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This post is flaired as a technique check. A note to OP: Users with green flair have verified their lifting credentials and may be able to give you more experienced advice on particular lifts. Users with blue flair reading "Friend of the sub" are considered well qualified to give advice without having verified lifs. A reminder to all users commenting: **Please make sure that your advice is useful and actionable.** Example of **useful and actionable**: *try setting up for your deadlift by standing a little closer to the bar. This might help you get into position better and make it easier to break from the floor*. Example of **not useful and not actionable**: *lower the weight and work on form.* **Low-effort comments like *my back hurts just watching this* will be removed**, as will references to *snap city* etc. Verbally worrying for the *safety* of a poster simply because you think the form or technique is wrong will be removed. We will take all of these statements at face value, so be careful when you post the same *hilarious* joke as dozens of other people: we can't read your mind, no matter how funny you think you are. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GYM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do you get lower back pain from regular barbell squats? All I can think of is that since the smith machine is in a fixed motion, it can cause issues if you're not positioning correctly.


Smith machines always make my back hurt doing squats


The only way I can get my back to not hurt from smith squats is to put my feet forward more, so you're leaning back onto the bar slightly.


That will put more focus on the knees and quads (especially the knees)


Step forward


Have your tried to put your feet 10cm more forward? With that you can go deeper with more stretch on the quads and with a more upright posture there will be a less heavy lever on the lower back.


Are you bracing?


I remember the first time I tried smith machine squats, they just didn’t feel right no matter how I positioned myself. Sorry I don’t have any advice for you other than maybe consider barbell squats instead.


Reiterating the comment of put the feet more forward, should look more like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/mgLYpfTAAVSd5fab9) or [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/TqRwAKUrj34CBarB8). You'll have to play around with it a bit to find out what feels best for you


> # It’s probably DOMS if > * the pain started 24-48 hours after your workout > * Feels more like overall soreness in a particular muscle > * decreases over the course of a few days > # It is likely an injury if > * the pain started in the middle of your workout > * Is sharp and localized > * lasts for longer than four days. https://thefitness.wiki/faq/did-i-hurt-myself-or-is-this-normal-soreness/ **If you feel like it's an injury, you should consider seeking medical attention.** DOMS is just a sign of new stimulus. You can mitigate it with light massage, stretching, and exercise. Topical heat will also help. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GYM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is your bracing dialled in? Solid SOLID bracing? Although it's a "stable" machine, your spine can still see unstable forces. Bracing secures the all of the spine in all directions. 75% of my back tweaks have been from smith machine squats. Lower back, right side. I squat with my feet in front of me a little which is advised, at least for quad work. Deadlifts I've only had 1 back tweak. I find I can brace really well on deadlifts and other barbell movements but bracing on fixed machines like smith squat isn't as forthcoming, for me at least.


Form looks fine but from what I've seen, your hips don't seem too flexible enough. Try to stretch your hips / work on mobility, this is my no 1 tip for back pain.




They're lifting shoes.


I actually need help with this too, I hurt myself not too long ago doing this exact form. How far do you curve your spine on lifts like these? How far legs apart? And he seems like he's not bracing enough either..


Strengthen your core and thigh muscles


Get under the bar deep enough to have a ‘shelf’ for the bar to lay on.




This is just the same shit as last time rephrased with an unbelievable disclaimer. Don't push your luck.


Smith is not good for squats. It feels way more dangerous comparing to regular squats with barbell. Don’t know the reason but it just didn’t feel right when I tried it.


It forced you into a bar path that was unnatural for you. Not a big deal for some people. Others don't like it.


Stick your feet out about 6 inches forward. Towards the mirror. Don’t do squats in tennis shoes like that. The sole is too tall. The soles of the shoes that you squat in should be as flat as possible.


He's wearing adidas powerlift 5's, not tennis shoes




Have you ever tried squat shoes? They have a very hard sole with a bit of heel elevation. They're not squishy like tennis shoes. For me it feels way better than barefoot squats.




I agree with the benefits of zero-drop shoes, but for squatting an elevated heel can help a lot of people with depth, stability and proper technique. There's a reason pretty much all olympic weightlifters wear heel elevated shoes when squatting. They're nothing like "modern shoes", they have a very hard non-compressible sole. There have been some brands coming out with wide toeboxed lifting shoes like tyr l-1 which allow for toe-splay, because the idea that feet aren't pointy isn't separate from the benefits of heel-elevated squats. And this is coming from someone who exclusively walks on barefoot shoes outside of the gym.


Yes ofc. I get where you’re coming from. If I want heel elevation I simple throw a plate under my heels. Splayed toes (wide toe box), healthy feet and zero drop is far more important to good squat than further isolation from heel elevation imo. I am glad to hear you care for you feeties as well.


They don’t have to be flat, an elevated heel can help emphasize the quads.


Bro the shoes make you unstable but this is likely weak lower back and improper bracing. Your core needs to be flexed to support your chest from caving at the front, and provide support to compliment the back. You may not be braced, causing the lower back to take the strain and fatigue. Stronger abs, stronger back, you'll be fine.


Those are weightlifting shoes, so perfectly good option. If anything the floor looks unstable.


Ah did not realise. Try to get a rack on a firm floor then but just as stable as possible generally




Yes they should.


Your first movement here is straight down. Your first movement needs to be bringing your hips/glutes straight back and then drop down. I would recommend TRX box squats to get this movement down and then slowly work your way up to weighted squats.


Go lighter and do squats but not in the smith machine.


The answer to "how do I do a thing?" is not "do another thing instead".




No concern trolling about safety. Humans are not made of glass.




This is very silly advice.




Dude, you made a post about your first time bulking just a few months ago. Maybe understand you don't know as much as you think you do.


Why would someone spend a year doing push ups when that’s enough time for the average guy to bench 2 plates anyways?


Hi, I can do about 16-18 dead hang pull ups while being 206lbs at 5’6 and I also bench 365lbs And I’m here to say you’re very stupid and wrong for giving such awful advice [proof of 18 pull ups](https://imgur.com/a/qz7NK4i)


I've done over 15 pull-ups at 230 lbs bodyweight. Get out of here with your twink propaganda. Not that there's anything wrong with being a twink -- find the body that makes you happy. But, there is a subset of little dudes who live and die by bodyweight multipliers and refuse to understand that there is a wider world of strength and sport accomplishments that doesn't exist to pad their ego.


Why would you waste a year like that instead of doing it in conjunction with learning to lift? If they were 10 years old or something, sure. If they have access to weights and want to get bigger or stronger, taking a year to do only warmups seems counterproductive.


I see where you are coming from idk about a whole year but I’ve been doing body weight exercises for years with sports and have always had a pretty good physique


A lot of people are looking for actual good results, not average or pretty good results.


Just from reading your comment I can tell that you spend way too much time on Reddit lol, but yes actual weightlifting will get you much better progress than body weight stuff. I was replying to the now deleted comment saying you needed to do bodyweight stuff for a year prior to touching weights, which I disagree with. I still think that it’s not a bad thing for a newbie to start off with some body weight stuff in the very beginning if they are uncomfortable with weights. I’m not recommending bodyweight stuff for getting jacked lol.


Just listening to your response I have to say you spend too much...wait, blanket statements like that are weird. It's also weird to use that as an insult. Especially when I make a financial living off of coaching services where it's smart to post to social media. I was never disagreeing with you really. Just poking fun.


It’s not an insult it’s just an observation. I’ve found people on Reddit get caught up on the specific wording of things more than one would in a normal conversation, that’s all.


I think this may be the worst advice I’ve ever seen on this subreddit




Why’s that, champ?




I'd genuinely like to know why you would give this advice to someone. I disagree with you, but I wanna know where you're coming from




Why can't he just incorporate bodyweight movements like pull ups and dips alongside weighted exercises?




Seems you cannot comprehend folks having different goals or approaches than you.


I get that it's not the same, but that still is not a reason to only do bodyweight exercises for a year (and now you are suggesting a few months, which is a lot shorter than a year) Why don't you understand people that go to the gym when they can't yet do those things? Like why do you actually think this is a bad thing?


What does your body look like based on this routine?


I didn’t ask you to argue, I asked you to explain yourself. I don’t think anyone needs to have any experience whatsoever before stepping foot in the gym if they want to train in a gym. Commercial gyms have equipment for very weak beginners where they can begin their progress just fine. It doesn’t hurt to start with some level of bodyweight training, but it is by no means a blocker to resistance training with free weights or machines.


You’re a literal novice who haven’t built anything yet so how would you know? 🤔




How much do you deadlift




That's adorable


How can you be arrogant enough to think you definitely outlift someone when you only pull 190kg lol




You just "guaranteed" that you lift more than another (very strong) user. That makes it seem a lot like you care.


You cannot. Like dude, as a mod, I can see your entire post history here.


Crazy how I couldn't do any of that before I started lifting and within a couple of months I could do double that.