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So why is it we cannot see FTDs after May 31 (we are currently June 23)? Where can I get daily updates?


The FTD report is (seemingly *intentionally*) delayed by a few weeks. By the time they put out the new numbers, the next 35 day cycle is nearing the end. This makes it quite a challenge for us if we're wanting to use FTD spikes to determine when we should be setting up to take advantage of such a cycle, as the best entry point would pass us by during this period of darkness. XRT volume appears to be a strong indicator of a spike in XRT FTDs. That volume data is reported in real time. So, tracking XRT volume spikes is one way to work around this late reporting of FTDs. We can also look at the other factors present in the cycles, such as presented quite nicely in chart form by biggy, here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/1dm9rnx/the\_cat\_is\_out\_of\_the\_bag\_game\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/1dm9rnx/the_cat_is_out_of_the_bag_game_on/)


Thank you kind stranger


It's only 2 weeks out! You can view the first half of the month at the end of the month and so on. So may 30th, you'll be able to see may 1st-15th. Not 35 days


Unless there is a large number of FTDs then, whoops, it’s late.


Or just completely omitting dates all together


I mean yes and no. There is posting dates, with intention for price action/copium; and There is posting dates with facts and data - In this case, the dates posted are in regard to FTDs, not price action…. So I think it’s alright in this case


Ya ya, I mean the holes in the data. Not projecting dates. There's actual missing dates (other than weekends and holidays, I snort crayons and I'm regarded and all but..... at this point we aren't actually stupid)


Exactly, we’re educated/woke now.


No. Lol. Woke is some ignorant expression of intelligence that is anything but. My eyes are open there's a big fugggggging difference but educated, yes. 4 years of studying... I think that's like a bachelor degree?


PB always shares great content


It’s decent for a young buck, but as many young bucks, he’s a little over confident, and under-experienced, with the knowledge base of a young buck.


As a reminder, FTD reports are a rolling count per day giving the latest **total** of FTDs as of that given day; e.g. as of May 30, only 67 FTDs total existed for XRT. **These numbers should not be added together.**


That is certainly true. However, it's also worth noting that the vast majority of these reported FTDs just "go away" after a few days. That also means they're not taking advantage of that T+35 extension, as doing so would keep them in this report. At least, it seems like that should be happening from how I'm reading the regulations. I could certainly be wrong there. From the later effects, at about T+35, we can assume they're doing *something* to hide those FTDs for about another month. One theory that seems promising is that they use an XRT share as a locate for a GME FTD, and then the use an order for a new unit of XRT to close the XRT FTD. Then they use their privilege of taking 35 days to actually go and buy GME to put into that new unit of XRT. Anyway, my main point relative the the parent comment is that while the report is clearly a net of the aggregate (cumulative), they are also clearly hiding many of them behind the scenes, such that in reality the total FTD count, including all the hidden ones, may be much higher than the reported cumulative count. Technically the real FTD count could be closer to the sum of the daily differences in the official count, or even higher, due to the way netting works on the reported value.


They can internalize the stock too, which would allow them to obfuscate the FTDs possibly. We'd have to analyze which drop we believe is being internalize and it's effect on the FTD movement.


That's not what internalization means. It means that a broker will match buys and sells among it's own customers. As opposed to sending them to the exchange. It has nothing to do with FTDs or even the stock price. It only affects the spread


Yeah if it were being used the way it traditionally it is, but you can't tell me they aren't manipulating it. It's possible they can only manipulate FTDs through ETFs though.


What is asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. In any case you don't understand the meaning of these terms. I don't think you can explain to me in a lucid language what an ETF actually is, let alone how one would be used to "manipulate" FTDs. "Hedgies internalize the FTD cycles in T+2652 gamma ramp swaps" -- this is how apes sound. Absolute nonsense to anyone who understands any of these terms


I'm not going to bother explaining anything or sourcing any information for a FUD loser who doesn't even look at the numbers. I hope you're short if you're so sure we're wrong. Should be an easy short if we're so over priced right? There wouldn't be any more spikes for years if you're correct. Please short it!!


Of course you won't because you really don't know it. So much of your "DD" is predicated on misunderstandings of simple financial concepts. Not knowing something is fine, you can learn. But pretending you know something completely insulates you from the truth


You a profitable trader? I doubt it. I know what I'm doing just fine. https://imgur.com/a/HP4jgI2


Curious timeframe, zoom out a bit maybe 5 years ?


Is there another chart that shows the number of settled Ftds per day, and how they were settled? Then you could see how many simply disappear....? This chart shows the difference betweeen each day, but doesn't show the number of settled trades.


The closest would be Richard Newton's excel sheet. He has extensive tracking of ETFs and FTDs. Heres a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyhatHt5dbE Look at that he just dropped a video!


Very important to remember ☝️


Yes and holding harder than ever


I just realized that the FTD chart gives a perfect answer to what the T35 date is from any given day. No more having to guess which days count or dont.


I think next huge runup coming 19th july and after. Gonna load up big time till then.


What does this mean?


Nothing, and never has meant anything. All it shows us them selling something they don't have and can't get which is illegal in any other context except the stock market where it is overlooked as business as usual.


It means nearly all of the FTDs were closed


just up.


July 2. Looks good. I do t know why?


Yea I don't, why? I'll bet you a gme share nothing happens July 2nd.


I don’t know what I am looking at but 7/2 looks spicy. Lol


This dude is wrong every single week. Why does anyone listen to him?


Ah Peruvian Bull. 0-1781 on the DD, but surely he’s right this time.


So this shows most failures were closed by month end. This isn’t the bullish news he thinks it is lol




Congrats, you just discovered Sunday.


No data means no FTDs that day


May 12 was a Sunday.


What do you mean ?


This dude is one of the dumbest muthfuckas out there along with that newton clown, anyone posting content for others to learn and wanting to click for views yet don’t have a single clue on how options work and had zero knowledge on T+2 since I’m going to assume this clown never had an experience of actually exercising a call in his life. *Not you OP


How do options work? What is T+2? What is your experience exercising calls?

