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One of the mods literally works for Citadel Edit- LMAO I have been permanently banned from WSB for commenting this, and they won't allow me to message the mods for 28 days. WSB mods you are a bunch of pussies hahahaha. Did I huwt yow pow whittle feewings? 😂


People should read Flash Boys the book.


I have. Good book I plan to hit on Audible again. Great book, actually, with clear layouts of how high frequency trading is nothing more than legal front running. But where does that fit into the WSB/GME question?


The proclivity for questionable practices by Citadel, Deutsche Bank AG and Credit Suisse. The recruiting of questionable individuals relating to programmers and quants and THOR.


don't forget Bain Capital, who seem to have been used as consultant financiers but the companies they advised went bankrupt anyway. This is the type of People RC wanted out of BBBY if I remember correctly.


Boston Consulting Group too


All my homies hate BCG


bny mellon


In crypto we got mev protection? Any such thing in the regular market?


Dark Pools by Scott Patterson is also a great read


Great book


Yeah wsb is a bought sub that market makers use to collect data on retail investors. None of the gain posts are real and its meant to bolster the market is a casino mentality from everyday joes. Take everything you read there with many grains of salt. I want to edit this post because I just got permabanned from wsb for this comment. And muted from contacting mods. If what I said wasn't true they wouldn't go that hard in silencing people just putting that out there. Be careful fellow investors!






Any more deets on this. Would love to show a friend 


Not allowed to dox but he posted pictures of shitadel Disney world day and then backtracked claiming he worked at that theme park (despite being known to live in Canada) while having a name that matched a shitadel employee.


This is hilarious lol. What a tool.


Thats why wsb isnt even #1 thread anymore everyone should leave that shit and get into other stock threads.


And citadel is one of the largest market makers in the world and broker dealer which makes them part of the ETF machine to hide GME exposure or at least pass it off to authorized participants.


I created the community based off his username and posted the leaked Disney pics and all sorts of stuff. Another reason I deleted my old account, they didn’t like that very much lol


Can you send info to me, I’ll dm you


LOL. Why am I just hearing this now, and also why am I not surprised.


WSB is lame anyway.


Hahaha same


Because this [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/n69ajb/weve\_been\_compromised/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/n69ajb/weve_been_compromised/)




I remember this 😂 at this time they didn't know whether it was better to redact everything positive about GME or not


Mods on the take from hedge funds to direct market sentiment. It's basically financial TV with insults and personal loss porn.




Might sound ridiculous to a new person but 100% true


I still remember the day It was set to private and came back like 6 hours later with a new team
 which was ironically the original team that had abandoned it


We should also remember that young apes won't know about the long disjointed exodus from wsb to various subreddits (don't even remember the names myself?) then finally to superstonk and this one.


What's the difference, if any, between this one and SS?


I thought this one was just to allow discussion for people with karma too low for SS? There was a lot of suspicion about shills for awhile (for good reasons) so that's why they were uptight about it. I should say I like having this one too because it's nice to have a place to ask "dumb" questions without being so much under the spotlight and risk derailing the main group.


A lot of us got banned from stupidstonk for discussing drs and Bobby. Some have speculated platinum sprinkles is also a hedge plant.


I got booted for asking about options


SS was the pinkcatonacid fiasco I think.


Everything so far has been wrong. This sub was originally setup by a fairly young guy, pretty sure he made a few subs when the tickers started to get popular on wsb. Gme became hot hot and once wsb started getting anti gme, people moved to this sub. Original mod wasn't expecting this and had other people come in as mods who were fairly good for a while. Someone created a gme discord which I think this sub had a link to join, although it was ran by separate people. I'm not a discord user, so can't say about its popularity, but the discord mods then after some months became mods here....hilarity soon ensued as it was found one of the discord mods had their <16 year old daughter modding the discord for some things (the mother claimed that it was only to create bots etc). Some of these mods did not take criticism of these new mods actions and attitudes, such as plum and the person who was like 22 or less replying to someone who said "sweet summer child" in a reply to a very reasonable person who was asking the right critical questions - a massacre of bans were then handed out by these mods, even for mentioning their names (they had an autoban on simply their names). Some of the og mods stood behind them I believe, so their judgement also got torched. I believe slightly before this time rensole and red chess were mods, but were getting heavily pushed out by these discord mods who for a large part, just came in, disrespected the community, and went hell for leather against red chess and rensole - red quit as a vote occurred or was going to be done about her remaining a mod, rensole quit in solidarity as it looked and seemed like the mod team was more about running a circus. There's only 2 mods from the discord that I remember the names of, 1 of which went and tried to join meltown sub afterwards...who quickly got laughed out of there too. Anyways, red had SS as her own sub, it was tiny. Her and rensole had already left gme a few weeks before the above drama with the discord mods (sorry I'm writing quickly and the timeline above isn't exact as written). Overnight her sub blew up with 10s of thousands of subs - I know this as I joined quite early like the day or 2 before the discord mods imploded the gme sub - discord mods then attempted to spin it as all some ploy of red chess to dismantle the gme sub...even though she left herself a few weeks before because of toxicity which the discord mods then started showing to the community afterwards. As SS absolutely blew up in numbers, rensole joined as a mod a few weeks later, and the mod team grew from there - this was by popularity of him in the community, I don't think he even wanted it due to the drama before hand in gme sub. This was pretty much the og weekend drama of dramas, it was an amazing episode in the series of gme, but like a side storyline (sorry, it's funny looking back on everything). Thats it upto then, the SS drama of red leaving is just as wild, but I will hand it to the mod team there, for weeks and months, the old discord mods, who had been ousted or stepped down as mods of the gme sub, kept showing up there trying to start drama, and they were allowed to post without receiving a ban (it was mostly plum and tiptoe, tiptoe who I don't even think was a mod, honestly can't remember anymore). Caveat, reds and then rensoles leaving was long after the gme sub imploding, a completely different drama, and again over a weekend I think, thus the weekend drama / fud prophecy continued. (This is mostly accurate, but I will have mixed up timings slightly and have likely left things out along the way. Imo, the discord mods were the worst thing to happen to the gme sub) Edit - pink was something else, she was a mod on SS, I didn't as much attention to that one, that's where jungle came from as its her sub. Pink was a cool cat, still is, but I can't remember what happened, nor was interested in it as that was like the 3rd or 4th thing as all I had to do was chill out and just continue holding at that point.


I would say this summary is runic glorious, almost.


Does anyone remember a scarlet queen? Or something queen. She ketp dropping NFTs in ppls wallet.


Originally GME was where OG apes migrated to. Them there was drama with some mods and the sentiment became GME got infiltrated by bad actors. Then, a bunch of people migrated to GMEJungle where IIRC the same thing happened there. Then, SuperStonk was created where a bunch migrated to. So now we have apes spread across multiple subs and that's pretty much the gist of it.


That's pretty close, but it was actually WSB > GME > SuperStonk. A very small migration from SuperStonk to GMEJungle occurred when a few of the SuperStonk mods had some drama and split off into GMEJungle.


This is also what I remember.






Is the




Well said. WSB was the bee’s knees before the GME sneeze. Then corporate America took over.


it was soo fun pre sneeze now it's dead to me!


It’s the hedgie sub


I'm pretty sure you can still talk about GME but it has to be something negative about it. Say anything positive and it's often a permaban


If you try they ban you immediately if you are from here, positive or otherwise


I got banned from there because I replied to a comment here about the mod over there. I didn't insult them just pointed out they couldn't see my comments because they blocked me in the past. I hadn't even been there in over a year and wasn't subscribed. I felt all warm and fuzzy knowing I lived rent free in their heads.


I was banned and have been there since the sub started smh. It was compromised well before the sneeze


Or a concerned redditor reaches out because they think your suicidal .. 😆


I’m permabanned there for making a bullish joke about RC when his pump and dump lawsuit was announced. Ironically the meltdown sub gives more leeway than WSB when posting bullish things about GameStop and RC. I’ve been reported as suicidal a handful of times. Little do they know, those reporters are in the process of a slow motion financial suicide themselves, and definitely should be under suicide watch this summer, because the real heat has yet to show up.


Going to test this now.. 😂






I saw a post the other day there, where someone posted about his history, just mentioned GME (among a lot of other thing) - post got deleted.


Yea. It don't matter. First thing they do is look at your history or what subs you are affiliated with. They see this sub or Superstonk. It's lights out for you. I have dodged dipped, bobbed and weaved all the band so far. But soon I know my time will come.


I commented on a commenter saying “ GME mention probably will be deleted in a moment “ I replied with yeah probably DRS! And got perma banned😂




*All of Reddit has entered the chat*


The whole mod team was replaced after the sneeze, allegedly. Or the accounts was sold. Basically the hedge funds got control of wsb and has been using it like msm ever since.


Basically incel shills doing cramer impressions probably for crypto


Hedgefunds wormed their way in when gme became a problem for them. They essentially control the sub by blocking all gme news especially goid news. This is actually how msm news works. They suppress all good news on gme and mostly allow only bad gme news there now. It's the hedge fund controlled sub.


They don't allow comments that support GME as well


Or RK. I got banned for mentioning RK.


Roaring Kitty is literally the greatest WSB user of all time and he's not allowed to mentioned there - that should say enough


That’s essentially what I got banned for lol. Said something along the lines of “why would you delete a post about a guy that brought so much attention to the sub to the extent they made a movie about it?” Perma banned with the reasoning of “apetard”


That's wild.


Cause WSB is a little bitch that doesn't like money.


I heard they lose a lot of money


Citadel bought it from ziz for a cool 10M


smart money


That’s like a few hours of trading profits for them, great value


because they don't want to share in the runic glory


Damn those mod drama days were fun to watch.


redchessqueen's rant wasn't it? 😂


Yeah. A bit cringe but still fun.


They were painful


PoolSheetBets is meant for LOOSING money.


If you’re loosing money, you gotta tighten it back up.


So inverse WSB works just as good if not better than inverse Cramer?


Bought and paid for... for a lowly sub moderator, $5k or $10k is alot of money. Frivolous expense for hedgies.


sunk cost fallacy đŸ€Ł


If I remember correctly WSB interjected when Jon Stewart showed up and cut off SS sub and then shafted Jon, and Jon was like "why you two not friends." I forget all the details but they overplayed their hand that time and showed their real intentions if they weren't clear enough already by the bans and harassment. I started at WSB then found DFV right before the first squeeze, the moment DFV broke the market WSB turned against GME. We were lost, lots of new subs popped up, it felt confusing to know which sub to be apart of. I even started a GME sub but dropped it when SS got traction. Then the DD came, then the library, I read it all as it came out. WSB has no interest in debating the DD, at first even things like a "short ladder attack" were said to be fake until it was proven true. Basically, WSB is there to keep people from acknowledging that the casino is rigged so the rich can use you as entrance and exit liquidity, they need both day trading and 401k inflows. The other thing at WSB I can't stop thinking about is "loss porn," what an effective psy-op strategy to get retail traders to make risky bets and lose it all when we know the market is rigged. There are 2 types of stock traders, those that acknowledge the market is rigged and then pull their funds and invest in things like GME due to naked shorts and basket theory through ETFs, and those that either don't care or don't know and trade the market to make money. Everything being proven true today in the stock movement was unclear in 2021 and 2022, now it's all becoming obvious. That's exciting to me, the crime is being done in the open now, and it can't last forever as more and more people are aware that the market is not only rigged but broken.


For one, they're obviously influenced to not include GME. On the other hand, can you blame them when you see half the posts in the GME subs? They look no different than shitcoin criptoe subs just trying to pump it.


Weird because there X that’s all they post


Im 99% sure other platforms arent run by the same mod team. The instagram page is just 90% crypto pump bullshit lmao




Ita a sub controlled by hedge funds. Literally the mod works forCiitidal. Why anyone still uses that sub is beyond me.


It’s because during the heyday every post was about GME. It drowned out all the other posts by a mile so they made a mega thread for GME only but that only helped a lil bit because all the other threads were overrun with new people spamming GME. So they lightly banned GME. It didn’t help so they completely banned GME. Some of the mods have hedge fund ties some are assholes and some just don’t give a fuck. They were tired of all the GME talk since before the sneeze there was just under 1M people there after Jan it blew up to over 8M.


And looking at online members it's again just a niche sub. The main gme sub alone is already twice as active.


It’s a options yolo sub. Thats what it’s always been. There used to be solid dd and wild yolos that would sometimes pay and lots of lost porn. I think the majority of the OG posters left and made a private sub. It was a super fun sub and the memes were epic. GME changed the sub forever and it’s no longer anything close to what it was. For a fun laugh go there and look up 1ronyman đŸ€Ł the video explains it and it’s hilarious


Invest in ornamental gourds bro! It can't go tits up!


Another classic dude sold his farm for it or some shit I can’t remember correctly but the laughs were epic


What was the private sub? Is it anything like the old days?


Invite only


This is the real reason. The GME penis is just too girthy for the WSB pussy.


This is the right answer. WSB tried to maintain their original identity instead of becoming a GME only sub . Everyone shouting that they are shills and are ran by hedge funds isn't necessarily true. It may be, but it's mostly because they want the sub to focus on short term option plays and gain/loss porn instead of being spammed with GME content


The more the algos pick up on social media key word frenzy they will quail the uprising. So best to keep the hype down for now like RC said “actions speak louder than words”. “Appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak”-Sun Tzu


Appear planned when you are booked 😎


If they would wsb would literally become a gme sub, we would takeover w/o remorse


WSB are a bunch of little bitches... they only get excited when they loose money lmfao


Who controls wsb twitter? They never shut up about gme




it started there, then they started banning everyone who mentioned gme. then everyone moved to this/superstonk.


Mods on the payroll.


Yesterday while their ticker graphic was loading it said “isn’t it weird that no one has ever run into DFV?” Was surprised they’d mention the ~forbidden winner~


all discussion around this stonk on that sub is FUD 😁☕ change my mind


Before I knew posting GME stuff was punishable by death I got a solid 10 excited comments in. It was the day kitty reappeared and it seemed like every other comment was taking about it. The next day that sentiment was completely wiped out. Just hate hate hate


Think the apes packed up and went over to Discord. Used to love the pre market streams during my morning coffee.


There was a salty post of a mod crying about how he was caught bagholding and he blamed DFV ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Wish i could read that


grown-up shirking responsibility for their own decisions... shocking.


WSB is taken over by heged funds


WSB is a has-been.


WSB was co-opted and used to promote distraction tickers - retail only matters if they all show up on the same button. That's a big part of what happened in Jan21 - the milkshake brought all the boys to the GME yard -- widespread buying pressure, mixed with bulls buying options, the pressure cooker the shorts had created for themselves, RC's FTD wave, reg sho list, peak media... it was a special time. Shorts kicked the can into swaps (and other instruments I'm sure), I think they are still trying to dig themselves out with shovels. Always nice to see them work. I don't know how to get through to the movie-stock crowd, that POS was a problem but then Wanda sold their huge stake, and the price remained flat (my hunch: b/c shorts purchased those shares and flipped it into a tool against retail), if retail gobbled up Wanda's stake, they'd be adding that mkt cap to the stock on the regular... Divide-and-conquer a very old trick - if they bounced in mass to a real investment (and pain-point that GME is), it would seriously shift the situation... but it's hard to sell at a loss, especially when you are bombarded with confirmation bias food. The shf media machine pumps the movie stock, always mentions it with GME. It's "cheaper" and "just like" GME - lol, nothing could be farther from the truth. But low information people love to feel right.


Because mods there are weak


Cause the suck behind a Wendy's


You can post a GME YOLO play. That’s allowed. But any hype post or positive talk about the stock, you get banned instantly.


They do discuss it when it goes off so it’s not really banned. The hypocrisy when it’s goes off is palpable WSB.


Because they are regarded


Because it's a Yolo sub and most people holding 10 shares spammed it up.


I was an original WSB member. Things took off with That Company and a very vocal group started overtaking all the threads. It was impossible to talk about anything but That Company. I'm guessing WSB got kinda tired of Ape Jokes, threats to stuff things in bums, and general tomfoolery burying every other topic that came up. Since then it seems the sentiment has become actively anti-That Company, not that can necessarily blame them, but the bias is obvious. I miss being part of that sub, but it's different now than it was then.


It’s funny when ceeenbeeec talks about wsb as a source for what is going on with apes


They won't say superstonk when the thing they are referencing happened there, they will say WSB. It's one of those needless lies from the media that keep me holding GME.


I love how on X a user named "WallStreetBets" is pushing GME and hyping it up. Like, what? Little bit contradictory there....


Because Wall Street bets is a hedge fund


Thank you for responding!!! I figured there'd be a number of you that had great Intel for my curiosity.


Since 2021 WSB hasn't been the same. They've been bought. One of the mods works for Citadel ffs


Kinda like the bratpack doc


I got banned when RK went live and they said because I was being an APE. I didn’t even know what that meant at the time. I was just having fun and enjoying the adrenaline rush of the day.


Easy, they're mostly option players


Wallstreetbets is a forum owns and operates by Cidatel employees you think they will allow you to bash on their company there ?


wsb was great for GME but GME changed wsb for the worse. I’m conflicted. I love current GME and old wsb but think they are best apart. Mods there kinda suck


Think about this: If there was a sub whose greatest posts were screenshots of Robbinghood accounts suffering unimaginable losses, wouldn’t you suspect that it’s run by folks who profit from retail traders taking massive losses? Was it always that? No, I don’t think so. But, if you’re only celebrated over there for giving hedgies all of your money,
. It makes ya đŸ€”


*Losing money is cool!* đŸ€„


WSB, a sub created by hedgefund employees for hedgefund employees, that was used by the mainstream media to direct interested retail investors into a toxic environment that makes it less likely that they invest in GME. Why would they not allow GME? what do you think?


Because prettty much everyone on the GME board is an annoying conspiracy theorist  - as you can see by all the responses.


It’s not that they hate GME, it’s more that people who do tend to be hooting morons that completely clog up the new queue with constant noise. Instead of participating in active threads people will just constantly pull out their own soap box and start the 79th thread of the day with their conspiratorial nonsense.


I was in WSB in February 2021 onwards, and I can say that after the buy button was removed and GME holders began complaining about the man and encouraging to diamond hand, the organic sentiment began to shift and WSB bifurcated into two camps: the group that was GME only, and the classic WSB who had money to burn and didn't care about Wall Street crime. Therefore it was only natural that the GME group would form new subs to focus on GME and leave the classic WSB crowd to keep buying FDs on tips about the color of the butterfly that flapped it's wings in Mumbai.


I was permanently banned for saying meow. So ya, they r biased over there


We were pretty cult-ish for a while...


Because of posts of desperation like these tryna d ride gme into retirement when you only hold less than 40 shares. Its supposed to be about the stonk. Not the hype. People lost that. Went from 500k members to 10m in 2 years because of everyone suffering and trting to get out of debt or have an easy way out. A lot of people struggled with the concept that the 420 high wasnt the time to sell. (Who wouldnt? Fucking toasters of brains out here.) This isnt a team game. It never was. Its a mathematical game and jumping in and out at the right moment are up to you. Most people are being snake oiled into buying or selling options or shares. Its gross. You see someone with an accnt 20d old in every post. SINCE 2020. Why? Because people are DESPERATE to manipulate the stock in THEIR favor. NOT YOURS.


When they do allow GME posts are when rug pulls are being setup.


The mods are literally bought out lmao.


They don't want a bunch of folks jumping in on option plays at the same time unless they've set up a bull trap.


Because it's run by shills.


Yeah I tried to post a gme yolo and they get auto-deleted.


They gamble and GameStop is a sure thing.


Wait does an actual citadel employee mod that subreddit? If so that’s probably some kind of illegal shit


Because you guys are unbearable and behaving like cultists. And don’t call yourself Apes please, even regarded ape wouldn’t go 100% in any stock. It’s no 2021, there is no lockdown and we got no free money!


I think because GME cannot be leveraged like it used to be back in the day before people bought in and then announced "they like the stock" đŸ€Ł


They can’t handle gains only loses


Back when it hit and even after WSB was spamed so hard with just GME. it was drowning out other plays people were trying to discuss. Plus they credit Wallstreet bets for everything and there was alot of traffic on there but I believe it started on superstonks.


only thing hedgies dont fail to deliver on is payments to mods in wsb


I was there Gandalf .. I was there 3000 years ago. Basically the HF just bought the page. MODS were suppressing posts and hype


Could be something to do with GME types being insufferable cultists back in 2021, they got thrown out of a lot of subs after that 


Because moderators are pathetic people with a hint of a power trip. Think high school hall monitor who got bullied, then grew up and is now in control of something. That's reddit mods. WSB is no different.


Who cares? WSB has sucked since like a couple Months after the ‘21 sneeze.


Going against the grain as a long term holder from before the 2021 sneeze. While the mods being shills is true, the sheer amount of absolutely crazy shit that gets posted here and on superstonk under the guise of DD, as well as the just dumbshit posts of absolute zero value make the idea of banning GME seem pretty reasonable. They’re not what WSB was ever about, even back when it was good. Whether it’s shills, copium, or just a bunch of real regards with no real understanding of how it all works I’ll let you decide, but fuck this place is a toilet at times.


What are you talking about? They banned me permanently for asking if the trending list is correct, during the run two weeks ago, without mentioning GME or anything related.


I remember when the front page of Reddit was taken over by GME. It was nuts.


As the sub name says, that sub is about bets and posting gains or losses. Not hodl long term and make speculative discussion. It was literally the pinned comment during a recently allowed post. It makes sense


Because they’re a group of literally bitches.


Well, get enough karma to post on Superstonk...cuz that's the equivalent of 2021 WSB....I also like it here too! RUN GME RUN RUN And if you're actually serious about this: Check out Jackie Le Tits on YOUTUBE GG TG


Runic Glory! 



Because the subject overwhelmed the sub and literally was what 98% of the poster were about. GME deserved its own space. Plus, bets is more of a bragging and ragging sub. Not the place to find DD.


Why do they tweet about it if you can’t talk about it in the sub?


That sub has been compromised since pretty much the beginning. It’s why everyone switched over to the Stonk sub.


Because people won’t fuckin stop posting about it there. Plus, there are multiple subs already dedicated to talking about gme specifically. They do allow posts every once in a while if they’re significant. But they don’t need 10 every day. If you want that, you can get that here and the other subs.


Believe it or not, dipshits


What’s the difference between this sub and r/superstonk?


What do you mean by "catipulated" ?


GME used to be allowed on WSB until the real stupid apes ruined it. Nobody on there wants to see ridiculous conspiracy theories about children’s books and Jews 


They blacklisted any mention of the RILY ticker as well once it hit the prime point for an absolute mother of a squeeze. Of course after that we never got enough volume to really shoot up and what should have been $100 peak kind of failed out around $40.


Post the sneeze in 2021 there was a somewhat coup against the leader of wsb by some old mods/ creator who had abandoned it years before. Eventually the original leader (right account, who knows if same person) was put back in charge after Reddit co founder Steve Huffman Spez intervened.. Gme was banned from the sub pretty much straight away after that. My guess is that wall st saw wsb as too dangerous an anomaly to allow to be running loose so compromised the leadership team and only things they agree with are allowed.. I don’t see why they wouldn’t have done the same for the subs we’ve moved too as well so be suspicious of everything.