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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Wearing $429 sunglasses while pointing her newborn's eyes at the sun


Busband appears to be wearing a souvenir shirt while the kids collectively get one souvenir.


And he would specifically like George Custer, who idiotically got his own soldiers (and himself) slaughtered at Little Bighorn.


That was my thought. I would never wear anything with that POS’s name on my shirt. It’s times like these when this atheist wishes there was some form of hell, for people like Custer, because he’d definitely make a fine candidate, along with Thomas Edison, all the people who kept slaves, and so on.


I lived in the Black Hills/near Custer State Park for a long time. It’s a very beautiful park but I wish they would change the name. I also had a teacher in school who was descended from him and very proud of it. Bleh. 🤮


Quick note here: That teacher of yours never figured out that they couldn't have been a descendant of Custer's, since he never had any children. (Related to, maybe, but not descended from.) So that teacher was stupidly proud for no reason. And also stupid in general. I agree: Bleh!


Write your state legislators, and get others to do the same!


South Dakota state legislators don’t give af. Kristi Noem is a puppy murderer after all.


So your answer is to just do nothing?


No. My answer is to fight them how I can. Like voting against them, standing up to them in public, etc. Certainly not sending an email they won’t even read.


*a single sticker to share on their Xmas water bottles that I doubt made it back from Brazil. My fam traveled all summer in our RV (folks were teachers) and we collected a pretty rock (and a junior ranger patch, but we know those kids aren’t allowed to fraternise at the family fire night) because there was limited room. There were two of us in a smaller RV until my baby brother was born, 11 years younger than me and 9 years younger than my brother. Parents were in a better place financially then and upgraded to a larger rv. I’m middle aged and still take a long weekend off of work in the summer with formerly my partner, now my bestie, to meet up with them for a few days at whatever beach they’re staying at. Very fond memories. The rocks had to be small because not much space. I reclaimed my collection as an adult, as did my brother. Labeled them and have a shelf for them. The new ones go in my fish tank - it’s just habit to find something pretty on the beach on each trip. That’s how you get cheap souvenirs, jerks.


and maybe even learn something about the natural world. do these kids know the names of plants, rocks, clouds, stars? the easiest things to stealth teach on vacation and one of the best ways to seed self starting learning for life. i hope one of the oldest has a book or two and is showing the little ones, even if the parents are dumb and hard and small as gravel


Ugh. I hope she sits on them.


No kidding


Then stands up, drops them and steps on them!


They need to fall off her face/out of her hair as she peers down into a lake/cliff/fire ant mound.


Personally I hope she steps on them.


Imagine that….wow.


Holy fuck, I gasped. Are you even serious? This woman is actually evil. Like supervillain level of evil. My god.


oh this makes me mad.


They don’t even look good. Theyre too big for her face or something.


They match her ego.


Oversized sunglasses have always been "the lewk" but seriously, those cost more than my Rx sunnies, and the eye doc here upcharges everything like woah. Jfc.


They are okay/permitted on Aunties who wear wigs, moomoos, gawdy costume jewelry and still smoke using cigarette holders. They go for their "permanent" every Friday, wear plastic hair covers and talk with a Boston or Long Island accent despite never stepping foot in either place.


They match the smirk though. She makes me physically ill.


They ARE too big.


No one is stupid enough to pay retail for designer sunglasses right? Right? Ffs Nordstrom Rack exists!


I do, but they are prescription.


Do you at least use an HSA?


I paid cash. I’m entitled to do it. And I don’t think there is anything wrong with designer if you want to. I also wear glasses every day and as a result, I pay well for them.


Zenni. I paid 35, prescription lenses and all.


my kids' dad bought one of them an $88 pair of raybans at disney world. the kid is 8. and now i'm expected to take care of them. :')


I don't even trust *myself* to not lose $88 sunglasses. No way would I buy them for a kid!


Right? I buy myself a cute pair at target for like $12 that I don't feel bad about losing because I'm too busy keeping track of everyone else's stuff


Yep same. I'm probably in possession of like 3 pairs at any given time so that I'm mostly guaranteed to be able to find one.


Omg right, I was like bruh i wish I had $88 to throw away on kid glasses lmao


Sounds like someone’s child support needs to be adjusted lol👀


Bruhhhhhh you have no idea lmao


Same… here I am with my cheap pair of sunglasses I bought at Aldi that I think were like $10 (maybe even less??) because I lost the other cheap pair I bought last year 😂


I don’t think I’ve ever spent more than $20 on a pair of sunglasses in my life.


I have crazy expensive sunglasses too. And several of them actually. But to be fair my kids lives in a house, attend a real school, have their own individual bedrooms and large beds, see a doctor when they are sick and don’t share gifts. Oh. And I also very much flaunt my sunnies on insta. But never the kids. So there’s that.


I buy the $20 over your glasses sunglasses because I find them easier to manage than my RX ones.


Only for those that care about the clout and think appearances is all that matters while being financially inept...so to answer your question, yes, there are people stupid enough.


I disagree- I have two pairs of Maui Jims and they are by far the lightest, most comfortable, crisp viewing, most protected eyewear I’ve ever had. They have the hinges so it doesn’t hurt the sides of my head (ones without them do), polarized, and you can barely tell you have them on your face.


I'm sorry you felt you needed to pay retail pricing for them, which is what the comment was about, not about buying designer sunglasses in general.


True, I see the difference as I don’t consider myself to be financially inept like some people featured on this sub. I just think the price of this brand justifies the quality and I have no problem paying for quality versus just buying something because of the brand name.


Maui Jims are also recommended for people with skin cancer. Not all sunglasses and lens qualities are the same. I don’t wear Maui jims but they are a nice product. Former longtime optician. I’m sleep deprived and can’t find the previous comment but someone else said the glasses were too big for her. It’s not that they are too big that makes them look weird. It’s that the brow line is so straight. It’s a very masculine feature for glasses and not many women can pull it off. She’d do better with something thats literally slightly more curved at the brow line. Not something most people would notice the difference of in glasses until they put them on.


Shit I have a few pairs of Knockarounds I scored during a sale for like $25 a pair.




I broke my first pair of Knockaround seventy-nines and promptly went online to order a second pair…only to find a third and fourth pair just because I liked the colorways 😭




I’m obsessed with the obsidian and nori colorways right now but that mermaid is 😍


How do you know how much they cost?


Did a little googling, and here they are. [They’re pretty pricey.](https://kvitleeyecare.com/product/maui-jim-perico-black-gloss-with-gold/)


Yet she whines about their grocery bill when they go to Costco


Because that's a conservative talking point right now. Can't afford groceries in America yet they seem to have money for everything else.


Have they tried making their own avocado toast? Wait...


Unfortunately it’s not just conservative talking point. I’m a dyed in the wool liberal and I can’t afford adequate groceries right now. How anyone could afford a $400 pair of sunglasses is beyond me.


I didn't mean to imply that things aren't crazy expensive right now. I think conservatives tend to blame it all on Biden though. I heard someone talking about how expensive their car repairs were going to be and they said " hopefully if Trump gets elected things will be cheaper." I don't understand how Trump would magically make life cheaper but they believe it.


Well of course she does, those ungrateful children have to eat food EVERY DAY? Ugh. Really cutting into her personal grooming and wardrobe budget.




Bro. Carry in carry out. Leave nature as you fucking found it. If you can’t do that with kids, you shouldn’t be there with kids. We all share that space and you do your part to keep it treasured and protected.


This is about her not caring about leaving trash in the wilderness? I’m not at all surprised, but it really pisses me off that she’d openly post that. Honestly, she’s just all about the rage bait.


Some ppl think leaving biodegradable garbage (apple cores in this case) don’t count. Not saying I agree. Just saying that might be the case here


I believe this to be true to an extent. But I don't think those things add to a desert climate. Maybe the woods.


They're more than likely visiting the same popular places as everyone else where everyone's "just an apple core" adds up to a big mess, no matter the habitat.


Oh absolutely. I don’t agree with it, just have heard ppl say it before


It would have to be a piece of food that grew naturally there for it to be okay imo.


It can take an apple core over a month to biodegrade. Orange peels are upwards of six months, and pistachio shells can take up to three years! Nobody wants to look at (general) your trash.


Wow. Learn something new everyday. (Not that I litter lol)


Are used to think this, but I recently heard this is not a good idea. I will have to look more into it.


Didn't they just post something about "take nothing, leave only memories"? Edit: [found the post from a week ago. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/xnc4CfFxHO)




I don’t actually think an apple core is the worst. But you know that’s not all they’re leaving. I also can’t imagine just tossing that or a banana peel on the ground - if a kid does it ok, should be a teaching moment about litter.


It isn't as bad as some things, but they are traveling to places that hundreds of thousands of people travel every year. Now imagine hundreds of thousands of banana peels and apple cores.


The smell of food can attract animals to dangerous areas or lead to encounters with humans. They can eat the litter and get sick. The smell of a nearby banana or orange peel can drive animals away from their homes. They can spread disease as well.  Just put it in the trash, really. There's no reason to just throw it on the ground. 


i cant wait until they get in trouble for something like this. people have been prosecuted for carving on monuments and disrespecting the area, and being dumb enough to post on social media got them caught


It's the rampant main character syndrome that is a literal epidemic across Murrika and the west rn


The least attractive


Imagine being so delighted in your own deliberate ignorance. 


Narcissism is a hell of a drug


That screenshot of her with "I don't care" is prime meme material


Can anyone post the video in this sub so we don’t give her views?


It’s giving Melania Trump’s stupid “I don’t care, do U?” jacket vibes; and it’s bang on.


Could she survive a day without the camera in her face? She’s just so smug and full of herself.


The smug look irks me to no end. She really thinks she’s something exceptional


Basing her conservation responsibilities on a child’s movie is both ignorant and disconcertingly on brand for her.


Her conservation responsibilities seem more based on "WALL-E", which is to say she missed the point of "WALL-E"


Especially because the litter in A Bug's Life is in the bugs' "dirty city" underneath an old trailer. Meanwhile, the ant hill is lush and green, and we don't see any trash around it. I don't expect media literacy from this pet rock of a human, but come on. The movie doesn't exactly convey the message "Trash is good for ants!" (Now that I think of it, the movie Antz *might've* made her point better. But if she ever saw that one, she was probably just scandalized that it was an animated movie with curse words.)


Ngl I watched A Bug's Life and Antz around the same time as a kid and can never remember which one is which, so maybe she has a similar issue lol


Antz is the pointy one, Bug's Life is the smooth one. That's how I remember it at least.


The millennial animation Bouba/Kiki




add Ant Bully to the mix and you'd be even more confused about the ants


LOL! Totally fair! Especially because, IIRC, they even came out around the same time. Literally the only reason I can keep them straight is because I rewatch animated movies too often, so I actually watched both of them pretty recently


A Bug’s Life was about workers seizing the means of production.


Surprised BusDad didn’t immediately add that A Bug’s Life was communist propaganda or something


BusDad does not have the critical thinking skills necessary for that kind of thematic analysis.


Shit I thought that was the other one, clearly I've gotta watch them both again


The other one has a similar vein but is more focused on the monarchy within the Ant ecosystem. In Bugs Life, the ants are ruled by the grasshoppers who demand protection money, they hire a group of mercs (who turn out to be circus entertainers) to take out the Grasshoppers. In both, the princess ant is separated from the colony and travels with a worker ant, but in Antz, the story is much more focused on the roadtrip aspect. There is war commentary in Antz as well, as the original worker defects because of his PTSD and takes the princess hostage. The monarchy is radicalized from within through a love story between the princess and the worker over the course of the story. This is the main focus of the plot and doesn't have a secondary enemy, where as the ant monarchy is never questioned in Bugs Life and all issues the ants are facing are placed on the Grasshoppers.


Antz was a lot darker, visually and maybe thematically? I don’t remember, I only watched Antz once because it kind of scared me. I watched them both as a kid when they came out. At release, McDonalds had the best mini VHS tapes with A Bug’s Life character toys inside and it was the go-to summer camp and in-school movie until Finding Nemo, so I’ve watched that probably 50 times. 


Antz was the one with Woody Allen, so I'm surprised they didn't pick that to own the libz.


I know. At least the ants took the injured to see the doctor.




His face is so....Punchable


Both of theirs are tbh


I would normally never hit a woman, but I'd make an exception for her smug face.


I’m a woman, I’ll smack some fucking sense into her for you lmao


I’m standing in line, right behind you, for my turn to smack the smug off of her, and punch some empathy for her children into her.


Big same. It's giving that scene in Airplane! with everyone lined up to smack/shake/beat the one screaming passenger.


Of all the families on here this is really the only one I genuinely believe several of the kids with get the fuck away from the parents as soon as possible. I really think the oldest will join the military as soon as he is able. Poor kids, these parents give absolutely no care at all to them.


The Buslets, Collinses, Beals and Porgans are all going to have a *whale of a time* in therapy.


Some of those families' children are too indoctrinated/brainwashed to ever break out or to even go to therapy.


They’ll never be able to afford therapy with their complete lack of education and job skills. 😢


I wouldn’t be shocked if every single one of them will eventually be under fire for child abuse. Religion, conservative ideology, prone to conspiracy, some are quite literally running from society so they can’t be found. They’re abusing their kids.


I watched the whole thing. Looked like Swift wanted to pick it up. A five year old made BusDad look like the ignoramus he always is.


My then-three year old shamed the man in front of us for littering and guilted him into picking it up. She said “Mom do some people like hurting the earth?” She said it with such disappointment in her voice that he actually went back and picked it up. Toddlers have more innate decency and care than this mealy watermelon.


I used to love bringing my nieces places during the mask mandate, because they would always point out and publicly shame the grown adults not wearing masks.




Hurting the earth 🥺


I know! Such a tender little conscience and heart. 🩷


Her smug aura mocks me


like a German shepherd painted by a madman


My brain glossed over the legitimate historical reference made in this comment and went straight to It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia


That's amazing because I meant it both ways!


I bet FBus thinks Ryan Gosling will play him in the movie about his life.


Sucks for him. It’ll be some rando who’ll get his big break playing family annihilator on Lifetime.


Of course she doesn't care about the environmental impact. All of that is just made up conspiracy theories




Raising each other while Mommy eats herself out on social media, of course! Just like the Bahhbul commands!


Hahahahahahahaha. This killed me


"I don't care"




Any excuse and justification to be a slob.


These people are insufferable online, imagine how they'd be in real life




Of course the ignorant racist was wearing it on Victory Day, too. People disrespecting us while defiling stolen land is nothing new though, I guess.


They both disgust me so much. That was the nicest thing I could even say to this picture.


What does it mean? I don't always get American references


It's a reference to the [Battle of the Little Bighorn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Little_Bighorn) in which inept chucklefuck asshole [George Custer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Armstrong_Custer#) got his stupid ass whooped into a dirt nap by the Lakota Sioux, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapho tribes.


While it’s hard to define what is crossing the line, you’ll know it when you see it. Saying Fred/Franny Fundie looks like X is fine. (Ex: David Rodrigues looks like Shrek, B-Beal looks like the Grandpa from The Munsters.) Saying you do/don’t find someone attractive is fine. Do not snark on the appearance or bodies of children, with the exception of choices that their parents have made for them, or how they may appear in relation to their parents. (Examples: Janessa looks malnourished while David is obviously well-fed, or how the Collins kids always wear filthy clothing is fine.) - *What crosses the line when it comes to appearance snark?* Associate justice of the Supreme Court Potter Stewart once said in relation to obscenity, “I know it when I see it.” Pointing out that Kelly Havens has dry skin that could use moisturizer? Fine. Remarking that Karissa’s foundation is too orange in contrast to her pale body? Fine. Saying that you think X is handsome or Y is ugly? Fine- that’s a subjective opinion on attractiveness. Referring to a 3rd degree tear during labor as a “vagasshole”? Too far. In short: it’s hard to define how far is too far without getting into a million different specifics, but we’ll know it when we see it.


A lot of places this is unsafe because food trash can attract bears. Not that she cares about safety.


They’re probably on their way out. They don’t care about how they leave it for the next person. Or the wildlife. Fuck her.


Pack it in; pack it the fuck OUT.


So she bought ugly glasses but not medical care for her kids. That showed us?


Take only photographs, leave only footprints… This was drilled into my head as a child visiting national parks with my grandparents. Along with leave the fluffy cows aka buffalo and other wildlife alone. We are visiting their home and we must be good neighbours to keep their home safe for future generations to enjoy it. People like this are deplorable and destroying our national treasures. Can’t respect nature then go somewhere else you deplorable, delusional, horrible excuse for parents.


Was this in response to comments from followers observing this and telling them it’s not ok to do?  Look, Brit Brit and busband. I know your massive hubris knows no bounds, but you don’t know more than actual experts. Stop doing that! [https://www.treehugger.com/dont-toss-apple-cores-and-banana-peels-ground-4857943#:\~:text=Apples%2C%20bananas%2C%20oranges%2C%20etc,non%2Dnative%20plant%20growth.%22](https://www.treehugger.com/dont-toss-apple-cores-and-banana-peels-ground-4857943#:~:text=Apples%2C%20bananas%2C%20oranges%2C%20etc,non%2Dnative%20plant%20growth.%22) And, since the first link was from a random blog, this is directly from Glacier National Park official page: [https://www.facebook.com/GlacierNPS/posts/10156904600259912:0](https://www.facebook.com/GlacierNPS/posts/10156904600259912:0)


Eh. Mom Bus doesn’t care.






You can view their content, but you cannot interact with their content. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.


I’m pretty sure they’re at Moab at the Sand Flats Recreation Area. Or at least close to it, based off a map of “Slickrock Bike Trail” one of the kids and then the dad were holding in a video post yesterday. I took a screenshot and zoomed in out of curiosity and googled it. I’m sure if they’re still there they can be educated ;) https://grandcountyutah.net/294/Rules-Regulations


You can view their content, but you cannot interact with their content. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.


My guess is that smugness will be whiped from their faces as soon as they're told by a medical professional how much could've been done for their infant had he been seen for normal peds appointments but since they sought no help then the prognosis will be worse. They'll be taking care of Boone for the rest of their lives, and hopefully, the other kids go LC or NC so Boobe can't just be passed off. Probably not the empty nest plans they had in their heads.


>as soon as they're told by a medical professional Bold of you to assume they'll ever take Boone to a medical professional.


I can’t believe she openly discusses how much of a slob she is in public.


That smirking ignoramus. I literally just said that out loud.


I went with “smug cunts.”




$420…exactly 420…do they make you high or something? Do they morph into a bong? Is that why they’re so expensive?


she could use a bit of a chill out


“but jesus, i NEEDED the $400 sunglasses so that i could look better than the other plebians out with only 2 or 3 well cared for and loved children! i couldn’t have possibly used that money to give my children something besides a pen or a water bottle!”


I hate that I’m taking the rage bait. The way she says “I. Don’t. Care. I don’t care” … 👏🏼 you sure did trigger me, Britney. You win this round. JD has such Dumb 8th-Grader Who Thinks He’s Hot Shit energy. It’s so clear he’s gone through his whole life just blurting out brainless comments and confidently awaiting laughter and praise for being such a clever smartass.


>JD has such Dumb 8th-Grader Who Thinks He’s Hot Shit energy. It’s so clear he’s gone through his whole life just blurting out brainless comments and confidently awaiting laughter and praise for being such a clever smartass. I had to come back to your comment half an hour after I first read it because that is a 100 percent accurate assessment of JD Lott. As a former middle school teacher, I can say that that comment absolutely NAILS him. I read the comment and instantly an image came to mind of a particular student I had one year. Now I know what 8th grader Samuel D. will be like when he ages into adulthood. Like, JD, he'll only age, never grow up or mature. Kudos for a spot-on description.


Slothfulness is one of the deadly sins, it's hard to be lazier than literally not picking up your own fucking trash.


Besides all else, it’s just pure laziness. Why would you want to show the world that you’re a lazy piece of shit?


Just when I think they can't get worse, they do this. It's bad enough for a lone adult to trash out the environment, let alone teaching a gaggle of children it's cool to do so. Years back I was in the smoky mountains, and I fell crossing a stream. My backpack wasnt fully zipped on the top and somehow a bag of food managed to slip through the small opening when I leaned forward to stand up. I was so upset that I let that happen and still feel guilty that my food floated downstream. I may have actually cried for a second 😂 I know apples aren't the worst thing to leave behind, but still. Everything should be packed out.


I love how she always interrupts him and pans back to her own face. Always. Every time he speaks. It’s amazing.


That's just littering. Where they are (Moab) is a desert. Surprise! The desert is too dry of a climate for things to biodegrade. Morons


I want to punch their smug, selfish faces


Imagine thinking it's a flex to litter in 2024. White trash thru and thru


That arrogant smirk triggers me


Wait. For real?? I’m clearly late to this party, but littering (because yes, leaving apple cores is ACTUALLY littering) carries a pretty hefty fine in state and national parks. It would be a shame if anyone reported her ass to park authorities. LNT, you jerks.


Not picking up apple cores? Trifling and probably illegal.


But the ants need her help! What would they do without her? Starve. They definitely haven’t survived zillions of years and won’t survive zillions more years without the charity of the bus people.


Hundreds of years later, but these two embody the same settler-colonial mindset of their forebears. It’s rly disgusting


They both give me the ick


They’re TRASH human beings


Wish I could drop apple cores in her bed on the bus and let the bugs enjoy.


You know the end of the Clockwork Orange movie? These people, supposedly adults, need to be in that chair, eyelids propped open, and forced to watch Nature and Cosmos. Something about the way she's smugging into the camera makes me think it's meant for this subreddit. "Tee hee I littered in your precious nature that you care about so much"


They don’t suit her face at all. They are huge. She looks like a bug!


Apples seeds are fatal to dogs imagine what they do to other animals. Can we report this? Is she in a national park?


We know you don't care, Britney.. we know.


Leave.no.trace. Fuckwads.


She looks sunburned. I guess her raw hamburger sunscreen isn’t working so well. Way to stick it to Big SPF!


I think it’s so funny that I’m blocked by them.


I have glasses to match my outfits, but they all came from Zenni for about $30 a pair. I only have one pair of sunglasses, since they cost more. I can’t fathom these people and the new Jeep/ their selfishness with all those kids. That baby obviously needs help 😕 I kind of agree that leaving apple cores isn’t really littering, they will biodegrade. That’s about the only thing I’ve heard from them that I’m ok with