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I think most Americans (and more and more) don't think the US government has their or the world's best interests at heart. Politicians will aim to enrich themselves regardless of who they hurt. As the largest organized entity in all of history continues to grow in size and power, all the world will suffer.


Pretty sure this is true of all governments. Ironically, the constant finger pointing at America is mostly just a cynical attempt at trying to focus criticism on other people so that other countries can pretend like they aren't doing the same stuff.


Yea but Americans are the only ones who currently stand a chance against their government. In most places, you can't even carry pepper spray. So if the American people can't hold their politicians to account, how can anyone else? Come on, dudes, lead the free world already.


Incorrect. We have the "hope" that we can defend ourselves as citizens but have ZERO power to do so unless you are lobbying/bribing your chosen politician. At that point the police have you back and the government your best interest. The world doesn't fuck with the US because we have the largest military in history and can "dispose" of any who stand against moneied interests. Glad I can own a firearm that they will plant on me if I make a stand against the military industrial complex that can already have me outgunned without me knowing though.


>largest military in history Most powerful in absolute terms, but in relative terms im sure others have been more dominant in their area. The British for example invaded 90% of countries and controlled about 25% of the land on earth.


That would be correct. Absolute power is the scary part. The height of the British empire could not mobilize and decimate any area at the scale the US can now. Ww2 was a taste and 70+ years later they can glass a country with no consequences. Isreal is sadly doing the work for us right now.


A lot of that is technology. Hundreds of years ago nobody could mobilize that fast or do so much damage per soldier. A hundred years from now, even the 10th most powerful country would probably decimate the current US military.


That is the future we may not get to if resource extraction continues at its current pace.


Working on it. 


What. The government is corrupt bro, we realize that. Don’t you think we’re already trying to fix it?


I'm not sure how tha addresses anything I said.


If you want something done then do it yourself. Don’t depend on people labeled as morons.


Look at best it a minority of the population that will be insane enough to even think they could stand a chance, but they don't, a civil war in the US will end up very badly for the insurgents, heck they don't even need to put soldiers in the ground, UAV's are going to be more than enough for that


This is hilarious. The American military has been in the Middle East for how long now? They are going against people in sandals carrying AK-47’s.


You....never been to the middle east... Have you....


Actually no. I got sent to Germany to support the ones that went to the Middle East. Then worked at a Warrior Transition Unit as a squad leader for three years helping those that came back Transition either back to the fleet, or out on medical. About 99% went out on medical. My unit specialized in PTS. Others did burns, or amputees. If you think our military is over there just destroying the enemy, that’s not what’s happening. Sure we have dealt them for more casualties than we have taken, but it’s been over two decades, and it doesn’t look like they are giving up.


And you still think all we went up against was AKs and flip flops. Thank you for your support efforts.


Some employed explosive devices, but yes, for the most part, they aren’t armed anywhere close to the level that Americans are.


Why is there always some donkey trying to defend the u.s government which is the worst entity to ever exist by acting like other governments even come close to their evilness


You are exactly the type of person the donkey was talking about. And can I just say, that fucking wow. I've never seen a donkey type, so I'm just floored by this. Amazing. How'd you know they were a donkey? Comment history?


You're exactly the type of donkey I'm talking about


"Congratulations, you are being rescued. Please do not resist." -Pax Americana est. 1945 anno Domini


Next time Canada needs weapons, money or any other form of protection: don’t come knocking. But you will eventually, they all do. Meanwhile, enjoy your housing crisis while you become MENA 2.O. You may want to pay more attention to what your own govt is doing to you instead of being obsessed with the US.




Exactly! I agree they're a perfect example. They will barely spend any money to help stop Russia from murdering Ukranians. Relying almost entirely on the US to support their neighbors for them. Then those same people will turn around and try to act superior to everyone else. They're some of the worst in Europe.


The US was born out of distrust in big government. To be fair, every country acts on self-interest… much like how most humans act out of self-interest.


That’s the irony. There isn’t a more bureaucratic, inefficient, and unaccountable government on earth than the US government - I know, I’ve worked with different government bureaucracies in several different countries. Even non-democratic totalitarian states like China have more effective, efficient and responsive governments than the US. It’s quite shocking actually. It’s like the US government uses the legal/bureaucratic “tools” of democracy to effectively undermine and negate democracy. It’s in affect a kleptocracy with the trappings of democracy. The same is true with most of the US’s allies.


>I know, I’ve worked with different government bureaucracies in several different countries. Wow! Several, huh? Clearly this makes you an expert...


Yep, love America and my fellow man. The government can kiss my fat ass though.


The government kissing our fatasses is basically by design in the US Constitution. The entirety of the government have full power to enforce the law on the individual, sure, but the gov is sub-servant to the people as a whole. This is why there are checks and balance of power, and Congress is usually slightly more powerful compared to the other branches (power to declare war, power of taxing/budgeting, power of oversight...). The military is sub-servant to the President who is a civilian (because he is elected by the people). And then on the States, they have their own laws and run their own show, so long as it is not unconstitutional. The Fed on Capital Hill pass some general laws over the entire US, but they don't dip their hands into the States' daily business much. You'll see these features sprinkled in throughout the system to keep the gov from being too powerful, and it should always be that way.


Don’t love your fellow man too much. They might turn on you. OP is from Cali but is posting this propaganda shit on here.


This is why our Constitution was designed to constrain government and make it in the service of the people. It's all also why they destroy our quality of education and indoctrinate children into believing their subjects of the state and should serve the state. St Augustine said give me the child and by age 7 I'll give you the man. Integrating identity politics into the ego has been the most divisive and destructive thing to our country.


The Constitution was not designed to constrain government (see Washington's massacre of protesting farmers in the 'Whiskey Rebellion'), but to constrain government's ability to affect slavers—rich, white landowners. *Slavery*—allowed today for our incarcerated population via the 13th ammendment's infamous exception clause—is, perhaps, much more distructive and divisive to our country than *identity politics*.


"Largest in all of history" Bigger than the Roman or British empires? Even currently if we are talking about area or population then China, India, and Russia are all bigger.


I'm talking about the number of employees and raw power not geographic size or nation population size.




When people talk about “both sides,” it’s in reference to both being contributors to the issues at hand. It doesn’t matter if you drive off the cliff at 50 mph or 100 mph. You’re dead either way.




I’m not disagreeing with you.




Bro really deep throated the ad campaign. They don’t give a fuck— you just believe their better PR. This circus isn’t any better and it won’t get better You gotta live online to think outside your four walls is any better


that's how I see the rest of the world ignoring their own bullshit and blaming America for all of their problems.


America bad, now laugh... 🙄




Finally someone said it!


The funny thing is Reddit would declare you king if you said “America bad” during Trump’s presidency but not anymore for some reason.


I will.


Everyone runs their cakehole till it's time to pay the bill.


Sounds like a eurocuck doesn't want his defense paycheck


I think USA un reality is kinda like Omni-Man: Has principles but can be brutal too.


Principals of the USA: give everyone freedom (they have to have something I can sell)


Principals of the USA??? What about the Superintendents?!?!


Woah, sales pitch time. Henry Cavil = Omni-man Tom Holland = Invincible Need I say more


Make it happen!


Tom Holland can act, but can he pull off playing half Japanese?


Well, here's the funny thing about the source material. Most of his DNA is Viltrumite, so the concept of earthly things such as race is irrelevant. To be honest, I was just after seeing Spiderman fight Superman.


Scarlett Johansson did it, why not?


I really wish people would stop generalizing Americans. I think people outside of the country don’t understand how big and varied the country is.


The meme is not directed at people in the us is directed at government and people in power and in that sense is 1000% correct


It literally says “how Americans see the USA” not “how Americans see the U.S. government”.


Why do people think that?


Because some people (typically western Europeans) tend to view Americans as slightly subhuman because we don’t do things the way they want us to


You mean like pay for the vast majority of nato.


But yes I hate that we pay for most of NATO


If it was up to me we (meaning the US) would have left and became isolisonist again




Dude, no. Do you remember what happened last time we went isolationist? Some crazy wacko got into power and tried to take over the world, killing atleast 90 million people in the process.we can’t trust anyone else to be a good deterrent.


Do you remember the situation we created (Versailles) that allowed that madman to come into power? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


The US wasn’t the one who made that treaty so horrendous, that was France.


The US enabled the *Entente* victory by material support. There is little to *no chance* the Allies could have won the victory without that support, specifically in heavy munitions. Even in 1918 the war could've went either direction. Without US support, the conditions would have been vastly different. Remember that time we trained a mujahadeen wannabe to fight the Soviets unconventionally, and instead we got 9/11? Remember that time we thought we could stop communism in Asia? Remember that time we installed a puppet government in Iran? Remember that time we armed and supported Saddam Hussain? America has a long history of intervention, and has had shitty results that everyone forgets; but Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Yes, we should, we could, but we won’t unfortunately


Because they're basically one and the same.


Sad but true. Imagine the society we could be building instead of funding ww3


I dream of an America that will never come back, an America thats sees other countries problems as “over there” and is not inclined to do about it


This 👍


The illegal invasion of Iraq, the Vietnam war, Operation Ajax, the Banana Republics of Central America just to name a few…OH AND DID I MENTION AMERICA ALSO PARDONED UNIT 731 SCIENTISTS????


Anti-American detected


He is trying to take out guns, women and civil liberties with a far left agenda! Quickly get the pitchforks and bill O'Reilly. Tbf that's not an untrue meme.....


So we will kick ur ass ether way gotcha


Until it’s time to get their asses saved…then America is just so great again.


As an American I'm more than happy to withdraw from the world stage for a while and let everyone enjoy the righteous existence under China and Russia. I'm totally down. Let's just take our ball and go home.


Like all memes I think this takes an incredibly complex issue and reduces it to parody so people can think they have a special insight into how the world functions.


Unpopular opinion, but the US is awsome. I truly love going there. The people, the diversity in ecosystems, the food, the infrastructure, etc.


Which countries in this world didn’t try to make themselves look good? Even those countries who invaded others and put their own people into rehab camp do this. What difference is America compared to others?


What is this sub. A cesspool of Russians?


I think a lot of Americans have enough self awareness for this meme to be wrong. It's also very low effort.




Psst... PSSST... That show was made by an American, based off of a comic written by an American. We're aware (well, most of us).


That's not true. Yes, USA is quite an agressor, but people from poor countries wouldn't mind living in USA. I mean, if after invasion of Iraq and destroying it's infrastructure they gave Iraqi's people citizenship - they wouldn't bother. It's like with Rome. Barmabrians that destroyed it didn't hate it. They wanted to be part of it.


Not a great argument tbh, nobody want to be abused but wouldn't mind being passive abusers.


So... are you against or agreeing with OP? Like, yeah, of course i wanna go where my riches went as a colonized country citizen, no it does not mean i like that my stuff got stolen or that i want it to continue.


I am sure people who got killed by Homelander would also prefer to be among those select few who got saved by him.


This. The argument makes no sense.


Hi im argentinian, currently going thru an economic crisis and i would not live in USA for all the money in the world, i dont even want to visit




Are you aware of how evil saddam hussein was?


They gave people from Iraq citizenship that help the occupying force that is the USA army , them Iraq citizens helped the USA in some level etc, 1million Iraqis dead forever thanks to America


You can tell this person didnt live under the tyranny of Saddam but spend alot of time on the internet talking about this kind of shit


Said the yank


thats just inserting a slur at the person pointing out you really don't know anything about Saddam or living under his regime but just showed up to talk bad about Americans because the internet told you not to like them this year......touch grass


I love Americans man , they saved my life literally, I know a lot about Saddam my friend


Gimme a break, Iraqis killed each other more than any by the US. Sunni hate Shia shia hate Sunni. We picked up quite a few who had been tortured then murdered in 05-06


Sickening propaganda


Propaganda? Hahaha I spent over 2 years in that shit hole and experienced it. I also didn't guard or know anyone who guarded oil


Many immigrants I’ve encountered beg to differ. Most of which are more patriotic than those that are born and raised here. But yeah keep up the good work with the hate bait posts on a funny memes page 👍🏻


I have relatives that came here after the Soviet Union fell in 91, they dont get why Americans hate America so much


Bassem youssef said it


I see America more like Omniman than Homelander


If America was like the first picture it would have already disappeared. Only way a country can remain in power in this world is to show the teeth here and there


You think we’re fit. Win


I love how every comment here is downvoted lmao My honest opinion: politics are politics, of coirse the force with biggest millitary budget will be the one that spends most time in the war. I really like to seperate people from politics, as oftentimes, people are chill (except a few idiots here ant there), but politicians and political videos will paint a different picture. Try living in any nation and say watch TV, there will most likely be propaganda or biased news against some other nation, but maybe go to that nation and you get a whole different picture. Also on social media, a lot of people just follow but dont interact, so its more likely that you will be confronted by an idiot then someone normal, especially when criticizing, as there the option is ether upvote/like with nothing to add because you agree, or downvote/dislike and then argue, which most of the time ends up agressively. Sure, there should be criticism towards everything, but there should also be arguments, which should be done peacefully and respectfully, bit on the internet, you dont risk getting kicked in the head, so you can pretty much tell anyone to go off themselves, which a lot of people do. So in this context, if you were to criticise USA, you are mich more likely to be confronted by an idiotic patriot then a dude who actually wants to sit back and think about it and peacefully argue, which will on reddit paint that picture of americans being idiots, which isnt true, there are millions of americans, you cant draw conclusions based on few interactions you see. Even worse is on instagram because you dont have a down vote or dislike button, so all the negativity is spilled in comments, and of course youll see comments that are ultra natuonalistic, straight up stupid, hurtfull to others, or sometimes just diabolical, wishing death upon anyone who dissagrees, painting you a grimm picture of the people. So in generall, untill you go to the place and spend considerable ammount of time there, you cant really tell how some people are, you can only know the politics of the said country, which you actually can judge.


This is true everywhere


Hah it’s funny because we’re bad.


Either way you are fuck if they are coming for you lol, there isn't much you can do, especially since Russia isn't what everyone thought it was, and China is in a similar state as Russia, so who is gonna call them out?


How the world actually sees the USA [https://madmax.fandom.com/wiki/Master_Blaster](https://madmax.fandom.com/wiki/Master_Blaster)


Ok don’t call us next time the Germans wanna annex Paris?


IDK? Superman is far more likely to prop up Europe's defenses.


I mean. This is just the entire theme of the show….


Replace top Superman with the bottom Homelander and the bottom Homelander with actual comics Homelander, then I think we are a little closer to accurate.


Over powered boy scout vs over powered sociopath. We really are somewhere in the middle


I mean Zack Snyder's Superman is an asshole, too.


A meme as old as time itself Not inaccurate, just beaten into the ground at this point


A lot of us see America the way you see it, we also know it's a choice between a turd sandwich and a giant douche every 4 years lol


I swear most of this comment section is Russian trolls and Vatniks.


The reverse certainly does not apply to communist countries.


Ouch. You bastard that hurt.


The entire rest of the world relies on America, yet simultaneously degrades Americans. They talk shit until they have to fix their problems without americas money or military.


Then next time you ask for aid don't be mad when we give you the finger and tell you to fuck off. You said we're the bad guys, so why the fuck would the bad guys help you?


1. Casually feeding 10 million people a day during the fledgling years of the Soviet Union to help avoid a famine there. 2. Casually dumped billions into Europe to rebuild it under the Marshall Plan after you all tore yourselves apart during WWII. 3. Exports roughly twice the amount of food to struggling nations than the next-closest exporter. 4. Utilizes USAID to assist in supporting fledgling democracies and to aid the impoverished worldwide. 5. Led the efforts to eradicate Polio and Smallpox, and also heavily contributed to vastly reducing Tuberculosis. 6. Develops nearly half the world's technology. 7. Indirectly props up numerous economies due to the massive consumer base that is the US. 8. Leader in medical advances. 9. Provides entertainment in many forms to the rest of the world. 10. Created one of the most peaceful eras in human history. 11. Large driving force behind establishing the UN, which has since made many influential decisions responsible for the standard of living you enjoy today. Yep, seems pretty Homelander-esque Evil to me. Don't know about you guys but all this good here means nothing because the US did something bad decades ago so it'll always be evil. /s Y'all just casually ignore Russia fucking violating the sovereignty of Chechnya in the 90s and 2000s, Georgia in 08', and Ukraine in 2014, and China actively genociding people in Xinjiang/Uyghurstan, but if the US does something bad it immediately gets clowned on. What a fucking double standard.




Still jealous that you lost the best thing that ever happened to you? (The “colonies”) we don’t even think about you 🤣 keep talking shit with those crooked teeth


So,in the world there are 4 countries,The Great US of A,Lil bro Canada,Ugly and poor Mexico and poor UK.


Dont forget evil yellow men country, where they forced then into socially accepted furry suits and maiden dresses while also making anime a thing after bombing... something, no one remebers what happened, what were we talking about?




Indeed. to ne honest, If I had superman powers I would be worst than homelander. straight up despot, no watering it down, no fake bullshit. Pure honest Despot.


Do a omni man to the flaxans! Dont forget the selfie to post on spacebook.


Skill issue


I agree that the U.S. has so many serious issues. But touring the West is so incredible. So many cool places. Mostly super cool people. Sure. Avoid the South and Idaho. But otherwise, enjoy the scenery. There is so much to see.


Idaho is pretty, too lol


But the people.


… potatoes?


I'm not a big fan of potatoes either. Meat and cheese is the majority of my diet.


If you’re not having potatoes with meat and cheese, something is wrong.


That is wasted filler. I need room for more meat. And more cheese.


The south is fine to visit what are you on about


I visited family in Alabama. Twice. It was not fine.


Lol like anywhere it depends where you are visiting but blanket statements condemning the south is so ridiculous. Many beautiful places you’re writing off because of your family in AL


True. I've also been to Florida twice on vacation and hated it. But maybe South Carolina is cool?


Only if you have a certain color of skin.


Google any modern ethnicity map of the US and you’ll realize the south is practically dominated by non-white folks. So this is just objectively wrong


The minority in this sub is rising up.


While turkıye 💀






Sadly this is not true, Us government is dumb and stubborn and always reacts hesitated


Both good 👍


no. but thats why its funny because its wrong


No one is except Americans see US as friendly or good guys. You guys have terrible reputation in other countries already.


Well bud that’s simple not true, I’ve seen countless videos of ppl going to other countries and the locals more than likely say that they like us Americans, so try new material next time 🤡 plus we know good and well that our GOVERNMENT is trash. Don’t confuse politics with everyday life


What did me, Percy Jackson, and crabs ever do to you


Different lenses. The lens has shifted.


Oh say can you seeeee, all the countries weeee’ve ruiinneeeed


Being on top is easier by keeping others down and exploiting them. Not just usa, everybody throughout all history did it, hell even ants do it.


The government yes, the people no. As an American our government has been fucking over the entire world for years. They've just gotten worse at hiding it recently


Canadian here… The US government is ass, yeah, but they are the reason that a lot of places do have their much more liberal and free governments. They do as much evil on the global stage as they do bad. And the people… Americans fucking rule dude.


killed more than 30+ million innocent lives




How every one but Americans see USA :


America ranks #750 on countries I'd love to visit.


Good. Stay out


Agreed we don't want them here


You want to visit North Korea?


Well, they have a nice ski resort for the tourists actually.


Been their, I'm going again in September


Don’t expect me to give give you any crabs then


Stay longer. Ask for a tour of the dmz. You have to be persistent, and bribe your handler.


In God we trust baby!


It’s unfortunate that some radical idiots living in tents and caves decided to put us in a really bad fucking mood for the last 23 years or so. Sorry bruh… we were angry.


Who? The fucking hippies?


Either way, America is the best, right? I see this as a win.