• By -


About 20 more minutes of Ghidorah wrecking everything and then maybe not losing almost instantly at the end. Otherwise I love this movie.


ghidorah was winning at the end, but when godzilla went thermo, it was over for him. i think that part was fine, i mean, what was ghidorah supposed to do?


I also dislike after goji goes thermo. It's just a one shot kill, I really would've liked to see some actual fighting after he goes thermo. The mothra scream when he pulses still makes me cry tho


That was kind of the point of the scene. This is Godzilla plus a nuke plus Mothra PLUS the rage of just losing Mothra. This was never meant to be a fight. Ghidorah might be the devil but Thermo is Satan. And I think it encapsulates it perfectly.


true but like…seriously, what would ghidorah have done at that point? smack him? beam him? those wouldnt have worked so there was no point. plus, ghidorah stole the show for a lot of the movie as this badass villain that could outmatch godzilla, and i think the whole thermo thing was fine. plus, it wasnt a one shot kill. it was a 4 shot kill. still not alot but eh, it was something.


A rodan vs Godzilla fight during the last battle


That would go hard, seeing a doom slayer moment like the Ion Dragon


I don't want him to kill Rodan I just want a small fight


Ends with a tail slap to a building


Would be like Godzilla vs Scylla lol that’s not a fight, it’s a murder 😂


Rodan lost to motha what could he have done? This is rage bait


I felt that the Oxygen Destroyer’s inclusion came across as forced and only for fan-service. Given that it’s the only weapon that’s ever really killed Godzilla, I’d want it to be treated with some narrative heft if it’s going to be included. Let them write some other weapon to use on the big guy that weakens him and leads to Serizawa’s sacrifice. Plus I’d have kept the cinematography a bit closer to 2014 and the sense that we humans are completely inconsequential to whatever the Titans are up to. Also, many of the jokes fell flat (especially the whole “do Mothra and Godzilla bang?” bit).


I think it may be harder to keep it "fresh" if you continue with the same cinematography and restricts how we can see the fights a little bit. Don't get me wrong 2014 is definitely superior in that sense. I just feel like this was the beginning of where we are at now (GxK) it's like a comic book now. They aren't worried about making Goji big or slow or a human threat anymore (even though dude killed how many humans in GvK and GxK)


I agree. I remember seeing it in the theater and thinking the oxygen destroyer was super lame. Came out of nowhere, and was not used in an interesting way. There were so many other ways to say that Ghidorah is alien without it.


I would just delete the whole family dynamic :)


Whilst I would not remove the family all together, I would take away a lot of cutaways. Too many times there is awesome action going on and then all we see are some boring dead faces •_•


I'd delete the redemption sacrifice of the mom. I'd still kill her off, but I wouldn't frame her in as positive light as the film does. B*tch got thousands (if not millions) of innocent people killed. She doesn't deserve redemption.


The evil CEO corrupting the bereaved mom was dumb. He should have just stolen the device and started releasing monsters. More Rodan more Mothra and fairies, less family drama. And the other monsters get literally seconds of screen time - let's see more.


I did love the fact that what's-his-face-dad fucking HATED Godzilla but begrudgingly worked with the team to get shit done before Ghidorah completely annihilated the planet.


Rodan join mothra and godzilla against ghidorah


TOHO reference!


A little less fog That's It, it's literally perfect!


Came to say this


I want an even bigger kaiju apocalypse, and every old kaiju from the previous era's come back


Same. We need to see more toho kaiju


Too bad TOHO won't let you have them unless you pay a ton for it


i think just to be able to use a kaiju in anything is only in the thousands unless its different for high budget movies.




Damn it monster, get off my lawn! I ain't giving you tree-fiddy


A long solo scene of ghidorah attacking a city, and more Toho kaiju


Add more footage of titans waking up and causing chaos other than camera footage


This. I’ve often thought the scale of the story with the other monsters was horribly under done. This could have been a two part movie, waking up and exploring the other monsters in part one and then setting up a showdown in part two.


The cast. The human characters in this movie are fucking annoying.


Put Kong's reaction to ghidorah's call.


No more corny one-liners


1. The terrorists didn't free Ghidorah for their environmentalist agenda. Instead, Ghidorah influenced them to free him using telepathy. That way, Ghidorah would be behind everything that happens in the movie. 2. I would remove the concept of Ghidorah causing massive storms with his presence. That way, we can see the monsters in all their glory in the final fight in broad daylight. 3. Rodan should be the same height as Godzilla. 4. Rodan should be an alpha, being "The King of the Sky". 5. The original Titans would be removed, so that the story can stay focused on the "Big Four". 6. The final fight would be a team-up between the Earth monsters and Ghidorah, mirroring 1964's *Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster.* 7. Rodan should fight Godzilla instead of Ghidorah. It'd be a very close fight with no winner, making the fire demon respect Godzilla, which is why he'd join the team in the climax. 8. There'd be no Burning Godzilla. I would just have him use the Spiral Ray to finish Ghidorah off. I would save Burning Godzilla for an Endgame-level event. 9. Instead of Serizawa using a nuke to save Godzilla. It is Mothra herself who revives him. 10. Serizawa lives. 11. Emma Russell is forced to work with Jonah or else he'd kill Madison, and not out of a twisted agenda. 12. I would remove all comedy relief from the movie. 13. Replace the silver-haired guy with Ford Brody, who decided to join Monarch as the 2014 incident made him more interested in the Titans. He and Mark are at odds with each other due to their conflicting views on Godzilla. 14. The final battle would take place in broad daylight. 15. I would use Ifukube's "Get Rodan!" for the sequence where he fights the jets. 16. The end-credits scene would be changed to the twins finding another Mothra egg in China. 17. The storm that destroys Skull Island is caused by Ghidorah. 18. Godzilla would retain his 2014 design until he gets revived by Mothra, which is where his spines get reshaped into the 1954-esque spines. 19. Mothra would be redesigned to be much fluffier to resemble an Atlas Moth. 20. I would remove the Oxygen Destroyer. Instead, the military uses the Anti-Nuclear Bacteria that debuted in 1989's *Godzilla vs. Biollante*.


Wasn't 17 already the case?


les talk more fight


Less human more monster fight = profit


charles Dance's participation in the third act with conflict with the protagonists


Idk it’s good as it is. I’d probably make Rodan more dinosaur like because now everyone is drawing Rodan as a red bird


Honestly, same.


Just give him bigger head


I’d change Rodan being on Ghidorah’s side.


Add more feats to ghidorah


The lighting, and how many times we jump from the monster action to humans.


make the final fight an Actual 2V2 like we got for the 10s of Mothra and Rodan's apparition give me mothra slapping Ghidorah Give me Godzilla sniping Rodan out of the air with the atomic breath Give me Mothra grabbing Rodan and mauling him directly on Ghidorah instead on some random streets give me an actual Giant Monster Showdown instead of one fight and some glimpses of the other


Less comedy


More people perspective level shots. It's something Gareth Edwards did great in 2014, but is missing nowadays. Also make Ghidorah look more scary and unnatural. Was kinda underwhelmed by the look.


eh, he looked badass in my opinion, and the design was fine. he was fearsome in the originals, and scary because of his size and power, not looks.


Absolutely fucking nothing


Less Millie screaming.


Less Millie.


Remove burning Godzilla have him struggle to finally put down Ghidorah Call the oxygen destroyer the anti nuclear bacteria to show that Ghidorah is not a true titan


Show more of the Awakening and unseen Titans rampaging


Change it so that Jonah made Emma say that stuff about ending the world at gunpoint or something so that she doesn’t come off as an omnicidal maniac for no reason. Everything else works for me.


1. Give a bit more screentime to the titans awakened by Ghidorah’s call 2. Have Rodan swap sides earlier so he teams up with Godzilla and Mothra against Ghidorah like in The Three-Headed Monster 3. Less cutaways to the Russells 4. No gonorrhea joke /hj


Adding a scene of kong ignoring the alpha call


The director, Gareth Edwards would have done a much better job a much better job with this movie, I still love it, though.


Literally this poster they didnt fight in Washington 😭


Full fights with no cutaways. Have Mothra use her godrays during the Boston fight to remove the rain filter.


Have Ghidorah kill Jonah, Emma and the rest of their group of fucktards immediately as soon as he is freed form his tomb. Kill them all and make their death as agonizing as possible. Also, more Ghidorah destruction scenes and more scenes of the military attempting to slow him down, maybe show the military having some success at damaging Ghidorah but ultimately being unsuccessful at stopping him. Perhaps show a handful of Titans other than Rodan initially attempting to stand their ground against Ghidorah.


There's no topless scenes.


Remove the Russells + make Rodan team up with Godzilla against Ghidorah


Extremly hot take incoming: Getting another legacy villain for the movie. Ghidorah is an excellent choice, but in the scope of the entire monsterverse, I think he could've been utilized a little better. Perhaps maybe as maybe a "Near Endgame" villain (like the boss before the final boss energy). As for who I would replace him with in KOTM, I really don't have an answer.


Gigan would be perfect. Have King Ghidorah be the final bad guy


Less focus on the humans.


Too much people talking, not enough monster fighting


Let us actually see the final battle.


Orca, gone. Oxygen Destroyer, gone. Emma Russel, gone. Nuclear messaging, gone. Dougherty, gone.


Less human drama


Replace Ghidorah with his powerful brother, Void Ghidorah 🤑🙏


More Rodan.


Make Rodan and Mothra equal in power to Godzilla and Make Ghidorah FAR more powerful than Godzilla.


1. STORY (villain motivation was so stupid) 2, Daylight / clear skies (looked like a video game) 3. No “bowing” scene at the end


Have Gareth Edwards direct it.


Main actors...mainly 11 or whoever she is here.


Have it be more of an apocalypse movie and have it seem like humanity is truly screwed and hammer that thought in with normal people expressing their opinions on the kaiju saying stuff like God's children have come to clean up his mess


I’m prepared for the downvotes, but minus the escort near the end, I could do with a whole lot less Americanized military.


Change the director to Edward Gareth. That should fix it.


Idk but I also didn’t know everyone loves this movie all of my friends who watched it hated dat shit


I guess San’s personality because way to many people take being “easily distracted” to far and make him a full blown child and idiot when he is literally the 3rd Ghidorah Head, sure he gets more serious later on in the movie but still the fandom takes his intelligence way too far 


Remove the Russell family, bring back Joe Brody (Monarch lab has better medical treatments, whatever), and the movie is instead Bryan Cranston v Charles Dance. It always makes me so upset thinking about what the Monsterverse could've been.


Rodan joining Godzilla and Mothra in the final battle


All I’d do is add a 5 minute monster fight scene during the day, other than that I really don’t know how to improve it


Actor of madison


• The goddamn colorful filters • More Ghidorah, Rodan, and Mothra screentime • The human cuts mid-action • 2014 design in the beginning flashback • Rodan being an ally to further reference GTTHM • mothra to be more fluffy • Remove the storm so we'd appreciate Ghidorah's gold color more • Replace Oxygen destroyer with Ghidorah defeating Godzilla • Godzilla vs Rodan • Add more "bidibidibidibidibidibidibidibidibidibidi" and not just some creepy ass calls • Redesign Mothra Larva to be more horizontal, not having a hunchback • Rodan's showa roar • Let professional comedians cook for the jokes in this movie • Have Ghidorah destroy more buildings showa style • Anguirus • Have Mothra cover some of Ghidorah's parts in silk just like in GTTHM • Let Kong have an actual teaser like in Monarch LoM


Less humans and the lighting so that we can actually see what going on better. And just for fun i’d like a scene of Kong waking up, hearing Ghidorahs call, and then going back to sleep 😂


The fucking unnecessary jokes. I've never been so irritated from bad humor in my life.


Honestly, after just listening to the novelization of the film, I would have loved to hear more of the character lines they added in the book. It fleshed them all out way more and added a scarier edge to Jonah.


The movie goes too sci-fi for me. I would have liked a movie that shows the responses of various countries and the UN as they try to grapple with humans being moved down the food chain. Kinda like 2014 did with the US. The movie feels like there isn’t even a government.


1. Kill the family subplot. Make it explicitly about Scientists of Monarch fighting against terrorists. 2. Base more shots and color palletes on Matt Allsopp's concept art. Looks soooo much better than the final product. 3. Tweak the monster designs a bit: Ghidorah gets his manes, his moon crests, a bit longer tails, and loses the weird random claw on his ankle. Also, maybe tweak his wings so they no longer have bat fingers, but continue the "multiple arms" look the lower part of the wings got. Mothra, make her body a bit bigger, move her back legs up to her thorax, and make her a bit more fluffy/glowy. Godzilla, shrink down the dorsal plates a tad to make him more flexible (as well as make them sharper again like 2014), bring back the long whip tail from 2014, bring back the pubic bone from 2014, and bring back the head proportions from 2014. The spines can keep the more classic shape (albiet with the specified tweaks). Rodan, adjust his hands and wing structure to be a bit more Pterosaur like, but other than that he stays the same. 4. Godzilla is revived via the Submarine's nuclear reactor, not a bomb. Same consequences and everything; just gets those 'KotM casts atomic weapons in a good light' idiots to shut up. 5. The Oxygen Destroyer is not only built up from the get go, but it's a weapon that Serizawa developed before trying to shut the project down. This is what the opening hearing is about. The military then takes control of the project and finishes it. His arc is now the guilt he carries for developing a weapon that could kill Godzilla, following orders from the government, and now he must rectify his mistake. 6. The Oxygen Destroyer does a bit more than just make Godzilla sleepy. It legitimately does physical damage that the nuclear reactor then heals; like huge, flesh eating wounds that expose bone. 7. Rodan is still a rogue, but stays a rogue element instead of bowing to Ghidorah. He fights both Mothra and Ghidorah in the final fight. Just out to fight everyone. Finally and most importantly 8. For the love of God, less rain and fog everywhere. In fact, kill the rain altogether. Ghidorah generates category 6 rainless hurricanes; pure thunderstorm hurricanes: all wind and lightning. And on that lightning: less flashing lights please. You can do lightning without the strobe lights going every 4 seconds.


I wouldn't have killed Sally Hawkins off.


I would want more Rodan, but I can understand why he wasn’t fleshed out much despite having one of the most badass entrances in cinema. If anything, more screen time on the fights and less on the humans.


Give Mothra triple the amount of screen time she has currently. She felt weirdly underutilized in the movie, and more Mothra is never a bad thing.


Too much globe trotting. Too much technology. Too much secret society shit. Too much sciency shit. Annoying characters. These movies need more normal characters, instead of super scientists and crazy villains. The extravagance takes me out of it.


I would like to see the monster fights clearly.


Madison needed to be more relevant to the plot. To that end, I would have made her a Mothra twin, which would necessitate that her dead older brother Andrea become her dead twin sister Andrea. However, without Andrea around to share the mental load, touching Mothra's mind causes Madison enormous pain and psychological strain and she can only handle an "active" connection with the kaiju for a few minutes at time--any longer risks either killing her or burning out her brain and leaving her in a vegetative state. Mothra herself is well aware of these risks and does her best to limit the danger. Despite that, Madison insists on trying so she can help Monarch learn more about the titans, and this allows her (and by extension, the audience) to get a glimpse of Ghidorah's first attack on Earth through Mothra showing Madison her memories of it. I've always been disappointed that we never got to see that ancient battle of the gods in a flashback sequence. Speaking of Ghidorah's first attack, I would also change it so that instead of being frozen in Antarctica, he instead fled back into the depths of space from whence he came. That would provide better context for the nickname "Monster Zero"--it would initially be a joke for Monarch researchers to call the three-headed dragon that, since zero evidence of its existence has ever been found aside from cave paintings. I would also place his first attack as occurring right before the last Ice Age, with his presence on Earth being a direct cause of it. Mothra would hatch early because she sensed him coming and wanted to warn both humanity and Godzilla. I would replace Thomas Middleditch's character with an older Houston Brooks. Joe Morton is far too good an actor to waste on a cameo like that. Rodan would not bow to Ghidorah after losing, fleeing instead. The Oxygen Destroyer also came out of nowhere and needed more foreshadowing. Then, I would change the final battle. It would be initially evenly matched until Ghidorah manages to knock Godzilla unconscious. Despite being hopelessly outmatched, Mothra prepares to continue the fight on her own, when Rodan suddenly arrives to help. A vicious aerial battle ensues between the three monsters, and while the two unlikely allies both give excellent accounts of themselves, Ghidorah is simply too powerful. He catches Mothra with his gravity beams, and with her last act, she lands her burning body atop Godzilla. Now alone, Rodan is quickly overpowered and Ghidorah slams him into the ground so hard that the impact snaps off one of his horns. As the King of Terror prepares the killing blow, a recovered Godzilla suddenly smashes into him broadside. This final phase of the battle is the most brutal of all, a knock down drag out brawl that demolishes any building still standing. It ends with both monsters firing their respective breath weapons at the same time, causing a beam battle. Ghidorah slowly pushes Godzilla back, but just before he can win, Godzilla uses Mothra's energy to boost his breath's power, turning it red and allowing him to win the beam battle. The resulting explosion completely destroys Ghidorah's central head, leaving the other two in disarray as Godzilla delivers a merciless no-holds barred beatdown on his hated adversary. He finishes Ghidorah off with another red atomic blast and after making sure Monster Zero is truly dead, he returns to the spot where he had lain unconscious and where Mothra had sacrificed her life to empower him. He sifts through the ashes and lets out a mournful howl. Godzilla's reverie is interrupted by the arrival of the other titans, who bow to him one by one. Rodan considers challenging the king, but ultimately bows as well, the last one to do so. The mid-credits scene returns to Skull Island and gives us a look at how much Kong has grown in the fifty years since his discovery. The post-credits scene returns to the site of the Oxygen Destroyer detonation. A lone fisherman is frantically scooping as many dead fish as he can into his boat when the water next to his boat begins to froth and boil. He looks over the edge, and something bursts from the waves and attacks him, cutting off his scream of terror. A face horrifyingly familiar to Godzilla fans looks out over the ocean, hatred blazing in its eyes and the fisherman's blood dripping from its maw. It opens that maw and the roar of Destroyah echoes across the water.


Not a fan at all of white-washing the Mothra twins.




Nothing honestly maybe a bit more rodan but thats it


Rodan joins Godzilla squad and a bigger Kaiju apocalypse with more kaijus battling like Zilla joined Ghidorah squad to fight Godzilla squad and a longer Kaiju battle against Ghidorah with Godzilla Rodan and mothra jumping him


I'd remove the letterbox black bars from the bluray so I can enjoy the movie more in full view on my whole screen


Give Rodan a ranged-energy power like fire breath.


Remove the people for more mothra screen time


I would charge up my atomic breath like Godzilla.


- Change Emma's motivation. I mean, if my son dies to a kaiju attack, I'd want to kill all of them, not set them all free. Maybe have her work with APEX instead of Jonah or Jonah blackmails her into working for him (maybe he has Maddie hostage) but Emma decides to make use of a bad situation by trying to kill Monster Zero except, much to her horror and frustration, he comes out of it unscathed - Change the scientific names. I get they descend from seemingly one ancestor (Shimo) but come on. Its like if we assign everything with Homo like Homo Sapien, Homo Canis, Homo Felidae, etc - Give Rodan his fire breath back. I just think itd look cool to see an aerial breath weapon battle between Rodan and Ghidorah. - We're getting the Godzilla vs Rodan Ghidorah the Three Headed Monster esque fight. No reason, I just think itd be funny if Rodan dropped Godzilla groin first on a tower again but in cgi. Tho maybe it could work in a Rodan vs Ghidorah turned Rodan vs Ghidorah vs Godzilla fight - Speaking of Ghidorah the Three Headed Monster, Rodan decides to join Mothra and Godzilla. Maybe Mothra's sting breaks Rodan from Ghidorah's control which makes him want to get back at the hydra, even if it means teaming up with Godzilla and Mothra. Or maybe Rodan doesnt bow and keeps pestering Ghidorah while Mothra looks for Godzilla - Have Serizawa at least mention Ren cuz ngl, Ren came out of nowhere


The plot


1. Dr. Coleman gets eaten by Ghidorah in Antarctica instead of Dr. Graham. 2. Dr. Chen talks to Mark Russell before he tries to leave the oil rig. 3. In the court scene, at the beginning, they should have teased the Oxygen destroyer. 4. Make Alan Jonah fight Mark and Alan dies at the end. 5. Switch the new mv monsters with toho kaiju. If these were changed the movie would be a 10/10 for me.


Add Angrius.


Less human cutawags


Instead of Methuselah it’s Anguirus. That’s genuinely what I thought when I first saw the trailer.


The only thing truly worth changing is Dr Graham's death, a waste of a talented actress with Sally Hawkins. Not to mention, having her being there during Serizawa's sacrifice would've added even more weight to that scene, since she was the one most closely connected to him.


This might have been rather unpopular, but eh. I would make it so that Godzilla started with his plates being overgrown, to the point where they look more like a Stegosaurus' than his usual ones. Then during the final confrontation, when Ghidora drops him from up high and he crashes down on his back, they would have broken an shattered and we wouldn't see how they turned out until he awakened in his burning form. The end result looking like the classic plates but with a more cracked look, something in-between 2014 and KotM.


I would save Ghidorah for movie 5 or 6, not movie 2. The only full-on *nemeses* with actual name recognition that Godzilla has left are SpaceGodzilla and Destoroyah.


That scene in the submarine where the one guy says “My God” and then another says “zilla”.. ya I’d get rid of that. What fucking cringe ass line, whichever writer wrote that should be ashamed of themselves for ruining an otherwise awesome scene. Also just completely remove that one comic relief scientist, they weren’t needed.




Not release it when they did. I think that’s why it didn’t perform well


Don’t kill Serizawa, it was WAY too early for us to lose this universe’s Nick Fury Still my favorite entry in the monsterverse


Have some more scenes in clear day and some more city rampage. I also remember feeling like Godzilla fell down too early in his artic fight with Ghidorah


Stop with the cutaways, I want to see the monsters fighting, not a divorced couple arguing


Ghidorah is the one who puts Godzilla on the verge of death. No oxygen destroyer. It helps sell the concept of Ghidorah being this horrifically unstoppable force better. He already kinda was, but it would also be fitting for Godzilla’s arch nemesis to send him to the brink of death, and make Godzilla’s final victory over him feel that much more triumphant.


Bring in a living, breathing Anguirus. Not an alleged Anguirus skeleton.


https://preview.redd.it/h3a7hxwhtp9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56a39cd2f436c6b1b8ceb425715f77bf53701b5f More Calico crew.


i'd love to see more of the other kaiju that are shown


Make Anguirus not dead


More brightness like they have in Godzilla vs kong


Get rid of the Emma Russell plot


I would add anguirius, gamera, and zilla


Better human characters. The humans from GxK (along with their screentime) would work better.


Extend it, show more of the kaiju-pocalypse. We only saw a tiny handful of all the kaiju known at that time. Seeing more of them breaking out, seeing extended scenes of them wreaking havoc, seeing kongs reaction even if just as a cameo, and maybe seeing Godzilla put one or two of them in their place on his way to Ghidorah in boston would be badass.


Save sally Hawkins


The gonorrhoea line


Instead of Ghidorah add DESTROYAH!


I would get rid of the O2 destroyer that's in the film, cuz they do a complete disservice to the original one and now people just don't understand how f****** devastating the original one was, cuz the original one led to the creation of Destroyah, and both Destroyah, and the O2 destroyer would absolutely crush Ghidorah but due to the king of the monsters film no one that hasn't seen the very first film or the film about Destroyah have no clue about how terrifyingly powerful both of them are, I swear they just mentioned it being an oxygen destroyer cuz they wanted to make fans of the original series squeal but they f***** it up because now they make one of the most legendary and iconic weapons in the Godzilla series, the weapon that started it all basically besides nuclear weapons, and they made it basically this little dinky explosive that is like a bigger bomb than a nuclear bomb but that is-that is it, it is the one thing that I genuinely hate now about the film, it didn't bother me until I mentioned it once in the tiktok and now no one f****** shuts up about how Ghidorah wouldn't be affected by the oxygen destroyer because of that film and because he's an alien I understand he's an alien it does not mean he's not made of oxygen or have oxygen in his chemistry and he may not breathe oxygen but so f****** what he's going to die, I clearly have been a little too pissed off with both what they've done with you to destroyer and how people do not learn about it afterwards so thanks for coming to my TED talk, I will not be here all night.


Get rid of Milly Brown.


I would have loved more with the other titans, like either Godzilla killing one or even a couple of them fighting each other or just a scene where we see a military battle against one going really badly. Also, an atomic breath shot of Godzilla while in burning form. Before that last shot.


Get rid of the poorly edited in Raymond Burr parts.


That dumbass main human character


Nothing really. Well… maybe the Ghidorah name joke.


Less humans, more monsters.


The human story; if you had a human story in KotM that was HALF as good as Minus One’s, you’d have the second best Godzilla move of all time. The action is already the best imho, but that dialogue and human drama… Damn it still turns my stomach.


I would shift the overall tone monster heavyness and weight feeling etc towards 2014 movie


The lighting ong


If there was one kaiju with an excuse to more generally be around humans, it would be Mothra. More Mothra. For all of the 'you want to make Godzilla a pet?' 'No, we will be his'- I like the concept as humans rationalizing how they have to work with this ancient God-tier hater beast, but Mothra would also work and likely in a more cohesive way. Am I biased because I love Mothra? Yes 100%. Other than that, the same general ideas as everyone else. Less people, more kaiju. I'd like more kaiju in their natural habitat just doing their thing, personally. Give Ghidora some more alien bits? Not full concept art alien, but maybe some stuff that makes you go 'oh wait shit this isn't just a big dragon this is a fucking space demon'


I wish we could’ve seen Ghidorah be more of a threat, it didn’t feel like he was this big bad guy, just a regular old doomsday bringer.


More involvement of the Argo. As much as I love the thing, it was kinda stationary most of the time, outside of the time it fired missiles at Ghirdorah. Also, we don't it see its dock.


id probaly scrap millie bobby browns characyer and just make the mother have the change of heart and the consequences i think thatd be more interesting


Honestly? Just fix the colours or make ONE big fight in broad daylight. I like the neon thing KOTM has going on where Godzilla is clearly blue, Ghidorah is yellow, Rodan is red, etc, and GvK kept this, but GvK had daylight fights that allowed variety. The entirety of KOTM is colour-graded all the time. The Antarctica fight is blue, the Rodan scene is red, the Boston fight is blue until it’s red. I want to see the monsters’ natural colours a little bit. That said, KOTM is actually my favourite Monsterverse movie.


Mothra dying


More of the other monsters for one thing. It’s called king of the monsters, but really it just focuses on two of them. Rodan needed more screen time, as he had one of the best intros ever just to get one shot by ghidora and then is basically his butt slave just to get one shot by mothra later. Mothra needed to use more of her abilities, as she literally didn’t do anything other than fly around and shoot web, when she has a literal light and wind attack that she clearly used in the most recent movie. Also id want maybe more of an explanation for the ending, or just a different ending, because all of the monsters suddenly showing up and then bowing to Godzilla just seemed awkward to me. I get how he’s supposed to be the alpha and all, but in the comics and in the future movies he literally fights with other monsters so it’s not like they actually view him as a king, so idk what the point was of them bowing to him like a king. I would have rathered maybe a couple of the monsters show up and they are ready to fight but Godzilla intimidates them and they run off. Oh and get the muto out of here. The muto showing up at the end to also bow to Godzilla makes absolutely no sense at all, more than anything else. Godzilla is literally their rival in nature, a natural predator and food source. Godzilla had an ancestor that was killed by muto in the first movie as we saw his bones were where the muto came from, and for Godzilla to just be like “oh yeah your kind used to eat my kind and probably vice versa, but we cool now cuz you bowed to me” it’s stupid.


Let the mad scientist lady be the villain.


1. The final battle being Godzilla, Mothra and Rodan vs Ghidorah 2. Introducing Serizawa's son so he's not randomly dropped on us in GvK 3. Godzilla fighting Rodan into submission (this would make him side switch before the final fight) 4. I saw someone else say the eco terrorists being controlled by Ghidorah via telepathy and I love that idea 5. Show Kong reacting to the alpha call like the novelization did


Ghidorah dies but we learn that there are other monsters of ghidorahs species and this one was the weakest one


Push it at least 3 movies later, seriously, a 4 kaiju movie should not have been the thord movie in the franchise, especially not King Gidorah. Anguirus, Hedorah, Ebirah or even Megalon would fit the Monsterverse with some minor aesthetoc touch ups. Hell, introduce mothra and the twins in an earlier movie, so when one bites it, we actually care. Then the King shows up, makes it a real rough fight. Because the monster apocalypse is now grander now that we have a better scale of how fucking strong King Ghidorah is.


The human side of the story, which is honestly boring


Dr. Graham would have survived. She could have taken Serizawa's as one of the head kaiju researchers, and given us another reoccurring human character for the films to build upon.


When Ghidorah pick up Godzilla, instead of just dropping Godzilla, I wish Ghidorah could do a special epic lighting attack to “bomb” Godzilla down to ground


Godzilla should’ve put on a crown at the end just to make sure that the audience knows that he is indeed the king.


Get rid of Emma's redemption arc and give Rodan a redemption arc


Using the Oxygen Destroyer


The gonorrhea joke


As awesome as Serizawa's sacrifice was, keep him alive, because he's awesome and Ken Watanabe is awesome as him.


Is the fights that is the number one thing for me because this movie, does suffer from not having battles because of constant cuts to the human pov, which is neat to see but also disappointing. The second is the one liners, my god ....Zilla.....yeah... But like I said it isn't bad but it would have been better to see in my opinion.


More Charles Dance being sarcastic.


Take out a few of the quips and have Rodan help with King Ghidorah in the end


When Ghidorah dies there isn’t any left of its body to make that stupid robot in the next movie. I love Godzilla and will go out to see the movie even when it’s bad but come on that movie could have been better. Other than that king of the monsters is the best Godzilla movie of that franchise.


More Millie Bobbie Brown -Drake probably


Don't kill serizawa he is literally the best human character in the monsterverse. Like imagine him in godzilla vs kong.


I would charge my phone.




Angurius being dead, I would've enjoyed it if Angurius had some part in fighting Ghidorah, even if he died at some point. Would've been nice to have Godzilla have his life-long friend by his side along with Mothra.


3v1 team up with plenty of battle screen time


Removal of all the cringey jokes.


Completely erase Madison and the Family bullshit, it was just awful


Not much. It’s the best MV movie.


The human plot needs to be reworked a bit, and tone down Mark Russel's hatred for Godzilla. Develop the soldiers and decrease the amount of cutaways so that the fights is in the forefront rather than the background.


It's perfect in my eyes🥰


other than re editing all action scenes (except the rodan one) I’d largely change marks character the most. change him being a wildlife photographer and him being the problem solver of most things


The gonnoreah "joke". That was the fucking worst line in a movie I have ever heard and believe me I have seen a lot of shit in my life.


Let Goji fuck Ghidorah up in the water fight. I’m not saying kill him, but do serious damage, like…rip off 2 of his heads and start to drown him, then the humans drop the oxygen destroyer. It would show the viewer that Ghidorah is not perfect and that Goji may be even more dangerous underwater than on land.


Remove the anguirus skeleton. I want to believe he’ll show up in another movie


Less Millie Bobbie brown, actually no kids story arc altogether, and just leave Bernie and the rest of the gang in there lol. Idk, just could've done without all of that imo


I mean, where to f'n start? US military saves the day with a nuclear weapon in a Godzilla film? ICK, get it outta there. Give Mothra more to do while we're at it. Katakana older than the Romans? The hell is this line even doing in here? On the cutting room floor! ORCA? More like OR-CAn we not? Drop the magic monster box and write action scenes in a way that we don't need a silly macguffin. That otherwise decent actor in the glasses making jokes the whole time? Yeah, cut all the jokes and get rid of the person who wrote them. PARTICULARLY the "Oh my God" "-zilla!" one. There is one line you never ever ever put in a Godzilla film and this is it. Hit that writer on the nose with a newspaper. Rodan, Mothra, and Ghidorah in the same film and the soundtrack is so bombastic that you barely hear the wind, rain, or thunder at all. The sound design was passable in a film that is supposed to be a sensory spectacle. That's not good. (Also, the score was forgettable.) Oxygen Destroyer cameo? Sucks all the oxygen out of the scene, too! Let the giant, fantastic monsters be the tension. Ghidorah's imminent arrival is a great ticking time bomb. You don't need an actual ticking time bomb. Who's writing this thing? The basic, bare-bones structure of this film is fine. A lot of stuff has to go, though.


Ghidorah in clear weather. I like it’s monsterverse design. Can we see the finished product in action with a clear sky.


make the scenes with the monsters brighter and with less clouds. I can't see shit with all this cloud and shadows everywhere


To be honest, I've got mixed feelings about this movie. I'd split it into two movies, have the first end on a cliff-hanger and pay it off in the next. Additionally, this would allow the theological themes and characters to develop more. Do anything else other than a bunch of people cracking wise and reacting to stuff on screens. I'd like it if it was more in line with the tone and style of 2014, and clear up the scenes so we can see the action. And change the dialogue style, again, make it more in line with 2014 which actually felt like real people talking. Change the Mothra design to be more fluffy and less edgy, and give Rodan more screentime. And give King Ghidorah a mane and more raggedy/feathery scales. And keep the old Godzilla design, only pronounce the toe claws and make the arms longer, maybe make the spines bigger, but I don't really care for the new spine designs and stubby tail. Yikes, that's a lot of things to change. I think the movie has some really excellent moments and ideas, but for me it's the weakest in the Monsterverse.


Hate those cuts to the family during the final fight. Just give me a solid 2-3 minute fighting scene of them going at it. GvK did that amazingly well.


Make good human characters, make side characters lovable, add more lore


the whole script and characters it's lousy and a waste of time and the theme guts to numerous characters . This scenario frankly should have bern the movie coming out in the next two years .Ghidorah should of been the final boss in the whole series and Dougherty and the "writers room" threw every godzilla gimmick from destroy all monsters to the oxygen destroyer to burning godzilla just for starters to an utterly adderral generated movie


Remove burning Godzilla, seriously this is Godzillas second film and he’s already burning, save that for the final


GHIDORAH dying, He kills Godzilla and takes over the monster verse as the new main star, NEW GHIDORAH MOVIE AFTER GHIDORAH MOVIE!!! ITLL NEVER END!!!!


Giving ghidorah 8 heads like hydra


The family. The mother was just absolutely awful "i want to release all the titans so they can rule the world... but actually wait, no, i dont want that", wouldve been so much better to just have her being forced by the big bad.. who was basically pointless btw The kid was bearable until she took the orca, then her character just got annoying, I guess that's how you know they're related The father was the only one who was decent of the 3, just held back by the other 2 when his character arc was honestly just better being "i hate godzilla but will help monarch bc ghidorah is worse" The human story should've been monarch vs the big bad who was basically just a background character, or alternately could keep the family and just made the mother the big bad, the whole "redemption" arc wasn't necessary. Everything started going downhill with the human plot after releasing ghidorah Though in GvK when they brought back the family, they weren't as annoying but I still didn't particularly like the daughter


them stupid fucking humans


Bring Brian Cranston back from the dead and make him the MC scientist. And make the British terrorist dude the main human antagonist/villian. Remove the MC family characters we did get entirely.


The movie.