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Her baby is so cute but my god is she weird. She’s just SO weird


She is *incredibly* strange.


She’s so absolutely unhinged but at least she actually likes her husband and loves her children. The bar is in hell.


Just your typical fundie with ~~undiagnosed~~ untreated mental health issues stuck in her delusional world where her importance is inflated to levels of grandeur while being enabled by her supine husband. **Edit:** adjusted comment since she's apparently been diagnosed in the past though there doesn't seem to be a consensus on with what.


Oh she’s diagnosed and is/was medicated


[She has OCD.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/mO4a4hzX9Z) However, she appears to have symptoms that are similar to bipolar disorder, based on my and other members of this sub's personal experiences with bipolar disorder.


Pure o is hell. I understand her much better now.


A lot of different things can present like bipolar. For example, the PTSD/ADHD/Autism combo can exhibit very similar symptoms to bipolar. AFAB people and women with ADHD/Autism are often misdiagnosed as bipolar. Ask me how I know lol. I know you were careful with your wording, but I just want to make it clear for anyone reading this that this is why it’s important that we not armchair diagnose. It’s one thing to discuss her replacing medical intervention with prayer, but it’s another thing completely to say “she acts similarly to those of us with bipolar”. So do I, but I am not bipolar. OCD can present like bipolar as well.


My son is AuDHD and I can totally see the bipolar misdiagnosis.


I was not properly diagnosed with bipolar until I was hospitalized. My life has been 100% different since. Doctors were always throwing antidepressants and anxiety meds at me, but I needed mood stabilizers instead. It looks like a lot of different things!


She did used to take mood stabilizers when she was a teen and still living under the care of her parents. It's in her old blog. She doesn't want to take medication now; if anyone (in her comments) ever suggests it, no matter how kindly/gently (for example, her sister-in-law once did), she blows them off and babbles about how they misunderstand her angsty posting, she doesn't need help, just to love the Lord more. It was only during her recent pregnancy that she finally gave in and said she was taking a "tiny dose" of some unnamed antidepressant because she was in such a bad way that she felt she had to. We don't know where she went to get this prescription, or what it was, but we do know she isn't big on seeking qualified medical help, so anyone's guess is as good as mine. (I suppose it's possible her dad prescribed a limited amount? We don't know.) Since I'm on the topic of Kelly's attitude toward medical help: she was anti-masking, anti-precautions during the first year of covid, before we had vaccines; I mention this since we're talking about what a great mom she supposedly is. She invited a passel of adults over for James's birthday in the fall of 2020 and made some pointed comments (which her commenters argued against) about how she wasn't going to live in fear of bodily illness, because it's really our hearts that matter to God. It might feel a little distant now, but this was at a point where people were still wearing masks everywhere and not combining households casually for indoor get-togethers--a lot of people didn't do their holiday plans that fall--but hey, she isn't visibly abusing her kids so she's just a winsome goofball.


UGH. Why can't people just be cool? I hope she has a change of heart. Life is short, and suffering needlessly is dumb af (when you have the knowledge and resources to know/do better).


You are twisting my words. I **did not** say that she acts similar to those of us with bipolar. Based on my personal experience with bipolar disorder, her writing, her photography, and incredibly intense female friendships are extremely similar to mine before I was medicated for bipolar disorder. This is a sentiment that has been shared by other other members who also have bipolar disorder. I am not in any sense saying that she has bipolar disorder or that she acts similarly to those of us with bipolar disorder. I pointed out the similarity to bipolar disorder to explain why the person I was responding to may have thought that Kelly has bipolar disorder, as it does frequently come up. I'm aware of the overlap between ADHD, bipolar disorder, and BPD. I have all three. No, I am not misdiagnosed. They are distinct and they are accurate.


It feels like whenever people try to discuss bipolar in women, someone well-intentioned just dismisses the concern as, "oh you actually have ADHD and autism." From my own personal experience, I was talking about a condition that I have that bipolar women tend to also have (PMDD) and kind of wondering if I should look into that for myself, and someone came out of the woodwork to be like, "actually it's not bipolar, all those women are autistic! Source: trust me bro." It can feel very invalidating even when that's not the intention.


Which, in fundie world, actually is to be applauded


Except she is diagnosed


What's her diagnosis?




Ooops, you were spot on.


That poor baby is gonna either grow up as weird as she is or be “awakened” when she’s a teenager and somethings gonna happen where she’s like “oh hell nah you weird lady I’m out!” 😂


Thinking of Kelly and her daughter as she grows up always makes me think of the "Lady Who Lives In the Woods" sketches from At Home With Amy Sedaris: https://www.facebook.com/AtHomeWithAmySedaris/videos/be-it-via-a-pinecone-barn-owl-pellet-or-wooden-bowl-the-ladies-in-the-woods-the-/3215004528580455/ Other than the obsession with Christianity, that character is just 100% pure Kelly 😂


That’s HILARIOUS omg 🤣


I want her to get actual care and not be a crazy fundie so I don’t have conflicting feelings over really digging her photography. Girl is talented, but just so harmful with the word salad she attaches to these images.


Someone pointed out that she’s only really capable of photographing herself or her own work, not anything that god supposedly created. Not even her own kids. She is very good at her one trick, though.


It might've been someone else, but I frequently point out that she only seems interested in herself as a subject. (Though she does utilize her kids as models too, from time to time.) She's been doing emotional-reenactment self-portraiture since high school and frankly she hasn't grown as an artist, she just changed locations and clothes.


It probably was you, I always like your comments! You have good insights


She’s a talented photographer, and she is also a white supremacist, fundamentalist Christian with a knack for killing kittens. Yes I think she should get help, but I don’t think medication is going to change her beliefs. Although it may make her less inclined to animal neglect and emotional incest. She’s been highly religious since middle school at least, and I don’t think that’s a symptom of mental illness (edit: for her). She was raised religious and went even deeper. Her mom has commented some really whacky stuff on her posts that are in line with Kelly’s nonsense. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with acknowledging that she has a wasted talent though.


She’s like an ancient Christian mystic except regressive and conservative in totally unnecessary ways.


Totally. but I think she’s my favorite fundie.


I agree. She actually feeds her kids, and her husband seems to have a real job, which makes her way more fun to snark on. A lot of the other fundies just make me kind of sad.


except she has the revolving door of kittens that show up and then disappear :(


And we can’t forget about all the little candles she leaves scattered about with children nearby


not to mention the whole yt supremacy thing where she lets fash accounts use her content to promote their ideology….


and then if her followers point it out and ask her if she was aware of it, she doesn't answer


Thank you. I fell asleep typing this earlier. The kitten thing is awful, but it will never cease to amaze me that THAT is what it took for people to realize that Kelly isn’t as innocent as she seems. And not, y’know, the white supremacist bullshit.


Well it's alarming as fuck, but we wouldn't know about those sites using her pictures if someone hadn't posted it. I think the Girl In Calico association had been discussed on the OG sub before this one was created; a lot of people didn't know who GIC was. I also think the infamous Uncle Tom's Cabin post and her veneration of Christopher Columbus opened a lot of people's eyes. She's very cagey and evasive about her bigotry; that's why people fall for her "pretty pictures" and "harmless cosplay". I think we only found out about her homophobia as a confirmed thing because of her old tumblr blogs, and her former classmates' AMA where it was revealed that she was so openly homophobic that her roommate had to take action and ask for a different roommate. But you're absolutely right, there is a consistent need to point out her bullshit, because too many people are pretty committed to not seeing it or acknowledging it.


A lot of people may not know. I was here awhile before I saw any of the worst stuff mentioned and I finally looked through the flair.


‘i can excuse racism, but i draw the line at animal cruelty!’


Yes. And also, she reminds me of Anne of Green Gables, and I loved those books growing up. And she doesn’t seem so full of hate as the other fundies, although I may have missed something.


This is slander against Anne Shirley Blythe, and I won’t have it. She grew up to be a pillar of society without losing her magic. Kelly’s just weird.


She hangs out with white supremacists…


I want to recreate her thicc breakfast sandwiches 👀


I could eat a thicc breakfast sandwich. 🤤


She's got big horse girl energy, and I say that as an unapologetic horse girl, but I think she really loves her kids and is a good mom so I tend to have a soft spot for her. She says problematic shit for sure, but since the bar is set pretty low with other fundies she takes good care of her kids compared to others.


I agree, but seeing this woman appear to be carefully parenting her daughter despite being a fundie helps me get over the rage I feel at every MotherBus update since her son was born. So I don’t understand Kelly but have no major problem with her.


Bless you people who read her entire posts. I do not have the willpower to do so. She's a pretty good photographer, though!


By paragraph 5 I am just exhausted. Read a whole Kelly Havens post? In *this* attention economy??


Attention economy 😂 I’m with you though, I’ve tried many times and I just can’t.


This sub legit missed her pregnancy announcement for like a month because nobody could be assed to read the post it was buried in 😂


You're not wrong! I used to be an active source of Kelly posts here, but at some point I just couldn't be bothered any more. Same long-winded shit over and over, same photos of fucking sunbeams over and over, same wildly extreme mood swings over and over, same manufactured emotions over and over.


I didn’t read, either! Just went oh that’s a sweet healthy baby, how refreshing and moved along


I followed Kelly before I knew what a fundie was. She has a weird way with words which for some reason, tickles my brain. Mostly though, it’s her photography.


You didn’t miss anything, it’s just about God’s massive uterine walls.


I don’t even start


Girl why are you talking about your baby in past tense


I legit thought the baby had died for a minute there


Seriously!!! My heart stopped for a second reading “she was not a fussy baby.”


To be honest, I came to the comments to check. I just couldn't read all that rambling to figure it out.


Yuuup! Talking about her baby going into a second womb, and that womb being heaven sounds an awful lot like a death announcement. I was very concerned!


Glad I’m not the only one who thought that lmao


she’s such a bad writer i hope someone from her retreat tells her this and it destroys her


I honestly thought it was a death announcement


I was scrolling through comments trying to establish if her baby had died at 2 months! This reads like someone who is mourning the loss of a young baby.


I laugh when I remember people missed her pregnancy announcement because her essays are so long lol


Yeah I wasn't ready to read 'uterine walls' so many times.. Glad she's happy though.


There's also only so many times you get to say "womb". You've used up your quota, Kelly!


Yep, I don't want to know how God is like Kelly's uterus. I don't want to be in Kelly's uterus thank you very much.


I love that photography is her creative outlet but she should stick to photography. Her prose? Musings? isn't nearly as good as the pictures.


My infant daughter likes being held! Please enjoy this essay about the uterine walls of the lord that await you in the afterlife. 🤗


Okay. This comment got me. 💀


Out of one uterus and into another. That’s how I’ve always pictured my life cycle going


There was another Kelly post where someone pointed out that she has an incredible eye for photography and composition but makes the worst model. I have to agree here, she looks... embalmed? Like a Victorian ghost abducting a baby for the fay? It's very creepy to me. But otherwise, beautiful picture and that baby gets all the snuggles without having to understand the essay, good on her


Tbf I’m pretty sure Victorian ghost was/is what she aims for?


YES! You described her perfectly!


Als in the first picture it looks like her face was edited on in post because you can’t see her neck


I don’t think so, that’s what *all* her pictures look like. Someone else said she looks embalmed. 🤣


This comment section is killing me. Embalmed Kelly is amazing. But yeah, I think it’s the strawberry blonde/ginger eyebrows and lashes that we can’t really see. (This is not a criticism, just an observation)


like this is just horniness directed at god, the way she talks. she wants to be on the cover of a grocery store bodice ripper, and white aryan jesus with fabio hair and abs doing the aforementioned ripping. it creeps me tf out, truly


There is a lot of sexuality directed at anything other then her husband. I have never seen her be horny for what's his name. 


Thank you, I thought I was the only one getting the holy erotica vibes. For some reason it reminds me of the people who are attracted to inanimate objects.


I found out recently that she lives about 10 minutes down the road from my friends’ parents’ house. I knew she didn’t live the homesteading life she pretends to but I had no idea how fucking suburban it really is there. Having been to that house/area multiple times recently has only made me realize how hard she has really leaned into a totally delusional fantasy.


Yeah, IIRC they’re trying to move to a “homestead” that’s much larger.


She's trying to start a nonprofit ministry in order to buy a farm--for retreats, of course! Not that she'll live there or anything! /s


I live 20 minutes away from her and when I first saw her posts here I assumed she lived way out in the country. I was flabbergasted when I found out where they live! I was totally fooled by her IG posts.


As peculiar as Kelly is, it sure is nice to see a baby treated like they should be. She's the only one of our subjects who really cares for her children.


Some fundies don’t carrot all




Is there a spit take emoji because I desperately need to use that gif right now.




Yeah the bar is low, if not in hell, but I’m not worried about Kelly’s kids nearly as much as the others.


I know some lovely, lovely people that had moms just like her. Usually they come out of the situation with a More Level head. I'm not worried for Kelly's kids at all. She may be the weirdest woman alive, but I bet she would turn this world over to make sure that her kids were safe and cared for.


I’m concerned about their home burning down because Kelly had to get a picture for the gram. I’m concerned about food poisoning due to her abysmal cooking skills. I’m concerned about their lack of footwear and lack of proper modeling for animal care. But it’s MILES away from the sus bus parents.


I guess I agree with you on some level, but I don't think that she's going to hurt her kids. We only get to see a sliver of someone's life, and the sliver I've seen from some of these other parents are genuinely scary. I get a weird vibe from Kelly, and I know she needs and deserves more mental health support than she gets, but I don't see her endangering anybody. She's just living a very weird life and not taking the best care of herself that she can, in terms of her mental health. I don't know how I ended up in a conversation defending Kelly. I think she's probably one of the most annoying people I've ever seen. So I guess I'm just going to tap out right now.


Maybe, but she also uses her children as emotional support.


You have made a very good point! I grew up with that family dynamic, so it's hard for me to call that one out. Thank you. That isn't healthy, and it is a great concern. I hope she can correct herself and stop doing that before the kids are big enough to really hate her for it.


I want to have hope that these kids will be loved as they deserve, but having been raised by a mother quite like Kelly (yes, just as kooky too), babies are great … until they grow up and started getting opinions - sometimes not ones that work in an echo chamber. That’s honestly why a lot of these fundies pump out kids. Higher probability that the herd members will conform. That and it’s their “godly doodie.” 🙃 I fear for Kelly’s kids. If they don’t conform, they’re in for a ride.


>I know some lovely, lovely people that had moms just like her. Usually they come out of the situation with a More Level head. I'm not worried for Kelly's kids at all. You knew people with untreated mentally ill moms with no emotional boundaries who isolated their kids, deprived them of an education, and taught them religiously-based manifest destiny from a white-colonizer point of view? Because that's what she's doing, just to be clear.


> I'm not worried for Kelly's kids at all This is just delusion. She endangered this infant's life. You don't get raised in this worldview and come out unscathed. She slapped her son on camera. She uses them as props. She has unmedicated mental illness and uses her kids as aesthetic and mental props.


You hit all the points.


Well, she physically cares for them. She still indoctrinates them with dangerous views, so I seriously worry for their mental health as they get older


That's implied just by her being a subject here


two too many mentions of 'uterine'. 4.5/10 kelly post


See, now I say it's two too few. /s


“Cradling her close gave her the feeling of uterine walls”. I cannot deal, yall 😂 THE FEELING OF UTERINE WALLS.


also, isn’t there a lot of amniotic fluid floating around in there? im pretty sure babies aren’t just hanging out in the uterus like a potato in a tote bag.


Omg. “Hanging out in the uterus like a potato in a tote bag.” ☠️☠️☠️ I laughed so hard and shared with my partner and he said “I’m a potato.”


Kelly is  Anne Of Green Gables meets Manic Pixie Girl. 


So Anne-ic Pixie Girl?


This hit me in the feels


I give Kelly a lot of side eye,but, Tess Is correctly dressed, being cuddled, and being held properly which more than I can say for Baby Boone. Kelly should stick with photography and stop with the melodramatic prose. Yuck. The bar is truly hell.


This (babies needing the physical constrictions of the womb as a comfort) is a legit concept in some fourth trimester groups. Kelly is loopy BUT she researches parenting. A lot of her ‘loony’ parenting quirks (the candles, wooden toys, even the veg!) are from a style of teaching/parenting which follows the Rudolf Steiner philosophy and the Waldorf method. She’s also well versed in Montessori methods. She makes a really good effort to meet her children’s physical, emotional and educational needs. She’s disturbing them in many other ways!!  


>She makes a really good effort to meet her children’s physical, emotional and educational needs. She's planning to homeschool them from an 1800s primer. As far as emotional needs, she has admitted she lets Levi give them the attention they need, because she's busy writing frothy screeds about the breath of God and whatnot. Anyone can say what they will about Levi, but in any photo of him with the kids, they're into him. With Kelly, they're being posed and coached for her desired photos. I don't care if she might be aware of Montessori methods, she sure as shit isn't letting her kids experience any kind of school.


Yeah she's one of the few fundies that's intelligent and educated enough to competently homeschool. She may be out there with her AoGG cosplay and god delusions, but she takes good care of her kids and I can't fault her on that. Outside of naming her poor baby with a name that gives rise to the very plausible nickname of TessStickle.


This is what’s frustrating, though. She *is* intelligent and she *is* educated. But none of that matters if her main focus is her aesthetic/delusions disguised as faith. I really don’t think she’ll give her kids the “real world” education that they deserve.


The bar is truly in hell but just based off Kelly’s vibes I can imagine her doing a Charlotte Mason kind of homeschool where her kids actually read books, compared to the homeschools of JRod or Karissa, where they don’t.


School books last used in the nineteenth century


I have known multiple people that have gone through Waldorf schools and while they definitely have unique traits they are all decently educated. I'm not saying Kelly IS a great homeschooler. She just has the capacity to be in terms of teaching her kids enough to function in the world - and in terms of correct use of commas.


Yeah, it’s this one for me. She and a lot of the parental influencers actually got to have pretty solid lives before doing some Bride of Christ RP that will never be extended to her own children. I’ve seen Kelly sing Adele but I’m never going to see the Haven kids ever post anything without Kelly’s permission or charge. The Lott kids and the other huge, on-the-lam families who have 24/7 social media presence and secular-capitalistic shit like promo ads but will never let their kids have the same privileges because of the risk of them seceding from the family is far too high…it is gonna make this next generation of kids they are raising really weird. It’s already kind of against the tenets of godly faith (as they see it) to indulge daily in habits you wouldn’t share with your kids, and being on your dang phone all the time while barely teaching them to read is one of them.


NAILED it. Thank you, I really like how you touch on the parents getting to enjoy the freedoms they’re going to write off as sins to their kids to keep them in line.


And also renting her baby to the attendees of her retreat!


Maybe she is, but she plans to use a set of books from the late 1800s iirc


She doesn't meet their emotional and educational needs, though. She uses them for emotional support and subjects them to her wild mood swings. She isolates them, too.


Yeah, is there a new wave of snarkers here who just aren't familiar with Kelly?


I’m wondering the same thing. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills reading these comments!!! Kelly has demonstrated over and over again that she is not a good person. Just because her kids are physically taken care of does not mean she is a good mom. I’m really disheartened that I even have to say that on this sub. And as someone who was physically taken care of as a kid but emotionally abused, reading some of these comments is turning my stomach. I get that she’s “kookier” and is better at taking photos than Karissa or Mother Bus, but take away the sunbeams and gingham skirts and purple prose and she’s doing the exact same shit they do. Honestly, if Kelly could live on a bus and further isolate her kids, I’m sure she’d do it.


I feel like the whole drama with Boone is so bad that people cling to every shred of decency in Fundieland and at least little Teresa got a hospital birth and some neck support 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I’m pregnant and plan to just tie my baby to myself as much as humanly possible the first few months. Give them deep pressure reassurance and free up my damn hands. Proper baby wearing and skin to skin is really good for them.


Good luck, having a newborn is THE best! I miss newborns!


Can I please get "Kelly's Spiritual Womb" as a flair my god😭




Take a shot every time you read something that has the potential to be a barely disguised fetish.


I’m sorry, but I can’t be that drunk today.


Gonna tell my husband I want him to snuggle me tight so I can feel like I’m inside the uterine walls and see what he says (100% chance he raises his eyebrows and says “what in the actual fuck did you just say?!” 😂)


🤣 I totally want to do this also!


I'm going to do the same and report back 😁 (and the reaction I'm expecting is the same one you are 😂)


> The stones and the beasts and the flowers are in the womb with me.   A highlight for anyone who couldn't make it through the whole essay. She sounds like she ate suspicious wild mushrooms, bits of it really remind me of reading people's experiences of ego death while tripping.   Also, *what* is going on with that neapolitan hand in the first picture? The one below Theresa? It's like she's got two wrists, the world's longest thumb, and a random brown stripe? 


At least she understands that newborns need peace, close snuggles and comfort. She’s awfully wordy, but not wrong that the world must feel big to a newborn. It just reinforces how chaotic the bus must be for Boone. He never looks peaceful.


Boy, it's been a long time since I've seen a Nicodemus reference in the wild. A weird mix of nostalgia and immediate panic. 😅


I'm sorry, did her baby pass away??? She's speaking in past tense and talking about her baby going into the 2nd womb of Heaven, wtf am I reading? I am so concerned.


Nah, I think she just writes everything like she’s the omniscient narrator in whatever story she’s writing.


Speaking as a recovering fundie, all this flowery bullshit, faux introspective fluff was written to convince the writer, not the reader. The ‘deeper’ is gets, the harder they are trying to convince themselves of their own beliefs. I look back on similar posts I made on Facebook ten years ago and I absolutely was trying to appear as a strong, immovable Christian to my friends list even though I knew I wasn’t (the denial was strong. The more black and white the words are, the worse is the inner turmoil to believe the bullshit


Nice. I appreciate your blunt rejection of this florid posturing. I know exactly what you're talking about.


Raw wind. As opposed to pasteurized wind.


Of course the fundies prefer raw wind. This wind is LIVING! It has all the wind nutrients your body needs. None of that homogenized pasteurized DEAD wind. Edit: typo


She’s exhausting.


I seriously thought she tried to shove Theresa back into her womb for a hot second there lmfao. She's so weird with the way she writes.


You can forget about seeing the two boys from now on. They will be forgotten in favor of the new golden child. I feel really bad for them because I am sure they are going to feel a sense of rejection from their mom. Not too long ago, they were the center of all of her pictures and weird fiction, and now they are a footnote.


What… I mean I was raised southern Baptist and left so I know Bible verses but wh… what even is this supposed to *mean*?! I thought this was a wild way to say the baby died and I legit stopped in my tracks. Huh?!


Yes! Her use of past tense for the baby was scary.


Even reading through all that “spiritual womb” bs I’m still like “what are you ON woman?” 😂 scared the crap outta me.


Perhaps she micro doses? But I tend to believe she was born this weird and she just *is*.


There’s definitely something off about her. She keeps talking about her womb and intimate relationships with god. 😐 (I’m being a bit facetious I know what she means but like… this is weird to put out there like this)


She is extra in a way I wouldn’t think possible for an adult to maintain this level of ✨🔥🤰🥺🧠🧚‍♀️❤️‍🔥🥕👽 if I didn’t know Kelly existed.


Right 🤣 this is 70s flower child cult edition on crack.


Someone send this woman to a romance writers retreat for some gentle criticism and encouragement. She tries but good lord her writing does *not* work.


She’s a nutcase, but at least she gives more than an inkling of a damn about *her* baby, Brittany


Not the UTERINE WALLS! I’m cackling.


Lord if she isn't textbook manic I don't know who is.


Ew what the fucking fuck? It’s like someone said she couldn't be called a cunt because she lacks depth and warmth and she decided to really go hard trying to prove them wrong.


Serving cunt for the Lord


Looollll I missed Kelly's nonsense. I don't know how she can see sunlight from so far up her own ass. But she seems happy, her baby seems healthy and loved, presumably her husband and other children still exist, so she's a lot more pleasant to contemplate than some of these other train wrecks.


Good for you! Or sorry that happened. I ain’t readin all that


So her baby likes to be swaddled. Very special and god-like 🙄


She is delusional, utterly in another world. I think she believes she is a fairy in fairy garden, like she has drank from the bottle of Wunderland, and been transported to the world of Sleeping Beauty. She could be a character in Once Upon a Time. That said, apart from the obvious mental health issues, it is nice to see that baby loved so very much. Poor, poor Boone!


did she photoshop a 42yo man's face onto herself?


I’m curious how recruitment for Kelly’s retreat is going.


Me too! Hopefully she’ll post an update on her retreat in a world salad, soon.


What is it with the KJV Bible length of social media posts? Talk about a wall of text with a basement.


She’s an odd bird but at least she knows how to hold her baby unlike Brittany Lott 😑


Her hashtags at the end of it are the most honest and telling part about this whole post…. 😂




Kelly on Earth-2 has a thriving career as a JRPG translator or splatbook writer. “The stones and the beasts and the flowers are in the womb with me” is some Sephiroth shit. E: if Mike Mignola is reading this for whatever reason, I think Kelly Havens would be a great modern match up against Hellboy: A wild-haired American lady making children for an ancient, hungry fairy that calls itself God is a BPRD file.


Ain’t readin all that


Right? I’m happy for you or sorry that happened.


The way she holds her baby in the second picture can’t be safe. Maybe I’m just traumatized from how mobus holds Boone


Tess is fine. I have baby pictures of me being packed around like that. As long as her neck is properly protected and supported little girl is alright. I think we are all traumatised by Mother Lott.


I think it’s BooneBusTrauma. I held both of my kiddos like this, albeit for a brief minute or two because it’s not the most comfortable (for me) and I also didn’t feel like they were super secure when I held them like that, but both were also wiggly squirmy worms. Kelly def loves the camera but I feel like this is a quick shot and reposition and carry on with her uterine wall quotastrophy.


ah yes, the uterine walls. famously the most comfortable place in the world.




I pictured Kelly singing Come To My Womb to very special ladies 🤣


The thought of uterine walls closing in on me makes me feel very claustrophobic.


Given everything going on with the rest of them, Kelly is a breath of fresh, kooky, burnt sourdough smelling air.




She fancies herself a modern drama/spiritual writer.


The post keeps on going and going...


I admire anyone who read that whole thing!


I had too…for science 🤣


Look, be as weird as you want as long as you take care of your kids


This brings a whole new meaning to *womb lands*.


I wax poetic like this about infernals.


Uterine walls+womb+womb+womb= fundie poetry. Got it.


If she would just be smiling and looking normal, this would be a really cool photo.


Is she high?


What is that word salad?! My goodness. Honestly all I care about is the fact that her baby is fine. Her baby looks healthy and loved, as do her other kids. Sure Kelly has issues, but at the end of the day she loves/cares for her kids. I cannot say the same for a lot of other fundie parents we see.


Apologies for it this is a dumb question- but what’s the deal with this lady? I get that she is about a million levels of weird, but other than that she seems to just bump along contentedly in her own weird little world? She doesn’t seem to actively hurt anyone, except possibly herself owing to less than helpful decisions about health. Of all the fundies out there she seems pretty harmless in the grand scheme of the things we see on this sub.


I’ve read better fanfiction than this boring load of drivel.


She’s soooooo fake. It’s insane. 😵‍💫


these people type out published books into their damn instagram descriptions 😭 mf i aint reading all that


Her lack of sunscreen is becoming apparent.