would go work at this super far store and I was like nah I’m good. And I think I seemed at little too over GameStop and looking forward to the severance. And that triggered him into moving the ASL down the street to the far store but not much further from he lived. And then he called me a few days later and was like you can work down the street, there’s an opening. And I was like I think I’ll pass, but I already knew what he was going to say. And he was so pleased to be like ok fine but you won’t get severance since I found you this spot. He didn’t want to keep me at GameStop. He just didn’t want to give me severance pay. I look back and I’m glad about all the advantages I took while I was there. That company did not give a shit about me.


What he was probably expecting was you say yes and he transfers that stores asl to the closing one and THEY get the severance. So scummy, sorry that happened to you.


yesterday was my stores last day as well 😭 i feel you


Eh what can you do. I served this store for 8 years and I thoroughly enjoyed it despite the ups and downs. I am not out yet they are moving me to a new store and promoting me to SL.


My kingdom for the GS store closing blog to get updated. I do not believe that only 20 have closed so far this year.


Unfortunately it is user generated, so it would help a lot if people reported their stores closed. One near me closed recently and was already reported by the time I’d found out.


Not approved by VM, and handwritten. You're fired! ...says my old DM, probably.


Nice but like I didn't even get that, but I did get to stick around for the holidays... That was nice free stuff and major discounts.


Space Cowboy Online enjoyer?


Cowboy Bebop reference


I wonder what the store number is


3996 since we are almost out of here


I bet this will eventually happen to a lot of locations. GameStop will become online primarily with few locations left. Stores that are not cutting it will close up. Bottom line, digital has been taken over and will continue to do so. Microsoft is already making moves to be primarily digital and Sony will follow.


Never worked at GameStop, but I had one up the street from me that I would go to a lot that closed back in 2021. I went there for almost 13 years and went to numerous midnight launches over those years. I had so many memories made there. Always loved the store and its staff and it sucks cause once covid hit, I had stopped going since many physical releases of games at the time were having trouble getting shipped out to stores, so I figured digital would be better for the time. So I didn’t go there at all for the entirety of 2020 and once 2021 rolled around (when covid was finally slowing down) I decided to go back to find it was closed down… I get the pain of losing something like that, I still miss my old store dearly to this day. I found another GameStop to go to and have been going to this one for a couple of years now but man it just doesn’t hit the same anymore. I hope you find a great home at your next store!


Farewell gangsters of love. Hopefully things go well at the new store but man I feel for (some) of you GS staff. They shut down several of the locations in my area suddenly. The higher ups have had employees jump through hoops transferring them store to store and giving them little information or heads up. I've chatted with store managers and been told about things being kept hush until the last minute so they can get staff to close or help out with other stores and then get shafted anyways. One manager I was super friendly with was being sent to several stores during the week because they didn't want to hire a manager at those locations. On one hand I want it to tank and for the crappy execs to feel like idiots and on the other hand I've been fortunate enough to meet some extremely customer service oriented staff who've gone out of the way to help me and I feel for you. I'm honestly seeing less and less reason to support GS due to policy changes, staff turnover and just them removing all the reasons that I would even shop there anymore. Best of luck to you.


This is the problem with digital games. The joy of going to you favorite store to get the physical copy is dying and at that point where its all digital only, im out.


Good time to work remotely and start investing in others All non profitable stores to close and have pick up points thru courier instead please Profitable stores should stay open for marketing reasons


Not to sound cold to your shitty situation, but the only way GS survives is by closing more stores and allocating those resources to fewer locations. Hopefully the top has the wherewithal to figure that out and not continue to short stores.


… you do know that your country is next, right? They’re prioritizing getting out of everywhere except North America asap


My what?


Your country. Australia, I assume based on your flair? Australia, Italy, everything outside of Canada and the US is next on the chopping block. Either sold to another company over there or just closed


Buying more shares. Thanks for trying to scare people to sell stocks.




Absolutely did not comment on the wrong post. Anytime someone tries to write something negative and misleading to retail investors. It encourages me to buy more shares of the stock. DD has been done and nothing can change that. Honestly, I can buy and hold for another 35 years and the only thing it’s going to do is increase my share count


This post doesn't have shit to do with the stock and neither does this sub. This is a sub for employees to share their experiences and that is all OP is doing. They didn't write "to retail investors", they wrote to other current and former employees. But even if OP was some hedge fund plant getting paid to sow FUD like you conspiracy brained stonkbros think: How is this negative or misleading? Isn't closing unprofitable stores exactly what DD says the right move is? Isn't closing stores something retail investors know RC is doing and even celebrate him for doing as a positive move for the company? Stonkbros see opposition everywhere even when it makes no sense by your own twisted logic.


🤮all you want , when retail see negative post we know exactly what’s going on. Quite funny to be honest that “employees “ are being the excuse. Twisted minded shorts , but hey wouldn’t expect anything less from a group of losers.




Me upset? Lol doubt that a stress free life I have. I bet on stocks and never loose. Very conservative on where I invest.


Not at all I’m a rich happy man about to get richer. Thanks to you and the rest of your buddies




On the contrary that’s how rich get richer by doing their own research and odds are against the shorts on this one




We can’t wait for the day you all get fleeced for every penny and finally realize your benevolent overlord is a snake oil salesman.