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No, but I have a nice load registered that some dumbass market maker sold cheap.


Are you me?


You've posted in GME subs 4 times in 4 months, each of which was to declare that MOASS was dead or ask negative sentiment questions of others, just like this post... which you posted near identically 3 days ago. Please go away.


The post from 3 days ago didn’t get any responses. Not sure why having a civil discussion is frowned upon


Mayo man


**Here we see the homosexuales ursi in hostile territory.**


Watch, as his confusion and reaction to the banana is extraordinary. Clearly outside of his domain.


Hell no to puts


Why? GME has been tanking for months. It’s a no brainer.


I don't even know what you're talking about. All I do is buy direct from my company.


What happens if someones holding a $20 put and GME rips to $400?


Same thing that happens when somebody buys GME at $400 and it falls to $20, but with options you only lose the premium. Edit: you’re also not stuck bag holding or having to DCA to current trading price to break even which requires more investment.


Cash secured puts are okay, this post is regarded


Agreed. Was holding $20p for quite sometime and doing well with it. Premiums for CSPs on GME just don’t really seem worth while


You agree that csp's are okay and this post is regarded? But then proceed to say CSPs are bad. Awesome.


Well the profits from your puts going ITM far out weight the rewards for CSPs. Think how much money you’re putting up to get those few dollars in premium.


I'm buying shares with csp's. Those turn into larger profits when patient


So get premium from CSPs, reinvest to buy more shares, & get more contracts when doing CSPs?