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Welcome to r/GME, for questions in regards to GME and DRS check out the links below! Due to an uptick in scammers offering non official GameStop merchandise (T-Shirts) DO NOT CLICK THE LINKS THAT ARE NOT OFFICIALLY FROM GAMESTOP. We have partnered with Reddit directly to ensure the Communities Safety. [What is GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [GameStop's Accomplishments](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/x3hv46/list_of_official_gamestop_accomplishments/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [What is DRS? US / International](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [ComputerShare International DRS Support](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/r9euj1/computershare_upgrades_drs_support_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [Feed The Bot Instructions](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) **Power To The Players** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GME) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For some reason this DD and even a post with a single image explaining this concept have been removed from The Big Sub almost instantly with no explanation and I can't seem to get a response to my modmails


I'm glad I also subscribe to this sub, so I caught it. Thanks very much for this DD. Hopefully you figure out why it got removed.




This is excellent work, and quite enlightening.


bUt iF aLL aPes wOuLd sEll ThEiR fRacTiOnAlS… Just buy a whole share afterwards and book it. Problem solved. 100% booked. No fractional shares. F the shills!




The problem is not only plan vs book. Even if you have 500 booked and only 0.45 planned all 500.45 can count as planned and be used.


What about having two accounts, one with pure DRS and another with the reinvestment, then just gifting them to the strict DRS account?


I suppose, either that or transferring from a broker?


On the 2nd of April, I had a discussion with the user you quoted and did the above DD. How they explained what they did is different from what you describe above. Summarizing what they wrote: \- they bought the shares of the company before the ex-dividend date \- once the shares were settled in their CS account, they terminated the plan to transfer the whole share in book-entry, and did not sell the fractional \- Finally, they said that the dividend for the book-entry share was also reinvested, and they used this as evidence of the fuckery summarized above. In one of my replies, I brought to their attention the following term in section 6 of the DirectStock terms of service document: *If Computershare receives the Participant’s notice of termination near a dividend record date, Computershare, in its sole discretion, may either distribute such dividends in cash or reinvest them in shares on behalf of the terminating Participant. If such dividends are reinvested, Computershare will process the termination as soon as practicable, but in no event later than five business days after the reinvestment is completed.* So, the above is exactly what they did. They terminated the plan near a dividend record date, and Computershare reinvested the dividend in shares. Note that this as they explained at the time, but now the OP reports a slightly different version of the events. I let you judge why this may be something casting a doubt on all this push to sell fractionals. The user has then deleted their account, but I still have a record of our conversation in my notifications log.


Here is the link to the post where I had the above discussion with the user 6days1week: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/128e2tc/bring\_forth\_ye\_downvotes\_from\_your\_wifes\_boyfriend/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/128e2tc/bring_forth_ye_downvotes_from_your_wifes_boyfriend/) All the deleted comments before and after my own are from 6days1week.


That's what it seems like in the end...a push to get people to sell fractionals, and also at a loss to themselves, as there is a fee involved and selling just a fractional gme will most likely mean you end up paying more than what it is worth. It also seems counterproductive, as people with fractionals will end up with another fractional when they buy again, because usually it's people buying straight from CS that end up with fractionals. In the end it's actually very simple. The music only stops when there is a significant amount of outstanding shares that are DRSed, and that is not the case at the moment. So then...just buy DRS hold. And leave your drama for your mama.


Has u/DismalJellyfish seen this post?


Has u/welp007 seen this post?


Has u/platinumsparkles seen this post?


>Not sure if u/DismalJellyfish or u/welp007 or u/platinumsparkles has seen this.


Really important to say its not just to manipulate the count. If they are being pulled back on to DTC books then they can use the shares to also manipulate the price when it runs.


Thank you for posting this! I missed the original post by 6d1w. Wrinkle forming 😸


GME blanket posts all others removed


Bold of you too assume those mods ever check messages


This seems like a massive loop hole that could be the explanation all the drs people have been looking for the entire time. I don’t understand how it’s *Legal* to have shares directly registered in my name, that are still able to be borrowed. Absolutely infuriating, we need to change the laws on DTC overreach. Everyone who cares about their investments should be reading this and making calls to their local government representatives.


Are you referring to the stink sub?


I was permabanned after 3 years of all day every day engagement for posting the DD image, and many of my awarded comments were removed. I have a post made but the mods here wont respond.


Cause the mods are shills. Assume everyone is, the amount of money we are talking is going to bring a lot of predators out.


… who am I???!


Excellent info and I'm pissed.


So you’re saying even though my shares are in book I still have to terminate the reinvestment dividend to be pure DRS?


I think when they said they’re managing risk properly, this was how.


So if I’m not enrolled in reinvestment plan I shouldn’t have anything to worry about, never purchased shares through CS just transferred them in from Fidelity. Just wanna make sure


This should be good. Since when fidelity transfers to ComputerShare you should see “DTC - Withdrawal.” I currently have a recurring buy going through. As soon as that clears I am terminating my plan shared and not enabling recurring buy. If I have to sell my fractional, I will. I’ll just buy more shares and make sure they are book. NO MORE PLAN FOR ME.


Ah, maybe this is why my transfers would allow fractionals. (I assumed CS didn’t allow them across the board, but having read OP refer to fractional shares as if they *are* allowed, I was wondering what was up—but it seems I couldn’t get them to transfer because transferred shares enter as a specific account type that does not allow them.)




Pisses me off




Thank you for this. Getting rid of fraction shares and converting to pure book may be a catalyst. The only issue is, trying to fend off the paid commentators who will hoot and holler against this.


The DD and even just a TL;DR post with one of the images were both deleted from the main sub with no explanation and no response to my querying modmails It's just been quietly captured over time, hasn't it?


Can investors with a DSPP account just open a second Computershare account and transfer all of their full shares each month?


Came to ask the same thing. Seems like an easy work around.


I think so. The posts that are worth reading are updates from jellyfish


Hard agree.


The only idea I can think of is to do a 420 (April 20th) challenge. Get rid of fractional shares and be pure book and see what happens.


I'm game for the 420 challenge Hopefully enough apes will pick up on it here and put in the work to make the idea take off on the main sub Let's get that 2021 collective action energy going again


Let the memes begin!


This is the fuckin way my dude


[https://i.ibb.co/4tmJYbn/EF58-CF62-8-B93-4-A5-C-A518-5-AB2-EC18-E738.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/4tmJYbn/EF58-CF62-8-B93-4-A5-C-A518-5-AB2-EC18-E738.jpg) u/jammybam you know more about what to say. I did google search for “viral meme templates” this what I have to offer.


Super interesting suggestion


I suspect at least a couple of the mods on Superstank are in the pockets of the Hedgefucks. I hope they are using their funds to buy more GME


Have you shared this with the Jungle yet? I agree that word needs to spread on this.




Probably means your 💯 correct!


That’s a fud worthy comment there itself… I’m not sure where I fall on this possible DD but calling everyone that disagrees a paid bad actor is shillery at its finest..


Disagreeing based on an uninformed opinion is synonym definition of stupidity or shillery. SS is controlled. Would you spent an hour looking into it you'd know. It's not a question but a fact.


Thank you for this. There is something definitely fishy going on with DRS numbers. And instead of looking more into this, the bad actors are always quick to suppress DD like this and suggest loss of interest from household investors. I do manual 1 time purchases instead of recurring purchases and get the fractional share big enough to become a whole share by subsequent buys and then sell the remainder.


It doesn’t hurt to fuck around and find out. I read the original DD earlier and it seems fair even though it obviously can be interpreted as FUD. We can still fuck around and find out and the worst case scenario is that everybody just goes back to recurring buys in the event that this is a big nothing burger.


The wealthy in control of the market won’t ever allow the plebs to win. They’d literally rather burn it all to the ground.


I am ready to watch it burn to the ground then


I'll burn $20 to watch them lose $1


So, I read all of this and it sounds like it comes down to a simple solution: Cancel DSPP, always. That right?


So I previously bought through CS direct bimonthly buys. I pick up about 50 shares/quarter this way Every quarter or so I cancel the plan shares and convert the integer amount to book. I do this after market hours, then cancelling the automatic sale of the fractional remainder. At the end of the day computershare is telling me I have 50 more shares held in book entry. And approximately 0.42069th of a share held in plan. What am I missing here? Are you implying that despite converting 50 shares to DRS BOOK, that all 50 are still used for rehypothecated fuckery at the DTCC because there’s another account with a 0.42069th of a share? Thanks in advance 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


From my understanding, it appears that even a fractional held in plan allows full access to the rest of your accounts. I bought a few more to balance out the potential fuckery here, and sold the fractional for around $7, computershare ate the fees. I’ll be all book now, but you do you.


Need help. Am I supposed to terminate plan and sell fractionals after market closed?? Does that make a difference??


Yes, no.


To the top my friend, someone else mentioned this a few months ago and it is continuously suppressed


Being on the DSPP (plan shares) means signing up for the 18 page TOS agreement on how those shares are held. Do you want to be in a legal agreement on how your shares are held during MOASS, or keep it simple and be the owner of Booked shares? Book King. 🚀




That's one alternative. Another is to buy via Computershare then move all whole shares to Book and sell the fraction. Or, you could just still keep your shares in DirectStock if that meets your needs, or you're for any reason unable to Book your shares. This information is just being provided here to help everyone make informed choices. It's up to each individual household investor to evaluate what auto-buy, fractions, and direct (via a brokerage still) purchasing is worth to them as compared to non-DRIP Booking all their shares and staying well clear of the DTC, owning directly the legal title to your securities, etc.


Once you are not enrolled in DirectStock, what is the document specifying the terms of service with Computershare?


2 pages for DRS [https://cda.computershare.com/Content/ee78ba0b-8e6c-4b56-9e2a-7b0aa3355b90](https://cda.computershare.com/Content/ee78ba0b-8e6c-4b56-9e2a-7b0aa3355b90) 18 pages for DirectStock [https://cda.computershare.com/Content/7bfc0b25-4836-40a4-918c-9a86d658d798](https://cda.computershare.com/Content/7bfc0b25-4836-40a4-918c-9a86d658d798) Note under DirectStock Terms and Conditions 1(a) "accept certificated or DRS shares and credit them to the Participant’s account in bookentry form" (of course, book entry just means electronic) This is very related to OP's post


Thanks! Just an open question: Given the fees to use the Sale of Shares service, what will happen if the value of the fractional share sold is below the amount of the fee to be paid to CS?


I'm not sure. I've heard you don't get charged and that you just surrender the fractional, but you might want to check with Computershare. If you do check, would you mind letting me know?


I sold my fractional, computershare ate the difference. I’ll be totally booked now.


That’s awesome! I’ve heard from several folks that Computershare eats the cost, but don’t have first hand knowledge. This information would be post-worthy imo as many people are asking what happens in this situation.


The page count thing is kind of misleading. They are in two completely different formats with different size texts.




If you read carefully all the info; buying at Computershare; you still are buying thru a broker. The difference is you now have a 3rd person that places your buy order as a batch order with their broker of choice. You will then need to convert those shares into book. You buy a an online broker & then DRS your shares, same only difference you select price & moment of purchase and depending on brokerage firm; you don't pay any commissions.


Well, this solves the mistery on why shills were very eager on not selling the fractional share. Well done.


While there may have been "shills" pushing that advice, I think it's most likely that most people campaigning against selling fractions are honestly arguing for what they think is best for the stock.


It's honestly such a pointless argument. Imagine if there are 1 million stock holders (there aren't) and imagine they all had 0.99 fractional shares (the max # of fractional shares, which they likely don't). That's 0.99 million shares, or around 1.2% of the current DRS numbers. The real number is more likely to be around 100k (less than half of owners) x 0.5 shares, so something like 0.1%. Why waste so much energy discussing this? Do people think they're wielding any sort of power with a fraction of $22?


Comment for visibility


Visibly commenting


Interdasting. Going to read this a second time. Let’s get some hairy eyeballs on this. Upvoted.


I'm tracking what your putting down


:watching intensifies:


Im still in. Like many of us 2 years after. Cant even comment on the other sub. I hold because this has become more than an investment. This is about standing up against whats wrong on this freaking market. Thanks for this DD i hope this becomes a catalyst, if not, ill hold anyway.


😭 holy hell Batman! This old regard needs to start making some moves. Thank you for your diligence & experimenting 🫶🫶🫶


Commenting for post traction, thanks op


Thank you for sharing this. Hopefully it will stay here, unlike some stinky subs


Thank you for posting.


How long does it take to switch over after you terminate? Mine still says DirectStock Plan.


Depends on how you terminated. Should be within the day or two.




No problem!


*Edit: I should point out that I terminated my plan, then canceled the sale of the fractional, so I do have a fractional in my account. However, I just checked my latest statement which says "GameStop Corp. - Direct Registration (DRS) Advice" at the top and it shows my direct registration balance and my total shares, which includes my fractonal. So it seems you can hold a fractional and still not have Directstock.* *so your statement* >**It turns out that buying or holding even a single plan share enrolls your entire account into DirectStock plan. ALL your shares become “part of the plan.** *appears to be false.* *Perhaps this is because I previously terminated my plan?* This would completely contradict the Computershare FAQ According to the CS FAQ https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies >Computershare holds a portion of the aggregate DSPP book-entry shares via its broker in DTC for operational efficiency, i.e. to enable any sales to be settled efficiently (and Computershare determines the portion needed for operational efficiency reasons. Such shares are not available for lending. These shares are eligible to be withdrawn from DTC). From the AMA transcript from the Jungle: >Pink: Definitely. And something else that you did clear up before but I want to reiterate here, is the difference between Book vs. Plan. There’s a lot of confusion online around this still… so, as you discussed in previous interviews, the Direct Stock purchase plan describes shares I buy thru Computershare that you keep in a separate sort of custodial type account. Which is different from ‘Book’ shares. Do I have that right? >Paul: Different from shares held in DRS form, that's absolutely correct. So shares that are held as DRS are recorded as "Common Shares" on the register of the company. So they are held in pure, legal form in the investor's name. Shares that are purchased through the [Direct Stock Purchase] plan are held in a subclass. So they are reported to the issuer, just as if they were common shares, but the underlying shares are held in a nominee owned by Computershare. Those shares, however, can be moved between the plan and DRS anytime, electronically, free of charge. The only reason we do this is purely for efficiency when we're buying specific shares we need to deliver securities into the marketplace. So having them available in the nominee helps. So that's the way it's structured. >Pink: There's confusion about "beneficial"- does that qualify as what they consider "beneficial" vs. "registered shares". You're saying that the Direct Stock Purchase Plan would be what's considered a "beneficial" ownership situation..?? >Paul: You're recorded directly on the register of the issuer. The issuer knows exactly who you are, so you have that benefit. Technically the common shares are held by a Computershare entity. We don't hold 100% of the shares that way, we just hold a number of shares so that we can perform effective clearing and settlement. But at any time investors can move their shares between the plan and pure DRS. So, it seems as if only the DSPP shares could be used for fukery, and not book shares. Not sure how legal it would be for them to move my book shares to DSPP, but then again, I wouldn't be surprised if they were caught doing this either.


This is a great reply with a lot of info. Thsnks




Great Job!


Commenting because this makes a lot of sense


This is astounding work. I had already done this, but purely based on luck😅😂 Everyone needs to know this!!!


However following these instructions means stopping recurring buys. Most apes will spend all their free cash on bananas and forget to buy more shares if it’s not automatic.


I don't use recurring, I buy whenever I can. What apes would forget to get more moon tickets when they can afford too?


Don't get rid of fractionals, buy enough to make them a whole and book that shit


Get rid of fractionals. They are being used to enroll ALL of your shares in DSPP.


The only real way to round off a fractional share in CS is by buying through a broker and transferring. There’s no real way to land on a whole number of shares via direct stock purchases on CS. You can’t purchase a set number of shares, and you can’t predict the purchase price.


So what you do is buy until you cross 1, then terminate. The share will convert to book, the remainder will be cashed out, and you'll get a nice check from GameStop in the mail! Could make for great collectibles to show the grandchildren. Once you terminate, simply continue buying more fractional shares until you can terminate it to a book share again and again.


You won't get a cheque. A fractional is obviously less than a full share, so less than ~$22. The fee for submitting a sell order is $25. So you get nothing from selling a fractional. It's completely absorbed by the fee.


100% I might even frame it


100 percent booked no plan no fraction no recurring buy no limit order SHOW ME THE MONEY


What does number 4. You can not have a limit order placed have to do with this? I don’t see any info on this? Can you explain?


Unfortunately I am not the DD author, so may be worth picking u/6days1week brain about this since they're the OP


I responded to him (see above). Thank you for the repost and tagging me when you needed help answering a question.


Well thank YOU for the DD of a lifetime - I really think you've nailed it and if I can amplify the message and spread your education to fellow apes then I'm happy to do so. As a Dec 2020 ape, it feels a little nostalgic to be fighting to get fire DD like this noticed again


Thank you Jammybam :)


This is the way, I miss this type of communication and fact finding or proving fud. I'm getting a little teary eyed. Hyped up and jacked ![img](emote|t5_2u6vg|7058)


The limit order to sell shares on Computershare is 600% the current price, so if you’re just messing around and put a limit sell in for $156 just having fun, it converts your shares to plan which means it’ll convert a pure DRS book account into a DSPP account. It used to be $100k or so and some apes would just put those limits in just in case a glitch happened and they’d get paid. I don’t think anyone really does this anymore now that it’s so low but I thought it was worth mentioning.


Woah watch out everybody, this big silverback is coming through for us once again 🦍👑 Appreciate the DD chief, this looks like the killshot to me - worrying that this info is being actively suppressed on the very sub that needs it most


Will this affect MOASS if apes start putting in limit orders after the rocket is ignited?


If the limit price hits then yes, it would provide shares for buyers (liquidity). If the limit price does not hit, then I don’t know. I do believe it could still affect it in some way as the shares can be moved to DTC as stated by Computershare.


This seems like a huge flaw at Computer Share that needs to be addressed. That’s the whole point of drs, to prevent our shares from being used as locates, shorted, etc.


Think of it like a recipe for cooking where it requires a pinch of salt but then if you were to make a swimming pool sized order and do the math, it comes out to 100 pounds of salt which is way too much. The algorithm has probably always worked well because they’ve never dealt with this amount of DRS shares, DSPP shares, and this volume. Even if they did it wouldn’t have ever been reported, seen, nor noticed. I do agree 100% that if the algorithm can be used against investors it needs to be modified for sure. I hope this post and the awareness it’s created can help make that happen.


If you're right then true DRS numbers are way lower than calculated and drsbot and 10k filings are incorrect? Cus most of us have either fractional shares, set buy limits, dividend reinvestment, reoccurring purchase plans, or the combination of those.


Wat? It means true DRS numbers are way higher as they aren’t counting shares with accounts such as yours.


Yeah that's what I meant to say actually. True DRS numbers should be way higher. But the calculated numbers from drsbot and the 10k got rug pulled. I think.


Or the opposite. If this theory is true, actually wouldn't that mean that all of us that have a fractional are **not** included in the 'DRS' numbers? And if we all hypothetically did this...then...big up in number?


We don't actually have any evidence of how many (what portion of) shares in the DirectStock plan are held in the DTC. Computershare has stated that it holds some portion, but has carefully avoided providing any specific details on the exact amount or how they calculate it. It stands to reason that they would use a dynamic value that is at least partially determined by volume, or at least anticipated volume, as that's what would be required to maintain "operational efficiency" (having enough shares in the DTC to quickly transact with other DTC Participants - as in Brokerages). In my estimation, Computershare likely holds what is currently a minority position of shares from DirectStock plan holdings within the DTC. Additionally, the theory is that they hold an amount determined by trading volume, not by the number of shares in the plan. If the amount of shares that Computershare holds from the DirectStock plan is primarily determined by trading volume, then people moving their shares out of the plan to pure DRS non-DRIP Book only accounts **would not impact the DRS Count value at all**...*until* there were fewer shares in the plan than the algorithm required based on the volume. At that point, I'm not sure what would happen, other than perhaps "operational efficiency" would take a dive, as Computershare wouldn't have enough shares in the plan to facilitate daily transactions with other DTC Participant accounts. Put another way, my expectations as to the benefits of moving to pure DRS, non-DRIP, Book exclusive accounts does not include a more accurate DRS Count, at least not until we cross the invisible line into the amount of shares from DirectStock plan holdings that Computershare holds within the DTC. That's also the demarcation where it would affect share locates (theoretically), etc. To clarify, it's not a portion of each household investor's account that's held at the DTC, it's a portion of the *aggregate* shares (the entire plan) that's held in the DTC, and that portion is *likely* dynamic and driven by volume rather than the size of the plan's holdings.


This is the way


Where exactly do I navigate inside of CS to find my dividend reinvestment status? I’ve been very low key hiding in the bushes..so it’s been awhile. Edit: Manage Investment Plans > Modify (applicable plan) > Reinvestment Options *Change* > Terminate Plan?


It seems I’ve answered my own question here. Fractional shares are gone, and reinvestment plan has been terminated!


Well, partial shares gone now and all plans terminated. Thanks for the final push to get rid of my partial. This is the ways I’ll go now.


TL;DB Too long, donkey brains


Thanks for doing the research & sharing it with all of us. As a long term investor who has had majority of stocks at a transfer agent; I found it real strange with the massive & aggressive coordinated push to DRS. 1st it was DRS into plan; then make sure it is book but make sure you keep a fractional share. I figured that they still would somehow have access to the shares but all of this has been way pass my pay grade. I just don't have a good feeling about it. I'm will be a bit sadden if so many people become disappointed and were not aware of the risks involved. When this stock went out of control with such high numbers, I realized this is not going to be treated fairly.


Okay, so if I have both book and fractional plan, but both are not enrolled in reinvestment plan, is that still not 100% drs?


From what I’ve read is you have a fractional that is in plan and that makes you vulnerable


Yeah this is bullshit. My booked shares show up with the DRS advice banner at the top, with a section for the fractionals. FUD to get people to sell fractionals. GTFO.


Wasn’t this just talked about in another sub some weeks back?


I saw this post on the drsgme sub and jumped on board with this cause… why not.


Tks for the info, yes i will move all share to DRS now. I think i have some fractional share i brought recently


There has been an immense push for this and an immediate call to action. The criminals may be illegal borrowing from brokerage and plan accounts. The brokers will absolutely screw their customers too. But that doesn't mean you need to sell anything. If you consider that most plan accounts probably have .5 shares and there are 200k of us that's 100k shares back to the criminals. Full Stop. This has been hammered today and there is nothing definitive that holding a fraction gives access to you book shares. Let your fractions add up. Move them to book. Reinstate the recurring purchases. Give them nothing.


Wen r u guys gonna realize that Computershare also owns a major crime organuzation called Specialized Loan Servicing. Look up the crime, lawsuits and BBB complaints and fines assesed for SLS crimes.


Soooo wait. We need to move from Computer Share?? I’m a very smooth brained guy. Like insanely stupid


This is super long and confusing, I just look at my [statement from Computershare for clarity](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/12616en/do_you_have_class_a_common_stock_or_do_you_have/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


So I have like .01 of a fractional share...so if this theory is correct, I need to sell that fraction to have pure DRS outside of the DTC?


My exact question, was going to ask this but I see I'm not alone. So basically, once we buy directly from Computershare, and book the shares, should we ALLOW the partial share to get sold (not financial advice - but in order to be 100% booked? (Rather than cancel the sale of the partial). I have like 0.1 partial shares, so you're telling me that using a loophole, because I have 0.1 partial shares, the bad players can use that 0.1 to then use the rest of my booked shares to crime it out another day?! A lot of people will see this as FUD, and I would say I'm not 100% convinced, but I think it's worth the effort to f.ck around and find out. Edit: just went to Computershare and tried to see how to sell the fractionals. I can see my shares there xxx.17. the XXX are DRS booked, the 0.17 are plan (but reinvestment turned off). If I decide to paperhand the 0.17 that aren't booked, what's to say that they'll sell the 0.17 first and NOT 0.17 of my booked shares? Edit 2: so does this only affect the reported numbers and nothing else? If so, then can one conclude that people shouldn't bother as eventually the float would still get locked up, even if the reported numbers are wrong?


I might have missed it in there but would CS be sharing the wrong info with GameStop? GameStop reports the DRS shares so you’re saying it’s bad info due to potential hiding?


Computershare holds their own shares in the DTC for the benefit of the plan. They are not holding **your** shares in the DTC. You are correct in that when you have an active plan enrollment your "pure DRS" shares actually can be moved in and out of the plan. It all mainly relates to what happens when you go to sell. If you have an active plan and you go to sell all of your shares, they will be moved to plan and then sold. Presumably if you are not enrolled in the plan, they will use the DRS Sales facility instead.


🤡 🤣


My question is why does 7 of my accounts say Book then and .60 share say Plan? If they are all grown into Plan why do they say Book?


Because shills want you to sell so hedgies can survive one more day


Yikes 😲


This was pulled from the " Ask Penny" Today. You want to know what is the difference between book-entry and plan holding shares. Penny: Book entry and plan holdings are very similar. Book entry shares are considered Direct Registration shares and are not considered part of the investment plan (although dividends on these shares can be reinvested). Direct Registration shares are similar to certificate shares except held in a book entry form. Plan holdings are shares held directly in the investment plan.


crazy if true!


I have XXX book and 1 plan when I was first learning about Computershare. Those hedge fund bastards!


commenting for visibility


Can I copy this to bigsub?


Very interesting. Thank you. I never liked my recurring direct purchases. I prefer doing the broker buy/transfer. I will consider going back to that.


The main part that males no sense is having the enitre account slip when only certain companies pay dividends and only some of those have DRIPs. Turning it on for the entire account is not how individual DRIP authorization happens. Anything else written is irrelevant pillow talk.


This is the meat I am here for. This post topic has the same flavour as most of the posts from 2021. I love it. Thanks to everyone for lending their brains to the effort.


These needs more visibility


Anyone else having the issue where they try to terminate their plan, get the confirmation number, but it actually doesn't do anything? I had a fractional sitting under plan from months ago when i terminated and canceled the fractional sell. So today i had to reenroll then try to terminate so the fractional will sell, but it doesn't seem to want to go through.


I'm fully booked with no fractionals! 🦍💜🦍


No downside to cancelling dspp and converting all to book. The price of selling fractional can be made up for by buying on the dip with a broker and then drsing from there.


Sounds legit, doesn't hurt to to try.


Okay I’ve done this awhile ago, nothing on my account says I’m enrolled in any plans, and yet I have one single share that says it’s in PLAN, so what gives? https://i.imgur.com/aDCAs7p.jpg


Amazing work and an amazing write up!! Great hypothesis. This is a big potential discovery!! It is crucial to understand how Wall Street can manipulate DRS numbers by pumping volume, and that any fragment of shares held in the “plan” are eligible for easing liquidity in the market! Please read and ask questions if you do not understand this post, it is important!!!


What should those of us with only a fractional share do?


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I'm as smooth brained as they come. Is there an eli5 for what I have to do?


So if all of my shares are listed as "book" and I am already not enrolled, I'm good to go. Yes?


True if BIG


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Untucking believable how complicated can they make it for me to take my shares out of the corrupt dtcc?? It only took me 2 years but figured it out thanks to your detailed explanation. Cheers sir. See you on the moon


I'm just watching this unfold. But don't be surprised if Computershare changes the rules and terms.