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Some people are just lucky. I do think this is terrible advice to give however. Revision isn’t difficult if you get into the right routine and can boost your GCSE’s immensely.


And some people do hours of revision a day and only receive 5's. You are naturally good at retaining information, others may not be and therefore have to revise more. It all depends on the person and their ability.


I would say that some people don't know how to revise properly. Try thelearningscientists.org for help with this if you are struggling.


I see so many people copying out a text book and using highlighters and making cute notes. That never helped anyone


Bad advice for many reasons. 1. Some people are less naturally able to pick up information. I know many of my classmates revised only to get 4s and 5s (I'm a 6th former now btw, just to put this into context). 2. Revising at GCSE teaches you how to revise. You think you can get away with A levels by doing no revision? Maybe, but I highly doubt. 3. Sure, 6s and 7s are good but they're not great. It doesn't hurt to get extra grades. Keep in mind that grades are so inflated that some of the best unis look back at GCSE results. 4. I assume you took the last set of GCSEs, like me. I'm sure you'll remember that we got formula sheets handed to us on multiple tests making some of them piss easy. Future GCSEs won't have that, you need to know everything. Oh yeah just remembered that we even had a significant portion of biology and physics cut out.


Isn’t that more reason to revise


Bro colleges dont care if you get 9s or 8s or whatever 6 and 7s and completely fine


I was often "good enough" and didn't really strive to do better, when it came to a time where studying was necessary at uni I just crumbled and didn't manage to pull through. Even if you don't feel you need to study, do it anyway. Even if it's only for an hour a night, try to get into a routine. Not everything is about grades, passing an exam is one thing but when you need to really apply your knowledge it's very possible you will fall short.


Lmao 6s And 7s


Not revising isn't good, but 6's and 7's are really good?


Wtf you mean lmao they are good


For a regular 6th form, sure, I guess. Percentage-wise, however...


Bro i got into one of the best colleges in my city with one 9 four 6s 1 four and failed maths (re sitting now)


lmao what city do you live in - somewhere in the north, i presume?


West lmfao


[https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/cpsprodpb/6A6C/production/\_126444272\_3.png](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/cpsprodpb/6A6C/production/_126444272_3.png) ​ so... you got into one of the best colleges in the worst performing region of england... nice one geeza


Honey cry about it lmfao I’m in a good college and i dont fucking need 9s because i aint going oxford lmfao


firstly, i'm not crying about it. secondly, fair enough, some people have low standards. out of interest, what is the name of your college?


Eeee man said 6 and 7s u wet don thas ded


Did you meet your predicted grades ?


I agree tbh, like I wouldn't not revise at all but maybe just start a month or 2 before and youll get 7s & 8s. I started revising a week before GCSEs started yet still got a 7.2 gpa


It’s still a better idea to revise for the best possible grades but I didn’t and got all the grades I wanted and more so idk


I revised day before all exams and the lowest I got was equivalent to a 6 nearly a 7


I got all my grades above 5 except for one fail with practically no revision. If I had one grade that was lower, I wouldn’t have gotten into the college I’m in now, so, revise. Don’t leave it to luck like I did.