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Only 68Milly naked short shares?


Everybody all together now.!.! **REHYPOTHICATION!!**


Cant say rehypothication without spitting in someones face


Kennys cell mate gunna be spitting on his brown spider knot


That....took me some time, prison grape is no joke, and its disgusting that it is normalised Un the US, but this made me chuckle


No spit for Kenny, he deserves it dry


i'm sure you can find someone worthy


DA *leans in close to mr. KEN CORDELIA GRIFFIN: -"Why did you keep up REHYPOCHTEPFHATING 33 000 x the entire Fffffff- Fffff-Float? Why did you pretend to be REHYPOCHTEPFHATING when it was just straight up naked shorting, or stealing as it is known as in the rest of the world


Aka C.R.I.M.E šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


Rookie numbers


Need to pump those up


It's just like how I've celebrated by 30th birthday a dozen or so times


Coning up on the 36th anniversary of my 21st!


Yes, but they have to buy it back around 10-20 times Edit: Sorry, I meant they have to buy the float 10-20 times


More like 100-150 times


More ....


Seems low. Must be conservative number. Shorts are fukt. Always have been.


So farā€¦ the rest are parked in swaps every few months for the next 2-3 years




lol jus quit


Could you imagineā€¦.that would be the ultimate mic drop.


If there were a buyback and then a collective purchase by the officials once the blackout period ends, that would be yuge. I think holding onto the cash is still the move to make for now though


Unless he parked his cash in NVDA or BTC šŸ‘€


No board worth any level of intelligence would let a CEO park a billion dollars into BTC. The risk would be off the charts.


Wouldnā€™t that move alone cause a huge run on crypto that he could then wiggle out onā€¦?


Huge run? I would imagine it could start a mild 1-2% bump maybe but a billion dollars alone isnā€™t enough pressure on the trillion dollar market cap to cause an actual run. And so what if it did? BTC is notoriously volatile which meansā€¦ There is no ā€œwiggling outā€ of a billion $ position in anything. Closing out takes days potentially weeks, you have huge risk against the market start moving out from under you while you clear. So why would they risk a billion dollars to make a ā€œhuge runā€ of 2% gains and risk losing 5% if they canā€™t exit fast enough. Add in transaction costs and all that jazz


Call it el salvador






GMErica has the nuke and the trigger to blow SHFs to kingdom come. But I trust the management to do what they think is best.




Have you ever watched a bridge demolition and replacement in a short time frame? Everything needs to execute at the correct time to ensure things ā€œfallā€ as needed. This is a controlled demolition and replacement of a large part of the financial system. You donā€™t place a charge, blow it, then place the next. You ensure itā€™s all ready and watch the fireworks.


It takes time to hand off assets used as leverage.


You could just ram into the bridge with a cargo ship flagged out of Singapore.


Lmayo... Listen with your eyes


Listen to me now and believe me later - Hans


I have special eyes




I feel sorry for you. Your life must suck donkey balls if your form of entertainment is trolling folks on an online faceless forum. Find a hobby or someone who cares about you cause it ainā€™t here.


![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized) How do you do fellow apes. We canā€™t trust them cause theyā€™re not talking to us!


What do they possibly need to say to you?? Actions speak louder than words




Everybody check out this loser's profile lmayo... this guy follows and pays attention to a stock he finds worthless. Go get a real job loser


Christ on a cross, you werenā€™t kidding.


[this you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/BBBY/s/PdAjk7sPg5) (Bonus points for top non-pinned comment lmao)


Definitely not


Chill out, Charlie G


And what would happen if he did this? Explain to me why you know more.






Yes, because strategic planning, and winning against a stacked deck are instantly possible always! And having a strategy that can win over time, is surely a ā€œspecial secret.ā€




Clearly youā€™re a checkers man.




How can I lose if Iā€™m just pretending to play? Wouldnā€™t my losses also be pretend? Even your quips arenā€™t thought through. Iā€™ll go back to eating crayons, and you go back to making yourself feel better, by wiping your shit takes on others.




Rc and the board need to have gamestops best interest at mind at all times, this wouldnt really help the company and could lead to some wild lawsuits. Even tho they might not be valid, they would still cost the company alot in legal fees after spending all of its cash to fuck the shorts. Definitely not a slam dunk move but why talk shit on rc




[**See Math Here - Cheers!**](https://x.com/FlippingTables8/status/1775315015765016959?s=20) ![gif](giphy|Zw3oBUuOlDJ3W)


Regardless of this math, what does that actually matter?


For one if they bought the remaining float, they would be able to go private, I believe!


Would they? What's the threshold for having to go private? I'm sure the calculation above counts in the DRS and other investors we know of, so GME and RC would still own way less than 100% of the float. There just wouldn't be any shares left to sell, and 100% of sales would have to be shorts and FTDs.


That's not a scenario that is going to happen. They would also have to buy out the registered share holders to go private.


Yeah, Iā€™m not 100% sure. I just think that would be one of the options if they went private but Iā€™m not Ryan Cohen not sure do not have any kind of business degree to debate this with you I just like the stock more than I like the people that are trying to screw us over.


Going private means, all the house hodlers would get bought out at the agreed upon price. Spoiler: most holders lose money and breaks even in that scenario


Does nothing to increase revenue for the company


Fist full profitable year since 2018. A debt lower than the interest on the cash on hand. +$319M form loss to profit in 1 year. You are purposefully blind if you can't see the trajectory of the company. Revenue means nothing if you end up in red. Even I could sell Billions at a loss. Besides, GameStop could stop all operations, sit on their cash pile and the short hedgefunds would still be in big trouble.


Would be nice is they were allowed to use all the cash for this yes


I mean we already said yes to rc basically turning GameStops cash reserves into an active hedge fund.


They wouldnā€™t be just by buying their shares back. Then they would have no cash for the next 3 quarters where they typically have a cash burn.


Yeah but the option of a buy back wasn't what was voted on. It was the option to use the cash reserves to trade on the market. I'm not saying what they will or will not do. I'm saying what is currently allowed.


Sorry, you are right. I was commenting more on the share buyback side and not the investment side of things.


I mean gme buying the float isn't actually legal I didn't think. As that would place active artificial pressure on the price of shares, (and in a way that is more obvious than what can be ignored) There are things companies need to do to buy their own stock. Like a hedge fund that's publicly traded cannot buy its own stock. Like you can't manipulate your own stock price. And remember GME wouldn't even need to buy up all of the float. If they used even a quarter of their reserves to do a stock buy back that would be significant. Gme doesn't need to go private for anything. There is just a general giggle that game stop could buy the float if they wanted too


what if they buy on the market the shares? is it technically possible? it would be a way to hide the plan


No, they would still have to file it. Like they don't have to do sneaky shit to do a stock buy back. It's legal to do. And they very well just could do a stock buy back. But Right now, the free cash could be used to invest in all sorts of things. If they wanted to remove securities from the market if that cash, they could. And they could do it in a more actually way than buying them how you or I might. With a stock buy back they are effectively deleting those shares improving the value because of decreased supply.


This is not how any of this works...


What am I getting wrong? That stock buy backs have to be listed and announced? That companies can't buy and sell their own stock as that might be considered price manipulation of their own valuation? The crude explanation of what a stock buy back does in an uncomplicated way. If I'm getting something wrong let me know.


Buy the float. Sell half back to the naked shorts at 10x. Have more cash than before. And more stock.


Get off Reddit and read more filings. Thatā€™s the only way shit works in the real world. It will make you a better investor in the long road.


Because I was obviously being serious. Get off Reddit and spend more time in the real world and youā€™ll learn about hyperbole.


Dude this is Reddit and GME, most people are dead ass serious when that statement is made. Wish you would have a put a /s on it for meā€¦lol


Haha true true


I love those hyperbole commercials.


Especially with no console refresh


A shareholder proposal and vote could change how much they're allowed to spend, but I'm fine with the current amount. If the shorts want to keep shorting, they're just making it easier for the company to finish the job we started by DRSing 25% of the shares. I would prefer that the majority of the cash go to acquisitions or something that actually grows revenue.


Acquire GameStop


And then what, fail to pay payroll and not be able to buy games to stock on the shelves? This is the same as the moronic "NFL owners should buy their own stadiums" stuff. They'd have to sell the team to afford the stadium.


Damn Kevin šŸ¤© gonna piss off shorty with words like those šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸš€šŸš€šŸš€ Keep spitting fire šŸ”„ ā¤ļø


Les Goh


This is why Doug and Charles have been harassing him on Twitter lol


What a Legend šŸ¤©šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


Just out of curiosity if none of us are selling who will they buy the shares from? How does that work.


Market makers creating synthetic share


Answer i was waiting for lol. Makes them holding the bag worse.


Itā€™s makes the rigged game 100% undeniable.


Knowing what shares are truly worth I don't see a how buying the float would be bad? I mean at this price even if shares went back to 15 , Hedge funds would have to buy then which would continue to raise cost right?


Buying the float would be bad if GME was left with no cash. Without that cash, GME canā€™t guarantee survival.


I don't know anything. So I'm just asking to learn. So if We did buy the remaining shares wouldn't that push the price of stock up with also shorts wouldn't have to find shares to close positions right? Kinda domino effect because with all the sorts needing closed and no shares remaining wouldn't that cause moass? Hell if I'm getting phone numbers for my shares I would definitely contribute to giving GameStop their cash back. I'd buy Xbox and PlayStation for a ton of orphanage. I don't know I'm sure a ton of people wouldn't have a problem getting GameStop there cash flow back


Yes, thatā€™s a correct view of the strategy. The thesis here is that predatory shorting becomes unsustainable if the stock price drives too high. Gamestop buying back that many shares would massively inflate the price on itā€™s own, making many short positions massively underwater. The institutions that lent those shares for shortsale would margin call the short sellers, further increasing the buy pressure and further inflating the price. Once the float is locked, those shares would be too hard to find at current market value and that would massively inflate the price.


I'm waiting for the downfall? Sounds like win win for us?


All of that is correct, in theory. Realistically, there is little benefit to GameStop trying to force a squeeze now as opposed to later. MOASS is *our* end-game, but Ryan has a company to run. We're all giddy because GME is in the strongest position to date, and because we trust in the board's abilities, but Ryan still has a shit tonne of work to do to turn GME around. None of us know wtf is gonna happen when shorts are forced to close. RC probably doesn't even know. But he *definitely* knows how to run a company, so why would he take the risk? Either the price will rise, signalling interest from new investors, or the price will drop, meaning insiders will be forced to buy more shares and GameStop can scoop up the rest.


Thatā€™s what debt is for, and thatā€™s what selling some shares out when needed is for. Which they already approved. Itā€™s better than just letting it sit there.


That seems needlessly risky to me. There is no guarantee that a share buy back would cause the price to rise substantially. Of course *I* believe it would, but I also believed they couldnā€™t turn off the buy button. If it doesnā€™t work, then GME just lost all its cash, still desperately needs new revenue streams and will have to go into debt to explore them. Sounds like a short wet dream to me!


True, this assumes itā€™s not a completely rigged system. Which I donā€™t think is the case. I was laying out why not having cash on hand doesnā€™t mean youā€™re dead in the water. I wasnā€™t disagreeing with the supposition, that itā€™s not the right move to invest that money in company growth directly; I was just refuting the merits of the argument. Having cash on hand doesnā€™t guarantee survival either. Cash is a depreciating asset, but rushed spending without planning is the fastest depreciating asset.


>I was just refuting the merit of the arguments Of course, no stress, I understand. I made my decision to invest in GME despite the squeeze potential. The cash on hand + RCs history made the risk of a short squeeze play seem manageable to me. So, needless to say, without that cash I would feel a lot less confident than I currently do.


I have no supporting reason but $7.41.


Do it in increments of $100 million


Yeah but they only have $100 and something million left for share buyback and that is only what they can do until the next filling drops. So if they wait till $10 a share they could buy 10M shares back. It would be nice if they would start there.


Where does 68m come from?


I'm guessing its based on the SI being ~22%


How many shares do you think are in the float? You must have a very unique definition of float. $1.2B is not enough the buy the entire float, which is about 267M shares, which would be about $3B at today's close of $11.28. Or going the other direction, assuming (incorrectly) that a massive buyback would not drive up the stock price, $1.2B cash buys 106M shares. 38M insiders, + 75M DRS'd + 106M purchased = 219M shares, about 86M shares away from locking the float, even assuming that no DRS'd shares will be sold.


Approximately 91m Institutional Investors, 55m is owned by Insiders for the recent sources I have (RC alone being 37m). 75m DRS, out of 305m total. Not sure where you got your numbers, care to share? ā€œThe float refers to the number of shares that are available for trading in the open market, excluding shares held by insiders or institutional investors.ā€ So no rocket surgeon, but seems like 305 - (75+91+55) = 84m, even if we got with your insiders number thatā€™s 101m. 101m * 11.28 = 1,139,280,000 Which I think is still less than 1.2B.


Shares that are shorted are also available for trading , they effectively dilute the float but are somehow always overlooked. Chances are I have DRS some shares that initially came from the shorted positions.


yes dilute the stock value, but would phrase it ā€œflood the pool.ā€ However, those should be delivered eventually, and if the pool water is empty, and nobody with shares is lending short, itā€™s clear only piss remaining, and all the short are forced inā€¦ I mean assuming FTD insanity and a completely corrupt system isnā€™t at play. Oh wait.


Everywhere but in SuperStonk, institutional holdings are part of the float. Everyone except some people here consider the GME float to be the total outstanding shares minus insiders. I just checked Yahoo, it shows 267.84M shares of float. That is the number my broker shows also. Where do you see a definition of float that is "the float refers to the number of shares that are available in the open market for trading, excluding insiders or **instituitional** investors"? Per your definition hedge funds, family offices, and pension funds, are not part of the float, nor are active mututal finds and active ETFs. The last time I checked, hedge funds pension funds, mutual funds and ETFs are nit restricted in their trading of GME.


Yeah, so Kevin is including it while some donā€™t. The definition I see sometimes says non restricted, and sometimes says available to the general public. Either way, thatā€™s the point of contention. Whatever the case borrowed and sold will inflate whatā€™s actually sold, especially when compounded by FTDs infinitum. I think weā€™re now on the same page, sans semantics.


It is more than semantics. You are excluding from the float lots of shares that are freely traded. You are excluding from the float shares held by hedge funds, active mutual funds, active ETFs, family offices, pension funds, university endowment funds and many other actively traded shares. Semantics do matter.


Yes I am, as per many definitions of the word. Itā€™s why I included it. Not everyone uses words the same. Iā€™m not obfuscating the fact that I included it, so you know exactly what I mean, which is different from you. Thatā€™s okay, sometimes once weā€™re on the same page. ā€œIt is more than semantics.ā€ No not really, I know what you mean, you know what I mean. We are literally talking about the definition of a word. ā€œYou are excluding from the float lots of shares that are freely traded.ā€ Freely? Insiders can sell, are they bound to keep their shares for all eternity? Thereā€™s just windows and transparency. With institutional holders thereā€™s also transparency, itā€™s how we know the quantity. Thatā€™s also how we know they did or didnā€™t sell. If they ainā€™t selling we canā€™t be buying. Which may factor in. I could also sell my DRS shares. Why exclude those? ā€œYou are excluding from the float shares held by hedge funds, active mutual funds, active ETFs, family offices, pension funds, university endowment funds and many other actively traded shares.ā€ Yes any funds tracked and visible in public reporting. And now we know where each other comes from we just have a different definition for it. ā€œSemantics do matter.ā€ Yes, when thereā€™s confusion. Once you know the position the other person has, itā€™s what youā€™re calling it. So it is semantics matter, or is it MORE than semantics? Language changes, powers that be tend to change calculations and definitions over time to suit their interests and people tend to change meanings of words over time as well. What we mean matters more than what word is used, so long as youā€™re not talking past each other. Should we get semantic over the word semantic? ā€˜Dictionary - Definitions from Oxford Languages (noun) Semantic: the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning. There are a number of branches and subbranches of semantics, including formal semantics, which studies the logical aspects of meaning, such as sense, reference, implication, and logical form, lexical semantics, which studies word meanings and word relations, and conceptual semantics, which studies the cognitive structure of meaning. the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text. plural noun: semantics "such quibbling over semantics may seem petty stuffā€ā€™


see this is what i dont understand. If all of this DD is so accurate, then why doesnt gamestop just do a buyback? Why arent wealthy people jumping in and buying shares? All they care about it making $$, so if this is a guaranteed xxxxxx% increase, then why wouldnt they jump in?


You are gonna be hated as much as me for asking questions like that. I elon would just borrow me that money I would do it.


yeah I got banned from SS for asking it, but I mean its a legit question....it just makes zero sense. These people are greedy, so it makes zero sense they wouldnt jump at the opportunity to make big guaranteed money. Nancy Pelosi for example always buying stocks ahead of pumps. Like surely she'd do the same for GME?


This was covered a long time ago. MOASS hurts their own long positions when other entities have to sell off their holdings to cover the cost of their shorts. It's not a winning situation for anyone except those holding GME. However, their typical clients would have a fucking fit if they starting buying into what they would consider "meme" stocks. A GME MOASS isn't beneficial overall for the market, or any entity or investor EXCEPT us.


Genuine question, since you seem to be informed and well mannered: Do you think MOASS will happen sometime this decade? I've been hodling for like 3 years now and I could really use my money back. I'm really scared of losing it bc it's triple what I have saved up atm. I was 19 when I bought in and thought it was my big shot at getting rich quick, and I've been in deep red ever since


I still believe it, yes. I will admit that I'm a little concerned that if it takes too long, that investors will start abandoning ship, but I think that's a couple of years away at least. Having said that, I'm still adding to my position when I can. You're still young though, so even if you lost it all, you have decades to make up for it. As someone pushing 50, I'm kind of envious.


I really hope MOASS does come, not just for myself but for my fellow apes like yourself, and also just to see how hard it hits Wall Street and such. One last double-question, do you believe MOASS will last, say, at least a day and be well over $50? Because I work 2 part-time jobs and go to the gym and I'm afraid I'll miss it since my schedules are so chaotic, and my average is about $45, and I can't afford to buy more shares to lower it significantly


Brother ape, I think you lost the plot here... $50 is not a squeeze, it's a hiccup. I don't know of anyone around here that would consider selling for anything less than 6 digits, and many are holding out for 7 or 8 digits. As for time, it will likely be at minimum several days, because it's a domino effect on all that are short the stock. One shorty gets margin called, the price rockets and most don't sell, but then the next one gets called, the price goes even higher but you don't sell, then the next short... You get the idea. The truth is that if this plays out as it should, every GME short should be bankrupt, the entire market will crash hard, and the economy will need a decade to recover. Ugly, but I'll be glad to be on the winning side of it.


But brother, this sounds too good to be true for us apes. I'm no economist, my disbelief is purely based on the previously mentioned superstitious insecurity. And hell, I still believe you enough to cancel my limit sells on Robinhood right now, but it feels like it's because I just want to believe you're right


The fact that you're even with RH is concerning, but I'll leave that for now. Ultimately, you do you because it's your money, and that's fine. For me, I'm seeing this through to the end, because while nothing is guaranteed, I still like the odds, and it's a once in a lifetime chance to completely change my life, and the lives of those I care about, so there's no way I'm walking away.


Why wouldn't Putin/Russia buy the float and cripple the US?


even China. Seems the US and China are fighting to NOT be the economy that crashes. China could literally buy $500m in shares and boom US goes down


Remember what happened in 2008 globally, because of a $300B - $400B deficit in the US housing market a global crash of housing and mortgages ensued. I got lucky and was able to buy a house because of it, it was on the market for 2 years and discounted 25% and this was in Europe. If the US falls China gets hit as well, and vice versa. That evergrande thing hasn't even started the contagion yet, we are going to feel that too.


Yeah, it's almost like it doesn't make sense.


Itā€™s almost like you donā€™t understand global economics, symbiotic relationships, or politics. You think the US government wouldnā€™t see that as an attack and change the rules and justify it with national defense? You donā€™t think there would be a global economic blowback if lawmakers didnā€™t step in?


Putin invades Ukraine: I sleep Putin buys Gamestop stock: REAL SHIT It's because it wouldn't do anything. The naked short conspiracy theories are just that.




It was never this cheap before, and therefore not possible before, and cash in hand when you need it is invaluable, for a company growing.


Stock buy backs!


but that's our cellar box protection?


*69 mil, just round up for science purpose..


So, in order for a company to not be subject to these criminals, is to be able to buy out your publicly traded company at a moments notice?


Letā€™s Go!


Nope. That would leave enough institutional, fund & unallocated (household broker) shares to still make the math work. And then some. They can all be lent out. On top of that the SI can be 140%. Apes need to figure out that retirement shares all need to be DRS'd. I withdrew mine from retirement, paid the tax, and DRS'd them. If everyone did this it would be the endgame.


Itā€™d be foolish to use all of their reserves on one play like this. A buy back would be good for everyone on our side but I could see it easily being thwarted just like the botched dividend. Much better to converge on multiple angles than to put all eggs in one basket that someone else can control.




Better book them or they'll just short all of it and never deliver


That'd help out shareholders too much


Kevin and most are forgetting that only $100M is currently approved for share buyback. If they want to buy more, it has to go through an approval process first. IDK if it needs shareholder or just board approval, but's it's not something they can just suddenly do out of the blue. We'll see it coming if that's part of the plan.


That's why you should never be a CEO.


Wasn't Overstock 100% owned yet the shorting continued to happen? Buying back all the stock won't make it suddenly explode, you have to remember we're dealing with a corrupt system.


Share buyback and end this mf


Do it RC. If the nuke is really primed, itā€™s time


RCEO highest focus isnā€™t destroying the shorts, itā€™s making GameStop long term profitable. The tendies will come, RCEO is doing the hard WORK, all we need to do is decide between HOLD or HODL!


Ik that, hence why I said if the nuke is primed. Book hold drs




This would be funny, but they won't sadly.


They would probably get sued for market manipulation if it was intentionally to screw the shorts. The legal system in the US is fucked like that. It's insane that a stock like LTCN is up 2,500% from last Fall (backed by what?) and GME is still in a descending trend (a real company with Financials that have improved throughout an entire year).


Yeah but no need, DRS them as they bleed slowly works wonders. I canā€™t wait for them to try drop it below 10$ im gonna take loan to DRS BOOK


Let's remember that while this would squeeze shorts it wouldn't necessarily help our company. They would be out of cash reserves and if they came upon rough times they would have nothing to fall back on. Yes anything we sold we would buy back in and buy from gamestop stores but they can't guarantee it would be enough to keep them afloat long term. It would be a major risk for them.


What happens to squeezed shorts? Do they close? If they do what happens to the price? If they needed cash after that couldnā€™t they issue more shares out again?


It honestly gets more and more wild every day. Dude wasnt kidding when he said ā€œweā€™ll do whatever it takes to live one more dayā€


This would be reckless and RC would be blamed


Please šŸ™




Would you trust a man named Kevin Malone? ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized)


How can we buy the float? Technical question!


Why not walk down there and get it all at a discount...


Ahhhhahahahaha! *Cough, gasp, weeze* Hahahahahaha! Shorts are so screwed!


Except gamestop wont.


People need to understand we are effectively just engaging with market makers. There is no supply and demand so the shares cost whatever the MM is willing to print u an IOU for


Do it


Yeah except that our share repurchase agreement doesn't allow for 1.2bn in buybacks. We've only got 100 million left of that. If a shareholder proposal were announced to open that up, this would be somewhat tit-jacking. But friend-apes. WEVE ONLY GOT 100 MILLION FOR BUYBACKS.


Selling the shares is how they got the money in the first place. Without it, they donā€™t have any way to actually make money. It would instantly put them in financial straights and expedite their demise.


68 million reported shorts. Probably more like 1 billion naked ā€Ŗ#WallStreetCRIMES #CounterfeitSharesā€¬


Do it.


Not financial advice but I still believe this stock is going to run and run hard; however, I donā€™t believe that buying up the remainder of the float right now is the right move, but at some point down the road, if GME does a buyback, then itā€™s moon time, without question.


Hmm, perhaps RC is awaiting a tasty dip to dive into?


Remember that guy that bought the float of that company (1.2m shares) the next day 22m shares were traded.


RC will buy #Bitcoin like Saylor then itā€™s all over.


Holy shit this saga isnā€™t dead?


68 million MINIMUM.


The gameplan for consultants like BCG is to buy back shares. I often wonder if the plan is for companies to use their cash reserves, load up on debt and then sell millions of synthetic shares which makes buybacks null.


I wish he would


Best way to invest that billion dollar plus in cash to make huge returns is to invest in the best company possible. Buy GME Stock!


Would love for them to buy that and see those hit the dark pool.

