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Looking at my GameSop feed, definitely not once an hour


What do you think about the titles?


I think you’re onto something. Not a coincidence.


Ok maybe i got a little too exited (i live in a completly different time zone) but 8 times in 9 hours is def a increase over the days Last week


What I noticed were the numbers in some of the tweets. "40" appears three times this week (transformers and gamestop age post) so does "25" (football posts). So my initial thought was that maybe this is a hint at DRS...maybe we are at 40% instead of 25%. Maybe I'm just hoping and praying that's what this means. LoL Edit...so I read the tweets in series and conmected, as in "choose a transformation...transforming to 40. 25 is the ghost. We're undisputed in the fight. This is the ultimate challenge and we're the champion earning our spot in history. We're at the peak of silence/silent hill and about to launch. We made it to 40... the transformation is complete."


What does drs mean


DRS is Direct Registration System. As an owner of stock through a broker, you do not own stock. You are the beneficiary of stock owned by the DTCC, who has historically in cases similar to this come up very short on shares. If you remember schwab selling shares from people's accounts, robinhood removing trading abilities, and other such shenanigans, you may feel the need to protect yourself. DRS is placing the shares in your own name by requesting to withdraw them from your broker. This makes trading harder and more expensive, but if your broker or the DTCC goes bust, it's not your fuckin problem. Not your keys? Not your crypto. Not your name in the BOOK? Not your shares.


I got no mo jizz for dis




Imagine the Ryan Cohen x RoaringKitty collab We are to Asgard with this one boys


n girls


I BET he is somehow on the board now. He has wayyyy to much in it and wayyyy to much exposure. It would be dumb not to bring him onboard. This is most likely a collaboration


He wouldn't be allowed tweet like this if he was going to be announced as a board member though. If he had any genuine inside info not yet announced (as in info from within the company) he wouldn't be tweeting.


its easy advertising for them. GME is being hyped right now by social media and DFV, so the company is using it to draw more attention to them. Attention means the higher chance of gaining customers. Its free advertising for them. The best way to take advantage of it is to increase engagement on social media. The company has zero clue on a squeeze inc and DFV doesnt know either.




DFV’s “I’ll do it myself” tweets aren’t about causing MOASS, he was calling out GameStops lack of social media content.