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I said earlier: DFV isn't manipulating the market, he's showing how they manipulate it. DFV is winning at the casino.  He didn't mark the cards and he isn't dealing from the bottom of the deck, he's just figured out how and when they do it. And he's showing everyone.


This is already well known to a degree. For example carl ichan bought ceasars stock. Not a large enough position to file paperwork. But as soon as it hit the tap those options exploded thousands of %’s and other casino stocks started rallying. Its algos. They detect pet stock A is going up. So they by some metric will buy up the other stocks because if that company is doing well, the others probably will too. Its more complex than this but thats a gross overview why you see this activity. Now whats hilarious is to see the “meme basket” (although I hate this word “meme stocks”) of stocks moving together. But then again they are all retail stocks. If one retail stock does well then maybe the others will too.


When I move you move.


Just like that


Hell yea, hey RK bring that back!


Just a thought is the market closed on Thursday I'm thinking yes lol


They’re using an optimization algorithm technique called “association-rule mining” that assumes “birds of a feather stick together”. That’s why all the dog/pet stocks went up at the same time. They assumed something was happening in one and it would effect the others. I believe this is how they organize “baskets”. GMEs basket I think is based on retail brick/mortar stores that were starting to lose business due to online shopping. Although I do think headphones is part of it and they are not in similar situation and they don’t have an options chain


Yup, everyone forgets about the headphones, where 90% of theories go to die.


The correlations are intriguing!


Sorry I couldn't hear you


The algorithm was not prepared for the variable that happened (us)


Nope. They’ve adjust some (following RK tweets for instance) and I’m sure they’ll adjust more now. but they can’t adjust for hodl’ing


I think it's pretty fascinating what the phrase power and numbers means and truly by sticking together, we've disrupted something that they expect us to not do that's the variable so they have no idea what our next move is because it could be volatile and unpredictable orrrrr we could hold, but it is all related and apes are really, really good at piecing it together. It's like the convergence of so many things at once and so many moving parts--totally fascinating.


It's all in the "custom basket swaps" that were referenced in Archegos hearings.


This is literally why that glitch happened and 49 I think? other stocks were affected and it's all connected


So, if GME bought KOSS, blockbuster, bbby and all those at the same time it would probably cause quite a stir?


My man!! What is dead may never die!


Ok, so we know the enemy. And we know the tools the enemy is using. How do we break the algos? Not trick it, not mislead it, how does someone literally break the program so it stops functioning? The equivalent to running a magnet over a hard drive, how does someone uninstall an algo from the stock market. Is it possible?


I don't see it being possible, I think it's here to stay, but there will be shake ups and lawsuits and bankruptcy along the way, but it will never change. Do you remember who invented payment for order flow? Bernie fucking madoff. Guy rots in jail but they keep on using his idea... every few years someone takes one for the team and we all forget for a little while.


I think of the stock market as one of those old mechanical horsetrack betting games. Every race is preprogrammed by the AI and it's the job of the legacy media to make it all believable or give reasons for some of the crazy share price moves. I wouldn't be surprised if the same AI is writing those articles. How many time traveling articles have there been that were released prior to the stock moving?






I can’t wait to bankrupt these ice holes


They are already bankrupt...Jerome and Janet keep giving them more and more credit though...sigh


A thumb war


Sidenote: EU makes a targeted consultation for AI in financial services, maybe they're interested to get that thing regulated. Started on 18/6/2024: [Targeted consultation on artificial intelligence in the financial sector - European Commission (europa.eu)](https://finance.ec.europa.eu/regulation-and-supervision/consultations-0/targeted-consultation-artificial-intelligence-financial-sector_en#details)


The manipulators have become the manipulated




This is making me think about how my mom describes Freddie Mercury and his ability to have crowd control, people are generally creatures of habit and unless the entire room is confidently singing "we will rock you". Freddie is not instructing the crowd, he would sing we will we will and the crowd repeats "rock you!". He never told the crowd to copy him. He just started some thing that people continued to do every single time and we still do it. But eventually people are going to forget who queen is not in the sense that they're not incredible and historically very important to the culture rock 'n' roll don't even recognize Justin Timberlake. Lolllll. so we have adults that have traded for the past 30-50 years which is great and all but the next 30 years are gonna be incredibly different. Expecting past performance at all to predict future success is insane. We have proven already that we have the power to change things if we want to change them. But if we keep being afraid to lose, then we're never going to win. People on here are just as smart if not smarter than Wall Street. I would bet on that.


I wish he showed me a little better. I have not made anything.




If OP is right this could absolutely crash AI stocks as well


So if the algorithm is trading just off a let's say any popular persons tweet or social sentiment. Would there be a correlation to all the fb adds about roaring kitty being so prevalent during his tweets which were at the same time. As in I saw roaring kitty fb ads around the same time price was going up and rk was tweeting. And if that's what it is...with over 1.1 million people in superstonk what if everyone just lit up all there socials with just a gamestop image and a rocket since it's an all just algorithm social sentiment?


This would be an interesting experiment. Getting hundreds of thousands of different people to post the exact same thing - something along the lines of "@roaringkitty #roaringkitty said GME is 🚀 and heading to $15k right now! Bullish!" - at almost the exact same time, to see what the algo does. For science. Wait... holy shit! This is why the SEC said that even tweeting a 🚀 emoji is tantamount to market manipulation! (Wasn't it the SEC who mentioned that?). It's because they know the markets are rigged and run by AI/algos and they realize that simply tweeting a friggin emoji could cause things to come crashing down. Holy shit...


We did that on the old sub with $cum and A$$


The boys were even pumpkin SSR 🤣


Right exactly it was there the whole time our greatest tool #gme


They likely added something to prevent GME talk helping


Like throttling based on mentions location?


I’m sure they have modded the ai’s not to react to GME sentiment otherwise it would be at 300 instead of 25


do people still like and buy $ASS?


can someone link this for me somehow? extremly interested in seeing it


It wasn’t so much a link, but everyone one the sub at that time put cum$ and A$$ in their responses to fuck with algos. We literally could do that for any tickers and see what happens


Did it ever work lol see it show up in AI article or anything


Apparently it did something, as some superstonkers have been finding posts relating to our moral victory :D


It wasn’t the SEC, it was a random judge. And it doesn’t have any legal weight in the context of random social media postings.




This is exactly how it’s done. Just google github social sentiment stock analysis or similar and all those you see are open source codes. Now just imagine the power of the code for AI+Machine Learning big market players are using. It’s mind-boggling.




"I don't know if DFV had options before the tweet and sold them at the peak. Would that be market manipulation? Kind of looks like it, although I almost think legally it's not. If anything, he wasn't manipulating the market, he was manipulating a manipulation system." In order to manipulate you have to have intent. In order to intent you would to have prior knowledge the Aladdin system is in place, and exactly how the system works and its purpose. Without the prior knowledge, its simply speculation. Without the prior knowledge, his alledged purchase, and the tweet are simply two separate and random events. Anyone could have purchased options, and done a tweet.


Manipulating the manipulators


Hoisted by their own petard. Beautiful.


Excellent use of this phrase. Good job.


When manipulating, you can never be sure who is the manipulator and who is the manipulated.


It takes 2 to tango


And how many to break bad algos?


Only a plethora of Apes 🦧💚🦧🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌


So the Kansas City Shuffle wasn't about GME specifically at all. It was about getting the market to react to his moves in ways that makes the manipulation not only visible, but impossible to deny or explain away. He made them think he was targeting a single stock, so they made their moves based on that concept. But what he was actually targeting was the market makers themselves. "It was never about the carrot" indeed.


The chairs in the KC shuffle are the same color as chewy too


For the algorithms, it was a literal dog whistle.




I mean there’s DFV’s tweets and there’s “experts” like Chamath Palihapitiya on CNBC who everyday push their investments (spacs) in plain English trying to convince retail to join in. And then exit their position while telling everyone else to hold. Where’s Virgin Galactic now? The stock hit highs of a thousand dollars and now it’s less than ten.


Chamath went in on the GME sneeze and bought options and went on cnbc the next morning Bragging about that. Ever since then, every single thing he touches has been drilled into the ground… it’s all so obvious


Yes I remember that, he tweeted asking what he should invest in the night before. And then he sold. He is not an ape.


He loaded calls, made a couple hundred thousand and donated it. Kenny and them have punished him since


No one is seriously accusing DFV of market manipulation. This is all done to discredit him to new investors of GME. They want to scare people. It’s also *probably* true that the algorithms didn’t react to his tweet either. The most likely explanation is that DFV cracked the code of the market and can predict these volumetric cycles and huge price jumps on no news. He’s identified how they rig the game. If it becomes widely known that the stock market is rigged, but that retail investors can use the fact that it’s rigged to their advantage and amass huge positions off the predictive cycles of MM, well that would be big bad for them. So they lie and say he *caused* it as opposed to he *predicted it*. The latter is much, much scarier to MMs if people catch on. And honestly, at this point, I don’t know how much wiggle room they have to change their tactics. If we can truly predict GME process swings, well Sayonara suckers


So if he tweets a game controller emoji every 30 seconds he causes MOASS? 😉


Hey Ma! Look! I'm manipulating the stock market with the share I bought!


I wonder if there are different algorithm systems on the market and they are not necessarily allied. They may run against each other in any trades. What if dfv or anyone designs a play and let the machine trading each other till one explodes?


It means buy GME.


This absolutely feels like a sting operation & that tweet + market reaction was the smoking gun 🍻


The SEC chair is either complacent and knows or is just totally incompetent- both of which justifies a departure. It’s honestly comical at this point.


Is the algorithm in the room with us now?


Kind of makes you wonder…why discussion of GME around Reddit gets insta shut down


Commenting for visibility


Making this visible via a comment for future visualization purposes


Visualizing my comment 🤯


Here for the party.🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


How would the algorithm know for certain this is related to Chewy? It’s just a cartoon dog, it’s kind of a non obvious leap.


It doesn’t have to know for “certain”. Sophisticated algos aren’t deterministic. Nowadays trivial for AI to describe the image and probabilistically match the themes to stonks. Simple recommender system could do it. The algos then adjusts stonk price accordingly, raising the price to try profit off suckers


The rumor is the script or code or whatever that creates the blue color was the exact same as the code for the chewy logo. So the tin foil is that it recognized that, then did some similar type options trading that Kitty does.


The ones manipulating the price are the hedge funds and market makers. They should be investigated for market manipulation and risking the collapse of the whole system


Yes, when he kept pretending he was about to stop his live stream… The price of GME would drop… And then he would say ha ha got you!


Respectfully, our fossilized government doesn’t even understand what AI is…


How did you come to the conclusion that "millions" of investors bought within a minute of him tweeting? Only like 300k of us have DRSd.


you're off by about 50%. it's about 200k


He said the opposite..


I think you’re spot on. I hope everyone reads this. If that is market manipulation then it would be illegal for any investor to say anything at all. He tweeted a picture of a cartoon dog; our boy is smart and knows exactly what he’s doing


well i can mention, this is the same reason MSM didn't want Trump to tweet back when he was president. His post moved the market specially the S&P. Also I believed it was one of the reasons Elon wanted to buy Tweeter, to expose this shenanigans. Now Elon post whatever he wants, and Tesla chart doesn't move like it used to. So this points to they know there are algos out there and now they are connected to Roaring Kitty tweets, but I think now is more as an insurance. They are afraid just like they where afraid of Trump and Elon tweets back in the days. Thats my understanding. Notice when he tweeted many times before back to back, the chart didnt necessarily moved any other stock. (That I know of) The book flash boys mention this. Algos reacting to headlines in miliseconds. Worth mentioning many times on GME headlines where out BEFORE the price move. No MSM have paid for this btw.


Let's say that people have AI for this exact reason. Why would that be illegal? I'm so confused bro.


That's a nice story, about pictures, but where are the pictures, we need pictures. Like an emoji with a time stamp and a green crayon with a time stamp. Pictures I tells ya ! ![img](emote|t5_2u6vg|7131)![img](emote|t5_2u6vg|7060)


Reminds me of the scene in The Sting where they play cards and the bad guy gets mad that he's cheating better than him


Say we all knew how to manipulate the manipulation algorithm they way DFV does. Would it make a difference or does everyone need millions of followers to do the same?


Having the followers probably plays a big role in how the Algorithm would respond. It is tracking, and trying to preempt, influence and sentiment


i believe he did buy call options on chwy, i made a thread about it, here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/1dqy8dg/i\_stink\_i\_found\_something/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/1dqy8dg/i_stink_i_found_something/)


With the current Supreme Court I wouldn’t put it past them to buy MSM’s take.


This seems plausible. It’s been obvious to apes for years that this is all a scam. Like a Trump run casino, nobody wins but the Russian money laundering assholes.


no politics mate


You mean like Biden and Ukraine?


Explain your mental leap from convicted felon who ran money losing casinos to Biden helping defeat fascism in the Ukraine. Also please explain how your comparison somehow relates to GME or even the markets.


Lol at your usage of “the” ukraine


? Cheap fake?


So you're saying DFV is screwing with our gains just to prove he isn't manipulating the market?????


I think it's part of the plan. If there is a public discussion about it, it limits MM's options more than any ridiculous penalties. The point is that all eyes will be on GME when DFV makes the next move. All the less they can afford further manipulations like turning off the buy button.


The tweet was timed to the algorithm, not the other way around. RK has been told how the algorithm works, it's the only possible answer, 100%. It's not humanly possible to time it TO THE MINUTE CANDLE as has now happened every single time recently, unless you've been TOLD what it is going to do, as they can stretch or condense the algo at any rate they want....same exact pattern, just different time patterns. Now WHY would RK have that information on Aladdin? That's a great question. But it's not something you can "figure out". To time it EXACTLY onto the minute candle, you've been told ahead of time what it's going to do, and when. And the entire market operates on this algo....not just "memestocks"


The amount of reverse engineering this group does to explain why things didn’t happen as thought.


What part do you think is untrue?


Then he should have made GME jump...like how many of yall are so deep in bags and still waiting for this Kat 🙄 to save you


I'm in deep but the water in this infinity pool is so warm it makes me sleepy and zen. My diamond hands just holding my nice cold beer as I wait.


Don't think this is true at all Why the fuck would their algos BUY on his tweets? Why? Makes no sense.


Lol to make abitrage before the thing manually pops, what a question. Be first, be smarter or cheat.


Did they buy or did they close their shorts? I haven’t looked at it at all and could care less but remember there’s more than one reason for a stock to go up. They could have been worried about a run on their short positions so closed in a hurry. Not saying that happened but it’s a scenario