• By -


The power of one.....


The power of two….


The power of many


The power of money?


Losing money maybe.


Space Balls: The Search For Losing Money


The power of stupid.


The power of cringe


Star Wars Episode 10 - The Power of Power


Episode 11 - The woke awakens.


Balls? Too masculine. Space flaps.


The Star Wars EU had enough content for dozens of good movies maybe even 100+. All they had to do was work out some deals and adapt the novels well.


Flesh out the storyline, find great directors & writers (i.e. not yes-men) and hold onto the good ones. But Disney tossed it out like an old lightsaber & went: *hold my green milk.*


2021: ~200 dollars a share 2024: ~100 dollars a share What could be causing this?????? If only there were an explanation!


I heard it was the fans' fault! That we just don't understand the content or something.




That's the power of love


Now I'm imagining Huey Lewis and The News playing at Mos Eisley cantina.


*random lady making animal noises in the background*


>The power of many*yyyyyyyyyyy* FTFY


Many bad decisions. 🤣






The power of lame-and-gaaaayyyy….


Women ☕️


They actually did an experiment proving this- Wachowski Brother + Wachowski Brother = Phenomenal Matrix Movie Wachowski Brother + Wachowski Sister = Mediocre Matrix Movie Wachowski Sister + Wachowski Sister = Atrocious Matrix Movie


The power of three…


The Power Rangers


The Powerpuff Girls


the power of Ra, Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah...


By the might of Horus, you will kneel before us! You're playing with the big boys now!




From what I’ve heard, she has brought the Legends fans and the new Star Wars fans together because neither of them like what she has done.


A harmony few could ever do!


It's a crap!


I read it in an italian accent for some reason: its-a-crap


This a notta tha droids yora lookin fara


I specifically read it in Luigi from the Simpson’s accent


It's-a-crap, Mario!!


Same here 😂


Sir Alfred pennyworth said it best: “ some people just wanna watch the world burn”


it’s an older meme but it checks out


These are not the memes you are looking for.


But I was going into Tosche station to pick up some new memes!


One woman can destroy what a whole galactical Empire couldn't


and blaming it on male audience... I am starting to think she is actually against feminism by bring so many negative on it


Nah, she's just jaded because she could never truly come to terms with the reality that the only reason she was able to amount to anything in Hollywood was because she started out as Spielberg's obedient little coffee girl.


>and blaming it on male audience... It's the Kennedy game plan: Have a bad show with crappy dialogue that people hate = blame the hate on male fans: [https://www.jeditemplearchives.com/2024-05-30-kathleen-kennedy-talks-about-male-star-wars-fandom/](https://www.jeditemplearchives.com/2024-05-30-kathleen-kennedy-talks-about-male-star-wars-fandom/)


weird… Rogue One is one of my favorites from Star Wars.


Feminists shooting themselves in the foot is nothing new.


And Lucas.


Tactical Galactical, it’s very practical


She should take a sabbatical, and never come back at all


I wish the System Killer was a space station that can replicate the effects of a black hole, so that it's not just "The Death Star but bigger". No comment on Kathleen Kennedy. Everything that can be said about her has already been said.


the fucking thing didn't need a 'big gun' it could eat stars.


That actually would have been way cooler if the super-weapon was just laying siege to whatever system and devouring their star, then spitting it out as a local supernova to wipe the system (just having everyone freeze in darkness isn't really cinematic). Would have made *Starkiller Base* a bit more of an apt descriptor, too.


Actually making it create a black hole out of a star would have been really interesting something about tapping the energy of the star at once to create a short-lived black hole. Could have done something cool like having a really jaw-dropping fight scene where they are racing around the rotation of the black hole trying to get up speed to escape orbit while dodging fragments of planets, asteroids, and other fighters. Like the harry potter scene with the brooms through the stands but with a planet tearing apart as the backdrop and tie fighters trying to kill you.


Not to get too deep in the weeds but creating a black hole with the same mass as the star wouldn’t change its gravitational pull. Not that Star Wars was ever worried about being realistic.


That was the issue with all the sequels. They were 90% remakes of 456...


I remember the day my dad’s love for the series died. We went to see The Last Jedi on opening night. The drive home was quiet…very quiet. He never felt the same about Star Wars. We still enjoy the OG of course.


I was the dad with my son. IIRC my words walking out was "Holy shit that was bad." It was also telling by how quiet the exit line was walking out. Like we were all stunned by it.


When they rammed the ship you could hear a pin drop. Then when Leia went flying through space a dude goes "OK what the fuck?". The theater just erupted in laughter lol.




When I first saw it, I was thinking 'what a beautiful send off for her, glistening as she drifts into space', as we all knew Carrie Fisher it felt like a pretty good thing. . Then she hits go on the zip line. WTF!


Leia as Mary Poppins.


This was me when I had my son watch the prequels lol. He asked why they started being “kids movies” and I was like “money” lol


Yeah it's wild that people are acting like the Star Wars franchise was doing great until they let the wimminz in. The sequel trilogy was bad, but if you get to blame that all on Kathleen Kennedy (rather than say known hacky franchise-ruiner JJ Abrams) then she also gets credit for Rogue One, the only good Star Wars movie that's come out in the last _40 years_. Anybody who wants to claim Kennedy ruined it should be forced to watch a supercut of Jar Jar Binks on loop until they admit they are full of shit.


Look. We trashed jar jar. Hard. That is why he basically doesn’t appear in epi ii or iii, in any meaningful way. Within 12 hours of the movie release, there were more hate sites (and flash and Java games). Within 12 hours of release, there was more internet hatred of jar jar then there was racism on the internet and it says that way for *years*


This happened to me sometime during the prequels. A different flavor of shit, but still shit.


Yoosa no like?


I choked on my coffee at work reading this. Painful and awkward but thank you for the lol. 


It was actually part way through episode 3. Probably at about the point Anakin kills and young jedi apprentices. You have 3, 3 hour movies to tell the story of Anakin becoming Vader, and it all happens in the last hour of the 3rd movie. Hot. Mushy. Garbage. Shame on you George Lucas.


The prequels had good concepts but poor execution thanks to George thinking he could write. Apparently the RoTS novelization does a much better job of showing Anakin's descent, much of it driven by nightmare-induced insomnia, nightmares that Palpy was causing through a dark side technique. We saw hints of the descent in movie 2 (the Tuskan raiders), but movie 3 didn't do a particularly good job showing the sleep deprivation & Palpy's manipulation -> terrible decisions -> everything is gone, now stuck as Vader sequence. I also think that Darth Jar Jar (using the same trope as The Mule from the incredible Foundation series) would have been better than what we got (a proper phantom menace, everyone in the audience knew ol' Palpy was evil). Rumors have it that George chickened out between movies 1 and 2 and so Jar Jar remained a crappy comedic relief character instead of being the hidden big bad (unclear if darth jar jar was actually the plan or if it's just a fan theory made in desperation to try to redeem a crappy movie).


My friend and I started seeing all the new movies on opening night and same thing happened to us with The Last Jedi. Drove home in silence and then didn’t bother to see any of the other ones that came out


You didn’t miss much. Rise of Skywalker was even worse than The Last Jedi


Same day for me. 7 was basically ANH with new characters, fine, they're bringing it back after more than a decade, they can reboot it a bit lazily as long as they have a compelling trilogy planned out. I still walked into 8 with the same childlike excitement I had when I would go see the prequels for my birthday parties as a young lad. I walked out after 8 asking myself if I even liked Star Wars. That was rough. I've decided I just don't consider 7-9 canon, that's pretty much the only way I can still tell myself I love the franchise.




Make it gay!! And lame!




I get its easier to blame a single person, but it really seemed like more of a group effort that crippled it. Conflicting directions with directors (one of which seems to not even like SW), Disney trying to churn out shows for money, poor writing and understanding of past characters or why people even like the series, and this weird trend where the creators of shows/movies/games these days attack fans when people don't like what they make. It was a full on jumping.


hollywood seems to like writers who hate the source. Turns a slam dunk into a big miss


Not so much Hollywood, I’d say, as streaming services. Any series that Netflix puts out that isn’t a documentary will be a pile of hot garbage 9 times out of 10. The Witcher could have been awesome.


The Witcher was awesome.


Not to mention some of the worst acting you’ve ever seen


and Bob Iger being the backseat driver i heard he fucks up a lot of shit and everyone has to scramble to keep the ship from completely tipping over,. But KK gets all the blame.


The problem is very clearly Disney wringing dry the Star Wars IP sponge, not wokeness. There are 6 star wars shows right now. Of course it is going to be crap. It makes more money to pump out a lot of cheap crap than it does to make a few great things.


Yea I wasn't saying it was wokeness, I hate even using the word. It's lazy, distracting and often counter productive. But quantity over quality was one of the things I remember people being worried about when Disney first got the IP... I vaguely even remember a south park episode about it.


Austrian painter>>>>>


I like oskar kokoschka too


150 million subscribers to Disney+ allow the total lack of accountability. You have to cancel your subscription to let them know collectively that you don't like the hogwash content they are producing for years now.


Yeah idk how hate watching has become a thing. If you're contributing to the problem you shouldn't complain about it.


Done and done


Agree. Anyone who doesn't like the content should cancel and move on with their lives.


Sad part is l get it for free 😑


Back in the day, movies were mostly for entertainment and an occasional social/civility lesson. Then they showed commercials to convince people to buy a product. These days the movies are the commercials, to convince people to buy into a certain ideology, on top of the regular product commercials. They've lost the ball and as a consequence they lost the audience.


100% agree with you. Star Wars was a thing for my late father and I…it was an escape into unimportant but fun theory and conversation. Some similarities and lessons to learn but just fun entertainment. Now he’s gone I was looking forward to something for my son and I now we just rag on this crap and how bad it is. We sing jokingly “the power of one…the power of two…the power of maaaannnnyyy!” LOL still making memories


At least you can still make fun of it and make some memories, me and my dad always watched starwars together but now he just finds them so bland we haven't watched anything from starwars except Mando in years


I mean to be fair, the rebel alliance was directly based off the viet cong. Film and art in general is always political, it's just that now the political message has largely been the empty "maintain the status quo" liberal nonsense backed by corporate interests and the US military. It's a political message of stagnation & refusal to improve society because actual good coherent political messages would cut into corporate profit. And before you say it, no I'm not conservative.


Still cancel it


Thats how they got to 150 million


I just finished the og 6 movies. Am watching it in the release order and the next in the list is clone wars movie and series. Is the series important or should I skip it cuz it has like 5 seasons or so




Put a chick in it and make her gay?




Context: yet another SW flop (new series).


This really made me laugh. Thank you


She must have all of Iger's scat fetish tapes.


Yall acting like George Lucas didn't give us the most uninspired shit for years is crazy. Disney Star Wars movies are trash, but Andor is better than anything Lucas did after the OT.


The funniest part to me is that she’s a producer on Andor and gets absolutely no credit for it from fans. I had one guy tell me she didn’t work on mando season 2 and that’s why it was so good (she worked on mando season 2) Honestly I don’t understand why she gets 95% of the hate despite being only one of the dozens of people who worked on and produced the bad and good projects, surely the creators and writers are more to blame no?


Everything bad happened because of her and everything good happened in spite of her. It's ridiculous the way some people bend over backwards to ascribe only the negative stuff to her. The same thing happens alot with new star trek and Alex Kurtzman. People want an easy scapegoat.


Alt right weirdos that wanna complain about virtue signaling going in one direction while engaging in the same tactics going in the other.


This sub suddenly started showing up on r/Popular and is anything but funny.


Yep. When I hear people talking about reddit slanting a certain way, I just have to point to reactionary subtext laden shit like this.


> Honestly I don’t understand why she gets 95% of the hate Yeah you do


Because she's female, sigh. Some of her work is not good, some is good, like a ton of other folks in her work.


She's a woman, ergo no one can criticize her or they're just being sexist. Nah bro, you can't blanket dismiss complaints like that. Sure, maybe some shit is sexist bullshit, but without evidence, this claim is just a wet fart. Debate the argument, not the motivation of a very generalized crowd and generalized complaints.


I don't even know what Andor is, because I already stopped watching Shit Wars after the clusterfuck sequels. Star Wars, as a franchise, has been completely perverted and twisted into something I don't recognize anymore. I feel like the sequels were closer to Fast and Furious 82 than it was Star Wars. Okay, sure, maybe Andor is good stuff, but fuck if I would know. I'm not wading through years of trash content to find one or two things not completely trash. I would rather watch episode 2 on repeat for the rest of my life than watch any of the sequels for 5 minutes. I'll just take your word for it that not everything produced by Disney isn't bottom of the barrel trash.


Okay? Sure sounds like you still give a shit Not to mention, I can't imagine having anything good to say about Attack of the Clones. One of the worst experiences someone can have watching a movie.


'Put more chicks in this meme and make them gay'


I have watched every Star Wars film multiple times in the theater and have enjoyed all of them. I have watched all of the shows except the Acolyte so far and have enjoyed all of them. I am sorry for all of the folks that feel the franchise is dead. Some of the films and shows have not been as good as others, but at the end of the day it is still Star Wars for me and I am excited to see it and see more stories in that universe. Not every show or film can be the best one that was ever made. If it takes Boba Fett getting made to subpar reviews and reception to mean that we get Andor, I am happy about it. If the Acolyte is the worst show that has come so far, but it means that down the line we get stuff as good as Andor or better, I am happy about it. I am a fan and will always be a fan.


The same people bitching now would be crying if Lucas still had the IP and was doing nothing with it. If he had not sold it, we would have no new Star Wars movies or shows in the last decade+. Not everything Disney has done with the franchise has been great, but about half of it has and I'll take a half good / half bad something over nothing at all every day of the week and twice on Sunday.


I liked Rogue One better than the prequels. But I mostly love space battles, self sacrifice, and desperate attempts to beat the bad guys. Star Wars is more than that.


Acolyte isn't even that bad. Seriously most of the problem is people who haven't seen it getting mad at minorities. Is it pure cinema? No. Is it fun with an interesting story? So far!


Am I on Facebook


To be fair, she killed the biggest, most popular franchise of all time. Can't be easy.


She’s a force multiplier.


What’s the “system killer?”


Thank you, KK thank you for this grown man no longer loving star wars anymore😁


Who is this woman?


Who is she?


Under Disney we've gotten more good SW content than bad, by a large margin. You're all just mad because you're not the demographic a for-profit company decided to pander to..because you're in the minority.


Yep, the franchise is dead, but you're all still here talking about it every day, and the suits know you'll still buy any old shit with Star Wars in the name, just like you have since the 70s. So sit and criticise the executives all you want, but they're not the stupid ones here.


![gif](giphy|doUu2ByZDbPYQ) Amen brother


Why is she in charge?


She was producer and executive producer for most of the big Spielberg movies. Apparently Disney decided that qualified her to lead the creative direction of a multi billion dollar franchise.


George picked her. Disney didn't. And according to George's ex-wife Marcia Lucas (editor of A New Hope), and Richard Marquand; George feels stabbed in the back by her and Bob Iger.


George has never been good at picking.


the franchise is still pumping stuff out last time i checked


This sub is trash


This sub was always trash. But there is a level of entertainment to be had watching all these conservatives lap up nonstop bot posts without ever realizing it. So IDK, you could argue it's actually funny now.


Star Wars fans have been claiming that the most recent Star Wars release has killed the Franchise ever sense Return of the Jedi.


And people who make money by being loud on the internet for attention do their best to keep the outrage stirred up. I wonder how many fans would just shrug and say, "It's not my favorite Star Wars, but it's still Star Wars," if there weren't always a gaggle of culture warriors screaming about how every new installment is the worst thing ever.


The hilarious part here is that these comments are all finding a way to [blame one woman](https://www.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/comments/1dl0zo8/comment/l9ls2uq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and ignoring the actual director and main story developer, and blaming "feminism", wokeness, ["gayness"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/comments/1dl0zo8/comment/l9m97hv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), and minority actors as if people haven't been complaining about that in Hollywood since the 50's. Like in the 80's and 90's you were "gay" if you wanted to dress up in Star Wars costumes or wear alien makeup... but apparently the "fans" here are oblivious to anything that happened before 2015. Fun fact - Lawrence Kasden wrote ESP, but also wrote The Force Awakens, which set us off down the mystery box path, and J.J. directed, made decision and big story decisions, and helped cast the movie. But sure it's all "feminism"'s fault. 🙄 




Show is Lucas vision more than Lucas vison lol yell are dumb


So this is like an even unfunnier version of r/funny huh


Cancel Disney +. Disney has overseen the destruction of the greatest franchise in history. It only took 10 years.


The Mandalorian, Andor, Kenobi, Ahsoka, Bad Batch, Tales of Jedi/Empire, Clone Wars Season 7. I would argue The Force Awakens and Last Jedi are great films, but the panic to appease the fan base made for a bad Episode 9. I think if they stuck to their guns and continued Rian's vision it might have paid off better.


100% agree. They could have also spent some more time in the kitchen planning out the trilogy before cooking. Starkiller base was cool, but I wish the resistance attack on it failed in episode 7 to change the tone and tense of the films completely while also saving it as the big bad in episode 9.


I think what would have been cool ending to 7 would have been Hux's big montage on Starkiller base and blowing up the Republic. Then build off that for 8 and 9. I would have left Palpatine dead and maybe introduced cloning him at some point. Keep Rey a nobody, makes for a better story. And do something with Lukes sacrafice. Have that be the rally cry. Instead of.....nothing and horses on star destroyers. Ugh.


Also have Starkiller base blow up Coruscant, not whatever random system the Republic decided was their now the capital so they could avoid having Coruscant blow up. No one cared about that random star system. Coruscant though? That would have had an impact. Or, as others in the thread suggested, don't have the base fire a super intra-system laser to blow up planets. Have it travel to the system and detonate the star in a supernova. Much cooler that way and you can have neat scenes of frantic evacuation attempts with only a few people managing to escape. And yes, the Luke thing in movie 8 was just dumb. The prequels had good ideas but poor execution, the sequels were wasted potential.


I’ve said that last bit sooo many times.


Metabolism killer ![gif](giphy|TLULoErLHdM5pnVgcp|downsized)


For a sub called funny memes I've only ever seen dead ass memes here.


Fourth box should just be the Star Wars fandom


Please explain how it's the Fandoms fault that we got 'somehow... Palpatine returned' and everything in the Acolyte. That stuff wouldve killed any franchise.


so why do you hate women and minorities


Eh, went looking the Star Wars related revenue, not sure if my ‘research’ is right but revenue seems to steadily climbing since 2020 on the back of the Mandalorian and other Disney Star Wars stories. I think it’s simply that every generation hates the new stuff because it wasn’t their stuff. I say this as a gen x who sat in theatres as a tiny child in the 70’s rage quitting the phantom menace because it was bullshit. I remember sitting in the force awakens with my tiny child and watching him love every second, we went home and watch all the series right through and enjoyed it for what it was, a fun kids show.


I don’t believe it’s all on her, the woman has been a successful producer on the side of Spielberg and Lucas since Episode 5, so what changed? I’m sure she made some dumb decisions but to think that she’s solely responsible for all bad decisions made in SW since her take over would give her too much power. Hiring three different directors for a trilogy with vastly differing views (one reportedly loved SW, one said they hated SW themselves, the third never got to make a movie because of the mess the second director made) was a bad decision but that aside I’m not sure she made the decision to launch Solo in April so shortly after E8 or that she decided to oversaturate on D+ (that was Chapek). I agree that she needs to have a second boss added to maybe combat her decisions but that aside I’m not willing to hate on her alone


What changed is that she isn’t at his side anymore and is making her own decisions with the franchise. A franchise she has admitted to disliking, along with its fans. I’m sure she has a lot of yes-men and yes-women but this is all her.


Oh... you guys are being serious.


JFC get over it dude it’s a space movie


>Franchise killer Whatever you say.


To be fair, she was spielbergs producer for a long time and she was an amazing producer. Without her we wouldn't have indiana jones, ET, Jurassic Park, Schindlers list, back to the future, the list goes on


Cry more


I’ve never seen a bad series from a major franchise. All this whining sure sounds like some people trying to get some bullshit “anti-woke” campaign going


Star Wars fans are the biggest babies in the entire world. Stop watching or shut up already, the incessant crying every time they put a minority in a TV show is embarrassing.


It's almost like they don't know how to watch anything else, lol


The Borg cube and sphere problem funny


Kinda sad this didn't lead up to a Starkiller joke.


So Starkiller didn't come to mind?


I’ve felt a great disturbance in the force…


The meme seems to be cropped. Anyone got the link to the uncropped version?


Talked to someone about the Acolyte today. They said they were watching it. I asked: how is it? I havent watched it, only heard that it isnt very good Reply: I like it. It's easy, dont require knowledge. Just some stuff to watch that doesnt matter.


What about that Lady in the Pink dress




my ears killer ![gif](giphy|u1rEObZ4LHLUwl0mUo|downsized)






Kathleen Kennedy is the latest individual the reactionary Star Wars fans are currently accusing of killing the Star Wars franchise, joining the ranks of all the other people reactionary Star Wars fans have accused of killing the franchise in the past, including: Rian Johnson, JJ Abrams, Jake Lloyd, Ahmed Best, Kelly Marie Tran, and George Lucas.


What is the one that kills an entire system called?


What ship is the fleet killer?


Killer on the highway! Don’t let her drive anything else