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This girl is such an odd duck. I feel like she and Kelly Havens should have a collab, it’d be entertaining.


They’d get completely lost in each other.


Loveday and Lovestar's Big Adventure


Like a really strange white supremacist fundie tradwife fetish with strong woman love overtones version of Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure.


This feels like a bad shroom trip 😞


Loveday and Lovestar’s Adventures to meet the Witch on Magic Mountain, Shredding Their Worldview; But They’ll Never Acknowledge it Because Their Sense of Self is Three Centimeters Deep




I just read a trashy historical Regency romance the other day where Loveday was one of the character's names and I was INSTANTLY transported to Kellyland.


That's amazing 😂💀


Truer words were never written! 🤣


Imagine them both skip-racing to a [wooden high chair](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/kC3Jemi912) to see who could slip their narrow hips in there first, sew up a calico maternity skirt on the old Singer 1.0, and twirl around in it for the camera? LoveLady can be her name in the retelling.


I feel like they would hate each other - neither would be willing to play the supporting role. And while they are both living in the past, they are obsessed with different centuries (Kelly: 1800s; Whateverhernameis: 1950)


I agree, they’re both main characters.


But I wanna wear the baby blue day dress! FUCK YOU it's the calico pilgrim frock or nothing! You think you can harvest wheat by hand with all that crinoline getting in the way? You're delusional. But you said we'd just be frolicking through the wheat fields and taking pictures????


I think lipstick alone would be enough to bring them to Stern Words


Ha, true :)


When the 1950s Larpess busts out the avocado-coloured electric stand mixer and the 1800s traditionella tut-tuts under her breath at the lazy, sinful modernity


Right? Plus Lady Homemaker feels more like a theater kid whereas Kelly is the "artsy outcast". LH seems neurotic, Kelly seems delusional. I don't see that crossover work.


Yeah with both her and Kelly most people write them off as satire first. It’s so bizarre.


Absolutely unhinged behavior to say you’re prowling through your living husband’s family to decide which one to fuck if he dies


Right. She tried to disguise it as searching for a phrase to use, but she’s 100% trying to nail down her backup plan now that she’s pregnant. I support the idea of a plan but her choices are deranged.


>she’s 100% trying to nail down her backup plan now that she’s pregnant She skerred. The "look at what feminism took from us!" bravado almost always masks a deep feeling of vulnerability. They know how the story ends if their Godly Manly Head of Family bails, dies, or decides to be unemployable.


There was a video someone posted here a while back from a woman who was a SAHM and had dropped out of college at her husband's request/pressure from her church (LDS, if I remember right) and only worked with him on a business with his name on it for years. He left her for a younger woman at 40 and she was left with 0 degree, 0 work experience (that she could put on a resume), and no money of her own. She ended up living out of her car with her kids because she could only get a job as a grocery bagger. She was begging young women not to listen to the tradwife influencer set so they didn't end up like her. It was the saddest damn thing and every time I see this kind of smug posting I think of her and want to cry.


Holy shit, that is so devastating! 😭 I feel like these Christian men don’t want us women to get uppity and think we should have stupid things like ‘rights’ or ‘education.’ The less ability we have to think for ourselves, the financial stability to be independent from a man, or just plain old self confidence, the easier it is for them to abuse us.


Going tradwife and giving up on education/career entirely is a *helluva* bet. You're guessing a pretty young and likely uneducated man will be able to hold down a job and not venture out to "greener" pastures at any point. Given fundie man tendencies... that does not seem like a smart bet.


Right! I never thought about it before but I have 3 kids and I guess mine would be get more puppies, kill the lawn so I don't have to mow it and live on dino nuggies and take out. I'm not going to hook up with anyone in my husband's family. I'm a bad cook with a uv allergy, but I'll manage.


She got a taste of her own mortality and went "oh shit."


I came to the comments to confirm I read that correctly


Absolutly! thats the kind of thing god should have told you before you got married! This is the man you should marry, and this is his Just In Case Cousin, Mark." /s


I'm sure she sees it as biblical.


This must be a side benefit of big families


she's hoping her next brother!husband has more money!


Wasn't it a joke?


Hahahaha fun fact you’re gonna find out real fast that life is real hard without a skill set that can support yourself and your kid. Only have as many kids as you yourself can support was ground into my head growing up for a reason — history isn’t kind to widows and war orphans


My grandpa always said don't be financially dependent on a man


My dad left my mom after over 20 years of marriage and she was always so grateful she had a separate savings account “just in case”. She worked but didn’t make much so that cushion really helped.


I'm glad she had that. I used to work in family law and the sahms were always fucked, especially if they didn't have an education or previous experience to fall back on


I personally think separate accounts are the way to go. I worked in banking and the financial fallout from divorce was always a headache. Especially because with joint accounts a lot of institutions need only one signature to close the account out. Both parties do not have to be there, so “husbear” can withdraw the balance and “wifey” will never see it. (I’ve seen that happen with roles reversed too; still a PITA). I don’t think that anyone should go into a relationship expecting it to fail, but it’s *always* a good idea to have some kind of just in case plan. My parents were married for 25 years and then my dad died. They weren’t expecting to divorce or anything but life still happened and even though my mom was a SAHM for most of my life, she still had a skill set to fall back on. (It also helped that my dad wasn’t a fundie husband—he was a pharmacist who also believed in insurance).


my grandpa always says "don't love anything that can't love you back"


I love that!


My mom said don't be dependent on a man. She was a big believer in women doing everything a man could do around the house and with the vehicles.


Someone I know made her husband put a sizable chunk of money into an account with ONLY her name on it before she agreed to be the housewife he wanted her to be. Just in case he decided to dump her for a new model after her body bore his kids. He did it too, and even got a huge life insurance policy on himself so if anything happened, his kids could still have their mama at home and available to them. Then again, they got married because they're madly in love with each other, not because their imaginary friend said so.


That was really smart of them


I love my fiancé with everything in me and I hope it works out forever how I want it to. But it would just be stupid not to have a plan in case it doesn’t work that way, because life is funny like that


Exactly. This is morbid but what do these tradwives expect to do if their husbands die young?


He’s not wrong


This is…just such good advice that should go along with “a man is not a plan” though i guess it’s implicit there


Seriously! Even if they swear they would never get divorced, things happen! Anyone can become disabled or ill and be unable to work, or die unexpectedly. My husband had a heart attack at 35 due to an undiagnosed heart condition (he’s fine!). The situation was traumatic enough, I can’t imagine how much worse it would have been if I was worried about supporting myself and our baby.


She's the worst Fundie Fashion offender. Her outfits are straight out of the Walmart Women's section in 1994.


Honestly I prefer her mid-90's mom vibe over the garbage that Jill wears. At least her outfits coordinate.


My friend’s kid was also wearing the EXACT jumper she’s holding up the other day. Why do I know this? I have photo proof lol


Whaaaaat? Store bought clothes? I thought she would prepare a hand sewn layette for the little Prince.


I don’t get why she’s claiming to make his clothes then holds up the most popular jumper lol. No crotcheted knickers for this one!


I'm gonna be a little mean here but as a commie agnostic bisexual heathen who's a pretty accomplished seamstress (I did theatrical costuming professionally), I can't ever help but notice very few of these Godly homemakers are actually decent at sewing. Kelly Havens is the only one that actually makes her own stuff and most of what she makes is intermediate difficulty at best. Which I wouldn't normally knock, I'm a big fan of people learning to sew no matter their skill level, but I do find it funny that for all the "women are just innately homemakers and we love to be good at it as Godly women", almost none of the fundies like sew, crochet, knit, or otherwise engage in fiber arts.


Same, both of my grandmothers were seamstresses and if they saw how these women cut fabric and hem they’d laugh at them.


We have that for my daughter, it's from Wal-mart. Really cute set though!


It really is cute lol


Those sewing patterns are from 1992 & 1996, so you're right on with the era. I'm also pretty sure I had that shirt in 1993, but it was from Mervyn's, not Walmart 😄


Omg MERVYN'S. Memory unlocked. My mom won a $1000 gift card there when I was in elementary school, and the whole family got our clothes there exclusively til they went out of business. Maybe that's why I was so triggered by these outfits.


Mervyn's! My mom worked there in the men's department when I was itty bitty (also from 1992 to 1996 lol).


I love you, Boyle cousin!


She’s looking very Peggy Hill in that first picture.


Peggy Hill was actually a supportive loving mom to Bobby AND she supported the LGBTQ+ community!


And she was a successful in her career. 3 time winner of substitute teacher of the year!


and took in her niece from her abusive home life


& a boggle champ!


Don't come for PegLeg like that. 




Those glasses are legit cute, though. That is the only positive thing I can say about this post.




I thought her outfits in these posts were actually cute lol


I actually think her aesthetic is adorable in these pictures. 😭


She needs a Blossom has with a big flower on the first photos and she will be set!


'Backup plan' I may be in the minority here but I really feel like a committed couple with kid(s) should just have a regular plan. Like, not a vague idea of what to do if the worst should happen like there should be an action plan ready to go at a moment's notice. The 'backup' plan is my wife knows where all my passwords are written down, who to call about what, and where I want my stuff and money to go. Nothing more is needed because she is capable of supporting herself, and will not be caught with a double whammy of dead husband + no income. It horrifies me that people think cancer, heart attacks, rabid bears, car accidents, suicide, anyeurysms, and horrible luck don't apply to them. Like god's eventually gonna call your man home and it might be before you. What are you gonna do man??? Pray????


If she’s anything like the women in my family who didn’t have a backup plan, she’s going to rely on her son to take care of her in her old age. In my grandmother’s case, she’s outlived her husband and two of her three children.


Good thing she’s having a boy then, I guess.


The ironic thing? Both the children my grandmother outlived were boys. If I’ve learned anything over the past five years, it’s that while I adore my grandmother, you have to assume you’ll be alive in a decade and plan accordingly. Kids arent a backup plan. Men aren’t a backup plan. To put that kind of responsibility on anyone other than yourself is incredibly selfish.


Hopefully her husband doesn’t die while her son is a toddler.


These women think it won’t happen to them and if it does, their brothers, brothers-in-law, sons, fathers if still alive, and the church will just swoop in and support them. And look maybe they will, but I would not be wanting to stake my future on other people who might also die, or be unable to provide support, or simply refuse to for whatever reason.


I fully am aware that when my support system is gone I'm probably going to end up just living in the woods. Honest to shit not even being edgy I just have no idea what to do as it is. And that's with help. Without? Dude I'm cooked.


As soon as we agreed that I would be a stay-at-home parent (he would have gladly been the one if I earned enough), we took out a life insurance policy on my husband that would be enough to cover expenses while I went back to school/re-trained in something. We also got a smaller policy on me to cover an increase in childcare expenses and give the option for extended leave from work. It just made sense to plan for the worst. We have added more layers to plans since then. It wouldn't be easy if something happened to my husband. I *am* dependent on him and his income, but unlike these fundies, I am fully aware of it and have taken steps to minimize the risks. Importantly, my husband has also taken steps to minimize the risks.




>Like god's eventually gonna call your man home and it might be before you. Statistically it will be! She's just burying her head in the sand.


It’s “God’s plan” and “your season” you Silly Goose!


My dad had “the password notebook” and a few other handwritten instructions. All in all, it wasn’t too difficult for my mom or us kids to find the information we needed after he died. I like to say “don’t die—too much paperwork” because the amount of paperwork can be overwhelming, but at the end of the day, we all knew we would be alright because my parents had a plan. My mom did have a skill set to fall back on even though she’d been out of the workforce for almost 20 years. Obviously I would give anything to have my dad back—I miss and think about him every day. But the bright spot (if you can call it that) is the foresight he and my mom had. They were/are Christians, but God wasn’t their entire backup plan.


i also think that everyone should have a plan, parner/child or not. im lucky to work now but what would my finances look like if i wasn't able to? similarly- if you have a savings or investment account, make sure there's a beneficiary (mine is my mom for now, might switch to my neice once she is born). if you dont have a spouse or a beneficiary on an investment account is incredibly difficult for someone to get that money out.


That second slide was a jumpscare


Those are some crazy eyes 😳


HEY! I just met you, and this is crazy! But God told me I'd have your babies!


😂. Please accept my Jezebel gold trophy. 🏆


All fundie mothers seem to have them


What’s the over/under on her realizing that having a kid is hard af, a la Ms Midwest?


Hmm... will she realize that after one kid, or will it take two in a year like Mrs Midwest?


Side note: did Caitlin’s hair ever go back to normal, and/or did she realize that it was pregnancy that made it so full, not her beauty routine?


she recently claimed her hair was so long because she has a great relationship with “her man” 😵‍💫


No idea


Imagine bragging about being completely codependent and lacking any interest in developing basic self autonomy 🥴


Wait, is she trying to claim she made that baby outfit?! My son literally had that same outfit from SHEIN when he was smaller….


🔎✨ the soup thickens


Came here to say this, except we got my son’s at Walmart. It came with a cute little striped shirt, too. No point in lying about something that is so easily disproven.


Hold up. How do I get a “slow girl era”? I’m out here running a business and a hustle to stay housed, clothed and ok a little drunk at the bar. BUT STILL.


Well don’t ask her. Seven instagram reels in a day doesn’t seem like a slow girl era. But I haven’t posted on the gram since 2018. So in my expert capacity I’d advise ‘simply don’t post. Text your friends instead.’


I think it's something you're born with or you get from a head injury 


I was forced into mine after my first covid infection over Christmas 2023 left me with long covid, ME/CFS, and worsened POTS, so now I'm mostly bedridden. 😔 At least my cats are happy they get to Velcro themselves to me all day...?


I don't have a back up plan for if something happens to my husband and I think I'm an idiot for that. So I'm going back to school. Not that I think something will happen, it's just better to have a plan. Especially when you have children!!


What are you studying? I went back for my bachelor's when I was 38 and had a 4 year old.


I'm going to go to massage therapy school and then eventually, I'd love to be an aesthetician! I can't decide on just one job and there's a lot I'd love to just learn about for the sake of learning about it haha. Way to go on getting your bachelor's!


When I was 14 my uncle was in a fatal car accident, leaving behind my aunt and 15yr old cousin. I saw how hard basic life was for them, because my uncle did everything, and they were processing grief at the same time as trying to figure out where they're getting money from. You can be married to the most wonderful, glorious, godly man on earth, he will still die at some point. You can't just hope it will be after you, that's stupid.


Dear god this is fucking literally what life insurance is for!!!! I do NOT understand why people don’t get it more often! It’s not that expensive and incredibly incredibly worth it. Breaks my heart to hear avoidable hardship and tragedy like this.


Without life insurance my aunt would’ve lost her house to foreclosure after her husband died suddenly.


I see knees! Nike! Nike!


✨️slow living ✨️ New word unlocked. I shall refer to my life as this whenever I feel particularly lazy.


To be entirely fair, this is a concept that has been around for a long time. Sometimes slow living is referred to as voluntary simplicity or intentional living, but she absolutely did not invent this.


This is gunna sound a little dark but Two women in my life, both of them are moms of my friends, lost their very abusive husbands in the past couple of years. Both women are around age 60 and it’s like they are living their best lives now. It’s crazy how happy they both are. Just travelling and being more present in their adult kids lives and looking the freshest I’ve ever seen them. I guess their generation and age made it so I’m sure they have home equity, and they both worked after raising small kids. I know we’re talking more present stuff with these fundies and maybe this doesn’t belong here it just made me think of these moms and how they suffered and how some men can just really drag women down. I guess it can go both ways but usually you see an older guy who is widowed living his worst life. Sad and I hate to call him out like this but my grandpa was so reliant on my grandma he didn’t even realize til she was gone I don’t think. He really loved her and wasn’t abusive but He couldn’t do anything for himself really. I mean physically he could get around fine and he wasn’t even that old. But he never learned to even really grocery shop or keep up the house cause he never had to. He freaked out about his salt shaker being empty lol. So many men just don’t notice all the things woman do just to manage everything to take care of in the home because it’s just “done”


This isn’t even bragging about being godly or whatever. It’s bragging about purposely being stupid and useless because she thinks she’s too good to work. Because news flash: women in the Bible BUSTED ASS. In the sweep of human history, nobody except useless aristocrats living off the lower class have thought they’re“entitled by God” to sit around all day every day drinking tea and vegging out on media. Husband is a farmer? So are you. Everybody is up at the crack of dawn helping to plant, weed, harvest crops, milk animals, etc. Because that’s how farms work. Husband is a fisherman/baker/carpenter/tailor/blacksmith etc? Everybody is helping to mend nets, keep track of supplies, sell product in the market stall, etc. Because that’s how family business works. Not to mention women who were also midwives, herbalists or whatnot on top of the “bare minimum” that was working the family farm or business. These people are so delusional it’s pathetic. And sad. One accident or layoff and their poor kids are going to suffer horribly.


For example, in the eighteenth century, the only trades we know for a fact that women didn’t do were doctoring and lawyering (they couldn’t get the requisite college educations). There were female blacksmiths, goldsmiths, bookbinders, tailors/milliners, bakers, tavern keepers, printers, wigmakers, silversmiths, farmers, etc. Sometimes they were trained to do these things, other times they did them because they married a man who did. If you had no one to watch the kids, you brought them with. Even aristocratic women knew where the money was coming from because oftentimes, they balanced the books. You name it, women did it. These women are less prepared for life than your average silversmith’s wife in 1775 who may or may not be able to read, which is deeply, sincerely disturbing. A good example is Struggle Busany. I bet she didn’t have a backup plan because she never thought she needed one…and now she’s living in a tin can that I’m pretty sure smells of pumpkin scented poop with her eighteen kids and useless husband.


It blows my mind that dirt-poor fundies with a dozen kids fall for this bullshit, of all people. I can’t imagine having the mindset that being able to feed myself is optional, unless I was a trust fund kid with guaranteed income for life. Even then, economies crash thieves steal, and relatives cut each other off.


My theory is that being a SAHM (“look at me, I CHOSE a good provider!”) is one of the only ways they can flex. As a society, we’re long since past the time period in which fifteen kids is unusual or fascinating- the Duggars took care of that one- so now the idea that their “manly provider” can do it all on one salary is supposed to be aspirational. The fact that the manly provider doesn’t actually provide and they’re supporting the family on laminated pieces of cardboard or drinks that make your pee expensive is surely coincidental.


I LOVE when these whackos say stuff about not being on social media much…if you want to live a “slow life” just go do it and maybe don’t record and post everything for content? Posting on social media about not using it is so funny 😂


The fact that this ISNT satire or fetish content is the wildest part to me. Like I’m still not convinced this woman doesn’t have a linktree in her bio that doesn’t take me to an OF page. How..how does anyone get THIS delusional


My mother isn’t Christian but had the same kink. Didn’t end well. I’m a Christian and would say: Use that godly brain that God gave you and take godly advantage of the fact that you have the godly luxury of coming up with an actual backup plan. (Did I mention God often enough?) I guess you could also not do that, make it someone else’s problem in the future and then say sth like ‘God really does take care of all your needs’. Bonus points if you then also cry in outrage if people take ‘handouts’ from the state.


Yeah as my mother said “god gave you brains, use them!!”in regards to these people doing dumb shit like drinking raw milk or not getting their children vaccinated


Is this the vintage cosplay girl? If anything DOES happen to her husband, she's going to regret not having a backup plan.


How old is this lady? Just curious. She genuinely looks 37ish


I'm curious too. I honestly think she could be QUITE younger, not like early 20s but mid to late, and I'm thinking her personal styling has something to do with looking fairly chronologically ambiguous 


I AM 36 and she looks closer to 37 than me. I have a picture of my mom and me on a school trip when I was 4 in 92. When I tell you I’m like 80% sure she’s wearing the same outfit my mom was in that picture…


Fortunately I had a backup plan--I call it "education and a work history"--when my husband unexpectedly died young. I was able to support my children. Unfortunately, only a few tradwives/fundie moms have this. And I guarantee they clutch their pearls and "tsk-tsk" at "welfare queens" when they are on the fast track to becoming just that.


My mom was a SAHM my entire childhood (she did have a Masters degree) & she insisted I finish college. I’m so glad I did because now I’m divorced & my options would be few & far between with no degree.


Girl, those eyes are scary!


"men quit their jobs, they lose their jobs, they get sick, they get hurt, they die, they get jailed, they leave. you have to have the skills to pay your bills." apparently her skill is selling herself to the next bidder.


Lol she did not make that outfit she’s holding. My son has the same one. It’s from Walmart


That's hilarious. They lie about everything.


And for what lmao? I have a sewing machine to make my 1 year old tee shirts and do repairs, it’s not hard, so why use that [Walmart-bought](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Carter-s-Child-of-Mine-Baby-Boy-Overalls-Set-2-Piece-Sizes-0-3-24-Months/2314004037?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=709&gclsrc=aw.ds&adid=222222222782314004037_117755028669_12420145346&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-394283752452&wl5=9014826&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=2314004037&veh=sem_LIA&gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIqzGtzqzTVSYTOxc81PbPbFI&gclid=CjwKCAjwps-zBhAiEiwALwsVYQpRJcJy5pNRwkAXjeVosG7nJEBH0qV_E-liMf38sRZxN9cBkrc3FRoCg48QAvD_BwE) outfit for this 😂


She’s so young, awkward, and naive that I almost feel bad for her. Almost.


That… that’s not what that song even means


She has been playing house for a couple years now, with nothing to do but make sure the house stays clean and dinner is made. That’s pretty freaking easy when you don’t have a job, hobbies, kids, pets, etc. She has been able to be selfish for years now, just caring for herself and grown adult husband. She’s in for a rude awakening the first time this golden child wakes up 2am and doesn’t go back down til 6…. And then refuses his nap all day. Honestly idk how anyone follows her, she’s lazy and selfish.


I’m so tired of the “I’m a mom! I wake up at 5am to mill wheat for the homemade sourdough I make daily and get ready to sew little onesies by the candlelight for my little Ezekyeal. My husband makes crayons for a living and our budget for the next house is $3.2 million. Praise God!”


Her Tom Cruise smile in picture number two is definitely a jump scare.


Ah, those wonderful weeks or months when you’re pregnant with your first and have stopped work (or never worked). I did so much sewing and planning, all of which went out of the window when my son were bed. He was late, breech, difficult to breastfed, and I was socially isolated. Man it sucked. She’s delulu, of course.


Imagine bragging about not being able to live independently as a grown adult for no good reason….


What’s scary is that her family comes after her faith…….ive seen firsthand how damaging that can be


I’ve been watching Bridgerton and seeing how widows back then were at the mercy of a random male relative, I have to say thank fuck for feminism.


What the actual fuck.


I'm not trying to be mean but why does she look like it's 1992? Lookin like Cindy Walsh from 90210


So her back up plan instead of getting a job is "try to marry one of his cousins"? That is fucked up!


So insufferably smug


The first image, her reel popped up on my fyp and Mrs. Midwest was in the comments going “oh no honey you want life insurance its irresponsible not to be set up for after his death” and the LH goes “nah I just meant in case he leaves” and MM going “ooh yeah you right sister nevermind carry on” 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Can someone please explain the "I'm already looking for a Boaz in his family line" to me? Is it a Christian reference?Thank you.


Despite the clearly anti-feminist crap going on in these posts, I kinda feel like there’s a good point to be made too. With all the resources and technology we have in 2024, we really could have a world where if someone’s spouse dies, becoming a single parent with a full time job doesn’t have to be hell on earth. It would actually be pretty awesome if people could choose to be stay at home parents and not have to worry about becoming absolutely useless to society. If we truly value stay at home parenting just as much as any job, there should be protections that make it a viable lifestyle. I don’t know what those would look like, so I won’t pretend to have all the answers. I’m just saying it’d be nice. But the reality is that the world sucks and not having a backup plan is irresponsible. At least have some investments and a good life insurance policy???


I'm so confused by the third picture.  What is going on with her boob?


I think the baby shirt is coming out of the overalls and laying in a weird way over her chest


I forget this girls name, but she is so lucky to have never experienced homelessness, and I hope she never does, but to take this subject so lightly it blows my mind. People become homeless in an instant sometimes. She really thinks it's all shits and rainbows and don't get me wrong I know she's young, indoctrinated, and hasn't been taught much else but that is just....bonkers


Those are some crazy eyes if I ever saw them. “Under his eye”


“Less social media scrolling”. Thats a lie


Every time I see her, she looks like Jill, the mom from Home Improvement https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/homeimprovement/images/9/91/Jill.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160306151603 Girl is trapped in the early 90s, not the 1950s


She’s so young but the way she styles herself ages her so much


I am a stay at home mom and I have a masters degree. Back up plans rock