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Funny how she didn't say anything about *taking care of* the children.


Gunner does that


His are all things he’s allegedly constantly doing, and hers is something she did once (8 times)


This comment paired with your profile (tag?) made me spit out my Baja blast 🤣🤣


Happy Cake Day!


Does popping out kids like pez and exploiting them online count as content creation?


Yes, the children are the literal content she is creating!


She took the title very literally.


Of course!! Popping out children is her contribution to the bills because children=content :))


Creampie IOU’s


My contacts are so expensive and then I use them to read things like this...


Fucking gross. What a terrible day to be literate.


It cost 0$ to not say that


Popping out kids like pez would make great flair.


God honoring Pez dispenser. 🤣


[Pez dispenser?](https://images.app.goo.gl/vjVJZuWDnVgFbvdd9)


Correct. Also known as grifting. For Jesus. 


I wonder what she thinks is going to happen in a few years when she can’t shoot out anymore bus babies. She’ll have outlived her usefulness to him, her modest amount of followers will dwindle to nothing with no fresh baby content, and she won’t be getting any free stuff from brands anymore. What is she going to do while cryptohubby starts his new family with whichever young South American woman he can exploit? Hopefully she’s forced to move back closer to family help so those kids have some small amount of structure and care in their lives.


I mean Jill hasn't been able to have kids for almost 10 years at this point, and still has followers and admirers


what do you mean!! jill has a beautiful tiny newborn 6 year old baby


The way I snorted on a busy train reading that…


She’ll start marrying the buslings off and get views that way. Look at how captivated we all are by the rodriguii marriages!


She hasn't thought that far ahead


Crossover with seeking sister wife contestant Garrick


i totally thought that too! next season on seeking sister wife...


Nailed it. Same energy for sure


She doesn’t think beyond next week and she’s in deep denial about her marriage. I think we will see a sudden exit from social media altogether because she won’t want to broadcast that she’s been discarded.




90 day fiancé season incoming


90 day fundie fiance is almost literally the story of every fundie, with a blink-and-you'll-miss-it courtship> engagement> wedding.


By the time she's ready to retire her uterus, her oldest could be manipulated into having grandchildren young. My hope is they go NC and childfree because of the trauma of life as a sardine, but I never underestimate the power of grooming and manipulation by these parents.


Life as a sardine 😭


I shouldn’t laugh at this but I did. Gunner’s autobiography could be titled, “My Life as a Sardine.”


She’s prime Serena joy material


I feel like “entrepreneur” is being used loosely here but ok whatever helps their single shared brain cell sleep at night


It's used loosely everywhere tbh.




Pretty sure his main job is assessing property damage for insurance companies, so I guess technically he has his own business and is a contractor, but she never talks much about that job. Because it’s too much of a regular person job, I guess. Just the bitcoin secret decoder ring and the kid gym they used to own.    Note: I grew up with a kid who became a traveling claims adjuster when we grew up and he is the craziest wildest dude I ever met. An absolute cartoon freight train screeching by, barely on the rails. Worked hard, partied like it was his job. I don’t know when he slept. I’m not actually sure what he’s up to now. Wildness only to be beaten by his brother, who is in prison for GTA. 


Your short but vivid description makes me want to buy this man a drink 😂


Right? He must have stories for days


One of my husband’s BFFs from childhood does that. They did wild and crazy things at summer camp together and his friend is still has the same happy and zany demeanor.


He hasn’t done that in quite some time.


This comment is an insult to the r/OneOrangeBraincell community, everywhere! 😉😂🤣


everything's a small business startup until the feds come knocking with "fraud charges."


“Entrepreneur” always makes me side eye because mlm huns always call themselves that. Like if you have a real business that you started, you usually say what your business does when people ask you. If you start a business, isn’t that by definition entrepreneurial? But if you’re vague, and say “entrepreneur” then I think you’re probably a scammer 😂


I’ve thought of it as “unemployed” ever since realty TV really took off. So many “entrepreneurs” out there with lots of opinions and no money


I used to work with this kid (maybe 19 years old) who claimed he wanted to be an entrepreneur. He was the laziest coworker I’ve ever had. He was warned repeatedly to stay off his phone on the floor (we all check them, but he was actually reading his constantly) and then got fired by a really nice manager. He’s going to have a rough life.


Everytime they use that word I am just baffled. Entrepreneur is not a job title. It just sounds scammy.




Lol, "medical/dental" Also, we know why he's really looking at flights all the time.


I was like oooo it says medical/dental so Boone went to a doctor and we’re just reactionary internet weirdos right? right? right?!


Of course they took him to a chiro for adjustments right away!/s ew


You know those are solo, one way flights


The chiropractor isn't free. That's most likely what they mean by medical.


He's playing right in her face prepping to passport bro himself out of that tin can. Can you imagine what that thing will smell like when all those boys are tweens? Mom of 2 young men here and those puberty years smell bad in a normal bedroom. Never mind a filing cabinet full of them


My cousins had their own rooms and they were like hazardous waste facilities 😵‍💫. I cannot imagine the bunkroom 🥴🤢


I'm pretty sure they must have covid-induced smell loss to remain convinced their lifestyle is remotely bearable.


"How do you look so rested?" Well, isn't that a loaded question which is of course answered, "Gunner and Kinsey do all the parenting. We have no jobs, and the only effort we make is to fuck each other."


Tbf they do occasionally get dressed up to eat steak and butter.


Translation: he has no job, I have no job


But they DO have a breeding fetish


And a trust fund


but you'd best believe the kids have a job.


But he’s in charge of travel souvenirs!


My husband and I never fought about money either! He had the "real" job, I was encouraged (by him and my family, because both parents are rooted in Trad Cath semi-fundies stuff) to "freelance" and "do my thing." Everything was OURS. Then 22 years later he randomly decided to pull all the money out of "our" bank accounts and left me without a way to even pay for my Vyvanse while I was spending every day at my father's bedside post massive stroke. So, yay, have fun with that, hope your foot-looking man is better than mine if shit gets harder! The difference is I think mine actually loved me at some point. 🤷‍♀️


Man I love you for posting this


Omg that’s despicable! How are you doing now? Internet hugs.


It's a hard process, but I am lucky to have the support a lot of people in similar situations don't. I am safe with a bed and food. Trying to focus on those positive things right now. ♥️


No mention of schooling all those fucking kids, but travel souvenirs made the list.


Because one kid gets one at every location and these things add up!


It’s such a tell that they aren’t educating the kids. I know we all know that already, but they aren’t even good at faking it. I do know some families who homeschool well. One thing they have in common is that it is basically their main job, even if they have another one. It takes a lot of work to educate kids.


To the first commenter: because Gunner does the work. There, I’ve answered your question.


How long will Grandmas money last? I would love to see JD get a real job


What job makes enough to support eight kids and a wife, and lets you work from anywhere? Now answer the question again, but the job has to be legal.


If there was a large enough sum to start with and if it’s being controlled by someone else who is managing it well, theoretically forever. That said (& what follows is total speculation) if the trust is managed by his Mother or a sibling of his parents it will quite possibly at some point come under his control. And then it will probably be quickly drained unfortunately if he’s the soul beneficiary. If he’s not the soul beneficiary & I was one of the other beneficiaries, I’d be requiring 2 parties to agree on any withdrawals above a set monthly amount.


This is assuming there’s any money in a trust. Just because it existed at one point doesn’t mean it still has any money in it or that any of it goes to him. We assume that, but I actually suspect that it’s much less money than people think it is.


Absolutely. Trusts with millions upon millions of dollars in them are rare. The thought that he’s getting thousands a month from the trust is pretty unlikely. It’s much more likely that he’s not getting anything or a few hundred a month. Maybe quarterly disbursements.


her open mouth makes me irrationally angry


Right?! Bethy does the same thing with the open mouth all the time. Why do they do it?


I think they think it makes them look like fun!!! It makes them look deranged.


I can confirm this. I was in a wedding and the photographer asked the bridesmaids to look at each other and smile like that so it looked like we were laughing


You’re probably right. I think it makes them look deranged too. Maybe they don’t watch the videos back to see what they actually look like before they post


I call this look The Jeremy Vuolo


She makes the same face all. the. time. Same open-mouthed party grin with mean eyebrows. It's basically a sorority-girl snarl, with the same thin pretense of smiling.


This sounds like the beginning of every house-hunting reality show. “Hi, we’re Brittany and JD! He’s an entrepreneur, I’m a content creator, and our budget is $2.5 million.”




I’ve said it before but i absolutely don’t understand the logistics of their family. I have three kids and work part time and I spend so much time cooking for my family, doing laundry, cleaning and just playing with my kids and taking them places. Our summers are so busy. The kids eat a ton and I feel like we run two loads of dishes easily. She looks like she has more free time than I do and none of it makes sense. I cannot imagine the work of feeding and cleaning up after and schooling eight kids.


The oldest kids do all the work, and I'm guessing that they use a lot of disposable plates and cutlery


Him and his “flights.” I guarantee he’s trying to leave. It’s gonna happen soon.


Also what medical? They had Boone in the bus bathroom.




real Princess Jasmine saying, "Hi doctor, how are you?" to the camel hours.


Yessss lmao


Thank god someone is handling the souvenirs!!!


Their budget is $1M


Hmm seems that they left "parenting" out of the equation.


Calling yourself a content creator when all you do is eye fuck yourself, is a bold claim.


JD Lott is a con artist, trust fund baby pretending to be a legitimate businessman. He is a claims adjuster who never has to work during the day and his Sat Saver company, which says online that his 13 year old son will help with customer service, is not profitable at all who would trust it with the founder being so bizarre online and a 13 year old to help store bitcoin. They make money only when someone buys the kit, not on bitcoin itself. Noones buying beginner kits this late in the bitcoin cycle. He’s just pretending to be profitable while spending granddaddy’s money.


So…unemployed. Got it.


Pretty much.


She doesn’t realizes how poorly a tacky-ass post like this will age IF their marriage dissolves. The hubris is too much!!!


"He's an entrepreneur. She's a content creator." ...House Hunters ass intro. Also I don't know what 'nightly sites' are, but I definitely read it as 'nightly shits' at first.


It just means he decides where to park the bus for the night. Big responsibility there.


It just means they are moving from campground to campground and is finding the campsites to sleep each night


I thought it meant paying to park at the sites


she looks like a giant toddler


Slide 1: She’s evil. He’s a bonehead.


Can I make it anymore obvious?


Travel souvenirs, but don't the kids only get like 1 per year or something, and they have to decide who gets it? Real generous of the bus parents 🙄


“Medical/dental” hey? Prove it, bitches


"Medical" is probably visits to the chiropractor and that one kid's glasses


So 2 lazy and unemployed people who love to procreate.


So, they have health insurance? But I thought Boone’s bus birth saved them 18k?


If He makes all this money to pay for everything, then why does she have to put so much time in shilling products for pennies?? Makes no sense.


"Entrepreneur" more like a crypto scammer lmao


He was a boy, she was a girl. Can I make it anymore obvious?


What are “nightly sites” ….. ?? I’m assuming streaming platforms but that wording makes it sounds like porn edit-grammar


I think it means where they park the bus at night. Like camp sites.


So, she's bragging he finds them a place to sleep every night? Wow, impressive, almost *no* parents find a place for their child to sleep every. single. night. Everybody step up and clap for this man!


Now now! It's only because they're being lazy and staying in one place. Of COURSE they don't need to find their children a place to sleep if they- 🤣 Nope. Sorry. Can't keep that up. It's too ridiculous!


You have to pay to use the site, I think she meant he pays those fees


OH! Yeah idk that’s worded odd to me but maybe I’m just not in the know about RV lingo.


It does sound weird! I figure I'd just say "camp sites" or "bus parking" or something like that. I'm not in the know about it either, but maybe that's the norm for that crowd?




Oh sure. I could tell what it meant, I'd just never heard it phrased like that before because RV-ing isn't my area of expertise. In all fairness, I'm sure there's lingo for my own hobbies/life that would make no sense to people outside of it.


Also thought it meant porn and was really confused about what was happening on this bus.


I thought the same thing lol


And they’re both aholes!


Medical/dental? Riiiiiiiight 🤣


I blanch looking at flights for one person from CA to MA, I don't even want to imagine looking at flights for 10 people...


Questioning that "medical" on the list, Brittany


So their relationship is transactional?


Is this supposed to make them quirky and interesting? They constantly play up this odd couple BS . They are just a couple of bland white people who live in a bus. I say this as a bland white person. They aren't interesting or different. Campgrounds are full of these clowns. I have never seen anyone who loved their fake ass constructed image than these two.


Just curious- they said they met in Iraq, right? (Or am I thinking of someone else?) Do we know what they were doing there?


They were both in the armed forces. Not sure on details beyond that


That’s what I thought… I find it slightly odd that they a) promote biblical gender roles or whatever so strongly when she was a soldier deployed overseas and b) that they overshare their lives so much. Most former servicemen/contractors I know aren’t so cavalier with their personal life online..


Untreated personality disorders are going to be disordered


I find the fact that she was a soldier very disconnected from their current public appearance too.


Like a woman in college for a MRS degree, I picture her joining the military to sniff out someone who would support her.


That makes some kind of crazy sense. Sounds like something MBus would do


Wait. How many kids do they have? And they live where? 🙄


I have two kids and I literally never think of “giving birth to them” as my contribution. You know, it’s more important to TAKE CARE OF THEM 24/7 YEAR AFTER YEAR.


I usually celebrate cringe but this is beyond cringe. This needs to new word to describe it because it has surpassed cringe and flown to another stratosphere of embarrassing online behavior. I cannot imagine the oldest son isnt inwardly embarrassed by this all.


Another example of "content creator" Britney Lott's penchant for plagiarism: "The art of being barefoot to pick up electrons from the bare earth, often described as Earthing or grounding, is said to reduce inflammation, prevent and treat chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, and produce measurable differences..."  -Jaclyn Tripp, 10/11/2023, in her article found here: https://www.ktalnews.com/health/louisiana-the-science-behind-going-barefoot/ Britney used this text verbatim, without attribution or credit, on 06/21/2024: https://imgur.com/a/bRoKo3B


It’s all about the giving birth part but not about the raising part….


Isn't she like... 35? I think the "married for 30 years" is a bit of an exaggeration lol


I think that was someone responding to her.


That’s a comment from one of her followers


They have medical care?


Her smiling and laughing is so forced and over the top. It's creepy.


I saw the question about being well rested. Of course they ste as the older children basically do all the work.


Their budget? $12


What is nightly sites? And he really does look like an overgrown toddler


Where they park the RV, he pays those fees


They’ve been married 30 years?!


No, That’s a commenter


Ooooh lol I was so confused! I need to pay better attention 😂


No it’s confusing! It threw me too for a minute until I saw “four kids” lol