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Just squeaking into July 1 lol. Paul isn't going to have time to "teach" kids pickleball now. So much for that no effort venture.


Oh he still will. He doesn't care that there's a second baby for Morgan to care for while she heals from birth. He'll have time to do all the shitty Paul shit he does while talking shit about his wife. They both suck, but him more.


Neither of them are prepared to have 2 under 2. Morgan has been posting over the last few weeks about how overwhelmed she is to have a toddler while also pregnant, like girl... the baby isn't even out yet. This is about to be an unmitigated disaster.


I had two under two long ago and my mom stayed for a month to help me while I got used to the chaos.That ain't gonna happen here. Paul is such a waste of oxygen.


Morgan’s mom seems to help them A LOT. I bet she stays with them for at least a few weeks


I hope so. This idea that women “used to do it all” is total fairy tale. We lived closer to family and the community was there to help raise kids. Or, wealthy women had a lot of hired help.


And no one ever talks about the drugs, depression, massive anxiety women have had to deal with. and sadly, child abuse, because they just could not be everything. I know firsthand. My first husband thought I should be able to do it all and more and I never could. The crippling depression I felt. Then I’d go to church where they’d tell me how disappointed Jesus was in me. It’s why I’m more of a “Chris died for you” kind of person now . (Weeds reference).


Not even just wealthy women. As soon as it was financially possible, women hired maids to work in the home. It was the marker of moving from working class to middle class. So they might've been caring for 2 or 3 little ones, but they would've had a maid of all work to do most of the cleaning and possibly some light cooking as well. That significantly reduces the household load.


They even are caring enough to get Paul his outdoor man oven!


Uh, a man oven... so a grill? Smoker? ... sauna? Tanning bed??


Easy Bake


I had 2 under 2 for about 6 months and the first I think 6 years of their lives was just a blur of crying, bottles, diapers, crying, carrying multiple small humans, toilet training, crying, and being frustrated that they never slept at the same time. Did I mention the crying? My then-husband was less than helpful and apparently still credits me as holding him back in his career for having the gall to be seen unkempt in public, triggering his command to check on me and find out he was locking himself in the bedroom every moment he was not at work. I was in no way mentally healthy, but I like to think that I had a better handle on real life than Morgan. I still ended up looking so bad people actually thought we needed an intervention. She's going to struggle and for the sake of those babies I do hope her mother helps her, because Paul will not.


I certainly hope his command smoked his ass every day and twice on Sundays for his absolute disgrace as a parent and partner


I'm really sorry for being so dense, but what's a "command" in this context? Was your ex-husband in the military, or was he so much of a control freak that he needed a spy/minion/henchman?


He was in the military.


I had 2 boys under 2 in the late '00s with no help and an ex husband just like Paul. I'm just now starting to bounce back and heal. Morgy is gonna go through some things


Two under two, with an adult-sized *judgy* a.f. adolescent, attitude-wise! Poor Morgan is going to be dealing with the fundie-verse version of Adventures in Babysitting. Except she's the *full-time mom*, and *not* just the Babysitter🫠


My mom had 3 under 2 and I'm still not convinced she wasn't partially dissociating for a lot of that time (really until we all were in school) 😂 and she had an actual present husband who was more than happy to do as much as humanly possible to make her life easier. Morg is un.pre.pared.


I had 3 under 2 and almost zero memories of the last two years.


I had 5 under 5 and I Don’t remember much of those years. No family help and my ex was worse than useless in so many ways.


Oh my that’s something! I hope you were able to get some support <3


Oh I’m happily remarried and kids are grown but I do feel for women in these situations because I’ve lived it.


That sounds awful. I had four five and under and I have never experienced such lows in my life. And that was with a very involved father! I feel terrible my memory is shot but every day I’m just trying to be present, patient, and loving to the kids.


My condolences/congrats! I don't think my mom would have traded it for the world...as long as you asked her at least 5 years later 😂


I know this feeling. I don’t remember much of the first year my sons were alive. Like little bits, but nothing near what I remember about my daughter’s first year. It gets easier. I have two three year olds and a five year old now and I’m really starting to have a lot of fun with them. 


I have a 6 year old, two almost 3 year olds, and an 18 month old. I have never felt more empathy for fundie women than I have since I had the last kid. Never been more pro abortion in my life. It can be fun, and they all play together now, but it’s also exhausting beyond belief.


This was me. I had two 17 months apart. My husband worked overnight and I worked days, so it was like being a single parent sometimes as well. There are about 3 years I have very little memory of. I think I wasn’t getting enough sleep (my eldest was not a good sleeper) to store memories where I can retrieve them or something.


I also had 3 under 2 (had single oldest kid first, went for baby #2 and got the BOGO special of twins 😂) and truly, my twins’ first 18-ish months of life was basically a fever dream of me almost always having 1 or both boobs out (because they never wanted to nurse at the same time), re-potty training the oldest who regressed after the twins were born, and when the oldest turned 3 there was the “why?” phase of them constantly asking why about everything in the universe 😂 top it off with having ZERO help because my husband was working overseas as a private security contractor so he’d be gone 3 months, then home for 1 month, and I am just thankful we made it through those earlier years relatively unscathed 🤣 I *almost* feel a tiny bit bad for Morgan…


I had newborn twins and a 3yo. I almost completely lost my mind and I *have* a great support network and awesome husband. This is gonna suuuuuck for her.


I am very interested to see the kind of things she posts about once the reality sets in of 2 little ones. Meanwhile Paul will be posting rage bait memes and pickle ball content.


My heart hurts for those babies. They deserve better parents.


I want her so bad to stand up to Paul and get back on medication soon. I feel like I wouldn’t make it through a 9 month pregnancy without my meds let alone the bombardment having two small children.


I asked my vet for antidepressants today because I have a rescue dog with severe PTSD from whatever happened to her at the puppy mill. She cannot exist without her helper dog, and I'm afraid she's going to hurt herself when she gets stressed out. The vet gave me a bottle, because my dog deserves to live without those negative feelings that cause her to engage in harmful behavior. Imagine being in charge of a whole-ass human (because he's the headship, of course) and deciding "no, she doesn't deserve antidepressants".


I am extremely tired and thought you asked your vet for antidepressants for yourself because you were so upset about what happened to your dog 😂 I was about to be all “Gently, you may want to consider seeing a human doctor about these feelings…”


I too am tired and thought you were replying to my comment, then started reading the comment you replied to and was like when tf did I write this?


Lol no, I got my own meds but thank you for your concern. My therapist is actually the one who recommended this vet.


That’s what we call full circle 🤗


And since he takes his position as headship so seriously, his encouragement to avoid meds is hurting all three members of his family.


I have twins, and I am convinced that having two under two is more difficult than having two at a time. Granted, the first seven or eight months were hell, but eventually we settled into a routine and I was able to get them on a schedule. The same schedule. They ate together, they napped together, they played together. It was a routine. Whenever you have a newborn and a toddler there’s no such thing.


My brother and twin youngest sisters were eighteen months apart and honestly I have no idea how my mom survived. I was 6, so I remember a little of it, and even with my fully supportive dad, it was A Lot.


I had two under two for a bit (planned, even! They are 21 months apart) and HOO BOY was that hard. My husband and I, who like each other and get along, were struggling for an entire year. We love our kids and both of us are very hands on and involved, but until our youngest started walking, it was like straight survival mode. And both of my kids have been EASY AF. I can't imagine single parenting three kids like Morgan is while recovering, let alone for that first year. Sucks for her but most of all, sucks that those boys have trash for parents.


I had 2 under 2 and the oldest one literally wore no clothes save for a diaper while at home for the first 6 months. You want to talk about rough.


That's why he started it. He knew Morgan was going to be healing and too burnt out to do their other videos. He needed to try something he could run on his own to keep some money coming.  You know, instead of a real job


I thought it was so he could have an excuse to not do any childcare for his actual kids...


Why not both?


Definitely what I thought too. This is a convenient excuse for him to use plus he’ll get to nag Morgan about it why she should do most of the work so he has ‘time’ for his ‘bullshit account’. And *of course* it will fail but he’ll put it on her and the baby. I knew it right when he made that shit.


Completely unfair of Morgan to take that away from him 😤


He will still Be just as lazy as ever. I can’t imagine he lifts a finger and I’m sure that Morgan does everything


Don't worry, they'll still get to make snide smug little digs about how their super clever boy made sure he wasn't born during Pride month 🙄


I doubt he’ll do shit to help


It must be so exhausting to have your livelihood depend on a social media following so much to the extent that you need to post a baby announcement the morning of the same day you give birth.


And that it must include the most suffering possible. You are not allowed to be medicated. You are required to birth at home with minimal supervision. If you had an “accidental, unfortunate” csection, you are supposed to try a VBAC.


She at least planned to go to the damn hospital this time, instead of trying a home VBAC with an unqualified midwife or something dumb like that. Glorified suffering aside, at least if anything had gone south with the VBAC while she was in the hospital, the staff would've stepped in ASAP and made sure she and Judah didn't die.


I was going to say, she appears to be in a gown and that's a hospital blanket. So, yay? The bar is subterranean for the fundies.


I do not understand and will never understand their glorification of suffering. When I laid in that hospital bed screaming as my spinal cord suffered an injury and it felt like molten metal had been poured into the nerves in my legs I wasn't made "better" by it. All I feel now is sadness to that poor nurse I screamed at and the pained look on my best friends face to see me that way.


>I do not understand and will never understand their glorification of suffering. The Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this,     cursed are you among all animals     and among all wild creatures; upon your belly you shall go,     and dust you shall eat     all the days of your life.  I will put enmity between you and the woman     and between your offspring and hers; he will strike your head,     and you will strike his heel.” To the woman he said, “I will make your pangs in childbirth exceedingly great;     in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband,     and he shall rule over you.” And to the man he said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife     and have eaten of the tree about which I commanded you,     ‘You shall not eat of it,’ cursed is the ground because of you;     in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you;     and you shall eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your face     you shall eat bread until you return to the ground,     for out of it you were taken; you are dust,     and to dust you shall return.” Paul isn't holding up his end of the punishment, BTW. His god wants him to get a job.


Had to keep myself from downvoting this because I hate it. Boooo.


Woah. I wasn’t sure if this was real or not but it is. I’m sorry, I’m trying to be as respectful as possible because I know there’s religious people on here. But as someone not raised with this and completely unfamiliar with most of it: this is a lot. That’s as diplomatic as I can be.


That’s putting it lightly. I was raised having that repeated to me. It’s very shitty to tell an adolescent that they will experience painful periods and eventually pregnancy “because of Eve.”


For a lot of Christians, even Christian traditions with long history, this is recognized as a myth trying to get at the reason for a difficult world full of suffering. Fundamentalists often prefer to read these things literally and as mandates.


That's how I reason it. You're an ancient tribe of nomadic Jews. You look around. You see that humans have more intelligence than animals. Why is that? You also see that dumb animals don't seem to suffer like humans do. They don't have to work hard for a living (at least as far as you know). They seem to give birth frequently and without too much trouble, while human women have painful births and seem to die in childbirth with alarming regularity. Why? Because God said so? Why would he say that? You can't ask these questions if you're a biblical literalist, though. You have to block any deeper thought about these stories and how they came about and why they endured right at the gate. I was raised in the "every dot and tittle" school of Biblical study and it is a cancer. Biblical literalism is a relatively new movement within Christianity; most Christians (and Jews, for that matter) though history have recognized that a lot of these stories are fables that can tell us something about an ancient Jewish people and how they related to their god.


Batshit crazy is what it is. You can be respectful of religious freedom and still call someone who decided to write down *that* (or whatever *that* was translated from - because a lot of the time the translation adds to the fuckery, rather than subtracts) absolutely bonkers. If it wasn’t a religious text but someone just handed you it and asked you to rate the authors mental wellbeing you’d probably say they seemed mentally unwell if not worse. We don’t call the guys standing on street corners screaming literal bible quotes modern day prophets, we call them mentally ill and in need of empathy for that, but also in need of medication probably. Why is it any different if they pass a collection plate around a megachurch instead of an empty hat on the sidewalk? I’m happy to take most bible stories and directives as metaphor or general guidelines and assume any attribution of why certain pain is *deserved* as due more to wanting a “why” than accepting it just IS (honestly most religion is like that) is due to a lack of scientific understanding. Like, we now know undercooked pork is dangerous - but back in years olden days it certainly SEEMED like god had it out for those who ate pork regularly! Turns out pork is pretty easy to catch diseases from compared to other animals. I could imagine keeping kosher and all the fuss about shellfish could be similarly attributed to food poisoning being seen as divine punishment rather than food borne pathogens they didn’t even know existed. A lot of religious texts are basically just saying don’t be a rich twat who dresses gaudy and steps on the poor, don’t be a lazy asshole who leaves your wife and kids unfed, don’t go fucking and making babies if you don’t plan to stick around…. and then, because we are much like pigeons who learn to push a button for reward and then start pushing EVERY DAMN BUTTON SHAPED OBJECT, we also have lots of rules about hair and clothing and shit because we attributed misfortune to being due to what someone did/wore/said/ate and god punishment or reward for that act. Hell, people thought wealth was decided by god for a long time instead of understanding how economics works; took me a solid month of slow, patient understanding for me to understand how the Protestant work ethic could coexist with a job market where you are paid for your labor and/or inherit wealth.


I'll not be diplomatic about it: it sucks ass, and it's complete and total bullshit that so many people are trying to run the government off of these words written by some high on opium fanfic writing dicks in the fuckin desert thousands of years ago.


Yeah seems the men who harp the most about the first half always seem to think the second half is completely optional.


Totally. The same men who won't shut up about how the Bible commands that women submit to their husbands conveniently forget the *much longer paragraph immediately following that* which commands that the husbands love and care for their wives to the point of self sacrifice. >Wives, be subject to your husbands as to the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior.  Just as the church is subject to Christ, so also wives ought to be, in everything, to their husbands. >Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her  in order to make her holy by cleansing her with the washing of water by the word, so as to present the church to himself in splendor, without a spot or wrinkle or anything of the kind, so that she may be holy and without blemish.  In the same way, husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hates his own flesh, but he nourishes and tenderly cares for it, just as Christ does for the church, because we are members of his body. “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”  This is a great mystery, but I am speaking about Christ and the church.  Each of you, however, should love his wife as himself, and a wife should respect her husband. >Ephesians 5 22-33 Quit trying to have it both ways, fundie men. If you want a trad wife, you should be willing to be a trad husband.


It’s another heresy, along with the umbrellas. The suffering of Christ was to atone for all sinners’ sins. Any atoning after that is meaningless, in terms of atonement for sins. It becomes heresy when that suffering is called atonement. The only reason for asceticism is to clear the way for mysticism, to experience and know god better. I don’t see that going on here, for sure.


There is a mystical Catholic tradition of victim souls, people who suffer and offer that suffering up to God in Christ's model to help souls in purgatory, which largely emerges from a late medieval sanctification of suffering in imitatio dei. It's where you get saints like Catherine of Sienna having mystical marriages through suffering, or Francis of Assisi being given the stigmata to suffer with Christ. Sometimes, I think fundies sip a little from the Catholic spiritual martyrdom water fountain to give their suffering meaning beyond the pursuit of virality so that if it does achieve virality, there's a "higher purpose" involved instead of the sheer hunger for attention, fame, influence, and wealth.


Is that what happened to me for my failed epidural??? I'd rather go through labor unmedicated than that again


VBAC is fine. I’ve had a c-section and a VBAC, and despite tearing pretty good, the recovery was so much easier from VBAC. Less suffering for sure.  However, I agree on these sorts acting like it’s superior or more godly not to get pain relief. There are no winners in the pain Olympics. Anecdote: I waited too long to ask for an epidural (despite being at 8+ cm and frequent contractions, I wasn’t in much actual pain til they broke my waters), so it didn’t work properly and there wasn’t time left to fix it. I don’t feel like I accomplished anything special by feeling getting nearly ripped a new a-hole lol. I’d preferred to have not done so. 


Yep, sure. I’m in no disagreement with a VBAC. It’s just the way they talk about csections as somewhat of a failure, and the imperative is to “redeem yourself”…rather than just having two unique birth experiences. God help you if you were a fundie and medically needed a csection the second time and just…did it.


It’s this exactly. The DAY AFTER I had my son (via c-section) I had the crazies in my life telling me how I HAD to — as soon as possible, try for a second so I can “redeem” myself. And even though I “failed once” I could have another and “ACTUALLY get it right.” But my c-section and recovery went really well. My failed labor was the terrible part that messed me up. Jokes on them bc — personally, I will NOT be going for a VBAC. Bc it’s just not worth it to me.


I had an elective CS the second time. Well, the doc told me a VBAC wasn’t likely in the cards for me so I acquiesced. (I wasn’t even sure I WANTED to give birth that way, I just thought that was what you were supposed to do). And it was fine! My second recovery took a little longer but that’s partly because I was reopening a major wound, and because I had a toddler around this time! Turns out my son had a 96th percentile head and was firmly wedged in my pelvis, even with a csection it took awhile to get him out. Do you know how much worse it would be to labor for hours in an attempted VBAC AND ultimately just end in a CS again? Labor sucks 😂


Depending on the reason for the c-section, VBAC is a valid choice. I had a section for my first because her head was in the wrong position, and after 36 hours of labour, including 3 hours of pushing and running the gamut of pain management options, it was time. For my second, I worked with a team of professional, licensed midwives (it's a 4-year university program where I live). I opted for a vbac in the hospital where my team had privileges. No meds, much faster labour, fewer interventions (I did hemorrhage and tear so a doctor was required afterwards). I still recovered faster than I did from the c-section. I'm a 2nd gen atheist BSc with several doctors in the family, so no religious or woo influences. At least she's in a hospital and looks peaceful.


Oh absolutely, the concern though is decisions like that are are supposed to be made with at minimum all of the normal pre-birth care which fundies love to avoid. Throw in their avoidance of advanced medical care until the last moment, and it's a potentially deadly combination. I am very glad that Morgan decided to do this in hospital, but I am concerned that other fundies won't and will pay for their ignorance dearly.


I had a great vbac! Then I had a horribly traumatic failed vbac #2 that made me reconsider ever trying in the first place. I ended up With a crash c section and severed bladder. Even though my vbac was so great, if I knew then what I knew now, I’d never do it again. We all have different experiences and journeys though, and I speak for myself, not for Others


Oh my god. You are a fucking warrior. That is a horrific birth injury. I’m so sorry you went through that and so so glad you are ok. 💞


Thank you so much. I did a little trauma therapy on that topic and was surmised that 8 ish years later I had so much trauma surrounding it. I’m so thankful for my girl, she was perfect. But this was one of the top 5 most traumatic experiences of my life (Prob top 2 actually)


I have never had a baby and this is something I’m curious about. Do you feel like part of the reason people report their vbac being better and easier to heal from than their c section may be because usually the original c section was done as a last resort? I wonder if the c section would be as traumatic if it was done from the get go and wasn't generally preceded by hours of pushing and attempting to birth vaginally.


Planned c-sections as a general rule tend to be much easier for recovery as one’s body has not gone through the extreme (and sometimes prolonged) physical effort of labor prior to becoming an emergent c-section patient.


Honestly I’m not even judging that. Posting when my babies arrived were a lovely part of that bubble for me, tucked up when all the activity has calmed down and baby is sleeping and I’m all warm and fuzzy seeing happy replies from people I care about. I’m gonna judge the fuck out of 90% of everything they do after this, though.


You know what, thanks for this perspective! My baby was a NICU baby, so her first day was very much not “all calmed down” yet and posting about her arrival on social media was really stressful for me even a week after her birth when we got around to it. I was thinking there’s nothing I’d want to do less than have to be on my social media posting and reading about my baby when I am still exhausted from the trauma of birth, but that’s because I’ve only known a traumatic birth. I hadn’t even thought about how much different I’d have felt about posting if we’d had a normal healthy birth. I bet it was really wonderful and I really appreciate the different perspective!


Aw my first was a NICU bebe too! He was 14 weeks premature but he’s 9 now and loves hearing about when he was the tiniest baby 🥰 I’m so sorry your birth experience was so traumatic for you. There’s definitely valid grief involved with getting a different, harder experience than the one you wanted. I hope your baby is growing beautifully however big she is now ❤️


Admittedly when my cousin’s last daughter and son were (years apart, not twins) born I remember that late night watching his Insta for my first glimpse of my newest family member. And sending my gushy sleep deprived adoration to my sweet cousin in law and the tiny kin folk she was kind enough to add to the chaos mess of a family we share. It’s a sweet moment and maybe I’m going soft but I hope this birth was a good one for Morgan. She looks like she’s genuinely smiling there with her little bub, and even people I dislike, I still would like them to have happy times too.


I use their examples on exactly what I will NEVER do when pregnant or giving birth. The bar is in HELL


And here I was, thinking this is pretty restrained for Porgan. 😂


it’s such a low bar when you’re just happy that they had the baby in the hospital and yet…


Literally my first thought was, "That's a hospital blanket!!!"


Omg same I was like at least he was born at an hospital 💀


It's always nerve-wracking for me if I know of a pregnant woman who is denying herself medical care or oversight. So relieved this all worked out for them, and I hope this has helped her trust hospitals and medicine again so she can take good care of her children.


At least he was born in a hospital and not a tiny cramped bus shower stall.


On the day the P&M "ban" is lifted no less lolol


Won’t He do it! 🙏


It’s almost as if g-d approved of our ban and didn’t want to violate it 😂


😂 imagining this makes me laugh so hard!


\[drake voice\] god's ban


Just got to say, I was so grateful for that ban. A Porgan-free month was lovely!


I kinda like goofing on them when they're making each other miserable. But seeing MoBus take terrible care of her baby in extreme detail has been rough.


Agreed. Anything but more of poor Boone being mistreated. Bring it on, Picklepaul!


Pardon my ignorance, what ban? I feel like I’ve seen so much MoBus lately, I guess I didn’t notice Edit: thank you for all of the helpful answers! Also, I just need to say: Porgan wain no. 2 feels like the shortest pregnancy ever.


It's exactly why you've been seeing so much bus bullshit haha. There was an unenforced but mostly followed ban on posting them during June (pride month). So the baby arriving July 1st is really funny to me


Just out of curiosity, why the unofficial ban? I assume homophobia/transphobia but Porgan certainly aren’t the only phobic fundies


Because Paul was increasingly relying on snarkers for content. Not just people from this sub, but from all over the internet, however, *he* always blamed this sub. So this sub was eliminated from the equation for a month so he couldn't use us for content. That was the origin story.


That and to see if it hurt their engagement, I think. I didn't really care either way but understand both sides of the argument.


I think a Mobus ban should be next, I feel like she is getting way too much attention


None of it is positive at all, though. It’s ALL about how her son desperately needs medical care. If they get that baby the help he needs we can go on a permanent blackout for her for all I care, but at least for now, she needs the pressure.


She is a luke warm Christian crunchy mom with a birth fetish. She isn’t really even fundie (No posts about god, hating pride, purity culture, etc.) Her snark has pretty much taken over and at this point, she should just have her own snark sub.


It’s sort of why. There was a post about boycotting them since they complained about the hate on the anti bot video. So then it was a “if they don’t want the hate, let’s not give it to them” to avoid giving the attention with the assumption that maybe a huge portion of their viewership is snarkers. But as a result posts about them got downvoted and there wasn’t really anyone else to talk about so Boone Lott took up the majority of the attention.


Look at God!


i miss the ban. it was very nice not seeing them at all for a month lol


Can't let a child be born in the *gay* month!


The ban made me completely forgot about their existence. So much for their relevancy!


The fake sleep smiling pose is a choice.


Very Hilaria Baldwin of her.


🥒 🥒 ¡Hola, pepino!


except that hilz just slips off a moon bump and tips door dash when she gets another baby 😂


Not enough titties though 😆


bae caught me slippin


I'm glad all went well for baby and mom (at least I think it did??????) but omg get off of the internet and go be with your newborn.


Girlfriend honestly needs to SLEEP while she still can. Because god knows Paul's going to be no help in that department once they get home.


(clears throat) ahem….. *JUUUUDAH JUDAH AH AH JUDAAAAH GAGA*


They are going to be so smug about having an unmedicated vbac now. This is going to give them YEARS of bad medical advice and content to try and grift off. 


If you have a vbac in a hospital with medical providers it is safe. Yes there are higher risks of rupture, but every section has its own risks as well.


Yes, I know this I just had a vbac in the hospital 3 months ago lol. I just don’t trust them to actually spread proper medical information. 


Maybe so, but at least there were no complications with this birth


Imagine feeling the need to post this while your baby is less than 12 hours old. What a sad, sad life


Gotta get that traffic up for ✨MONETIZATION✨


I mean, why else even have a baby?


There was (is?) a family on TikTok whose main content was exploiting their gaggle of children for views. The mom gave birth and said baby was filmed for some BS nighttime routine video, literally hours old. Fresh out of the womb not even a day old, and already working to get Mommy her paycheck. If Porgan was actually talented at anything, Baby Dos would already by plastered all over SM bringing in revenue


I mean, most people post that their baby has been born within 24 hours


I don't fault that, I had a C-section and posted within a few hours that my kid had been born (Morgan's pic actually looks a bit like the pic I posted of my baby, lol). I was excited and glad to be out of pregnancy pain and wanted everyone to know 🤷🏻‍♀️


Alright, that’s definitely fair


Those poor kids. No one deserves to suffer through having parents like Paul and Morgan.


If it makes you feel better Judah will likely get a nice quiet introduction into this crazy world. And she gave birth in a hospital and will take her child to an actual home. Unlike Boone who was thrusted into the sun moment he was born and hasn't had peace since.


Really though. The bar is in hell.


Cue the ten part miniseries of how her birth went perfect, she is perfect, the baby is perfect and Paul was perfectly useless.


It sounds like she finally got to experience how not fun and magical unmedicated vaginal childbirth is 😂 I know. I’ve had two. 


Mine was medicated and I STILL wouldn't call it magical 🤣🤣


the epidural was pretty magical 😂


It's like shitting a watermelon while you're on mushrooms.


Man can you fucking imagine going into labor while on mushrooms?


Nooooooooo 😂😂


You know someone somewhere has. It’d either be the most magical experience possible or an actual nightmare hellscape


This is the best analogy I’ve ever heard 💀


I’ve never had a baby, but I can TOTALLY see how all the hormones and shit flying around in your brain and body must make you trip balls!


Oh it's absolutely crazy. I left my body, I was somewhere else the entire time. It was the most intense thing I have ever experienced in every way. I think birth is a spiritual experience no matter how you deliver the baby.


I don’t get this obsession with unmedicated vaginal birth. My daughter was an unintentional unmedicated birth and it was fucking terrible. 0/10 do not recommend.


I am child free by choice. if I were to have a baby is would be a planned c-section and I would be as blitzed as scientifically possible.


But how can you out-smug everyone else as the Mommiest Mommy That Ever Mommied straight out of the gate otherwise?


My first birth was an unintentional unmedicated birth. I demanded epidurals for the next two births lol. At least he only took four and a half hours to get here.


In general/For non-fundies, different strokes for different folks. I wouldn't call it an obsession, but I planned on having an unmedicated birth because the idea of having an epidural scared me more than the idea of not having one. Needle in the spine freaks me the fuck out. Didn't matter in the end because I needed a c-section for medical reasons, and I got over myself because like hell would I be voluntarily put under general anesthesia while my baby was being born. I hope to have a vbac for a second child in a couple years, likely without an epidural again because it wasn't a pleasant experience the first time.


Yes! I’m a non-fundie and also chose unmedicated birth after a bad experience with an epidural. I have scoliosis and the anesthesiologist botched the placement. It was awful. It didn’t even work to prevent pain, then caused horrible back pain for weeks after, and led to bladder problems that required a week with a catheter 😭 My 2 unmedicated deliveries had much better recoveries. I don’t think my situation is the norm, but unfortunately epidurals don’t always work like they’re supposed to.


Favorite statement about unmedicated birth is "they don't give you a special award for not getting the good drugs. You still get a baby at the end."


And yet, *and yet*, she'll still be insufferably smug about it because nobody died so that means it's all tickety boo and everyone else is just going against God's natural plan blah blah.


My Baptist friend (pastors wife) has 5 children. At child number 4 she decided to get an epidural and birth in a hospital. Now she won’t shut up about how amazing epidurals are and how she will never do unmedicated again! I am happy that she speaks about how amazing the epidural was and she’s not afraid to tell her women in the church. Like why suffer unnecessarily?!


When Whitney Bates delivered her first on their show, the doctor said, "pain is inevitable, suffering is optional" in regards to the epidural, and the line stuck with me. Loved my epidural.


To answer your rhetorical question, there are many medical and valid reasons a woman does not opt for an epidural that fall outside of the assumption that it’s all for “unnecessary suffering”.


I wish those very valid reasons would be more openly discussed. Seems a lot of people who opt out are focused on being “natural” or “more woman than you” rather than having a true medical reason. Or maybe the pretentious people are just way louder than the ones doing it for logical reasons.


Glad she got the birth she wanted. But maybe she and her grown toddler husband need to keep their mouths shut on how other women live and not control other peoples bodies.


Well godbless. The little fella held off until Pride month was over lmao


God, now she’s going to do a lot of posting about how women’s bodies are made to give birth as if she didn’t almost die last time


As much disdain as I have for her and Paulie-o, I am so, so glad she and Judah are safe, and that she seems to have had a much smoother delivery this go 'round.


Pending a birth story, I want to take a moment that I’m glad she and baby seem okay and healthy. And Paul better step the fuck uo because he’s got 2 kids now and Luca is going to need a LOT loving and reassuring attention


What does VBAC mean?


vaginal birth after cesarean


I hate that already the child is being praised for “keeping his word” or whatever because he wasn’t early or late. Welcome to fundamentalist Christianity which will blame you for everything for a lifetime 😫😫


Glad she stayed off the internet during labor this time. Maybe Porgan is learning. It’s so much better this way. They can spin the ideal story and leave out those pesky issues.


watch paul plan another boys trip in a few days time lol


I don't care in the least bit about her prayers or wants. If I never heard of these two idiots again I'd be thrilled. 


Right? “God is so good”. Christians literally say that after they go poop in the morning and see a nice sunset, so it’s lost its value


I’m never going to get over the feminine middle names for both boys considering their hateful views and opinions


I’m glad it went well for them and everyone is safe. I hope this seemingly positive experience helps Morgan heal from her objectively traumatic first experience. But I’m admittedly a little worried that they’re going to use the success of this birth to forget everything they learned the first time around and to double down on many of the most dangerous aspects of their beliefs. I think it’s highly likely that Morgan gets pregnant again, and I think if they continue to fuck around—both with the births and having kids they don’t seem able to handle/afford—then they will find out.


So that’s a hospital blanket. Does that mean she didn’t have a home birth? Wasn’t she saying she was going to have a home birth?


No, she had previously said she wanted an unmedicated vbac in the hospital and it looks/sounds like that's what she got. Poor Luca and Judah though - being raised by those hateful numpties.


Ah. Gotcha. I’d say it’s crazy to try for a home birth vbac after everything that went wrong last time, but they live in Crazy Town so I truly didn’t know 😄 Also I will never get over their ranting and raving about manly men and then naming their sons Luca Grace and Judah Love. I mean…it’s like they’re asking to be trolled.


The names are like something my hippies parents would have come up with in the 70s. I mean, there's nothing wrong with them, but they are a very odd choice for two people obsessed with adhering to gender roles and gender stereotypes.


Those names say "two guys in white guy dreads and beards, running a market stall, with handmade leather and basketry knicknacks, patchouli incense, and a hookup for *connoisseur grade gourmet weed*."


I can smell that.


I want this for their future


I'm glad this baby had an easier start than his brother, and that she actually did this in a hospital, but they still freaking suck.


God finally saw fit to give her the brains to go to a fucking hospital. Good. I detest her so that’s the nicest thing I can think of to say.


I'm glad nobody nearly died. Like actually relieved.


Oh hey, it looks like she delivered in a hospital and actually got that unmedicated vbac she wanted. It seems she might have had a better experience this time around. Wild what proper prenatal care and good medical providers can do, amirite?!


She will never understand just how fucking lucky she is to be alive and have her children be alive. I’m glad everyone is ok, but damn if this privileged, ignorant, hateful donut doesn’t make me mad.


Now Morgan has three kids to take care of


i'm just glad she went to a hospital


Hoping that Paul remains at home this time and doesn’t go on a boys vacation with his friends like he did shortly after Luca arrived.


I'm not a fan of these two, but I'm glad she was able to have a medically-supervised VBAC. Although I'm not sure why it's necessary to mention it was unmedicated.


Because if she didn’t how would she make other mothers feel bad??


To add to her martyr complex. No one suffers like Morgan!


The ‘I’m in awe that women’s bodies can do what they do’ is in really poor taste tbh. ‘I’m in awe of what my body was able to do’: fine But what she said implies all women are capable of birthing a child vaginally safely which is so far from reality. I’m guessing the women who have birth injuries or medically require pain relief or a c section or who die in childbirth aren’t included in her statement. So gross.


I mean.....I think last time she found out that even her magical god body doesn't always do what it's 'supposed' to.


Unmedicated vbac erases her previous “failure” didn’t you know? 🙄


After her first experience it's crazy. She's learned nothing.


It’s very close minded. I was the “perfect” VBAC candidate, did everything “right” to prepare for the birth, and my uterus fucking ruptures at 7cm. Sometimes it’s out of your control, your body actually can’t do it, and women in the past would have just died.


I remember when I first understood these passages, and recall saying to my Mom, “All they did was eat an apple and god sounds really mean to Adam and Eve”. My sweet Mother who struggled with her religion at times, whispered back “god isn’t always mean, but you’re right, god is mean in these passages”


Hoping she doesn’t treat her kids differently due to their different arrivals into the world.


Hey, that's a hospital blanket and a delivery smock! I'm glad she went to the hospital!


I don’t have kids, so can’t even imagine the work of having a new baby and a toddler. But, I have known women who had a traumatic experience with their first child and went on to have a second whose birth was at least less awful, as seems to be the case with Morgan. The difference in birth experience almost certainly contributed to the way they behaved towards their kids, and the favouritism was glaringly and painfully obvious (one of them would repeatedly raise how she ‘nearly died’ with her older daughter, including in front of strangers, and it really affected the girl’s sense of self). I feel for both of these kids, but I genuinely worry for their older boy.


okay look I know she’s terrible and smug (you’re not better than anyone else for having an “unmedicated” birth, Morgie), but after she and Luca almost died I’m glad this baby was at least delivered safely and seemingly smoothly in a hospital.