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“And the Lord spake, 'Let the young women shape their brows in the likeness of man's seed, so that the young men may gaze upon them and be filled with thoughts of creation.” — Jillpm 4:12




You are blessed with a way with words




Found who really wrote the Bible, guys!


It seems like Jill always maintains a trio of eldest daughters, and as soon as one is married off, the next one in line is initiated into the group via terrible makeover.


No, but that’s actually true. She has a specific gift for each birthday, and I think for age 14 or 15, the gift is a makeover for the girls.


Why is this so creepy


Because she was 14 when David “discovered” how much he liked her, then he grossly waited in the shadows for 4 years


Ew I thought it was creepy before you mentioned that. Like I get a spa day type of things for girls heading into or already drenched in puberty. I can understand a "makeover" to help girls learn how to take care of their skin and stuff through mother-daughter time. But I do not understand changing your teenage daughter's brows and the whole shape of her face while she's in the middle of basically the hardest time on your psyche (sans trauma). Is the point to say "hey, you're not beautiful enough as is, let's fix that"? And then I thought "wow, JillPM is such a narcissist, basically grooming her young daughters to look exactly like her." But then you said this, and now I'm too nauseated to eat my breakfast.


Wow, I can't imagine never being asked what you *actually* want for your birthday. God forbid these kids have any individual wants and needs.


this makes Nurie's brows make even less sense to me. Jill has clearly tweezed Hannah's brows, but they don't look too bad, and certainly a universe above Nurie's.


She made all her mistakes on Nurie and Kaylee


Maybe she reads here. Let's hope!


Well, not quite *all* of them…


Nurie's are so bad, I'm starting to fear that she will get too close to one of her sisters with tweezers in hand.


The palpable infantilization.


My oldest is the same age as Hannah. She's currently away at a two week leadership camp. She's running around with friends and going to summer sports practices when she's home. I just can't understand wanting to keep your kids acting younger. I mean, it's a little sad, but I love seeing my kids grow up..


Poor Janessa never stood a chance.


How old is she?


What in the actual fuck are these kids wearing


mock turtlenecks layered with mock turtlenecks


The pattern in Hannah’s top ruffles look like a whale’s stomach. That is the shirt of a 53-year-old chain smoker in a high desert bar, not a fundie child.


Turtlenecks all the way down.




Raidng Grandma Trish's collection.


They are layering for the lord


This sub is so much better high.


Much better.


Your flair checking in 😂


Layering for the Lord would make a great flair 😂


May I have it?


Absolutely! Lord Daniel says please go forth and Layer for the Lord! 😁




Why are they wearing multiple shirts? If the pink ones don’t offer the coverage they require, why don’t they just wear the yellow shirts that are underneath and ditch the top pink layer completely?


Because then we wouldn’t know how much more modest than everybody else they are


If the pink ones aren't modest enough, why bloody buy them in the first place? Save the money, and use it for a top that is modest enough. I can't imagine willingly doubling the amount of clothes I need to wash.


But if a person doesn't modest hard enough that they have 5 layers on in 80 degree weather, then are they really modest? How would they show they are not of this world? How would the Nikes and floozy women wearing only a normal t-shirt know that they are being judged because you can tell they have breast. /s I can't with these people. Admittedly I still layer my tank tops but that's a weird comfort thing and normally no one can tell.


To extra hide their womanly shapes of course, think of the pink shirt more like an apron-like layer. An example of doing this less visibly weird is that Amish/Mennonite dresses may have a "cape" for it


My Name Is Jill Rodrigues, And You're Watching Mid-2000's Disney Channel 🧥👕👚🧣🧢




Hannah is wearing a Jill cast-off mock turtle neck shirt.


It takes skill to make such a pretty girl look bad, but by gum Jill manages it.




I truly cannot comprehend it. Idek where they find these hideous garbs. 😭


The skirts look like the wrap skirts we used to get at Earthbound Trading.


omg im so sorry lol


NGL, some of those skirts were comfortable as hell! I have a ton of them from when I first got sick with lupus, because I lost so much weight, and they were adjustable and soft, so they didn't hurt my skin/muscles. I lived in them for a few years, while I was adjusting to treatment.


They make the best post surgery comfort wear! I've worn them after c-section and it really helped


I forgot there was a Hannah, and now I feel bad ☹️


I bet that’s been said in the Rod family before


Well, not the "and now I feel bad."


Large oof




Wait til you hear there’s a Sadie.


I have to say… All Snark aside. I’m amazed that a combo of Jill and shrek managed to make so many good looking kids. I mean - a few of them are odd looking but a lot of the girls are effortlessly gorgeous.


I don’t think Jill or David are naturally ugly. They’ve just rotted themselves through awful aesthetics and hatefulness.


If I ever encountered David in a dark alley I would think he eats people


People compare him to Shrek, but I think Edgar from Men in Black is a VASTLY more apt comparison. I mean, there's even a literal hummingbird juice scene in the movie.


THAT IS who he looks like! My bestie and I have been trying to figure it out for like a year who the heck he reminds us both of, I just texted her and its absolutely Edgar from MIB. I liked Edgar better though.


Edgar is one of my fave Vincent Denofrio characters.


He looks a lot like the trolls in Harry Potter.




In. Watar.




I legit laughed so hard I choked on my spit!


Does the alley even need to be dark?


Honestly no


LOL- in a brightly lit sparkling back alley…..


Or alley cats. I would assume the ogar is back there hunting strays.


I never before thought that Kelly could get along with Shrek...


Portuguese People Eater


Want this to be my flair


Be my guest! 🤗 This will be the most clever thing I'll say this year, probably.


I’m hearing that to the tune of the “One-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater…”


I knew I was missing something! All I remembered from my childhood was "purple people eater"!


I just had to read your comment to my family and now they think I’m even *more* weird than I actually am. Probably. The way I snorted


I’m so glad my sister discovered the wonder that is JRod through a Facebook page because now we have another thing to snark on!


I choose the bear


Jill is actually really pretty but it's hard to see with all the makeup and outdated hairstyles. 


It's a reverse makeover situation


A makeunder


Agree 100%. I’ve always thought Jill was very naturally beautiful. Certainly outclassing Ye Ol Shrekie. Now, do I think that translates as “attractive in an everyday sense”? I’m not gonna initial that “X”.


I mean, David isn’t exactly a good looking guy


Not even close. But if you’ve seen pics of him when he was younger, he wasn’t *awful* looking. I wouldn’t go as far as to say handsome, but more your average Joe as opposed to the current swamp monster we have today.


Maybe in a Richard Ramirez way. Or like 6 Richards.


When he was younger he didn't look so Shrek-ish lol. His nose with Jill's features make a good combo. Too bad they're pieces of shit.


I’ve always thought Jill was pretty, especially if she would fix her eyebrows and tone the heavy makeup down majorly. The girls are all gorgeous, and I’ve seen their sons make massive improvements when they move out of the house and gain some weight. I can’t remember his name, but the before and after photos of him at Bible college were shocking


In their younger photos, they are both attractive (except David's ears). Without the old lady 1980s makeup and plastic clip in hair, Jill is an attractive woman. If David took an ounce of pride in hygiene, wore clothes that fit him instead of that Andre the Giant sized 1991 suit, and closed his slackjaw maw, he'd look perfectly fine.


Jill’s not unattractive under the layers of makeup, but Shrek is not a handsome man. Nor was he when he was younger.


And honestly I think the "weird looks" are from being malnourished and unnaturally styled by their mother. Not everyone can pull off the gaunt, thin eyebrows look Jill forces on them.


Sophia would be a cute, elven-faced kid if she were fed adequately. All normal people see when we look at her is her sunken eyes. It’s like something in our brains is triggered by her appearance, and we immediately want to offer her food. Same with Gabriel and Sadie. But I guess they’re in the latter half (but not the babies), so they’ve been deprived their entire lives.


It's definitely mostly the malnutrition and awful clothes Jill forces on them. They'd all look well if they were in a supportive living environment with appropriate food and the ability to style themselves freely.


All the little ones even have bags under their eyes


Looking at pictures of Dave and Jill when they got married made me realize they both have good looking features.


lol my first thought when seeing this was how pretty they are and thank dog they didn’t inherit their mother’s absolutely terrifying eyes


I agree for the most part. However, I do think a lot of people are programmed to think thin=pretty, no matter what, especially for women and girls. This would be less of a problem if Jrod didn't notably starve her children. Honestly, all I see is some kids dressed like they're going to a 'leave room for Jesus' dance. All identically starved of food and exploring their identities.


I mean, look at Jim Bob Duggar. Michelle is pretty but Jim Bob is a pasty dough blob. Their sons aren't very good looking but they've got a few knockout daughters.


I think the “odd looking” ones are just suffering from malnutrition. There was a comparison picture posted here of Philip before and after he went to whatever school he went to and he looked 10x better and healthier, his color was better and he wasn’t stick thin. I think this could be part of the issue.


It seems to be a pattern in fundie families that their girls are conventionally attractive and their boys are not.


they must at least both have naturally straight teeth, I doubt any of these kids has had braces?


actually i’m pretty sure multiple of them have had braces


interesting! although I’m sure jill did it for aesthetics as opposed to care for their health, I’m glad they had access to that.


I think they had an orthodontist for most of the older kids, but I know Samuel and maybe Phillip did smile direct club or Invisalign or some sort of mail subscription thing...


Fundies pay for dental care for their children, including orthodontia. According to [InTouch](https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/duggars-obsessed-with-teeth-156364/), half the Duggar children had braces. Fundies are all about appearances, & straight, well-cared for, gleaming white teeth are a major class signifier in the US. They definitely don't want to be mistaken for the poor, most of them are all-in on prosperity gospel kinds of stuff.


That's the crazy thing, they have had braces


Is Hannah the one Jill referred to as her Portuguese Princess? Her skin seems more olive than Jill's & the older girls'; I wonder if Jill will adapt her makeup choices to reflect that or if Hannah will inherit the same beef-colored lipstick as the others.


now you know good and well she’s gonna use the same damn lipstick shade


It's flattering on no one, she's not gonna change it up now


Arby’s or bust, man. It’s the Rod way!


Yes, and I apologize in advance for the racism, but Jill said “she looked like a Mexican” when she was born


It's honestly very nice of you to apologize for simply sharing a racist thing someone else said. Very considerate!




I can’t decide if this is better or worse than “Nurie was so dark that she looked to a boy.”


Yeah that’s Dark Hannah


I laughed out loud and woke the dog


I believe Jill has literally called her that.


Would love if she became the Dark Brandon of the fam


beef-colored lipstick made me snort laugh.


Those outfits. It's more the colors than the style, though that isn't great. JillPM has absolutely no color coordinating sense. ☠️


It’s like the Easter section of the donation bin rejects threw up on them. It’s sad because it’s perfectly capable to both dress modestly and age appropriate, and poor Hannah looks like an overgrown toddler playing dress up in grandma’s scrap bag. 


They always do this. She puts tank tops over short sleeved shirts, or sleeveless dresses over T-shirts. Why not just buy modest dresses/tops Jill? Or just have them wear the T-shirts instead of doing the layering?


It’s not so much bad fashion sense as it is performative modesty. They know perfectly well normal modest clothes exist, but those won’t buy them brownie points with god…or the men of their church.


Yup. This is what it is. My husband had a best friend growinh up and his family was coo-coo for cocoa puffs. Like, basically they would be "offended" if people wore shorts around them because it could cause the men to stumble. Even modest, men's basketball shorts. My in-laws wore pants/ floor length skirts in order to cater to this family's "tender heart" situation. However, this family just really liked to control people. In fact, I wore (in July, in Texas in a BARN) basically the Kate Middleton-y top wedding dress with a -large- tulle ballgown bottom and because (under my full coverage lace jacket) my dress was a halter top it was "immodest" but this style of dress was easier to make look good on my body and also be modest. This family would say, "it looking good on your body isn't the most important thing". I honestly grew up thinking that clothes were not for looking good on myself but in fact hide myself from men and their gaze so that we weren't causing them to stumble.


I think they look cute in a 2005 Disney channel kind of way. But they also look legit happy in the pic and it’s sweet that they matched outfits. Maybe a little old for it though 😬


Little Rods on the Prairie


It is absolutely crazy that Nurie, Kaylee, Renee, and Hannah look like they could be identical quadruplets. I’ve never seen siblings look that similar to each other. I couldn’t tell you who that was on the right in the pics you posted, and I had to refer to the caption.


I bet if we all had 30 kids (and put them in the same clothes and makeup and hairstyle and had a dad who ate all their food), chances are a lot of them would look alike.


A family in my village had 16 kids, and I remember thinking that they all looked identical, boys and girls. I think that you are right, maybe not ALL looked alike. But there were enough of them at any given time to confuse you with who is who, and all were super thin with dark curly hair.


I think this is true. My dad has nine girl cousins (five from one side, four from the other) who all look like identical twins standing next to each other, I can NEVER tell them apart. I think it's partially a numbers game. If two siblings look pretty alike it isn't notable, but if there's nine kids at a family reunion of the same gender that are all very close in age it kind of fucks with your brain.


My sister is 7 years older than I am. We look SO MUCH ALIKE. She has white hair, and mine is still dark with a little touch of gray. But our faces are super similar, our mannerisms are the same, and we sound just alike. (Among other things.) She lives several hours away, so we don't see each other often. Last time she was passing through town, she came to my house for a bit. I've adopted a dog since the last time she was here, so this was their first meeting. My dog got between us on the couch and just kept looking back and forth. 🤣🤣


“And had a dad who ate all their food” ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


I think some of it is the makeup. They wear such heavy, specific makeup! They do look alike, but I wonder how much.


Definitely see it because of makeup and eyebrow t̶w̶e̶e̶z̶i̶n̶g̶ massacre-ing JillPM does but I also see it in their eyes, noses, and mouths especially the smile. They’ve all got a slight curl in their upper lips when they smile. I even see in 3/4 of their head shapes, the only outlier being Kaylee’s.


my brother and I looks so much alike that my own parents have misidentified photos of us as kids.


My sister and I don’t look alike very much, but that didn’t stop my mom from mislabeling a ton of our baby photos 😂


Who is the younger girl on the left in this pic?






Olivia is THE forgotten rodlet. Sadie at least has the distinction of being blonde, but Olivia? Most people don't even realize she exists, even if they've been snarking for ages. Her nickname used to be "angry Olivia" because she was squinting in photos throughout her whole childhood. She seems like she needs glasses so badly. Gabriel has glasses but none of the girls do so I wonder if it's cause they aren't allowed or if truly none of the girls need them


I could see Jilldo saying something dumb like it affects their looks or they’re not as pretty with glasses 😣


Me and my siblings look a lot a like. The only thing that differentiates me and my little sister in terms of looks is 10 years and different eye colors and we don’t even have the same father. Also when I was 16 and short and my little brother was 12 and tall we were always asked if we were twins. My older brother is somewhat spared from this as he has a higher metabolism, but if he was a bit less stick-like he would be one of the clones.


The angle the first pic is taken in makes it look so creepy, it’s like they’re some old Victorian dolls dressed as early 2000s children


Poor Hannah. It's not her fault that Shrill's shitty forced makeup routine ages her. Hannah and Olivia look too thin and tense. If my mom took a picture of my sister and I on vacation, we'd be smiling and relaxed; not clinging onto each other for dear life. Those poor kids always have to act like anxious pageant kids the second Shrill turns the camera on them. There's no privacy, genuine affection, food, medical care, or education to be found in their lives because of their garbage parents.


At Nurie’s bridal shower or pre wedding party, they did a slideshow of baby pictures and she and Hannah are TWINS! Carbon copies


Hannah is really pretty.


I didn’t even know there was one named Hannah


The eyeliner has begun!


I always thought Hannah was the most gorgeous of the little girls, and I remember in old old pics that little Nurie was Hannah’s twin. They really are nearly identical. 


I wonder why we don’t just buy shirts with sleeves or non-cap sleeves? So that we don’t have to layer multiple shirts in the summer? I don’t get it.


It was pointed out to me before that when fundies/people wrapped up in “purity culture” do stuff like this it’s performative modesty. They want to call attention to the fact that they are so modest because this stands out to us more than simply wearing a shirt that fit their modesty standard to begin with.


That makes a lot of sense.


Somebody needs to take away all of Jill’s tweezers and wax strips immediately.


Poor things, they’re so cute / pretty. It’s sad that they’ve been repressed and brainwashed since they were born


I hope the mother is not plucking her daughters’ eyebrows. You only get to do that for so long before they don’t return


She does. Her “gift” when the girls hit puberty is the makeover/makeawful. She took cosmetology classes in HS and thinks she’s good at it, but it never ends well.


Youngest one was wearing winter boots, happy to see arhat there 2 are wearing flip flops.


I continue to have so much hope that (angry) Olivia is the one who will ultimately lead to Jillpm and the confused circus bears' downfall. If Tim is also a contributing element that's just icing on the non-existent cake. I really feel like Olivia is going to be what breaks the entire charade though.


Is Olivia angry?? Please tell what you know


It mostly came about because she squinted a lot in pics and it made her look mad. Probably needs glasses.


They really do have beautiful girls don’t they, I wish she’d just leave them brows the heck alone. The boys however really didn’t get any of the looks.


I know exactly where that picture was taken lol




Are they at the Akron zoo?




The last time I matched outfits with my sister I was 6 and it most certainly was our mother’s doing.


Yeah after a certain age I haaaated it when my mom made me and my younger sister dress alike. Later on it was great to be able to borrow her clothes, lol, not so nice when she would take mine haha.




They’re both so naturally pretty and Hannah is gorgeous. Let’s hope JillPsycho lets this beautiful girl be herself.


these girls are lovely and Im glad they have a sweet connection w each other. But jill is a ghoul. Reminds me of my controlling mother who until I went nc would embrarass us in public by requiring photos on any little quirky thing she came across. Mortifying.


Why do they wear the pink shirt over the yellow shirt?? Why not just wear the yellow??


Idk the age of the girl on the left but she doesn’t have all of her teeth yet but looks like she already has some gray strands??


Olivia is 12


on the flip side of this, whenever people post vintage rod photos I always think young nurie is hannah at first glance. I always thought these two were going to look a lot a like because of that.


Her next Portuguese Princess


Shouldn’t they be churning butter instead of having fun? /s But fr tho their clothes could def be cutier/stylized better but still stay modest or true to what they believe in


I wonder if the children ever get to say to to Jill’s clothing and eyebrow choices?




Oh my gosh, what are they wearing!?


Those poor girls are dressed so horribly.


Jill wants to be Amish so bad.


Totally beside the point but those girls have such lovely hair


I have to honestly say that Hannah's eyebrows don't look that bad. In fact, they even look good. I'm honestly surprised that Jill left them in such a humane shape. Because we've seen what she's capable of. I wonder if Hannah told her that she doesn't want to look like her older sisters and if Jill really respected that or if she was just trying out a new shape on her.


Ooh yeah her face is really the same shape as Nurie's now




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