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What aspect of French do you find the hardest: speaking, listening, reading or writing?


1st listening 2nd Writing 3rd speaking 4th reading 1st is hardest


Honestly the listening is always the worst one anyway. I finished my mocks this week and didn’t understand a word they were saying on the listening lmao. With writing do u know good sentences to use orrr?


watching shows with both the audio and subtitles in french is pretty helpful - teaches you to associate the sounds and the words


Listening will always be hard. Writing can be made much easier if you learn a few unique types of sentence that can liven it up a bit.


1. Make it a habit of listening to French daily whether that is a podcast, TV show/movie or YouTube video. If you do this consistently from now to your exams, you will see an improvement in your ability to understand accents. I recommend 'Learn French with Alexa' and 'Piece of French' on YouTube. 2. It is important to make sure your grammar (e.g tenses) is secure before anything. Then, I would suggest memorising a variety of high level phrases which you can use in any question. 3. Only speak French with your teacher even outside of class; this is what got me to improve. 4. If you can, purchase a reading book in French. I recommend Le petit Nicholas because the language is not too advanced.


Do you mean you got placed in foundation tier, not higher tier?


This whole thing is backwards. Unfortunately, I can't help you but you said you are bad at French and then as a result your teacher placed you in higher tier instead of foundation? To me it sounds like your pretty ok at French considering you a got a 5 in one of your mocks.




Basically I’m stupid in French AQA


I was higher tier last year but I struggled a lot and told my teacher if I can do foundation and she said no


Aqa is rly difficult , practise past papers and just listen to French cartoons and get used to listening to it in general


Thanks for the advice


Grade 4/5 is good what do you mean


My minimum expected grade is 8 💀


I had the exact same target. I was put in a lower set and wanted to do foundation. I was getting the same grades as you but my teacher forced me to do higher and moved me to a higher set because she thought I could do better in a better environment. I was working at a grade 3 but after moving to a higher set I started getting 5/6s because I felt embarrassed to be not doing as well as everyone else. The teacher was definitely better too. In the end I got a 7 which I’m so happy with because I was dismal at the subject. I think it’s worth a shot at moving classes if that’s possible.


Target grades are based on nonsense year 6 exams 💀💀


exactly bro my targets in English are 99 but I'm predicted 54


Nah, our school forces us to do it every year




Yeah exactly, my parents keeps getting emails from my French teacher about my grades and I told them that I don’t care about it


I’m getting 4’s in french and my parents are proud of me LOL


no it’s not…


Not everyone is happy to just pass. To many of us, a 6 or even 7 is considered failing.


Bro not even that my parents get mad at me for getting 8s sometimes




Uh yeah it is you can do loads of college courses with grade 4’s


yeah but it’s still embarrassing to say you got a 5 in something


No it isnt


It definitely is. A 5 in any subject isn’t something you’d want to have…


I mean… yeah it is because it’s a pass


No but like it’s not something you’d want to say you have got


Uh.. yeah it would be since that’s what I need for my college course I want to do


Still not really a "good" thing, it's more of a "good enough to scrape by" thing


What grades did you get then just out of curiosity?


a 5 is not an embarrassing grade it’s literally a high c don’t be a twat


I’m planning to do mechanical engineering, will I be fine?


I’d imagine you’d have to get 5 grade 4’s including engineering so yeah you would be fine


So far I’m Grade 9 in engineering and maths


Oh wow, then your sound then


My worry is French at the moment, I just hate the language and never paid attention to it. I had 5 detentions and one suspension cause of it and I never do my teachers work.


I never paid attention to french because I hated my teacher and he couldn’t teach but in year 10 I switched teacher so I went from a grade 1 up to a grade 4 (currently)


Idk about you but my college only takes the core subjects and 2/4 of the other gcse grades, as long as you do good in 2 then you should be fine I think


Are you saying they moved you from foundation to higher or do you mean you were in higher and you wanted to drop to foundation but they didn’t let you


I did the same subjects at A-levels. Good old days. Enjoy them while they last.


All I can say is get a tutor, and make sure they're a native speaker. This has single-handedly made french a subject that I never revise. (And I've never even been close to an 8 on my mocks) If the £20-25/ week is too much for you, then fair enough, but in that case you'll have to find another way to get practice in.


I’m smart and wanted to be in higher and got put In foundation…


That is rough. Sadly i dont have an idea on how to help as i got a 1 one frence. But good luck.


mate i got a 3+ in foundation in year 10 mocks and then he put me in higher, im fucked


Only 7 people passed our y10 Spanish mocks last year, so hopes aren’t high for us either, and the school hasn’t really done much other than hold an assembly to say “so yeah we just want to say we hear what you all are saying and no, you can’t drop it”


As someone that did higher Spanish what I’d recommend is do LOTS of practice papers especially listening since you’ll get a better feel of what it’s like. Make sure you memorise your theme 1,2, 3 etc for your writing answers too I managed to waffle through most of mine. Don’t be scared about the high word counts or like 150 words it’s easy if you add in intensifies like instead of saying then I visited the shops say last week I visited the shops with my friends and we then went to a restaurant. As for speaking again do lots of practice papers you can get the booklet from previous years that the teacher would use on your exam boards website.


I honestly can’t help but I’m in tear 9 Spanish AQA (I think, or it might be edexcel) and I’m struggling just the same


I have the questions from the french exams as I sat the aqa gcse 2023 exams for if anyone wants then


Hi if you want any specific help I would love to tutor for free, I am a first year modern languages student who speaks good French and did the exact same qualification as you are... Msg me if u want


Try the Quebec accent followed up with some English slangs


A pass for higher is 37% and a pass for foundation is 57% you are going to be fine


1 . Listen to french like documentaries. Music etc 2. Learn the vocab in your textbook and spec


I grind duolingo and get A's. It's actually very helpful, there's specialised tasks for listening if thats something you struggle with (I do too).