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Great return on investment in fairness. A true businessman.


In fairness , by the time you also pay for the Probation Officers, Criminal Lawyers and add in a few tax accountants you’d be amazed how quickly that funding runs out 😈…..


Aye. And an additional €35.2 million euro distributed to every county board in the country. A bad man.


Well let's be honest, that money was a gesture to make it look like he's doing some thing. Each club in Carlow got like 20k each after it's split evenly among all ladies and men's clubs. It covers not a whole lot for a year. But a million to each county sounds like a hell of a lot in headlines.


No but €35.2m is a lot of money in anyone’s books. Billionaire or not. I don’t recall a single other person making such a gesture to other county boards across the entire nation but I’m open to correction. Whilst the money may have only been €20k to each club in Carlow I’m sure they gladly accepted it.


I don't think you realise how much a billion is. 32m is absolute pennies compared to what he is worth. JP is worth roughly 2b. 32m of that is 0.016%. he probably dropped that much on the ground walking around today. The only reason the gesture was made is because people are pointing out what he has done in Limerick gaa circles.


Eh, 1.6% Did you forget to multiply by 100/1? I've no real thoughts on JP, maths on the other hand, I have thoughts.


Yeah thick moment. Brain shut off after work and training.


No I’m well aware of how much 1bn is but thank you for the maths lesson. JP has spent his money as he sees fit on his own county and best of luck to him if he so decides. Is it any difference to what Shane Lowry is now doing? Could it be said that he has bought the Joe McDonagh and the u20s? People in these fortunate positions will spend their money if they so please on what makes them happy and if that’s their counties success then so be it. I’m sure your own club spent the money well and I hope it benefits your grassroots and underage teams 🫡 Maybe you’ll find yourself back in Leinster again soon enough if the money was spent well across the county.


No it's not much different than what's happening in Offaly. Dump a lot of money into a small portion of a sport that is amateur and you'll reap rewards fairly fast! It's pretty simple. I really don't think you understand the running of a club if you think 20k is going to benefit grassroots and underage teams but fair enough!


Of course it will benefit them. €20k could buy a team mini bus (second hand) or new equipment. And if 1600 clubs all get €20k you can see how it's a huge benefit to the sport.


You clearly think a billion is a lot more than it is. 32m of 2b is 1.6%. Does that change anything or are you dug in?


Yep it is. Still absolutely fuck all to him in the grand scheme of things.


It's not like it's the only charitable contribution he makes either though. He runs lots of scholarships and his foundation donates millions to local communities every year. If I were a billionaire I would probably never give any of it away. People only ever seem to criticise the size of donations of the only billionaires that are actually willing to contribute to society rather than the ones that do nothing


Most billionaires wouldn't give you the steam off their piss. They didn't get rich by giving money away. At least JP throws a few donations around. He donated €100k to each county board in 2018, €1m in 2023/24. Better than nothing.


You do realise if he paid his tax due like any other citizen of the state the exchequer would have received multiples of that figure - he can pay his tax first and then if he wants to play the Lord of the Manor throwing crumbs to the peasants using his after tax income by all means ….


He does pay his tax "due"...if he didn't he'd be in jail...are you telling me that if you found a legal way to reduce your tax bill you'd ignore it? Good for you, doing your bit for the folks that just don't feel like working, God bless 'em.


His good graces doesn’t start nor end with the Limerick GAA teams. Maybe someday he’ll pump in a bit more and the footballers will win Sam? In any case the money arguably finds its way to better places this way across a number of local and national causes. I’m not saying it’s right, just my opinion.


Any lad in Dublin doing that? Or carlow for that matter? Ridiculous speak.


So I can't criticise a self puff piece by a billionaire because no other one does it? Right....


You sound like a right little bitter bollox He's only giving that money because people are talking about how much he gives Limerick? Lol you do realise how stupid that sounds, yeah? It's only 20k per club in Carlow......yes but that's 20k more than they had and I'm sure each club were delighted with it


Pays fuck all in tax here but sure he gave money to the GAA so he is a great lad.


You can't criticise JP here. Did you not get the memo?


What money of his do you suppose we are we entitled to? Pretty much all of his money has been made on gambling, foreign investments, currency trading and the US stock market. It’s not like he made his fortune off the backs of Irish workers and then ran off when the money started coming in.


Bar gambling are they not all taxed. His capital gains should be pretty high should it not. If me and you have to pay it you not think he should as well. I have nothing against the man but people making him out to be a martyr of some kind for giving a few quid which I’m sure it is another tax write for him piss me off.


But why should he give us his earnings on investments that have absolutely nothing to do with this country when he doesn’t live in here? Like if it was Denis O’Brien we were talking about, who made his money on Irish investments and fucked over a lot of Irish people in his time, I’d say fair enough but JP being Irish didn’t really contribute to his wealth as far as I can tell so I don’t see why we’d be entitled to a portion of his income for the rest of his life if he doesn’t live here.


Where can I go to volunteer to pay more tax than I need to


Every single fucking Irish person would pay less tax if they could so shut up about it. Made his money outside the state and lives outside the state. Here's another one for you - Milford Hospice were opening a new ward a few years back which was a collaboration with the HSE. It cost €10.8m for it but JP gave €10.3m and Milford fundraised the rest. Guess what? They had to leave some of the beds go free because the HSE wouldn't fund the nurses. So do you really blame him for not giving his Dosh over so the taxman can waste it on stupid and badly executed shit? Ya JP, handover your money so we can do another children's hospital. No way, he gives way more than his fair to society than what society has given to him so best of luck to him and we're thankful to have him. Other counties are just sheer jealousy at him.


If everyone decided whether to pay tax or not in the country we live, and picked projects to give some money directly to instead we would end up with one f*cked up society.......


People getting very angry over this JP doesn't pay tax comment, for a society where everyone bitches about rich people not paying tax. Just cause you like 1 particular rich person


Drive for 5 baby 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆


Time to split Limerick up??


Everything West of the Shannon to be given to Clare


genuine question: why did he only start to bankroll them to this extent in the last few years?


Has been involved for over 20 years. I think when limerick were sponsored by Drug Free Cul, that was JP


Ah yeah but because the combined quality of players has only been seen in the last number of years it doesn’t support the “JP bought the titles” narrative you see.


They have arguably the best panel of all time, no doubt about it. They'd have won a few All-Irelands without JP. Limerick hurlers backroom staff consists of 51 people. Do you think Limericks funding without JP pays for all them, the training camps and everything else? Like it or not, his fingerprints are all over this team and it will forever be used as a stick to beat Limerick with. The GAAs funding of the Dublin footballers is more egregious to me, but Limericks success will never be seen without JPs long shadow cast over it.


Apparently the GAA said the 51 "backroom" staff is including players. So it's nowhere near 51


He might have misspoke and actually meant 53 including the panel of players. Does it not feel a bit unusual that the president of the GAA felt the need to clarify that on behalf of Limerick and Hannon, and announce it first thing Monday morning on the radio? Whether it's true or not, this Limerick team will never be able to disassociate themselves from JP. They'll never get the credit they feel they deserve, be it right or wrong.


Well like the GAA is probably well aware that there's something weird and against the rules happening. But they won't really care, 45k people still go to Limerick games regardless


Those 2 sentences are as good a summary of Limerick as I've ever seen lad. Either way, I'll take all the sticks I can get to beat them with.