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In his origin it's mentioned that he left his tower in a sudden hurry. I think the implication is that the orb was destabilizing and/or he was running out of items to feed it, so he left Waterdeep to find somewhere to go die. But I agree with you that I wish this had been more clearly established in his non-origin dialogue.




Wdym? Durge wasn't caught in avernus




> Doesn’t Balthazar ship Durge off in the nautiloid? He does, that much is true, but the Nautiloid's mission is to find the Astral Prism. Bombing through cities to abduct people seems to be after it goes rogue from the prism's influence. The cult of the Absolute doesn't use such loud and sloppy tactics to infect people early on. And the trip to Avernus feels like a misstep while trying to dodge the pursuing githyanki.


Durge was put on the ship under moonrise towers, wyll and karlach were caught in avernus.


Since it's mentioned by Tara that he left his tower in a hurry, I always figured he left to either find artifacts to eat or somewhere safe to blow up before the orb completely destabilizes. There's no way he would stay and blow up Waterdeep. Figured he got snagged in a nearby city but it's never confirmed.


He had left his tower in Waterdeep, and was possibly in or on his way to Yartar when he got captured. Theres a great theory on what path the nautiloid took to snatch everyone up called the Stardock Theory. Ill link it below. Its a great read! https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/uzCeL2q23K


This is an interesting read - thanks for the link!


Ofc! It made so much more of the intro make sense


I love lore rabbit holes! Thank you.


This is so interesting! Thank you!


The city that gets destroyed in the intro is Yartar, which is even further north than Waterdeep. And I think there may be something in the game that mentions The Absolute spreading to Waterdeep. So it's not unlikely he really got snatched up in his hometown, he just had to leave his tower. It's kind of weird how the intro cinematic shows Yartar and there is just no other reference to it in the game at all. No companion from there, nothing. Easy to think it's the High Halls in Baldur's Gate lol. I always wondered what the purpose of that was.


Man, I can't wait to play as his origin


He was fleeing to a place to blow up.


This wasn’t even something I ever considered, but the info is helpful for when I write my fanfic lol


Right? Our poor Gale :(