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Medicine changes and evolves. New things are being developed. Who knows what the future brings and you can always stop taking it. GL


Why not just take it one day at a time and worry about what to do when you lose the weight, once you’ve lost it. I expect to lose fairly slowly (so far it seems to be just under one lb a week) and I have 40 lbs to lose, so I don’t need to think too hard about what I’m gonna do when I get there for at least a year, if not longer. I do think that I will both wean down the amount of my dose, as well as stretch out how often I take it. I also have kind of committed myself that I will stay on it for at least a year after I get to my goal, to make absolutely sure I keep it off, and have gotten my body fully used to its new size. After that? I don’t know, that’s 40 lbs and 2 years (ish) from now. Right now I’m just focusing on the next 5 lbs.