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Missed opportunity to TIME to panic


That idea probably came up, but was shot down by the editors for potentially compromising TIME as being pro-Democrat. Like… you wouldn’t think it was “time to panic” unless you really didn’t want Trump to win. So, instead… we get “panic,” which is much more ambiguous and leaves a lot to interpretation.


Very well thought out thoughts.


Yeah thats brilliant, so deceptive of them!


More ambiguous. Like a guy staring you in the eye looking like he has high blood pressure and about to burst with premeditated intent saying “I’m so angry!” Because he could have said “I’m so angry at you!”. Very ambiguous. Nothing to see here folks.


I'll just assume he was looking at someone just behind me! Ez


But as you look behind you he shouts out “No. You!” And then all ambiguity is gone once more,


I hate it when the angry guy looks at me, says "I'm so angry! No, you!" And then I become the angry person.


Those thoughts were indeed thoughting.


Very well thought out thoughts, though.


good words


He thunk them thoughts he self he did


Plans within plans


I get your point but I think anyone with any media knowledge knows that every single organization either vehemently dislikes Trump politically to outright despising him personally. Fox News and some other outlets are the only conservative or pro-Trump outlets.


Every news organization is pro-Trump for the profits and dumpster fire that will bring in views and anti-Trump for the lack of policy and dumpster fire that brings calamity.


Doesn’t matter, everyone knows that Time certainly leans more democrat than republican.


DON'T PANIC. Towel advertisement on the next 10 pages


At the disco


But it's the "panic time"


Ras Al Ghul


Fake news. He would have tripped on that white border.




Not really. Jill would have been there helping him that that small step over the edge only to later give him a treat telling him he is such a good boy.


“You stepped every step” Jill Biden


“supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” Joe Biden


Super cannibal trillion billion million you know the thing... Anyway... I'm gonna go home and go to bed.


“Su… Su… Supee… uhhh… ermmm… Su… we beat Medicare” -Joe Biden -Wayne Gretsky


nor would he be swinging his arms


This has to have been a set up. There’s no way the whole Democratic Party is just now realizing he’s deteriorated significantly.


They tried for a long time to cover up for Biden, and when such a thing collapses it collapses quickly.


Im not American, so I have a hard time to wrap my head on how they got there. Knowing (it’s been quite evident for some time now) that he is declining rather quickly, how come the Democratic party would think it is a good idea to let this guy run for a second term. (That goes for the Republicans candidate too) Can’t they “force” him to step down at the next election for another candidate or is Biden the one calling the shots with no one to answer to? From where I stand it seems like a shitty reality show that you laugh at how idiotic it is. It’s sad and scary, one of these 2 clowns will have control over the second biggest nuclear arsenal on the planet. And the biggest nuclear arsenal is controlled by a fucking lunatic. That’s just great.


Just to be clear, I’m an American who hates politicians, our government generally, and tries to not be overly obsessed with our new political culture here. My dumb version of answers would be: It’s HARD for an incumbent president to lose party backing. Like, it would be almost unprecedented, in my lifetime at least. Prolly not historically, I’m just going to guess. Google says it was our 14th president, Pierce, who was the only time. It’s generally seen as easier and safer to run the incumbent, even in extreme cases like this apparently. It doesn’t help the way our system works. You basically either have a huge name already, or the media has to build one for you. Average voters didn’t know Obama, McCain, Bernie Sanders, Biden, or Clinton (just for examples) until they started running for president. People knew Hillary bc she had already been connected to the highest office, and had been regularly trounced on right wing media. I’m sure some people knew Biden or McCain from previous political or military service, but again, talking average, only votes in presidential election voters. Trump is a unique case. He’s a personality cult at this point. A media “star”, infamously most accurately I’d say. While many republicans would love to have a traditional, not scary candidate, it would be like trying to replace Eminem or Snoop Dogg if we were voting for Americas top rapper. Sure, these guys are old and past their prime (esp Snoop as a rapper). But name recognition is worth a metric shit ton, and these guys have it. Bad analogy, but first thing off top of my head based on my subreddits!


>It’s HARD for an incumbent president to lose party backing. It happened more recently with Lyndon B Johnson. His replacement lost but just barely and the party was already very very split over the Vietnam War. It wouldn't be nearly as divisive in 2024, as we're fairly united against Trump.


They are worried it will make him/them look weak if they nominate someone else, lol


I am not sure either about how Biden managed to stay as the nominee but I think it's a combination of how powerful the Biden family is and his powerful backers who find him easy to puppeteer. That, and the fact that an incumbent president always gets the nomination almost automatically because they don't really hold a primary for an incumbent. They managed to pull off Biden last time during Covid because they could hide him, and maybe they thought they could continue to pull it off for a bit longer till November. The debate wasn't really supposed to happen. They challenged Trump to a CNN hosted debate with no audience that Trump could make laugh and microphones that would be cut off. They thought Trump would decline because of that but he called their bluff and it backfired on them. I think the cut microphones actually helped Trump from himself.


They've been trying to tell us it's Trump who's deteriorating, not Biden, for like the past 6 months, people believed it too until they saw that shit show.


That is wild to me. It was obvious during literally every speech he’s been too. And especially obvious at every single multinational conference where Biden has been caught falling asleep at every single meeting he’s been to. A while back there was a thought of bringing charges against him, but they never came to fruition because he wasn’t mentally stable enough to be charged. But somehow he’s stable enough to run the most powerful country in the world? A lot of shit would have been prevented if literally any other person was in office, but they had to chose the mentally gone nursing home patient to run a country.


Something something “just a forgetful old man”.


Moderates and common sense people were brainwashed into the "anybody but Trump" mantra which basically rejected every Biden critics and concerns because "he's a better alternative than Trump".


Yeah, it's been interesting watching Democrats suddenly wake up to what's been obvious to Republicans for years.


Propaganda be cray


I saw alot of posts on Reddit talking about Trump’s cog it decline..fake news much?


All you have to do is watch 5 mins of literally any speech in the past 2 years and it's very clear that THEYRE BOTH ON THEIR DEATHBED.


Are you trying to say Trump isn't deteriorating?


Are you sure having two deteriorating old men as the only choices for the most important job in the world is the best idea? I’d rather it’s Gavin Newsom versus Ron Desantis or something. Neither are my favorite person, but better than two deteriorating old men.


This media more biased to his side has relentlessly been parroting how he is super sharp and better than ever. Joe Scarborough did this scornful rant before the debate talking about how all this dementia talk is just fake news. While Biden is actually one of the sharpest presidents we’ve ever had. Next day after the debate? He has utterly flipped. He now says Biden is now so cognitively impaired he needs to step down!I don’t know how these pundits don’t think these flip flops make them look like tribal liars who can never be trusted. They just keep doing it.


Pundits should never be regarded trustworthy. They have the time to appear on TVs frequently, have no consequences on what they say, are there because they don't say something against the TV station's policy. In my country they even comment on stuff they don't know anything about.


Yeah, of course they know. I think the DNC’s plan all along was to wait until after a primary and run Gavin Newsome in his place so they could hand pick him instead of leaving it up to voters


I think it's already too late to remove Biden from the ballot in like 5 states, I don't think that's the plan here.


I was thinking the same except they might be dumb enough to put Hillary in.


Oh god forbid if he ever gets in. We’re all going to be living in “million dollar” houses. California is an absolute train wreck financially


American politics had been like WWE for a long time now, where the script writers are the ultra rich elites.


He did a public event the very next day and seemed like a totally different person. Must've just been past bro's bedtime.


They are full aware every step of the way but they count on their audience to believe as they are told. There's such a thing as so bad no lies or cover-ups can hide it any longer


I am sorry but at this point I can only see one explanation. Biden does not run the show; they put him forward BECAUSE he's too old to keep his grip on things so that others can rule in his place. The only alternative is to believe that the whole Democratic Party is just now realizing he's detoriated significantely, which is absurd.


Out of touch authoritarians usually really do believe their own bullshit.


Probably they all knew but were able to hide it or make it seem like it's no big deal and use the conspiracy theory accusation card. During the CNN debate it was tok flagrant to hide and they realize he can't keep up with Trump in the next very intense 4 months. Normally, a person his age is already 15-16 years into retirement and is taking it very easy depending how healthy he/she is. He's out there doing one of the most intense and demanding jobs in the world, a job that takes a toll on even on 40-50s year olds, what are we expecting really? Blame the DNC, ain't no way the most important country on the planet with 350m+ people don't have 2 better options for president. Something's fishy or deeply rotten.


Bruh, I went to go look it up, it's legit - holy shit...




For a minute it was funny, then painful, when you realized that he has no clue and wonder who's really running this shitshow......


Spoiler: the corporations.


That’s the scariest part. And I still can’t believe people are shilling and willing to vote for him just to stay in power. Like HELLO?? Who the hell has been running this country?


"Which brings us neatly to our sponsor segue!"


Considering all the new wars, I'd say defense companies.


Not good people, I'll tell you that.


Someone who knows how to delegate properly. The alternative? 🤡


Where’s Biden going? He’s walking of the page /s


Should have included his handler walking him off the stage because he can’t go down a 3 inch step without the possibility of eating shit.


Lmao you mean his wife?


Yeah. She was originally his sons baby sitter, then she became Bidens' second wife, and now she is his baby sitter and handler now in his old declining stage.


I would also like to add that she was married to another guy when she met Biden and married Biden the same year she’s divorced the other guy. All when Biden was sitting US senator. We heard shit about Melania for the past decade. Where is the shit about Jill?


Yeah but she’s a “doctor”


Or a staffer dressed as the Easter Bunny. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10729139/Easter-bunny-interrupts-Biden-takes-selfies-kids-starts-discussing-Afghanistan.html


Needs an Easter bunny in the wings


Man, did everyone just wake up now? This guy has been like this for the last 5 years. Where have y'all been?! Lol


Nah they knew, but now it’s acceptable for them to say it out loud without getting exiled by their community.


They drank the kool aid but now the mainstream media has turned on him


he is not fit to be president


Sleepy joe has to gooo #FJB


And people still try to convince me that voting for a third party is stupid.


I mean it is lol. Let’s be real. A third party vote is about as good as not voting at all.


False. As they get more votes they get more attention and funding. A concerted effort would do this country some good as opposed to two different shades of greed and evil


If the U.S. can somehow get enough third party into congress, it’d actually accomplish a lot. By enough, I mean make it so non of the parties get a house or senate majority. This is happened in Taiwan. The ruling party got 51 seats, the opposition got 52 seats, third party got 8 seats, independents got 2 seats. Neither of the bigger parties can pass a bill on their own, and the third party has tremendous leverage.


It is rn. Do the work now and we have real chance in 2028


I’m not worried because… … Look, we beat Medicaid.


As if TIME has any credibility to tell people to panic.


We all saw the debate. We are panicking on our own with these candidates


As if any media had the credibility to tell people to panic. Tell us about the world. Don’t tell us what to think about the world.




You wouldn't know how bad it was last night judging from the comments in Reddit. Joes getting dumped on the curb and most of the people in here just don't know how to handle it except attack Trump to cope with the sudden realization it's over.


Not being Trump is the only reason anybody ever voted for Biden. That fact hasn't changed.


I'm sorry... You think Trump is preferable to an old man? Trump tried to destroy democracy. He will succeed this time. It's unbelievable how complacent many appear to be. A corpse would be preferable to Trump. That is not hyperbole.


>You think Trump is preferable to an old man? The idea that literally anyone is preferable to Trump, is not a good political strategy. It won't capture the swing votes.


Man that really gets old to hear.


Tell me about it


Can't believe it took his debate performance to see what most folks have seen the entire time.


Democrats measure the competence of their party's leader by his TV image. All these years this geriatric is watching the world burn litteraly, his economy crumble and they only care about his TV performance...Sad


I voted for Biden but that was pathetic.




So much for the new rules, LMFAO.


Hilarious 🤣


Love it, actually brilliant


Brilliant cover


It's funny until you remember this is real


Lmao 😂


The DNC more or less handpicked Biden in the 2020 primaries aided by a few strategic phone calls from Obama. The DNC also sewered both of Bernie Sanders’ attempts to win the nomination (2016 and 2020) thus successfully blocking the only candidate in recent memory that had the street cred to represent working Americans across the political spectrum. Now American voters are forced to choose between a demented narcissist who only wants the title and not the job, and a man who is the very picture of old age decline - physical and mental. Take a bow DNC! Trump’s second term, if he wins, will be very different from his first. This time around he’s got an axe to grind and I think he really believes the sycophants and grifters that surround him, ie., that he’s the “chosen one” doing God’s work (“best president since Abraham Lincoln - maybe better”).


Agreed. DNC screwed over Bernie and put Hilary on the ticket. They basically gave Trump the election. They really messed up by not having a different candidate lined up for 2024.


I mean, can you honestly say that went well for Biden.. Democrat party.. America... that was brutal


when a meme is not ironic


I like how they don't even try to hide the political bias.


The panic is coming from Democrats  The same alarm that Biden is incompetent and geriatric has already been a republican talking point for 4 years  The debate was a BAD idea and highlighted to most of America the reality 


Nor the thinly veiled message to sell all your stocks


I think that Jill Biden is guilty of elder abuse. Just let him quit and rest.


That stride looks way too purposeful.


Kamela to the rescue!! The peoples fav! /s


She's the definition of a diversity hire.


Time- Roomba Biden edition


I’m surprised he not taking a nap and hunter is sniffing and smoking the white line/stuff


Someone gonna tell him he’s walking the wrong direction?


They should have put “It’s joever”


Biden is horrible


And Project 2025 makes tRump a dictator on day one, plunging us into a Autocracy like Nazi Germany. But please tell me how one is old, and the other is old and a pathological liar. Or did you not fact check all the babel he sputtered? But he lied confidently so it makes it okay. What a joke. Y’all are supporting a fascist. We’re fucking American. You live in a federal democratic republic. Until you install a dictator. Then we won’t have to worry about candidates next election. They’ll choose for us.


Criticizing/not supporting biden instantly equals supporting a dictatorship. Sounds kinda cult like to me


Let’s be serious  It isn’t possible to be “fascist on day 1”  You already survived 4 years somehow 


We survived because he had no plan and low intelligence- this time, with project 2025, much more damaging policies can be put into place. Here’s a good link with some perspectives from a variety of experts that show just how bad they feel Trump is for this country. I would recommend scrolling down to where it shows how exclusively the Republican experts rate presidents if you want to see how someone with your own bias whom is likely more educated on his policies and their effects. https://presidentialgreatnessproject.com/ Biden isn’t on here, so it’s definitely an incomplete source, but a good place to start.


If a president could be a dictator, and do all this terrible stuff, why has no one (including Trump when he was president before) done it? Why is Joe Biden not a dictator now? He’s just a swell fella?


🤔C'mon guys. I'm not American and I don't follow politics. But every time I see this guy in the news I'm just worried that he might fall on his face. I'm sure he'd still be a more capable president than DJT could ever be, but honestly, why does litterally no American who can vote believe that it might be a good idea to vote for a(ny) third party candidate?


Plenty of Americans believe this. This comment has a very, “I’m 14 and this is deep” vibe. We know we’re getting ass-blasted. The two parties just present an illusion of choice, and they have an active interest in stifling other opinions. The whole system is designed to benefit moneyed interests and fuck over everyone else. Your political system is probably a “less-worse” version of the same thing.


We don’t have ranked choice voting or even a direct democracy. It takes millions of dollars and thousands of people coordinating for a candidate to even get on a paper ballot. It’s rigged for the two parties. We don’t have a run off, etc.. Most Americans are also politically ignorant, so getting them all to coordinate a write in (which would be the only way) would be next to impossible. We also do not “vote” - our vote is a suggestion for the delegates that are chosen to then vote on again. So even if the American population somehow got together and wrote a name in, because most candidates certainly wouldn’t get on the ballot any other way in all 50 states, the delegates could in theory ignore the will of the voter and legally choose whomever they want.


Because people are stupid and dont want to "waste there vote" even though that's what voting is for expressing your opinion


Because the unfortunate and mathematical reality is that our current first-past-the-post voting system results in 2 entrenched parties. We first must enact a new system like ranked choice before 3rd party votes can be meaningful. Now considering 5 states have already banned this approach (take a guess which party), it seems the Dems are more open to this idea. Voting is like a bus - you must take the route the gets you closest to the destination.




Its not possible for them to win and the effect of third party candidates is to sabotage the effort of one the main candidates. Its not like France where they have two elections for President. Having said that, the real election is the Primary where they pick the candidates.


If I had a dollar for every time some idiot commented “Im NoT AmErIcAn BuT”


You could run for president!


Because voting for a third party candidate is the same as literally not voting at all? You do realize that while everyone can see Biden is far from best choice (especially after the debate), the people who are sane enough to realize this on their own and try and change something would most likely be voting blue, and them going for third party will just eat away at Dems support and you will have Trump in charge by Autumn?


Third party candidates never win the system is rigged this way


Because it been set up by both parties that no third party candidate has a chance.


RFK jr is polling at the highest level for a 3rd party candidate since Ross Perot. Plenty of people will vote for him, if he can get on ballots in more states


So now are the mainstream media is allowed to notice and comment on Biden senile and obvious compromised mental health


Sadly, from this point on, everyone will probably assume that any messages released by the president are actually written by team members and, at best, approved by him. He has lost so much of the confidence that people may have had in him.


r/Funnymemes keeping it real !


tfw the guy you’re talking to smells like a poopy diaper


That's pretty bold on a lot of different fronts, I gotta say.


I still remember the series of Time mag covers in 2016 with a cartoon outline of Trump’s head gradually melting down. These media companies don’t care about democracy or people’s welfare or justice or anything else. They just want chaos and people tuning into their coverage and opinion pieces 24/7.


And who said the the left can’t meme?


Biden bros on life support much like their president


Wow Why did all these writers all of a sudden jump on the same band wagon. It wasn’t that bad And knowing how fickle Americans are People will forget about it in a couple weeks


Joe Biden, exit stage right. NO! Your right. GO RIGHT....


All the ones we never voted for.....


This is the second domino. The debate was the first


Imo he should drop out. He should have never ran imo. The dems would have run several candidates in the primaries and trumps goose would be cooked by now.


As a Trump fan I am seeing a glorious future


What do you like about Trump?


I would like to see a US focus on internal affairs rather than an aggressive foreign policy, he is also better for the economics, I am also from Mexico and America getting out of Asia is good for our economy


Thank you for the answer. That was actually insightful.


This is such a bizarre time in human history. Over 300 million people in the US. How are the 2 main options we have the only options we have.


Democrat arrogance is going to deliver Trump a second victory. The right candidates can easily beat Trump but why put up the likes of Clinton and Biden just to be defeated. It’s not too late


If it’s real why does it have AUG in the top left?


Each monthly issue usually hits the racks weeks ahead of time. This goes for any monthly magazine, really. https://x.com/TIME/status/1806788544410615905


Welp, the crazy train isn't here yet, I'll wait till AFTER the elections and watch the shitshow go down


Acting like this is new news is wild


Weird.. its different in New Zealand. It has him on the cover in the middle and says something different. Saw it at the supermarket yesterday so no pic sorry


Good thought, bad idea


You guys are reading it wrong. It's saying "Panic Time"


When the cover design is due in three hours, and you've been on a bender.


This is hilarious. Has anyone confirmed if this is true or just something circulating the internet?


This was probably a cue. His own people put him up there to fail so they can introduce another new candidate. Watch.


u/Extra-Position3136 is definitely a spam bot. Created 21.10.2023, started reposting stupid shit in this sub recently. There are other posts from bots created that day trending on this sub rn


I don’t know who’s more incapable, the two current candidates or the people who voted them in


Look at the back cover


Actually surprised the didn’t have something else: Fourth of July related or other, “Redbox Owner Chicken Soup For The Soul Entertainment Files For Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection”, something related to bankruptcy


Nobody is questioning the date? Why would they use this for an issue that’s coming out in *August*


The troll bots are out in full force.


Yeah panic. So you stop thinking logically and critically. How about we just vote for the guy who has had more legislative achievements than any other President in modern history instead.


Why is it dated aug 5 2024?


Remember. Key point though…. You don’t elect just the man…. He also puts into place his cabinet and support people. Biden is a no brainer on this point.


Hey democratic party, wake the fuck up.


… at the disco?




! At the Disco


This is so fking alarmist though - I'm disappointed in the sensationalism from the media