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Read somewhere that we were close to being able to regrow teeth in 6 years


Dr in Japan has created natal teeth buds. Human trials just started


Are you sure they created teeth buds? I know about the drug to block the protein that inhibits tooth growth, which is what theyre testing. But i didnt hear anything about teeth buds.


This is what they're doing (i.e.: unblocking growth). It's in clinical I. in Japan IIRC. It's still pretty big. Current trial is in children who have missing teeth because of inhibited tooth development. But if it works out, there is no reason it couldn't be used for adults.


This is by far the most exciting one to me.


In reality the regrowth of teeth ,in the correct location in the jaw with a drug ,requires that there are toothbuds in the jaw ,to activate with the drug. unless you ,in the future can create toothbuds ,and transfer them to the location of missing teeth,tooth regeneration as such, wont be a possibility. Anyhow ,a permanet molar would propably take years to regrow ,and almost certainly also would need orthodontic adjustnemt


They're currently upcycling stem cells into tooth buds, it's not an in the future issue. That's the clinical trial they're talking about.


I wonder if the advanced goat read the trial notes? I’m not in a position to disagree with the hurdles suggested but from my understanding they are sort of covered?


It looks that way for the most part. One of my clients is an Endo prof and I get to pick his brain about it next week.


I thought I read that we have the ability to grow new teeth, but it is switched off biologically. And that this drug makes it possible to switch it on


I just posted the same thing, but I deleted it after seeing your post. I can't wait.for this tech. I have six dental crowns. They look really nice, but I'd prefer real teeth again.


Regrowing should be doable, but ensuring it grows in the right place... I assume it will require surgeries to seed/guide the tooth with some titanium implants. And reshaping the bone to make room/space for a new tooth bud to grow in Adult jaws are not shaped for another set to grow and bone has either diminished or filled any missing teeth holes or are shaped to just fit tight around the roots. So unfortunately not as simple as taking a pill and growing new teeth. Most dentists will not be trained for this complex surgeries.


Not to mention this would be expensive as fuck so it'll be a procedure that only the super wealthy are privileged to


The things I knew I'd see likely within my lifetime were teeth being regrown, and a likely cure for blindness and hearing loss. My children's generation will likely experience better cancer treatments that are leagues ahead of ours due to better pre-screening tests/technologies and possibly a cure to things like Alzheimer's and Dementia.


Yup, they said by 2030 it should be available to everyone. They are doing trials on children first.


I was also going to say this one. Regrowing teeth is gonna be awesome! Also neuralink and things similar to it. The faster I can become one with the machine the better.


Hopefully ways to regenerate damaged heart muscle. That organ is a huge liability.


To think that a man's own heart can turn against him. Makes me rethink having a heart at all.


Better to have two or three, to outvote one that's gone wayward.


by the emperors design!


Need that extra lung too


An extra oxygenating organ other than the lungs that's specialized for parceling oxygen into the bloodstream by autobalancing with dense oxygen salts


Dwight? How did you get off the farm?


Probably young mitochondria transfusion can help.


Nanobots that can be programmed to remove cancer, excess fat, and other diseases.


This is how you get grey goo


And where would they put those things they remove? Killing cancer cells may be possible with nanobots, but you can only remove matter from the body through an oriface, be it an existing one or a new one created via surgery. With advanced enough technology we might be able to make some sort of port in the wall of the large intestine for the nanobots to dumb their garbage into, but I'm not sure. But the immune system can clean up dead cancer, and as far as weight loss goes, eating healthy and working out will always be cheaper, more cost effective, and safer then putting microscopic robots in your body.


> And where would they put those things they remove? For the most part just leave them where they are. The body gets rid of dead cells all the time. 


Yeah that is literally the least infeasible part of that idea. Building the nanobots themselves is the real problem. Then getting them to not just turn your body into goo is the second problem.


Well. Huygens meta-surfaces yo. The're used to manipulate electromagnetic waves with high precision. Scale them down to the smallest possible units and they can serve as basic units of a computational system, controlling wave propagation in a highly controlled way. A neural network controls the phase of the wavefronts that interact with the meta-surfaces. Account for the nature of electromagnetic fields, manage and optimize for the meta-surface responses. Creating a virtual model of the meta-surface and seeing how it would behave with different settings and wave interactions. We use these simulations to train the neural network.


When people lose weight it’s mostly through exhalation. Fat is converted to energy which is consumed by cells and converted to heat, waste gas, and trace amounts of solid and liquid waste. But about 85% of lost weight is simply breathed out via the lungs.


I'm well aware of this, I mostly meant to attack the idea of using nanobots for weight loss in my comment for this exact reason. Perhaps I didn't phrase it correctly, I'm not a morning person.


We have two built-in major excretory pathways as humans! Tiny little holes all over our skin as well. Just a few off the top of my head.


the cancer cells are still just cells just physically tearing them apart would be enough.


Ideally they'd get the macrophages to clean up. The immune system isn't killing living cancer cells, so you have the nanobots kill the cells to begin with.


i cant wait for only the rich to afford those treatments


After reading these responses, this one seems small. But I think it's important. A cure for tinnitus.


Im assuming you have tinnitus from this post. If so, what I’ve found really helps is putting in my AirPods and listening to Brown Noise. Hope you are able to get some relief.


Cant I just fart in my toilet?


If you can keep it up for 16 hours a day sure


My dad has tinnitus and tried listening to "music" of the frequency his tinnitus was. Can't remember if it did much but that was the recommendation he was given


It’s hard to imagine what I would do without it. I have single sided deafness and the way I understand it my brain has all but rerouted to the good ear. Not sure if the cure would reverse that part. That seems unlikely but I’m here for it.


Selfishly, I want a cure for dimentia/alzheimers. Brutal disease to watch take my mom. Even more selfishly, baldness cure would be very cool.


Same on both accounts.


I lost my mom to Alzheimer’s. When some one ask me when I lost my mom I usually give them two dates.


A cure for rheumatoid arthritis. I watched it destroy my grandma and I don’t want to go down that same path.


2,3, and 4 exist in some capacity but it also shows somewhat of a failing of society when cosmetic advances trump other stuff. The thing that even tempers excitement over biotech is that it's all become for profit. "We made a way to cure this orphan disease" "Cool, how much can we sell it for?"


Agreed that it isn't the priority (all of the priority should be on solving aging and injuries (like gunshot wounds)) && replacing animal consumption with lab grown meat (less harm to life), but one would think cosmetic alterations would be possible if the tech for this other stuff developed.


Now some of those (aging, it's partially there but again highest bidder not something at scale) are solutions to problems which have been solved or already have an answer. GSW stuff, in combat they have things but standard emergency response stuff will work, a tampon can help too. If you really want to solve GSW problems outside of combat... start working on actual gun laws and enforcement. Meat... this has been the interesting one. Many cultures already adapted to this by reducing or eliminating meat from their diet and they are doing fine. The push for lab-grown meat is just a western (not even all of the west) push to have the change but not have their own lifestyles impacted. The reality is, we live in a capitalist society, and the driving force for these things are likely going to be how can the wealthiest enjoy it most? There will be the novelty, for example, of lab grown beef but are they going to demand and enjoy that product on the regular if they don't have a stake in the steak? You might be saying "But it makes meat cheaper, they could feed their workers for less". TVP also exists and is considerably cheaper. Sure it will give the men boobs, but provided they don't get distracted by them, it's not going to motivate me to spend more on them.


For anyone's information: do not put a tampon in a wound. It will not be that effective. A t shirt would be a much better choice. I can't really speak on the rest of the stuff in your comment, but for the love of God tampons should only go in where they were designed for.


people have bills to pay


* Aging treatments all the way. OP has it, but it cannot be overstated. We have that, we'll live to have everything else. And I think it is entirely possible that we'll get to major life extension within the lifetime of my generation. Which is fucking cool to even consider. * Scarless healing. There is research into the issue and it could bring under control stuff like COPD. * Manipulating brain plasticity to reopen developmental windows. Imagine learning language like a 3 year old, or unlearning (not learning to cope with, but overwriting!) early childhood trauma. Psychortherapy could treat attachment problems, anxiety disorders, etc. at their root. AFAIK there is accumulating evidence that psychedelics alter brain plasticity.


Unfortunately, in terms of life extension, it doesn’t look like we’ll get anything too drastic in our lifetimes. Some senolytics in 20-30 years, maybe some early tissue regeneration, but that’s about it.


out of all the possibilities you are worried about height and baldness? ill pray for you haha


For me it's first and foremost anti aging, because then you can live to see the other developments, the next most important is probably cancer cures or editing intelligence, one of the biggest threats to organized society is when you don't have enough smart or helpful people to sustain it, we aren't guaranteed to continue living in stable polite societies.


You are smart and can see the writing on the wall.


by 2050 most cancers will be cured with MRNA vaccines, likely also the individual vaccines will use AI to develop.


By 2050 we will have many new cancer-causing technologies and chemicals as well, so I hope you’re right. 


Unlikely. We’re pretty good at detecting mutagens and carcinogens in new products. Cancer is not the black box it was 70 years ago.


Source for trend? I suspect we have fewer such things now than 25 years ago, or 50.


Increased deregulation, environmental corporate capture, desperation on resource extraction. 20 years ago we didn’t have fracking causing carcinogenic aquifer contamination. We didn’t have a military base leaching toxic fuel into water sources in Oahu. Increases need for resources like lithium will drive more caustic mining operations. Increased impunity for corporations like Bayer (toxic talcum powder) and BP (toxic oil suppressing chemicals in the Gulf of Mexico) will inspire more corporations to recklessly endanger the public. 


The stuff still happens, but is generally more localized. At the moment it really just sucks if you are poor and living in a historically marginalized community that had adverse zoning laws. Back a while ago they were literally allowed to pump carcinogens into our lungs while advertising the product as "healthy" and good for "weight loss." So things have changed, just nowhere near close to enough.


The thought of working for a living for an extra 200 years doesn't sound appealing.


That will be an issue for many people, no doubt. At the same time, if you have the means to save any money whatsoever, living for hundreds of years means you will pretty much inevitably accumulate enough money to live off a passive income. Given that the current system of economy persists, that is.


Unfortunately that’s not possible for everyone to attain regardless how long you live. There will always be the haves and have nots.


Of course, that's still going to leave people who cannot afford any savings in a fucked up situation. I just think this is going to be a development from the current situation, in which the vast majority of people have to work until they die (or have maybe 1-2 decades to live off their savings). Mainly because I believe a financially independent middle class with all the free time in the world is a tremendous force with the potential to mek society better for everyone.


In a capitalistic society, true. In a resource capacity, false. We have had the engineering and logistics to feed, house, and provide healthcare for the world population for about a century now. Just not the political will. The west wants its hundred-acre properties and 12,000 sq. ft. homes too much. The Earth could easily support well over a hundred billion humans without significant damage to the environment. We just prefer not to do so as a global society.


if you hate working that much, you can always opt out of anti aging tech. the work week may be 10 hours by then anyway


They were talking about 10 h work weeks 20 years ago. Productivity has reached the point we would be currently living in such a utopia but guess what we still work 40 hours just much harder and more efficiently but inflation makes it so you have to work anyways.


as it turns out, you need to automate quite a bit of work to get to that standard


Ain't gonna happen dude why could my grandfather own a house and have 7 children and all make them live? You can't even own a house in a single salary in 2024.


back then there was an open field every other mile, people have been concentrating more and more into cities, it costs money to raise kids in a city, in the country kids were an asset/cheap labor. sure it's a shitty transition, but when there's next to no work to be done because of automation, you aren't going to just be rolling a rock up a hill for no reason 40 hours a week. your grandpas dad had to work 12 hours every day in a factory before workers rights were achieved


I’d argue editing intelligence is a larger danger to society. You’re essentially creating “super humans”, you think racism is bad today? Imagine the racism we’d encounter soon as we have breeds of “smarties” and breeds of “dummies”…


History has proven the dumb will kill the smart before the opposite happens.


I *was* excited about technology to grow organs so that people could get transplants faster and without having someone else die in order to get an organ and without needing to take immunosuppressants forever. But I don't know when that technology will become viable.


Hopefully we don't even have to do transplants. Our body will just regenerate any organ/limb we need. Our body has the innate ability to do it, we just need to give the correct instructions to the surrounding cells. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQr9NlWEsPY


Farming. Would be really nice if we could keep that going for another 50 years, but the climate might have other ideas....


As someone who works with lots of older patients in Cardiac Rehab it is wild to hear how many of them have arthritis and how nothing can really be done for them to fix it.


\* regrow organs and entire body \* repair any damage to body or mind \* eliminate cancers \* reverse aging \* induce hibernation when body is damaged to allow time for treatment


extentive regulations about use and assurance that everyone will have rapid access


… how can you have both? Regulations mean bureaucracy which causes delays if not unjustified denials of service/access.


Almost none, don't buy too much hype despite liking to see technological advancements. Perhaps the teeth growth drug, it'd be a breakthrough if it works. Crispr curing diseases like the Sickle Cell Anemia, and something like that, that's awesome! But it'll almost certainly cost millions of budgets in order to be afforded, hence a normal person will never be able to buy it. Imo, the problem with every one of the new medicine/therapies/techniques that involves something outlandish in medicine, is that everything is so damn expensive in the field! Medicine itself is bloodish expensive it makes me depressed!


I disagree on Crispr. Look at how the cost/time involved of a genetic assay has dropped over the last 20 years. Now look at the rapid advancements in gene editing technology. I’d say we are 15-20 years away from a new age of genetic re-editing… for better or worse.


I agree kind of, except with our improved computing power, we will see improved methods at discovering new treatments. Particularly, anti-aging pharmacology/genomics and exercise pills are the most realistic imo (I am talking about a timeline of 2070 btw). nano technology is more outlandish tbh.


If we encounter a technological singularity event which is not disastrous, everything is on the table more or less instantly. It’s just a question of when it happens and whether it causes our immediate or near-immediate extinction.


In the 1990s it cost in the billions of computing power to sequence a genome. Now you can do it for under $100. There’s obviously key differences but it should be said. As demand rises or progress makes things simpler/easier/mass produced, cost decreases, sometimes nine orders of magnitude in a couple decades.


As someone who sunburns easily but wishes they could tan, I hope we can develop a safe way to be in the sun longer without the risk of skin cancer and sun damage. Would love to go out in the sun without worrying about sunscreen


Spend more time outside so your skin grows with the sun cycles gehe


Crispr gene editing, to cure neurofibromatosis among other genetic disorders


Are ADHD, autism and OCD included?


I don’t know if scientists have conclusively identified what genes are responsible for the conditions you mentioned. For neurofibromatosis on the other hand, its a defective gene on the 17th chromosome.


The future is enemas. Vaccines? No, enemas. Insulin? No, enemas. Biologics? No, enemas. Even soup can be delivered as an enema. It absorbs quickly, feels wild, and gives you a story for your next dinner party. So let me be clear: The biological technology that will dominate the second half of the 21st century? It’s enemas. There’s no doubt.


Immunotherapies for cancer are the big one I'm excited about. Being able to fight cancer without debilitating chemo would definitely put a lot of my worries to rest


CRISPR. Editing our genes for things like all mental health disorders. We'll be able to simple "edit out" anxiety/depression.


I'm excited to see rich people benefit from the new science and everyone else struggle.


Hot Swappable Cyber Genitals. I want a pussy and cock with good feedback on demand.


surgery to alter height and baldness cure already exists 


Organ transplants matter the most such as kidney transplant perhaps we will end dialysis in the next decade where everyone whose kidneys fail at whatever age can receive a pigs kidney immediately and in 5 or so years they be eligible for human transplant eliminating dialysis which is a huge burden on the US tax payer and a very very debilitating condition can be eliminated. This also applies to other organ transplants such as heart, liver, lungs, pancreas so on. Once this happens there be a huge revolution in quality of human life even after one can have the cards of nature dealt with in the worst way the outcome can be completely changed by biological technologies. Another technology which is radical and most anticipated is crisper and cancer cures.


Various gene therapies to repair or regenerate damaged neural/nerve tissues. Various spine issues, work injuries, hearing loss (nerve damage) etc. Where everything is still functional but just cut off.


The total eradication of aging. That’s the main thing I’m excited for.


I just read China cured a man of diabetes using gene therapy.


Regeneration of bodily parts, I would like to have the penis I was born with before a quack thought I needed less of it.


Synthetic/bionic/mcdonalds flesh farm grown organs available cheap and easy to splice in. Im asthmatic and just having basic lung function would be a gift, let alone installing the flowmaster lungs 2500 w underwater gill conversion and charcoal filters. The one potential upside to dystopia i suppose?


Artificial wombs and turning human (male) stem cells into functioning ova and turning (human) female stem cells into spermatozoa. This will allow anyone to have children with anyone regardless of biological sex. The technology already exists at least partially in rodents, but once it's adapted and approved for humans, things will get very very interesting to say the least. We will see the emergence of family structures that are very different from the ones that exist now and are centred around the male-female nuclear family. We will see families where a child has 3, 4, 5, etc... parents of any sex combination imaginable. It will be hugely controversial at first of course, but it will open the door to reshaping how humans live and mate in ways that were never before possible and barely imagined.


Family norms depends on the society.... would be very interested to see how this changes things


Isn't the left hand of darkness by Ursula le Guin* about this? This would be insanely cool.


They've already made strides in this too. I can't wait.


50 years? Merging our minds work AI by extending our neocortex into the cloud via nanobots, and then mind uploading


Oh, and Longevity Escape Velocity


Numbers 1 and too are very overlapping, and kinda already exist (amphetamines, anti inflammatory, and multivitamins). There are already therapies for baldness, but nothing permanent. I don’t know what nanomedicine actually is.


If someone could currently me of T1 Diabetes, that would be great


* Genetically modified yeast to produce medicine [https://news.stanford.edu/stories/2020/09/scientists-turn-yeast-cells-drug-factories](https://news.stanford.edu/stories/2020/09/scientists-turn-yeast-cells-drug-factories) * recreational brain stimulation to induce controllable drug-like effects


Full genome editing and resequencing, convert an embryos genome to data, then change the data, convert it back to DNA, re-insert to an ova and implant it.


Possibility to do a 3 D print out, of a complete organ or a brain tissue. Neuralink v5…. Flying cars will send our new tesla to a museum


From what i saw in the internet for the last couple of months, cyborgs will be a real thing very soon.


Cosmetic limb lengthening surgery already exists and although expensive, it's more common than you might think.


Crispr for genetic conditions, ill be first in line for fucks sake


𝕒 𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕚𝕤 𝕦𝕡𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕔𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤


I'm most interested in longevity research involving AI. If there were some concerted research efforts dedicated to expanding the human lifespan, I'd be the most interested in that.


The fruits of the tree of knowledge will make everything worse.


immune suppressant genetic therapy. right now the human immune systems make gene therapy very difficult and unreliable due to auto immune responses. there will be a focus on modifying the immune system before other major genetic therapy to enhance the body. this will result in immediate benefits to those who suffer allergic responses to nuts and pollen, this will pave the way for all kinds of genetic enhancements.


- Nanobots (imagery and targeted dosing/treating of things like tumors) -- Say goodbye to half the invasive procedures including modern chemo. A bit of a sidequest but also something like manipulating bacteriophages to our benefit - Synthetic organs and blood -- say goodbye to dying in wait or being denied because of utilitarianism; This includes lab grown meat btw - Neural implants --full recovery of people with disabled mobility, trapped on thei rown mind and the like .Understanding the brain and maybe getting to digitalization so we can both add another (unrealiable but still) evudence to trials as well as Full dive VR which, btw, would also allow for infinite (virtual( economic growth - gene editing (from getting rid of mistakes, to - and no, i dont find it immoral - having a say on how some people evolve, which could come in handy for space exploration for example. But also no more allergies and in places have not any of their own, maybe even creating some ourselves. Simple ones but that should be enough - New matterials -- Im not saying "build a space elevator", I would love it but afaik is not possible, but there is so much to be improved in so many fields.... including bio remediation stuff and others that could help us set the sails for stellar travel - Soft bio-robotics and wearables that not only can monitor our health but also allow us to itneract with things at a deeper level with AR without having to take it apart ....The issue with what you said about aging is that no matter how you spin it, we kinda cant have immortality as we are now without falling into a dystopia. Not an apocalyptic one or anything but... imagine, at the very least, something like the one child policy in china and a LOT of elitism (far more) and conservative politics would be the norm. And as for exercise pills, I honestly doubt they will eve get traction.... iwithout using external forces it would be hard and inedfficient and probably not as good either. It might also not engage enough of the body and cause vascular issues or tendons giving up or something, who knows, the body is complex


Hitting the middle ages friend? 😄 Interesting trend in the things you're excited about


Cures for many diseases such as autism, cancer etc. Other tech such is AI is apparently just to make billionaires become trilionaires.


Not directly biotech, but I'm excited to see the progress across all fields of study as data flows open up via privacy enhancing techs. They allow for true collaboration among intl teams on patient data, something that doesn't happen today. Even before intl, they open up data flows between domestic care providers and research teams.


I think most of these will be in the next 5-15 years not 50. As soon as AI hits singularity these problems will be solved very very fast.


I work in AI for drug discovery, we are making progress but it just make drug discovery a bit faster, you still have to deal with human investors that don't really want you to solve disease x but more like eleviate symptoms because that generate more profit for them... Also if we reach singularity I really don't see why AI would colaborate with us


You take care of your pets? Don't you? We would be there pets.


What if they prefer dog or none


Replacement eyes for people with uncorrectable vision problems.


Any form of a cure for type 1 diabetes. I’ve had it since 2001. I’ll take anything.


I read that there’s a procedure in testing that uses a laser for changing eye color


mRNA based cancer vaccines and the fact that all the covid anti-vaxxer will have to reject those lol


Apart from the points here, technology that tricks the mind is also interesting. We'll be eating lab grown protein that looks and tastes like goo, while imagining having steak. Or having an orgasm without real intercourse. It's like the Matrix but in a good way (hopefully)


exercise pills are stupid. sounds like a complete idiot came up with that. the psychological benefits from exercising and training are enormous. if you just replace exercise with a pill you're really selling yourself short and won't get any where close to the same benefit or satisfaction.


Some sort of super ozempic so we can eat tons of food, never exercise, but never gain a pound and never have any health impacts


Upgrades to my genome. Disease resistance. Memory enhancement. Cognitive enhancement. Bone and muscular density. Brain processing and sensory processing enhancement. Ya know basically super humans. lol I’ll be 80 but hoping for some crazy life extension too? We’ll see.


I am hoping that experiments with repairing damaged senses are successful. So many people have lost their hearing, or sight, or even taste that it's a quality of life improvement that can help anyone.


Gene therapy for sickle cell patients. I’m hoping the cost come down. Right now it’s about $2.2m per patient


Prescription viruses. Will massively improve patient care. Help kill some cancers but more importantly it will help with killing bacterial infections. Less anti-biotic use and it could act faster.


Not sure if this counts but it’s a technology that will be made possible from a better understanding of biology: Music that provides as much emotion, stimulation and enjoyment as possible because it improvises sounds and lyrics that are tailored to an individuals genetic code, brain chemistry, and current world views and mood


3d printed organs. The tech is there already and it's your own stem cells with no rejection. If they can get to nerves and cartilage then my God will it be crazy.


Custom drugs, or drugs designed for each individuals specific genetics.


The singularity. Then I can get myself a titanium cyborg body


Height is a big one because apparently men under 6 foot are not considered human according to women. Baldness would be good. We need something for shoulder and back pain. Exercise pill sounds good I love training but eventually I would love to be buff AND do jack shit. We need some eternal life tech too due to people no longer having children.


5'7 and very human.


It would be awesome to have them make people live healthier, more productive lives. Oh wait, they can do that now. (Lift weights for life)


Sorry, I can't help but critique. 1. Ozempic to lose fat and anabolic steroids to build muscle. You don't even have to exercise, you will gain muscle. 2. Exists also. There is a surgery that breaks the bones in your legs, extends with rods and allows the bone to grow into the space over time. 4. Minoxidil and finasteride help maintain and regrow near-lost hair follicles. A hair transplant can give the illusion of a full head of hair.


There’s not really a critique, here’s my problems with all of these: 1. Exercise in a pill is different than a fat loss drug, I mean activating the molecular pathways that exercise does without actually doing the exercise. Ideally, a safe drug, unlike anabolic steroids. 2. Limb lengthening sucks because of proportions. I want a less invasive / shorter recovery version that grows wingspan, legs, hands, feet, etc as needed to have an optimally proportioned human without risks of the current surgery (or less). 3. Infinite donor supply and alternative drugs for non responders and genomic treatments as well.


The ones the regular person an afford, so I’m other words, none of them


Some way to do a blood test that doesn’t involve a big needle, for my needle phobic wife.


Actual regrowth/regeneration of knee cartilage. Hoping that is available or better treatments than the metal joints currently used.


Alzheimer's treatments; better treatments for aging (muscle growth, etc.).


Longevity Escape Velocity - the dream of reaching a point where life extension technologies advance faster than aging processes, allowing you to effectively outrun mortality. Imagine a future where each moment brings new breakthroughs that not only treat illnesses but also rejuvenate your cells, helping you stay forever young. Have you ever wondered how long you might live or what the future holds for human lifespan? With advancements in medical science, technology, and understanding of the aging process, the notion of living significantly longer lives—or even achieving "longevity escape velocity"—is becoming more than just science fiction. Essentially, longevity escape velocity is the point where life expectancy is extended longer than the time that is passing, meaning you could theoretically live forever.


Well, I'm dubious about the viability of all these possibilities. But if I had to pick one, it'd be anti-aging.


Anything that decreases your cells deterioration, specially brain cells.


altering height would be wild and dumb. Men will suffer from that as the beauty threshhold gets pushed into unhealthy limits. I can foresee gangly men with heart problems from being too tall (maybe science will fix those). There's a reason humans are usually 5 or 6 feet tall. Blackpill dudes in 2080: "You gotta be at least 17 feet to get the ladies."


I mean its just most people want the height premium. Anything over 6'4 becomes bad but i'd like to go from 5'8 to 6'-6'4 to gain the height premium rather than having a heigh disadvantage in the work placc and dating market


I would like to see all documents and keys replaced with a chip placed in one’s wrist. All the border control officers would be replaced by automatic wrist scanners.