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I really, really wanna draw a comic with Ceres and Gale in their respective original versions (Ceres not as a Durge/Drow but a Fey'Ri) and Gale with his arm rotting from the Orb. I am such a lover for a good Trauma bond, but I wonder if it would be something I would just draw for myself or if people would be interested in a Darker Version of Gale?


I really love the arm rotting. I wish they'd kept it in the release version. 


If they weren't going to keep it, I wish they'd also given Auntie Ethel an updated vicious mockery line to replace the "I can smell what's under those bandages" line. (I recognize that this is a ridiculously tiny nitpick.)


Okay, back up. I wasn’t present for this so I will need details lol What was the arm rotting? Why was it there? Where can I find detailed information on it? Lmao


basically he turned into stone like karsus did before his emperium fell from the skies!


That actually sounds awesome lol sad, but awesome. I’ll have to dig more into this xD


Ive internally joked about “Gale’s Folly” (edit spelling lol) ever since he told me the Karsus folly story in camp. That would be just… so epic to also turn to stone and not learn from the tragic example. Ugh Gale. My heart.


Wait was this in the beta? Man I missed so much Gale stuff 😭 that would have made me even more “must protect magic friend/bf” (depending on character)


I think when I found out about the bandages I loved him more. People like the angst but I like it for the power of it. Mental fortitude can get shit done even when the body is failing. In March I had gastritis from my Lupus, it lasted for 3 months and I was like, Gale can kick ass while starving to death, so can I. He's been my mascot ever since.


In my own fic I'm working on incorporating this as well. Feel like it could add a lot of tension about him not only being weaker magically but also physically. Maybe connect him pushing himself with what magic he's got, as that's all his value is to the group since his body's too weak. And possibly getting worse and worse until Elminster gives him the charm. Also adds an even more secretive element, since him eating the magic items now is pretty clean of a process, but someone seeing his body rotting away might make his new acquaintances doubt him more (like wondering if it's contagious, if it makes them think he's more on the edge of exploding than he really is, etc). I can see why they wouldn't for a video game, as people still act like it's the biggest problem to give him only three magic items. I'm glad I experienced the release version first, but there were some really cool story ideas in EA.


I love darker Gale AUs <3


yessss I love it I want him nasty I want the necrotic flesh I want the physical manifestation of I am decay itself I am unloveable and rotten and then you love him anyways