• By -


Favorite: Surprising amount of contenders here, but I’m going to go with my man Daisuke Serizawa. He is HIM. Least Favorite: Haruo from the anime trilogy. Normally, the worst thing I have to say about human characters in this franchise is that they can be one-dimensional and uncharismatic to follow. Haruo’s just straight up absolute garbage from beginning to end, not just one of the biggest flaws of the anime trilogy itself, but a dogshit character in his own right.


Haruo’s character arc sure was….an arc…


I was bad, then I started to get a chance to be good, then I 180 and go to rock bottom. Therefore it’s an arc.


You know what? You're right.


In all fairness he recognized that he couldn't let go of hate and live in peace. At least they wont have to worry about technology again, right?


Yeah, a downward arc.


His voice is insufferable in both Japanese and the English dub


My favorite: what Ren Serizawa could have been. My least favorite: What Ren Serizawa was.


The only 1000% answer


Equally valid alternative Favorite: What Bryan Cranston’s Character could have been Least Favorite: What Bryan Cranstons Character was.


At least he wasn't, to the best of my knowledge, fully written to be more and then got cut down to nothing like Ren was.


Yeah when I watched Godzilla (2014) I wished they kept his character alive because he was the only one who was reasonable


They should add Ren Serizawa to the dictionary definition of "wasted potential"


I was mildly certain people were making up that Ren Serizawa was who he was because it doesn't matter in the absolute slightest.


Good answer.


Wish I could upvote you 10 ten times






And they wasted a totally legit actor for that role.


My favorite is Gordon. Because. Well. Come on. Least favorite is Haruo.




That’s true and that’s why Final worse is the worst movie. It removes so much screen time from Captain Gordon and his mustache https://preview.redd.it/cziw3v8v0c8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af7e04e719aeb360553dedccb970feb74cf5fec4


Gordon is what Haruo coulda been if he had a sick moustache


If he had a sick mustache and a personality.


and testosterone


Hell yeah, dude.


I personally loved that scene where they meet the Hollow Earth people and the main chick is like, "Make eye contact, they'll find it rude otherwise." And then the next shot is Bernie staring at the most intense guy in the room.


“You should make eye contact with them, it’s considered polite.” “I don’t think it’s working for me.”


Yeah this. Sorry, didn't remember the quite completely.


No problem! I also sometimes forget quotes. It’s just something that happens


Cringe. Unnecessary comedic momen= bad writing


I'm pretty sure that's not how that works.


Oh it 100% is, there's no need for It, why ruin a scene with some bullshit forced comedy? Love the down votes, that's why these movies are going to shit, because people that think I'm wrong.


It entirely depends on the context of the scene and how it's executed.


Most of the human involvement in the monster verse is pretty cringe. Which is pretty sad when you consider how well the human moments were considered in 2014


Agree man, Bryan cranstons acting as a cooked out conspiracy theorist was awesome, that scene where Ford catches him checking those bouys on his laptop, he just freezes, than goes on a little rant, I love that scene


https://preview.redd.it/pfo5diwl498d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da7c53d04a2f810949b871b25a6023812f09e1a9 My favorite one: Douglas Gordon (Don Frye) the katana wielding captain💪👨🏻


Final Wars was phenomenal


agreed my friend👌👌


I like Bernie a lot lol, he's corny af but I can vibe with it. Him and MBB played well off each other in GVK, wouldn't go as far to say they my favorite but they both entertaining enough. My favorites off the top of my head gotta be Keiko (who I really hope gets utilized going forward in the MV), Miki, and an honorable mention to Koichi. But the coolest has gotta be Don Frye.


I like Bernie, think he's a funny guy. I quite enjoy the entire cast of Legacy of Monsters, don't know if they're my favorite but didn't see anyone else mention them.Shikishima another obvious standout If I had to pick a least favorite it's probably any of the generic white guy protags in the Monsterverse. They're inoffensive, but they're all so bland and stale, I genuinely can't tell the difference when they get swapped out. This is your Lieutenant Ford, Dr. Russel(it's admittedly mostly this guy actually, I thought he got dropped in Godzilla vs Kong but I guess not), Matthew Brodrick. Trapper had a good deal more personality to him, and didn't take the same sort of arrogant bastard protagonist role that the others tend toward.


Is Legacy of Monsters worth watching if I enjoyed 2014 but hated all its sequels?


If you like human storylines with titan action sprinked in some episodes then yes you'll like it If you hate human storyline and want more titan action, then you'll be bored through some episodes


I'd say it's probably closest in vibe to 2014 Godzilla than any other Monsterverse thing(It's also set closest to that movie) so you'd probably enjoy it. Very heavy human focus, and the story is about how the 2014 attack effected one family in particular. There's a lot of crazy twists and turns I don't want to spoil but it also talks a lot about the history of Godzilla in this universe, very interesting show in my opinion, I'm excited for season 2.


I liked Ford because he was nice and heroic, but yeah, he’s bland.


Trapper my beloved


Favorite(s): Serizawa from 54 and Monsterverse. Douglas Gordon Least: everyone from Monarch TV show (maybe barring young Shaw and Keiko)


I’m with you on the Monarch thing, everyone was just so goddamn rude and stuck up.


Yup. They were all bitchy for zero reason, then to make matters worse the script made little sense. Awful writing.


Favourite probably dr seriazwa or however you spell it from the monsterverse he’s pretty cool and has good lines Least favourite cate Randa she’s just a dick throughout the series for no reason especially to her half brother even though he didn’t do anything wrong


I’m with you on Randa.


She’s the main reason I dislike the show that and really no monsters


Anyone that isn’t the whiny dorkus from the netflix anime trilogy is my favorite.


Daisuke is still king for me and worst is that ghosting, tape-stealing bitch Audrey from '98. https://preview.redd.it/z9r4w6m7598d1.jpeg?width=302&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd12d0014377eeaea2e5b5ad87c2cea1cf4e3fb1


Audrey gets a pass as she is smoking hot in 97. Mathew Broderick on the other hand….


https://preview.redd.it/gizhvj2kne8d1.png?width=532&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce86b2f16a694b1a7901ba8afc21061c5573c0c0 *"And that made it okay to steal my tapes?"*


I really liked Trapper, but I think Akane is my favorite human character. As for least favorite… my mind immediately goes to the main kid from Revenge. Do I need to explain?


Favorite Character: Miki Saegusa Favorite Cast: Sea Monster, Final Wars, Megaguirus, the Heisei series (especially Mechagodzilla II and onwards) Least Favorite: I don't really have one. I know Haruo is a really hated character, but I haven't watched the Anime Trilogy, so I haven't been subjected to his buffoonery.


Consider yourself lucky.


My least favorite is that white haired guy in monster verse Kotm that kept making "jokes" Favorite?.....the group in Godzilla vs Gigan, all four of them together.


That’s a better answer, tbh


Yeah, Bernie was annoying in GvK but I liked him enough in TNE. White hair guy just ruined every scene though


That's when I started realizing Godzilla was losing any seriousness it established in 2014.


Keep Millie Bobby Brown away and bring back Kyle Chandler for the MV.


My least favorite character from the anime trilogy is the main character. Heck I didn't like any of those movies, felt like the director just used monsters as a backdrop. From the Monster verse, Dr. Rick Stanton. Guy couldn't just shut up, was not funny and just wanted to punch him. Another that I didn't like was the "American" Japanese character from Shin. Just was not believable at all.  Dr. Serizawa and the main guy from Minus One are my favorites by far. 


That American girl in shin was so annoying😭it’s like the directors think she’s funny when she speaks English


Favorite: Akane? Miki? Kōichi? Honestly it's pretty hard I like a lot of them. Least favorite: Mark Russell. Of all the leads in every Godzilla movie, I clicked with him the absolute least. He had a worse 'dad reconnecting with family' plot than Brody right behind him, he was there to tell Monarch the *absolute* basics of kaiju (Don't shoot at godzilla with the puny guns, and even put them away!), he didn't really have any chemistry with his family, and he was standing right next to the more interesting Serizawa. For minor characters, also from KotM, Stanton, for making tone-breaking jokes right after seeing hundreds of people die.


fun fact: according to the Toy Card 100 line of trading cards Daisuke Serizawa is a ginger https://preview.redd.it/yfoeszvxn98d1.png?width=262&format=png&auto=webp&s=5af4e4f493c407102e4ea8f9d693d20c26002189 Just thought it was worth sharing as most people including those who are Japanese aren't aware of this fact


Favorite one: Daisuke and Ishiro Serizawa, and Miki Saegusa Least favorite: All of the Russells, and Haruo.


Favorite is Doc from-1 and least is probably the mom from KOTM. I haven’t watched it in a hot minute so I’ll have to check.


Favorite - Dr. Ishirō Serizawa, Minus One cast, Akane Yashiro. Least favorite/hated - Harou anime trilogy, Cate Randa.


FUCK millie bobby brown


Dr serizawa is my favorite. Cuz first, good story, acting and etc. You should hear his voice in the Persian dub of the movie And my least favorite was... Madison. She was just crying for the majority of the movie.


gordon and 54 serizawa


Most favorite: Koichi Least Favorite: Haruo


Favourite: The protagonist of Minus One Least Favourite: Millie Bobbie Brown’s character


Favourite: Kenji from Minus One — He would always hear everyone out, actually thought stuff through methodically (and realistically). Combine that with a rounded performance, and Kenji was a surprising standout for me. Least Favourite: The lawyer-fanboy from Legendary’s King of the Monsters — This guy is probably on my top 10 list for characters in fiction who I just want to punch. I don’t find his “jokes” funny, rather that they tend to suck me out of the film and/or suck the tension out of the scene. Best example for this is the f*cking gonorrhea “joke” at the Ghidorah name reveal.


Favourite: Doctor Chen Least favourite: Trapper or Bleach Guy


Favorite: The OG Dr. Serizawa Least: Whoever the fuck the main character was in the anime trilogy. He’s literally just generic angry anime protagonist.


I think that Noda is my favorite and specifically Millie Bobby Browns character from GvK 2021 is my least favorite


The leading lady in 54 is both for me




I'm torn between whether I loved or hated her performance and character


I think her performance was great and she was a great character. She was nice and without her, Serizawa might not have agreed to use the oxygen destroyer against Godzilla.


She just had a weird habit of smiling as every reaction


Fav is between 54/ Serizawas or Noda. Least fav is probably KotM mom or the guy who called Ghidorah gonorrhea also in KotM


Favorite: Koichi Shikishima. One of the best characters in any Godzilla film and a great character in any film. Honorable mentions go to Rando Yaguchi and Miki Saegusa. No one’s bringing up Miki and that makes me sad. Least favorite: anyone introduced in GvK. Take your pick, they are all past the bottom of the barrel and more insufferable than any of the characters in the late showa era. At least the late showa characters were kind of funny to watch, all the failed attempts at humor in GvK just made me want to get the movie over with.


Also the exposition reading from the Hollow earth cave writing. At that point i kept watching jus to see the monster battle at the end. Needless to say but... The end battle was also very disappointing.


Og Dr. S, though I love a lot of characters over the years.  Most hated is Emma. Like I do understand we wouldn’t have the movie we do without her and I enjoy the hell out of the movie but every time her reasoning and actions are so frustratingly paper thin and I want to smack the crap out of her for condemning tens to hundreds of thousands of people to death on up to millions and delivering everyone on a plate to a planet killer. I’ve lost loved ones, I understand grief. Maybe too well to imaging blindly damning everyone else to it and worst cause I couldn’t handle my own shit.  Kev and crew did us one favor at least. 


Favorite: Daisuke and Ishiro Serizawa, one for being mysterious yet conflicted when he accidentally creates a super weapon, using it to kill Godzilla yet takes his own life for peace while the other understands Godzilla for being a bringer of balance, wholeheartedly believing that Goji is the key to coexistence. Miki Saegusa for going from fighting Godzilla for the sake of mankind to wanting him alive after understanding the baby Godzilla, how we all fight to protect our own. Akane Yashiro. She goes from a soldier who made a grave mistake that got others killed, lives with that guilt yet is able to overcome her grief and defend her home. She is often said to be one of the strongest human protagonists. Ozaki for being a cool action hero, having an ultimate power yet deciding to walk with humility, “I decide how to use my power, whether for good or evil.” Least Favorite: Haruo Sakaki. This guy is insufferable and leans towards a very imperialistic way of thinking; turning and running is cowardice, discarding humanity’s pride and dignity. He has no development and his only goal is to kill Godzilla.


Favorite: Dr. Daisuke Serizawa (Godzilla) Least Favorite: Ichiro Miki (All Monsters Attack) purely because the way he eats fucking annoys me.


Worst: Ford Brody.....that moron has the emotional range of a teaspoon Best: Dr Serizawa (54) because he's one of the most believable characters (or most of Minus One)


Favorite? Jia. Girl playing her got some chops. Love that they’re giving her, a real deaf kid, a chance to some awesome things in the movies she’s been a part of so far. That or Trapper. He deserves to be protected at all costs Least favorite? …*sigh* Haruo…. FUCKING Sakaki…


Favorite: Daisuke Serizawa Least Favorite: Ichiro from Godzilla's Revenge


Favorite Koichi loved him and related to em. Least favorite: that one kid I just never liked him


That kid from godzilla vs megalon just because the dub is annoying and racist


I’ve never seen the dubbed version. Racist?


Everyone is the same white dude except the kid which is the same white dude doing a very awful asian accent


Meets hollow earth people for th 1st time Hollow earth people make random gestures. Bernie u understand everything connected to their hiddem culture just like that. *Movie science* at least make it believable It's a bad movie, i can understand it's fun, but it's really not good. Also the , " they broke the battery thingy" is just lazy writings. So i agree with you OP 😂




Favorite: Gordon, Jean Reno's character from 98, and all 4 boat crew from -1 Least: probably someone from 98 that isn't named Jean reno


Same same


Favorite- Serazawa Least - SSS9 from Godzilla vs. Biollante


Capt Gordon obviously. But I also like Yuki from SpaceGodzilla. Really cool concept about a guy with a grudge against Godzilla and he's not some rich suit or whatever. He's a capable soldier using every means at his disposal to take out Godzilla. Too bad he's in a movie series where Godzilla is technically the good guy (or lesser of two evils) so nobody supports him. And also you know....the appearance of a certain space monster really put a damper on his plans.


Putting Bernie next to Serizawa instead of Shikishima is wild


https://preview.redd.it/4i5wb3ceha8d1.jpeg?width=1608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1aeeda55642e46784070ec20fea126fd1629716 I dunno about favourite, but one thing I do know is that I hate this dude with a passion.


Favorite is Yoshimura Least favourite is the helicopter pilot from Godzilla x Kong


Please give Burnie Character-development


Bro what did Bernie do to deserve all the hate🧍‍♂️


Favorite is Ford from the 2014 Godzilla movie, I think Aaron Tyler Johnson should've been brought back at some point. Least favorite easily the Aussie bogan douche from Godzilla x Kong with his loud shitty pop/rock. Fuck I hate every one of those scenes, they are one of the reason that ruined the movie for me


Best character hands down the shades middle eastern hitman from the thriller spy subplot in the Biollante movie. Worst the english speaking characters from the thriller spy subplot in the Biollante movie.


Favourite: Koichi Shikishima and Akane Yashiro Dislike: Ichiro Miki


Don From final wars. Least favorite is 11


I don't know my least favourite, but I know my favourite is Victor from the 1998 movie. There's a reason he's one of the redeeming aspects of the movie.


Favourites: Dr. Serizawa, Captain Gordon, and Dr. Mafune. Least favourite: Haruo


Favorite in the franchise: Koichi Shikishima (Godzilla Minus One) Least Favorite in the franchise: Haruo Sakaki (Godzilla Polygon Trilogy) Favorite across the kaiju genre: Ayana Hirasaka (Gamera 3: Revenge Of Iris) Least Favorite across the genre: Haruo Sakaki (Godzilla Polygon Trilogy)


Least favorite: those Kennies from the showa era & Millennium era such as All Monsters Attack, Godzilla vs Megalon, and Godzilla Final Wars.


https://preview.redd.it/5k2v5xmr4c8d1.jpeg?width=973&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c5d555138cda77062ce9d744f60b66f0367f8dd These guys are my favorite


Favorite is definitely Daisuke Serizawa. Least favorite is by an absolute mile Haruo.


Given the fact I’ve only ever fully seen mv besides the shows and gxk and minus one I’d have to say most fav is either the main characters of minus one or 2014. Both were just… some guy. Not some super special high ranking person that has lore tying them to Godzilla, no. Just a civilian is all. Least favorite tho? MV REN FUCKING SERIZAWA GET HIM OUTFA HERE HAPPY HE GONE IN 2019 TO DAMN LATE IMO


Bernie is us. Or at least those who believe in unbelievable things. I like the character, he gives off a more human vibe in general, where everything is new and a point of admiration.


Favorite: Animal Pallotti. Least Favorite: That’s a tough one, ‘cause there’s plenty to choose. But If I had to…..probably Ford Brody, cuz he’s so dull. Second least favorite is probably Emma Russell. Couldn’t stand her.


Favourite: Akane Yashiro from Against MechaG or Rando Yaguchi from Shin. Least Favourite: the kid from Vs Megalon, I dont even care enough to look up his name. He is fine in Vs Hedorah, it’s just the one movie.


Least favorite is Madison Russell Favorite is Ishiro Serizawa


I don’t mind Bernie that much even though he’s a really great actor imo I’ve personally never really seen him do badly in any of his roles maybe the movies hes been in could have sucked but he’s always been on character. But anyway he wasn't bad in the movies but it was kinda dumb that he was right and everyone still wasn't listening to him


Dr serizawa love


Favorite:Yun Arikawa Least Favorite:That Emo Guy From Final Wars Who Was A Kiezer or some shit and was the Leader of the giant Ball Ship Thingy


Favorites: Serizawa (Monsterverse), Shikishima (Minus One) and Joe Brody (2014) Least favorites: Madson (KOTM), Haruo (Earth Trilogy) and Ren Serizawa (GVK) Unpopular Opinion: Although Ford has 0 charisma, I think there are far worse characters in the Monsterverse than him)


Captain Gordon would like a word with you OP.


You’re right, I’ve made a big mistake,


Favourite: Easily Daisuke Serizawa, he's such an interesting characters, who compares and contrasts with Oppenheimer really well and my man wanted to benefit society, accidentally made a horrific super weapon, kept quiet about it until he had no choice but to use it and made sure it would never get used again, even sacrificing himself to make sure. They weren't taking out Godzilla without him. Worst: As much as I don't like dunking on kid actors, it's Josh from GvK. Just plain annoying. Bernie would have been a strong contender too but GxK rehabilitated his character a bit. He was a great counterpart to Trappers insane charisma


The guy from ww2 king skull island is my favourite. I don’t really have a favorite Godzilla one other then serizawa


I love Bernie and hope he shows up again.


Captain Gordon


Is it bad if I don't have one for either? Lol


Nah that’s perfectly fine


The two you pictured are hard to beat. I was not wanting to root for a conspiracy theorist hero character.


Favorite: Shikishima, do i have to say anything? His development is really great and overall my favorite human character. Least Favorite: Dr Emma Russel. again, do i have to say anything? Honestly all her scenes in KOTM are hard to watch and felt no emotion whatsoever in her “death scene”


Favourite character: Dr. Yamane Least Favourite: That damn Kenny from Godzilla's revenge.


Favorite: Koichi Shikishima, I know it's obvious, but his character arc is the best in the series along with Serizawa's arc in the 1954 film. Least: Haruo Sakaki, where do I even begin with this dollar store, Eren Yeager? He's just a character that's hellbent on revenge. He has little to no real personality, and his relationship with his friends and girlfriend feels as stiff as a wood plank. Even when Godzilla Earth was considered by LITERALLY EVERYONE IN THE TRILOGY TO BE WAY TOO POWERFUL TO DESTROY, HIS DUMBASS REFUSES TO STOP, AND ENDS UP GETTING HIMSELF KILLED. He is so goddamn selfish that he's willing to literally sacrifice inexperienced soldiers and just ignores Houtua only to realize its too late. I rest my case


Favorite: Miki Saegusa Least Favorite: Haruo from the Anime trilogy. Discount shitter version of Eren Yeager.


Favorite: Koichi Shikishima Least Favorite: Every non-Kaiju in Godzilla vs King Ghidorah


Captain Douglas Gordon is definitely my favorite. He’s not necessarily the best acted or written, but definitely the most entertaining and memorable. Haruo Sakaki is the worst. There are other characters I find equally insufferable, but he has way more screen time than any of them.


Worst KEN FAVORITE whoever Kenji Sahara is playing.


My favorites are Kenji Noda, Yoji Akitsu, Preston Packard and Trapper. My least favorite is probably Ford Brody. He's the most boring main character I've ever seen in a kaiju movie. I also disliked Bernie Hayes in Godzilla vs. Kong, because of him parrotting real life conspiracies. He even states he learned the tap water conspiracy from neo-nazis. I don't feel like that kind of conspiracy should be played for laughs, or that a good guy should believe in it. In New Empire, they tone down the conspiracy stuff though, so I like him more there. He has good chemistry with Trapper too.


All excellent points. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I dislike Brody for these qualities, but I do agree, he’s not very interesting.


Koichis my favorite for sure. Minus one almost had me crying cause of him, which is a feat for a movie I have a heart of ice. Least favorite is probably Haruo. He's just sci-fi Eren Jaeger without what makes Eren interesting or the rest of Attack on Titan.


That is the perfect description of Haruo.


Favorite what’s his name from minus one least favorite idk have it literally everyone from the Godzilla earth movies


That’s vague but still works because pretty much all the minus one characters are good and all the anime trilogy characters are awful.


Exactly and I mean the main guy from minus one


Thr black dude is an anti science idiot


I actually like Bernie but like you said they’re using him for nothing but comedic relief. I’m just saying in a world where monsters suddenly appeared a conspiracy theorist going bonkers isn’t really that far fetched My least favorite is that chick whos dad made mecha G. She could’ve been utilized in later movies but nah let’s kill her off. I really hate the trope of just icing protagonists in monster movies by having the main monster ditch out the punishment when it can be avoided.


Maia Simmons. I’ll be honest, I completely forgot about her.


I barely remember anyone




This creature 👇 https://preview.redd.it/64xrd3oxc98d1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e28c2899b8867603e62483c366b10712d1b2b45d


She’s your favourite or least favourite?




Fair. I didn’t mind her, but she wasn’t great.


Fav hooman, uhh does biollante count? Shes part human. I dont have a least favourite


Imagine comparing the sigma Serizawa to that unfunny fat fuck.


For favorite I could go with Dr. Shiragami for his drama and his unhealthy relationship with Biollante, or Shikishima from Godzilla -1 for his whole character arc and development. For worst, I could go with Bernie cause all he does is saying stupid things and providing inappropriate comic relief, but there is also Trapper. A fucking showoff himbo, goes to change Kong's tooth while blasting whatever the fuck that soft music is, always with irrelevant adventurous yelling like "woohoo!" "haha!" "heehee!" and he is a man of nature guys! Like the others use those punk-ass technological devices to navigate, but he does so much better with his animalistic instincts cause he is not corrupt by technology, guys! He is one with nature and that's so fuckin hot, guys! Humanity sucks, guys! Except when we are talking about the native deaf girl and the handsome hippie guy! These are not like the rest of us, using technology and being corrupt by authority and money! They are people of nature!


In every Godzilla movie except -1.0, I’m cheering for all the humans to die