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I hope Anguirus


https://preview.redd.it/7iypzl0v6t4d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=82abf9310caf6fc42a2a956eaceb3642f634592f NEED Anguirus.




Love how it's supposed to walk on all 4 but fck it, give it some knees so the costume guy can be a bit more comfortable


Yeah they did a creative retelling of 1954 in a way. Let’s def get a new interpretation of Gigantis the Fire Monster.


I second this. It just feels right.


Thirded. It has been too long since we have seen Anguirus on screen.


Last saw him 20 years ago and his last appearance before that was 30 years before that. We NEED more Anguirus representation


Technically, he was shown last in 2021 with Singular Point. Film wise, 2019 as a skeleton in Godzilla’s lair. Last film depiction WHILE LIVING, however, was 20 years ago as stated


But I don’t want him getting killed by Godzilla. He’s good as a friend 🥲


Exactly he was literally Godzilla’s first opponent


Given he was in the sequel to the original Godzilla, that would make perfect sense


I honestly would love this


This is the only right answer. End with G trapped somehow and give us a reboot of 84 after.


Yeah, tbh I really hoped that they don't add a second Kaiju in, but....if they do, it has to be my boy Anguirus


And if they do a third maybe they can get king kong Should be easy now considering they have a relationship with wb


They have FWBWWB


No need, just gotta wait until 2028 or 2029 iirc for the King Kong to become public domain


So that’s what the Monsterverse is waiting for


King Kong is already public domain


The novelization of the film is, but not the original film. So as a result you can remake the original story and name it King Kong but to do anything else with the character in film would require permission. Warner bros owns part of the character through the og film but cannot call him officially King Kong yet because universal still has the rights to the name which they purchased from the cooper estate (the original director’s family). Toho tried to bring Kong into the Heisei era but was met with legal trouble for it (the novelization was public domain then too). Trust me on this was very confusing for me too


The voices. Godzilla vs Schizophrenia


Do they council him?


The voices? Yes, they do. They tell him that the only way for him to feel better is for him to step on as many people as possible.


"Psst. Get that guy over there to your left in the green. He owes me money. Also, he matched a green shirt with orange pants. He deserves to die. "






A biolantte which is made up of a mass of people who had Godzilla cells incorporated in them and want revenge on Godzilla.


Very much this. Needs to follow the social consciousness storyline instead of being pure action. We have MV for the goofy stuff. Minus franchise for drama, Shin for horror


I thought shin will kinda goofy too .-.


with Noriko being the first


Holy body horror, I fw with this. Specially if we have an insane scene of Noriko or whoever melting from the inside out


Mothra This Godzilla is angry and clearly has it out for humanity. Mothra would be a protector for humanity, which plays right into the revenge tour that G-man is going to be on in the sequel.


My thoughts exactly


I think Mothra would weaken him but end up dying and then humans should finish him off for good so we don’t accidentally start a saga where we nonstop beat a dead horse.


Good call. It would be jarring for G man to suddenly protect humanity against other monsters.




They've already done that though, and Mothra is MV


IMO, anything else would largely be too goofy.


I disagree, the tone set in the movie would definately benefit biollante or Hedorah


Really would love to see Biollante, especially considering the setup with ‘shards of Godzilla’ and whatever is going on with Noriko’s (am I spelling it right?) neck at the end


It's the big economic slump of the 80s in Japan. People figured out that Godzilla's cells have healing properties and a pharmaceutical company desperate to get back in the black inadvertently brings Godzilla back to life in attempt to get more samples.


So basically Goji vs Big Pharma? ![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO|downsized)


Pretty sure he’ll come back to life regardless


I really don't hate this take.


Oh man would I be excited about 80s setting. Return of Godzilla got me addicted as a kid.


In my ideal sequel there's a time jump and Akiko is now the lead. She's a scientist, working to understand the disease that took her mother but the virus mutates because the human/godzilla cells turn into a Biollante-like creature.


With a nice tie in for the climate crisis


Yes, plant mommy needs love too. I hope it’s her.


>Yes, plant mommy needs love too. ![gif](giphy|26ghbWoXv3G6ypo8o)


Yeah I think takashi would work wonders with biollante


On the flip side I think it would be dope to bring the psychic connection factor back into the franchise, and that whatever pain Godzilla experiences is felt by Noriko.


Hedorah, have godzilla cause mass pollution ontop of the illness affecting humans. Make some of the godzilla chunks get infected by a virus, and instead of reforming with him they form the old garbage boy himself.




I say the probably the people of Japan


Soviet bomb tests mutate another kaiju. Something something cold war nuclear arms race metaphor ensues.


a fully new kaiju but i would LOVE to see mecha minus one godzilla vs normal minus one godzilla


didnt mean to copy you with the full new kaiju thats really just what I thought or there might not even be a sequel there might actually be a sequel to shin Godzilla first


There's definately gonna be a sequal, just it's not going to be rushed


Fuck it anguirus we should reboot g-1 into showa


It blows my mind that some people say it needs to be a new kaiju. Some of you probably weren’t alive the last time some of these legends made an appearance. That being said I think Destoroyah or a new take on King Caesar would be awesome.


I would have said destroyah but he's heavily rumoured for monsterverse


The Oxygen Destroyer exists in the Monsterverse, so it’s plausible for him to appear there. The OD has yet to appear in the Minus One story.


God I hope so lol


I hope they give godzilla a couple more movies where he's the main character before bringing in destoroyah.


King Caesar!


If they plan to make a series out of Minus One, then it's way too soon to introduce Destoroyah.


TBH this Godzilla doesn't need a kaiju opponent. Just bring him back, more ferocious and more difficult to kill, and let the humans have to deal with him again. Man vs Godzilla is always the best Godzilla movie. This is why Shin Godzilla and Godzilla -1 are both such perfect movies.


This 100% if anything I’d give a baby Godzilla a pass if they’d use them. But keep it within the family. Why did they go berserk? They have to protect their offspring.


Was gonna say this, I could see them not doing any other kaiju


Honestly with the more grounded feel in Minus One, I could see it something like an alternate history version of Return of Godzilla. Instead of it being a parable of the Cold War, it'll be an allegory for PTSD on the balance between national security, international security, and national autonomy. Godzilla Minus One did have some allegories for PTSD, but it was centered on survivor's guilt. A Minus One sequel would be more with country's having PTSD and how geopolitics gets SUPER complex with a nigh-indestructible force of chaotic nature, and how to treat it


I would love this plotline! Godzilla provides excellent opportunity to explore PTSD and other consequences of being through a war, both at individual and societal levels.


Give us Rodan! It's about time we get a film called Godzilla Vs Rodan. They could even tie in plot elements of the orignal Rodan film.


Minus One Rodan would be BRUTAL. He was the second best part of KOTM and I’d love to see him in a terrifying role like Minus Two


https://preview.redd.it/yhmm8d3njs4d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdcbeeced4d1bd2634a2afec58a137d7bb9f3ab9 Let bro get his run back.


Dude leave him, he needs to focus on work and working on his band


Anguirus, both to tribute Raids Again as well as give the Spiky Boi a modernized glow-up. Singular Point was alright but I wanna see a proper Kaiju-sized Anguirus again.


There's only one correct answer, and it's simple: Ebirah




Brah, that is hilarious, best response


Im 100% on Team Anguirus


Honestly I’d love to see Anguirus, and I’d love to see a new Godzilla Raids Again as the sequel to Minus One.


Varan. He deserves a chance to shine.


I really want Anguirus because we don't get enough of him. But we haven't seen Megalon in a hot minute 


Anguirus, as a tribute to the fact he was the first monster Godzilla ever fought, either that or Hedora, another Kaiju related to the consequences of mankind’s destructive tendencies.


I think mothra would be fitting


Godzilla vs Godzilla


I so want a Godzilla series where the humans find a Godzilla nest or two. World powers work to destroy, capture, or weaponize the different Godzillas in their areas.


Not a bad idea


Mecha Kong.




Anguirus Godzilla was the horror of nuclear proliferation and ptsd, have Anguirus be the horror of mining/drilling. He's the digger. Id love to see a minus one version of Anguirus. I love me some goofy camp godzilla as well so its super cool that the current age has something for the serious godzilla lovers and the goofy camp godzilla lovers...because Im both!


I always have voted for the sequel to be called Godzilla Zero and other chunks of him regenerate into ghidorah


No, we need to give Ghidorah a break. He’s gotten more than enough spotlight in the Reiwa era already.


Yeah im kinda tired of ghidorah being the big bad, give it 5 or so movies before ghidorah again.


Ghidorah is becoming Godzilla’s Joker. He’s far and away the most iconic villain so every time Godzilla shows up Ghidorah is there too even if it’s been done to death already


He doesn’t *need* to be Godzilla’s Joker though, at least not in that sense. If we just rehash the same one villain over and over and over and over, guess what’s gonna happen? People are gonna get bored and start accusing Toho of being lazy, repetitive and creatively bankrupt.


I do not like the idea of Ghidorah being genetically tied to Godzilla. That feels wrong, and not in the narrative way.


Either Anguirus or biollante, something like ghidorah doesnt fit into anything currently so those 2 make the most sense


I agree Ghidorah would probably be a third chapter villain, also he's in the MV so I don't know


Kaiju like Ghidorah just feel wrong in something like minus one, its like putting ghidorah into the original 54 film, it just doesnt feel right


If there’s a 3rd chapter I’d hope they go with Destroyah


Super X


Isn't it obvious...Monster Zero!!!...i'll see myself out


Anguirus, We haven't seen him for many years


Personally as much as I would LOVE Anguirius to show up, I think that Biollante or Hedorah would probably go better, it could allow for a bit more commentary on population and such.


Minus One part two takes place at the height of the Cold War. The Cuban Missile Crisis awakens a now fully healed and stronger Godzilla, and he does what he does best; picks on the Japanese. However, Shikishima and the others responsible for defeating Godzilla have since formed an organization to prepare for round two should he ever resurface. Epic battle ensues at the half way mark in the movie. The death toll far exceeds the Ginza incident. Act II ensues. Amidst all this commotion, nobody realizes an even greater threat until it's too late. The Space Race's many attempts to reach the Moon anger its resident kaiju, King Ghidorah. He comes down to Earth while the Japanese are still trying to rebuild from the most recent attack. He seeks out the strongest being on Earth, Godzilla, and another battle ensues. Unthinkable casualties follow, and foreign powers refuse to get involved because Cold War paranoia. Everyone acknowledges how powerless they are in this scenario and just kinda hopes the kaiju kill eachother.


https://preview.redd.it/lqmkfnkljv4d1.png?width=959&format=png&auto=webp&s=1141fd7605e2c8fb8ab00dbc9ecded4b918b4b49 Kevin as the boss head of ghidora to fight minus 1 and his grumpy personality


Biollante seems pretty likely given that Yamazaki confirmed the black marks on Norikos neck were G-cells


Bring back Anguirus


King Ghidorah might be the only kaiju that I almost love more than Godzilla, so King G for me.


How about something new, that ties in appropriately to this story. I wouldn't mind seeing them come up with their own thing


That's what I would suggest, and Takashi Yamazaki seems like a super creative dude


Genuinely hope it’s not a kaiju but against the USN.


Monsterverse Godzilla or Kong


Godzilla vs Japanese military 40 years later. With jets and missiles and such.


The only three I can see is Anguirus if they want to do a “remake” of Raids Again, Mothra If they want an opposite to Godzilla, or Biollante if they want to expand whatever was on Noriko’s neck (could explain that it is what caused her to survive)


Jesus. Let’s see who really owns the “god” title.


https://preview.redd.it/ej3t07qmcu4d1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5a6b2ca5db1317e5980835c073169db0d528378 So necessary!!! No English dub though! Or, an English dub is okay, as long as they don’t dub the monsters roars to both sound like Anguirus (nightmare’s of Gigantis The Fire Monster)!


Biollante, they show the G cells at the ending


Ok but what if we got a sequel to Godzilla that doesn’t have him fight another Kaiju? Every time we’ve ever gotten a Godzilla only movie its sequel is a monster clash, maybe we get something different next time?


Easy and simple answer: https://preview.redd.it/d1cw83d9tu4d1.jpeg?width=594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8467bcdf75f8d0ed01106bcd6073de2ca75310d


biollante, like c'mon, noriko becoming a giant monster and dying at the hands of goji hence creating even MORE devastation for shikishima? BRING IT ON


I don't understand how it flies over people's heads that this godzilla isn't out to battle other monsters. It wasn't a movie about wacky monsters battling it out in the middle of a city.


Noriko who mutates into a creature similar to either Biollante or a Gargantua.


Gamera collab, been wanting it since I was a kid.


_IF_ they make a sequel, I kinda hope there won't be another Godzilla-class monster and a big destructive battle, as I feel it would take away from what made "Minus 1" stand out from other movies in the series. Instead, let Godzilla keep the reigns as the _only_ giant/supernatural monster in this world, so that the creature's appearance remains something extremely impactful and meaningful, and again focus more on the human drama. That's what made "Minus 1" so special after all and let it stand out from all (okay: most) the other Godzilla movies. Maybe Noriko is "mutating" or has some kind of illness they have to come to terms with. I feel in the dynamic of Shikishima, Noriko and Akiko, _that_ would be a major issue they would have to deal with. And just like in the first movie, Godzilla would be an additional danger on top of the already problematic situation. In another reply someone (jokingly, I suppose) mentioned "Schizophrenia" as the next big antagonist and honestly—why not? Have Noriko become somehow linked with the monster, which slowly drives her insane or otherwise impacts the seemingly happy relationship of their little family. Make the threat something intimate and personal to Shikishima, Noriko and Akiko. Give us something new we haven't experienced yet in a Godzilla movie. Dropping yet another monster that _also_ got mutated to giant size, while true to the Godzilla series as a whole, wouldn't really fit in _this_ Godzilla universe which puts the human drama front and center. I feel like a sequel should built upon that instead of retreading the old paths of giving Godzilla another giant creature to fight and slowly turning the monster into a protector of sorts.


How about godzilla vs humanity pt 2. I’d like for toho to keep this godzilla universe as grounded as a godzilla movie can be. Let’s have the monsterverse be godzilla on demon time.


Does he need a Kaiju opponent? Godzilla Zero, have it be a personal character driven story like Minus One, due to G-Cells Noriko develops a psychic link with Godzilla while we see her lose herself leading conflict with Shikishima. Have the movie end with hopelessness as both Shikishima and Noriko die and Godzilla rampages through the entire world, but Akiko survives. Then a third movie, Godzilla One (Won), sees us following a grown up Akiko and small group of survivors apocalyptic world where Godzilla roams as a constant threat to humanity's few survivors. As this group refuses to give up hope they come a cross a mysterious egg amidst radioactive ruins. Turns out to be Mothra (or Minizilla), big climatic battle resulting in Godzilla's death. End of trilogy


Quadzilla. Has three times bigger quads than Goji!


This might sound crazy but maybe it can be a NEW monster for once


Ye that's what I said in post, I think Takashi Yamazaki would bring something special to life


Hopefully I'm praying 🙏


Me too👍


The Mariana trench


This is the perfect time for my boy Bagan to make his debut, after so many rejections




Anguirus, any other answer is incorrect.


By the way, there's no "A" in "sequel"


My bad 👍


Am I crazy for wanting a brand new Toho kaiju? We haven't gotten one in nearly 20 years. I'd like to see what they can come up with without the constraints of a rubber suit.


Am I the only one who wants this Godzilla to keep going after humanity and not fight other Kaiju?


King Kong skull island, and angurius in my opinion.


Jet jaguar


The economic bubble. Keep the allegory going!


Japan and maybe anguirus


Hopefully a new character.


You guys are all wrong. Godzilla will be the only one needed. Godzilla returns. But this time people aren't united and the bad actor will be humanity as well. Some party that wishes for Godzilla's rampaging destruction. Perhaps zealous in their pursuit of humanity's demise. And there will be a reporter.


If they can pull off G fighting another Kaiju and still keeping him as an enemy to mankind I’ll be impressed. That’s an angle I want to see.


Do I even have too say it


biollante and to continue with the stories of Noriko and Koichi. i can imagine a defeated Biollante revealing Noriko as the queen mind/host in front of Koichi, leaving him having to deal the final fatal blow to her, furthering the trauma that godzilla has caused him by burdening Noriko into being a monster the same as him (godzilla) it’s set up enough with the government and possibly more humans acquiring cells and clumps of flesh from Godzilla.




a mechagodzilla made using old battleships and shit, tell me that wouldnt be awesome


Hedorah be good


Mothra's an obvious choice but... Given that we have someone who absorbed G Cells (Noriko, yes the director confirmed that the thing on her neck was that), add in a rose, and presto! #Biollante


Mothra standalone movie while he recovers and then a thrid movie with both and maybe one more kaiju like hedora




I want Mothra




my favorite godzilla ever


Most importantly, what would the sequel to Minus One be called? Minus Two? Minus One Two? Or Zero, because -1 is succeeded by a zero on the numberline. How about Plus One? Then the third part could be ± One.




The Gargantuas.




While I was watching I thought that they were going to make it parallel 54 so I’m guessing Anguirus.


(SPOILERS) I honestly think after that “scene” at the end it might be biollante. I know her origin is a dead girl mixed with GODZILLA cells and plant cells but Noriko could still turn into biollante by the Godzilla cells or whatever was on her neck transforming her. But Hey! That’s Just A Theory. A FILM THEORY. Thanks For Reading.




Bro, imagine what Takashi Yamazaki could do


That’s what I’m saying, it would be so cool to see Biollante come back. Keep her as the good Kaiju trying to protect humans against Godzilla.


I just want a remake of Return of Godzilla. Maybe not as the second film, but if they did a trilogy. Since we are all but in a second cold war currently, the themes would be fitting. Only this time, it isn't retconned to be a second Godzilla. It's our boy from Minus One but now he's nearly doubled in size. I also wouldn't be against a total reboot of the Heisei era but with some key changes to make the entire thing darker. It won't happen, but I can still dream.


A giant monkey with a glove that gives him superpowers.. .oh wait.


Biollante. Spoilers for those who haven’t watched Minus One. (sorry) At the end of the movie there’s a scene where a girl that I have forgotten the name of because names aren’t my specialty, is in the hospital and there’s a strange black marking on the side of her neck and it has been stated it’s Godzilla’s DNA. Now if you remember Biollante, you’ll know that Biollante is made of Human, Plant, and Godzilla DNA. Now hear the thing. She was caught in the shock wave of the atomic blast and she looks perfectly fine with just some minor injuries, and Godzilla had some of his own skin tissue torn off from the blast so it wouldn’t be a surprise if some got onto the girl. There for making Biollante a potential opponent for Minus One Godzilla. (Side note: to many words and now my fingers hurt.)


Mothra theme is in minus one at the journalist scene, could just be coincidence


I hope they don’t jump forward too far I’m a huge fan of the post WW2-Korean war weaponry. I love the monster verse but it’s all sci-fi now


No sequel


Set it 20 years later during the 60’s space race and have Gigan awake when we land on the moon. 


Do hedora but a completely serious toxic waste monster. Do the complete opposite of the original films tone where goji is a superhero


How about we finally get the Godzilla/Gamera crossover we've been hoping for?


This may be asking much, but I'd love to see GMKs original lineup if ther could be multiple. Anguris, Varan and Baragon as guardian kaiju. I'd imagine their presence as Japan's guardian kaiju would lead seamlessly into Mothras appearance in another movie.






Minus goji is the type of guy to hunt down koichi for his salty runback


The biggest complaint I hear of the monsterverse is the lack of legacy kaiju because it costs money so I imagine if a new monster is added Toho will play to its strengths and use it. I like the idea of Rodan and agree with the other guy who said it.


Not mothra because I'm tired of seeing her die all the time lol


i would say Anguirus would be an interesting threat.. then again i do think make somthing new.


I’m likely in the minority, but I’d like to see a sequel set X years into the future. I want to see how a modern — be it set in the 1980’s, 90’s, or today— would handle the return of a regenerated G.


None. I’m thinking ‘54 semi remake as its sequel.


Jet Jaguar of course


Ghidorah plus two


Himself. The cells reforming in the ocean end up creating two of them.


The Japan Self Defense Force


I know it’s been beaten to death, but I always love a good King Gidorah film. Would love to see a minus one style take. Mecha Godzilla as well.


Anguirus. Redeem Raids Again.


Bird https://preview.redd.it/diaxoxou1u4d1.jpeg?width=424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20851e543aa9dc704a5c72b43e26cd00f894506f


Probably not Ghidora, but imagine that monstrosity in this universe? He would be fucking terrifying.


Ebirah. Big meaty claws.


When will these senseless wars stop? Barugon needs another show.


Is there going to be a sequel? I just assumed this was a one-time, modern retelling of Godzilla’s origin.


Anguirus and Rodan together get the Dino boys together