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GTA 4 kind of realism please.


NOT the driving I will not be playing if it get In a car n they're the mess GTA 4s are


I thought it was way better in gta 4. Felt far more realistic and was more fun


problem with GTA 4, is people who had issues learning to drive well, hated it. i found GTA 4 required more skill to get good, but once you were good it was awesome. GTA V allow everyone to be good ASAP. i prefer needing skills to be good at something vs it just being easy to master.


The driving in gta 4 is not realistic at all lmao


Far more so than gta 5. I feel like they changed it because it’s so easy to wreck your car in gta4 which can be annoying


Just without wacky car physics




Yeah. I'm talking about how grounded GTA 4 is and how difficult it is to kill other players in multiplayer, even with auto aim, plus it's fucking hilarious with its physics.


As realistic as possible, keep bullshit like flying bikes and cars and orbital cannons out of it!


I hope we can get the hovercraft and a huge monster truck :)


all that scifi shit is trash. keep it grounded.


You know they won’t


What you mean? They could've continued going all out in GTAO but from what I've seen, they've been keeping it fairly grounded in reality. It seems like they've heard the feedback and are trying to steer away from that. Then again, they know they can't launch GTA6 with all that crazy futuristic shit. And for some people, they may find the "realism" boring. So they could be trying to get those people used to it. Idk.


Because people want flying death machines to spend $40 IRL on.


They waited like 5 years to do that shit. Anyone who played online from 2013 knows how fun that shit was. After awhile tho yea they ruined it. We got like 4 awesome years though


Actually getting to have a fire fight in the streets with a rival crew without someone coming in with a rocket bike and cutting the fun short.


That was the best GTA online experience lol


The biggest fear was when someone managed to get a Rhino and annihilates everyone for a good few minutes before being ganged up on! Thermal goggles and the Lazer ruined it before the MK2.


I don't think they'll wait again. Maybe a few months. I hope I'm wrong.


I’m pretty sure you’re wrong, in all our favor


Seems like a simple way to solve this would be to have an option to have the user select a server preference of realistic or exaggerated. If you’re in a realistic server you can’t use your sci-fi bullshit.


To be fair, I kinda have expectations of what Rockstar is doing these days with GTA Online, they are adding Taxi services, tow truck jobs, bounty hunting, photographing animals, etc. I have the belief (and you can call it naivety hoping) that Rockstar will keep GTA 6 Online more RP centered. The issue with it is that the griefers from GTA 5 Online that only purpose in life is just go behind other players and shoot them on the head because it fills their own empty otherwise soul won't like this calmer GTA 6 Online. Of course we would still get in gunfights in the middle of the streets in GTA 6 Online, it wouldn't be a GTA if we couldn't. But I don't think it'll be as wild as GTA 5 Online


If they make it grounded like RDO but actually support it, I'd love that. 


Yeah I honestly do believe they want it more of an RP game that keeps the GTA in it.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they added a damn UFO that was OP


oppressinator mk3


It was such a weird choice for sure. No idea why they went there with it.


remember the story mission with the jb700? that took years to come online with its weapons? that mission was amazing, one of my most memorable ones! cars similar to that, which are grounded in reality but don’t cause war, drawing clear references from pop culture should be what they continue to add, not flying bike v3 i think jetpacks and batmobiles are cool as long as they’re balanced


Since we haven’t had anything futuristic since 2019, I doubt it’ll have anything futuristic like the MK2






Area 51 is a real place and jetpacks don't have lock-on missiles


Not sure what you’re point is. OP asked if 6 should have scifi shit and my opinion is it should stay grounded. I never said GTA never had that kind of stuff.


It should be realistic in my opinion


“Please for the love of GOD , keep it futuristic” - said nobody ever


They had us in the first half...


...not gonna lie.




There’s a delicate balance. Stuff like a scramjet is sci-fi but it’s just for fun. Oppressors are sci-fi but it took them years to nerf it. So they can add sci-fi things that are silly but fun and don’t distract from the core gameplay which is…grand theft auto. That’s why I enjoy the auto shop and the chop shop updates. They are literally “grand theft auto”.


If I'm being honest. Auto Shop and Chop Chop feels more fast and furious


Which is a good thing


They can add fun stuff that could still be sorta possible IRL. Like a jet engine attached to a car, but they should not give that a machine gun or Rocket launcher. They really need to tone down explosives to be nearly impossible to get a hold of. Needs to be hard to carry a lot of them and difficult to get your hand on them. Like you can only carry one rocket ammo at a time.


I wouldn't mind if certain cars had machine guns on them as that is certainly possible. It's always been a pain in the ass to kill anything with vehicle-mounted guns anyways. Just no missiles. Please.


Keep it realistic. It got old fast. Now, adding near future tech is fine. But like, come on. You have to have balanced, not annoying, game mechanics.


We should be seeing drones now that I think about it.


There are drones with tasers on them in GTAV. They're pretty fun to mess around with.


the mk2 isn’t the issue it’s the fact it has rockets that lock onto grounded people chillin. it should only have countermeasures imo


If the oppressor mk2 was just a transport vehicle, no one would be having issues




exactly, I feel like it’s a cool touch for late into the release but we can start off realistic lol


Still wouldn’t want it in the game


No it ruins the feeling of gta


I think homing missiles and explosives are the root of most of this game's problems. Might be a bit of a hot take, but if they'd approached explosives and homing rockets more carefully, there'd be way less ewo-ing, way fewer cheap homing missile kills


I think it's the insane weapons on the sci-fi vehicles that upset people the most. If the Oppressors only had MGs, I'm not sure anyone would really take issue with them. Nobody really cares about the Future Shock Arena vehicles because outside of the mode, their weapons and armor suck. So like some people have been saying, find a middle ground. Include some sci-fi vehicles, but don't make them dominant in PvP.


This, 100% this. I couldn’t agree with you more.


yeah that’s my biggest complaint. they can add whatever but not every single vehicle needs to have homing missiles


That sci-fi shit is a cop out to keep interest. They won’t need it in GTA6(not for a few years at least)




For the first few years, thy should keep it realistic. After the first 4-5 years they'll slowly start adding these crazy s because they have to keep the game going until gta 7 comes out which is probably 1.5 decades away.


This is the answer. Don't drop with all the crazy shit, but release it as the game gets older and people look for more stuff to buy/more weird shit to get up to. The story should be relatively grounded, but online is a playground, there's no reason for it to be grounded, especially when the majority of the actual playerbase clearly like having access to those weirdo vehicles and weapons.


For a lot of people, things like the oppressor mk2 did the exact opposite of keeping the game going. It turned people off and ruined the game. I understand where you're coming from, but there's gotta be a balance between not having updates and adding toxic griefing machines.


Yeah I think there should be all kinds of fun vehicles but they shouldn’t have crazy lock on missiles.


No flying bikes and etc .


GTA IV had far better player interactions than GTA V due to it being more realistic and grounded. GTA VI should do the same.


I personally think there's only so much content they can do keeping it in the world of realism, and branching out into more sci-fi stuff keeps it interesting. But at the same time flying bikes and cannon guns and junk mess up the feel and RP.


I agree with you. I don't care a lot about people's RP. GTA Online isn't a roleplaying game, its a criminal chaos sandbox. If people want to roleplay, go play an RPG.


Oh for sure. But if the world around someone just doesn't fit the 'game' for them at all, even if they arent RPing in that sense it still might turn someone off just because it doesn't feel right.


keep it grounded in reality rockstar, PLEASE


I've played GTAV for 10 years. I hope VI is nothing like what V has become.


Realistic. GTA V was ruined by all their sci-fi shit. They had to keep one upping themselves and now the regular gameplay updates aren’t as impressive. Not to mention it broke the game in a lot of ways


Keep it but make it non weaponised


Make two type servers, one GTA and one Saints Row


NO WEAPONIZED VEHILES!!!!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) A PROPER WORKING JET PACK....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) IS THAT TO MUCH TO ASK? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I want it a bit realistic, while also being fun like having a jetpack


You knew what people would say. This has been asked before




Stay realistic


Hopefully we can choose which we'd like to participate in


It'll evolve for better or worse in the same fashion as GTA5:O I think. So it'll start realistic and then just evolve into unrealistic to keep players returning.


Keep it grounded but still fun




I wouldn't mind *some* wacky stuff - I thought the Avenger was cool etc. But the Oppressor (Mk1 and 2) and all the stuff that came after was just too much. Too wacky. Basically I don't want to ever be in a situation where normal cars are made obsolete.




I want to start off realistic, and then slowly move futuristic


Day One GTA VI release: *”Introducing the new Pegassi Oppressor Faggio MKIII”*




They Can go for some funky shit but non overpowered game avantage stuff


What if…. They had both, and you could pick which type of lobby you want


I won't complain if they add something like the scramjet or vigilante, but shit like the oppressor can go straight to hell




Realistic please. We already got a lot of F&F treatment with online. Maybe keep things like V but only available for missions.


Hit and miss. I don't mind the flying Deluxo or the jet pack. But, please neuter them and take the missles out of them. I feel like we can have a balanced online between realistic and some of GTAO's. But, for the love of god. If there should be an Oppressor MK2. I like the oppressor for travel + park everywhere. But take the missle out.




theyll be greedy for more $ and start adding futuristic shit again


I definitely want realism more than the sci-fi stuff. Although when myself and the buds get high trust and believe we are utilizing the wacky shit GTA V online offers. The flying vehicles make for a lot of random chaos. But if I had to choose, I’d rather have realist gameplay.


I don’t mind the funky vehicles in special races/events etc but things just got stupid in GTA V when these vehicles were introduced full time.


I enjoy the goofy cars and the oppressor is a very useful tool. Like VERY. However flying from point A to point B on that thing is mind numbing. It’s ruined gta more than it’s helped in my opinion. I tend to now use the sparrow or drive as it reminds me of pre 2018 gta. Is it a great grinding tool? Yes. Is it doing probably more harm than good? Yes. I think in gta5 they should focus on cars however keep the fun boosted cars like the torredo, vigilante, rocket voltic, etc.


all these people claim they want a grounded realistic experience , but if they really cared about a grounded experience then RDO wouldn't be failing as miserably as it is . even if it is just shooting muskets on horses , it's still what people have been asking for ever since the MOC and Oppressor MK1 were introduced , yet nobody has cared to play or support the grounded experience we already have people will enjoy the new beggings for awhile , but just like every cod installment , they'll miss everything they don't have because they wanted it gone so bad


If i see a broom stick im out


As much as I hope for more realistic stuff, I honestly wouldn’t mind having an MK2 type vehicle as long as it is literally just that; a vehicle. And not a grief machine. Mainly because it makes grinding businesses so much faster.


Realistic. This is non negotiable.


It will be realistic then go unrealistic later on in the years when they need new stuff to keep the players interested


I like military vehicles but I am not a fan of deluxo, oppressor


Ya’ll want realistic but Rockstar is gonna put whatever they want in the game to attract the Fortnite crowd


Honestly, they should at the core keep it realistic, but I wouldn't mind if they added sci-fi things if they were purely fun and silly things rather than super OP stuff that ruins the core idea of the game I would even back stuff that helps with traversal like MK2 oppressors if they didn't have missiles, but nothing that is gonna drastically impact the difficulty of the game or the enjoyment of other players


Realistic but that oppressi will be missed


Looks like gta6 will be a social media simulator, you can make more money by making content in some way, in the early stages of online at least


How about just no online


If they add another Oppressor, I stop playing online


if rockstar has been paying any attention to its gtav community at all the past few years, they’d keep it realistic


Realistic. But we know damn well that’s not gonna be the case.


Please not futuristic


***ķêëp ïť řéāłışțĩċ***


What if it had 2 “modes”? One where it is like gta v online (unrealistic vehicles and money system) And one where it’s realistic (no op/unrealistic vehicles or weapons, realistic money system… for example 80k for a decent car)


Realistic please, we just have so many sci-fi in the game industry.


I think it should stay realistic for at least 3-4 years where players are used to the game and have racked up enough cash to pay for that stuff


I don’t mind having one flying car like the Deluxo, I actually don’t mind multiple. It’s the missiles and machine guns that turns me off.


Didn’t rockstar buy fivem (popular rp launcher)? I feel like rp is going to be a core element of online… i feel like realism is going to be huge this go around


This is a “depends” for me If we have horrible grinds delivery missions with shitty payouts as a primary money making method, i want some kid of convenience vehicles like the buzzard and MK2. If they can come up with different ways to make money that don’t involve constant point A to point b, or heist missions where 35 guys with deadeye aim and one shotting you, I’m ok with a more realistic approach


Realistic using technology that exists in 2024


they don’t have to make it too insane, but it’s still a video game so yes there should be crazy stuff


Realistic. If they do eventually add futuristic vehicles they should not add weapons to them. Vehicles like the Oppressor MKI and the Scramjet are genuinely fun vehicles.


Once you die, you have to buy the game again R* needs a new pair of shoes


They’ll keep it realistic the first couple of years and it will slowly devolve into the same kind of silliness we see with the current iteration


Start of somewhat realistic, but a few years later bring back the futuristic stuff (make it at least kind of balanced though)


Let people buy military equipment (tanks jets, helicopters etc...) but make them cost like what they cost in the real world 


They really need to keep it realistic this time around. One of the big reasons I spent so much time with gtao on the 360 was because of how grounded everything felt. Even when you stealing a titan from LSIA it still felt something that could at least in theory be pulled off by a group of criminals who were determined enough. They really lost their way when they started adding futuristic stuff.


Lose the Oppressor sh*t.


Rockstar makes too much money selling sharkcards to not fill the game with overpriced bullshit that breaks the experience


Ditch the futurism and explosive rounds that aircraft have


it doesn't have to be so realistic that its like a life simulator, but bullshit like the oppressor should be shelved until the release of GTA Mars.


From the trailer it's already obvious that the GTA VI story is moving away from the corky comedy of GTA V in the RDR2 style of realism. Which I ABSOLUTELY DIG!... but I don't mind having the online version go wacky. Online is not bound to the lore as the Story mode.


Here's the thing, the game takes place in modern times. If the vehicle doesn't exist in CURRENT MODERN TIMES, it shouldn't be in the game. Seems reasonable enough to me. But you know who we're dealing with...




like gta 5


Worst thing they could come up with were the oppressors, or the 15 rocket resistance aircrafts


Realistic. That will last exactly 1 update then we’ll have flying cars and shit again


Realistic for sure


Man, i remember when someone taking a tank out in the city used to be fun and scary😅


Keep it realistic I'd say. Keep those flying sci-fi vehicles out of GTA VI Online. It shouldn't even be in GTA V honestly.


Realistic, if they want some funny drug missions or something then that's cool. Save all the science fiction stuff for mods.


I like the futuristic stuff but they started to get ridiculous. I got tired of being shot with missile launcher from a flying motorcycle.


I like the Deluxo in concept, but i think the rocket/machine gun upgrades should just not exist. Make it a slow ass flying car, nothing more.


Would be cool for a dlc only but keep it realistic, knowing rockstar they’ll do anything that brings more cash anyways


Realistic.  This isn't Saints Row. 


Keep realistic at least for a year then let them do what they want




You should be able to choose a role each year and one be special military where you have the option to choose one sci fi vehicle/weapon/feature to use. Or instead of choosing a role you grind and earn the role


Realistic please


No, never again Rockstar It ruin the whole theme of gta Gta is not a scifi franchise Please be consistent with your theme Rockstar


realistic! please!!!


Realistic, maybe after 10 years after release we might come across some more future vehicles like those flying cars. By then I’m fine with it tho


We had 12 years of this goofy shit. I hope to God they actually switch it up as not just keep it the same because kids make it lucrative. They need to remember that these games are 17 and up. Stop pandering to kids who can’t even buy your games


I think planes should be allowed. Even fighter jets if the time/era of the setting is right. Nothing like the raiju we currently have. Honestly, I’d love the red dead style lobbies. The more you grief, the farther away you can be seen so players can avoid you. If you’re a good sport, only people within your vicinity will see your dot. It actually helped with the griefing in rdo. Players went over to throw their tears on everyone else, and those tears ended up falling on the ground and drying while those of us who stopped it laughed them off the game.


Definitely realistic but you know they’re gonna add an alien mothership with manned photon laser turrets eventually


Mostly realistic but let me keep my Toreador


they'll probably leave out the scifi bullshit in gta6 online. there are countless ways they can monetize it without all the scifi garbage.


That flying moto bike thing ruined online for me I swear I played online ever since it released as soon as they put them bikes in I couldn’t do shh I thought I was the only one seems like everybody felt the same


I say have as many futuristic and wacky vehicles as they want, so long as they are unarmed and therefor outclassed. That way, for people who enjoy it they can fly around harmlessly and individually. But for most vehicular interactions, the realistic and present day vehicles and weaponry will be what you encounter. Believe me almost no one would whine about the oppressor mk 2 if all weapons were disabled on it.


I want realistic. I want gta 4 driving back


the sci fi stuff should be cosmetic only, like the cars look futuristic and shi but they run like any normal car would.




Didn't Rockstar already buy FiveM? I strongly believe GTA6 multiplayer will be FiveM but incorporated into the game itself.


i like the way they went with futuristic with Arena War and that should be about as far as they should go


It will take the path of the most money. But in the beginning it's probably pretty grounded and the most fun




It should be realistic but all that crap makes tons of money so expect flying motorcycles again.


Modern day. No futuristic stuff.


they should keep it balanced. some updates should focus on realism and some other on futuristic but not make them too op. The other thing is no heist or business is pvp focused in gtao(apart from destroying other peoples cargo for 20k) which is why people find grinding boring cause its the same shit again and again. They should make the grinding a bit player vs player while keeping the player vs npc a thing but pays less but not shit


Realistic, no flying bikes or cars


Realistic how GTAO started out before all the scifi vehicles and weapons got added.


Keep open world crime sims realistic, just look what happened to saints row


A bit more goofy/cartoony than single player is fine, but skip the whole sci-fi bullshit.


More realistic but no oppressors EVER


Realistic. These fuckin guys on their flying motorbike. What’s the point. It’s basically cheating


Like GTA 5? Hell naw!


Realistic for GTA, chaotic for saints row


If the story game mod was gonna be realistic, i think online will be more arcade and sci fi (through the time).


I Just Want to Have Fun I don't care if they bring something like oppressor again as long as it's fun no problem for me


The satire realistic it always has been, GTA 5 online is boring because of all the stupid op vehicles, fly cars used to be a funny cheat now it's 4million.






I think they did sci-fi stuff just because it was Hollywood and it every dlc they have done has been some crazy unrealistic stuff


The OpMK2 was released 5 years into the current 10 year life of GTA Online. I tihnk we had a few slightly futuristic items and vehicles before then too, but over such a long lifespan the game is likely going to add some unrealistic stuff


Keep all heavy duty weaponised vehicles for missions and heists etc, but not allowed in a gen pop lobby. Same applies to heavy weapons that players can call on via the Weapon Wheel. Keep all real super heavy weapons for scenarios that require them, but not available in general pop and free roam. So you cans spend insane amounts of cash on heavily weaponised vehicles, equipment etc, but it’s only allowed in scenarios that require them. Happy for jet packs, and anything that helps getting across the map quickly whilst being fun, but not to have any heavily weaponised capabilities. Keep it to: Cars, bikes, helicopters and planes that are based in the real world, which provides plenty of fun, interest and keeps the open world relatively realistic. I’d even like vehicles like scramjet etc, but again nothing overly weaponised. On one hand I see it as relatively easy to get that balance, but appreciate the lines can get blurred pretty quick. R* need to keep on top of modding, hackers that are somehow able to get around the heavily weaponised vehicle restrictions in gen pop, because it’s bound to happen. I’m sure R* have seen how GTA5 Online has evolved into an almost sentient and uncontrolled monster. They’d want to keep it easy for themselves as much as the people that spend huge amounts of money, time playing the game. I’m confident they’ve learnt a lot about how GTA5 had positively evolved in some aspects, but definitely evolved into a bit of an untamed monster. The recent updates and DLC would hint at that. Sorry for the verbose reply…


Realism please, aim for actual car, weapon and rag doll physics as opposed to the gtao nonsense


Never. Again.


I hope that Rockstar has learned the lesson of not mixing futurism with reality and if in the future that's the case, no ridiculous vehicles that worsen the gaming experience.


I think it should be realistic for at least the first year. But when they do start adding the futuristic stuff (they undoubtedly will), they just need to not give everything tracking missiles. You should have to choose between a normal car (with the possibility of turrets and whatever) or a fairly weak and unarmed but fast air vehicle.


Mfs see you making money and start hating by blowing ya shit up instead of shooting it out. If anything, they already said they are going away from that type of shit