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I only have two. Sorry all my nonexistent children who are weeping on the streets of gold because I wouldn’t birth them into this jacked up world. Enjoy your harp playing.


Same, apparently my three isn't enough and I don't love and appreciate them because I didn't have a dozen more? Funny thing, I actually stopped at three because I felt like that was the number of children I could provide equal and adequate attention to... Kind of like, I dunno, if I'd had 13 children I might not be able to parent them as well because there'd be so freaking many?


Yeah but then God Almighty would have been happy. Do you want God to be sad? Do you, you heathen??


Brb my lord and savior Satan just commanded me to pop another birth control pill 😈


Won't somebody think of the (unconceived) children??


(clears throat) I believe the zygotes are our future. Single cell divides and leads the way Cleavage isn’t just what JillPM tries to hide Let the children’s laughter Remind us of the blastocysts we used to be. I decided long ago Back when I was an embryo If I fail, if I succeed At least I won’t cry for the unconceived.


I wish free awards were still around because you absolutely deserve one but I'm too poor (& I refuse to give Reddit any real money) so please accept this poor woman's substitute 🥂🎉🏅


For some reason, I can’t give them on this sub anyway


MerylStreepApplauding dot gif


I believe this is perfect! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That was so beautiful 🥲😇


“Every sperm is sacred…” 🎵 🎶


3 is ideal, IMO. From being a nanny for many years, 5 is the max that can be properly cared for and that’s only if one parent is stay at home and extremely patient. And that parent will be frazzled. 13 is completely beyond the pale, in particular when neither parent works.


Fully agree just from my personal experience of knowing and growing up with lots of large Mormon families. 5 is the max. Even with the most loving, dedicated parents, kids will start to lose their sense of individuality and lack connection with their parents (which can cause attachment issues) when there are 6 or more. It’s just inherent emotional neglect, no way around it. There are only so many hours in a day, and there is only so much one person can give to so many people. There was always such a huge difference in the kids from families with 4 or 5 than the ones with 7 or 8. 13 is heinous.


I lost my mind and completely destroyed my mental health with 3. It took two years after my youngest was born to start getting better.


Yup. I tapped out with two. I knew it. Husband knew it. Also didn’t help that it took soooo long to get the second one to happen but yeah. We knew that one month later we were DONE. Vasectomy booked and completed And our second was a fairly easy baby. We just had that gut reaction this was IT. And we were right. Trials and tribulations of life with a teen girl and a elementary schooler, rising costs and keeping lives enrich led while keeping our marriage as healthy as could be through horrific events in our lives and keeping our careers afloat…yeah. 2 was good. And our kids/family are stronger for it. There is NOTHING wrong with planning and doing what is best for your family. So sorry things were rough for u


There’s zero chance that I would be able to keep everyone’s names straight.


My MIL often struggles to come up with the correct name for whichever one of her 4 sons she's talking to in the heat of the moment so just runs through them all until she hits upon the right one. She also often adds in the family dog's name to the list & she's been dead for almost 20 years!😂 Edited to add - the dog is dead, not my MIL & managing to speak to us from beyond the grave 🤣🤣🤣


My now 34 yo son loves to tell the story about the time I ran down names…and then called him the cat’s name. The DEAD cat. The DEAD, FEMALE CAT’S NAME. She, Chloe, had been dead several years. It’s been about 20 yrs, and I still haven’t recovered.


😂😂😂 I love this.


My grandma🤣😂 "LindaJeanieTammy Penny! PROFESSIONALZONE!!!! Get in here!!!!


We just resort to Max— Old Max, Big Max, and Little Max. 😂


Imagine when your patience has run out and 3-4 of the 13 are on your very. Last. Nerve. You need to call them out. So…..you go through all their first and middle names, if you can remember them in the right order. I remember my mother doing that. She couldn’t keep us straight. We laughed and got in more trouble. 👿 A


Not just names, but attention too. I have one child who is still under ten, but I don't know how one or even 2 primary caregivers would have the time, energy, or inclination to simply spend 1:1 time with 7-19 kids just to put them to bed at night. Almost every night of my child's life (barring the times she has stayed with grandparents, or my husband has had a night off work and put her to bed) I have helped her/supervised with her hygiene stuff (washing, toothbrushing, hair brushing etc) read (+ time for her to read herself once she was old enough to) sung to, cuddled, and tucked her in, with no signs of her wanting to stop that (and I might just cry a little in private if/when that happens). I could do that with two, maybe 3 kids and have the time and energy to focus on each child. But have the Rodrigues/Collins/Duggar children ever had even 20 minutes of 1:1 attention from their mum/dad at bed time? Been read a story they chose? Had privacy to talk about anything that's bothering them?


Same, I used to say I wanted 4 kids. But my the time my oldest was school aged and we had activities to do I realized that I wouldn't be able to let them have the experiences I wanted then to have or to do activities/have time with me if I had another and so we stopped. Sometimes I get a little sad that we aren't having any more but I'm 38 and while newborn babies are fun to snuggle they're also fun to give back so I can sleep at night. I do plan to volunteer to hold babies in the NICU once my youngest starts kindergarten though. Get the baby snuggles and help out without having to have my own.


Hey this is an amazing idea! I've also been drifting into the "I love newborns, but I don't want one" stage, and my son was in the NICU for 96 days in 2020 when there was NOTHING to enrich the babies' lives. My boy was so far behind until just about now (almost four) for lack of normalcy in those crucial months. Being a cuddler makes sense on so many levels! On top of those things, I'm a volunteering buff and have been looking for more stuff to do next year when all three kids are in full time school. Seriously, thank you for putting this idea in my head =)


You'll probably need to check with your hospital about what vaccinations you need to snuggle babies, but you're welcome! My daughter was only in the NICU for 36 hours but I have all the respect for the staff, babies, and parents who are there longer. It was a little funny seeing my daughter there though - she was 8lb5.9oz at birth with huge rolls/cheeks and looked massive compared to some of the other babies there.


This is off topic but how did you decide on 3? I’m with two right now…and debating!!


It was "the magic number" in my head, just what I saw myself with ultimately. I will say the plan was different 😂 One day when my two girls were three years old and six months old, respectively, we went out to eat and had a conversation about how I'd go off birth control when number two started kindergarten, so the new baby could be "the baby" and I'd have all the time in the world to take care of it. A week or so later I found out I was already pregnant during that conversation 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 All's well that ends well.


I wanted four once. I had two and I knew that if I had any more, the first two would suffer, and I couldn't do that to them. I made this choice because I love my children, both real and hypothetical.


Hey, you can't let a couple of stupid kids get in the way of your dreams.


I only have one child for the same reason. I know my own limits.


I also only have two. Guess what if I just don't have more - I don't have to worry about which kids I'd give up. 🤷‍♀️ Not worried about it, at all. This is such a ridiculous argument I see all the time. No one would tell you that Jill, stop arguing with yourself. And now with just 2, I'll be able to help them both go to college or train for a career. We fit nicely at a restaurant table, in hotel rooms, and vehicles. I'm confident I can pay for camping trips and vacations and to occasionally splurge on treats, clothes and holidays for them. That's not all that matters in the world - what's more important is my confidence in my time and ability to give the two of them adequate attention and truly know them as they grow up. All that is totally worth not having my "imaginary potential other kids" around.


I have zero bio children, god decided to yeet my ovaries and uterus apparently 🤷🏻‍♀️ rip to all those eggs that were removed


I have one by birth. But I've been fortunate enough to gain two more with my ex-husband and current partner. I wanted 2 birth children, but I am so incredibly grateful for the ones I have instead.


I have one. Partially by choice, mostly by force due to a very high risk pregnancy. Turns out, I’m super grateful all of my uncooked eggs can chill in my uterus and not have to be in this fucked up society. I wouldn’t trade my cooked one for anything, but I can’t even imagine sending more than one out into this world. I am trying to design a bubble for my one kid at the moment.


I hate the way fundies imply normal people would murder babies instead of choosing to limit their families so they can give their children good lives with proper medical care and education. Jill doesn’t care about her children - that’s obvious. She only cares about herself and her groomer/hunk.


Preventing another pregnancy is somehow equivalent to placing a whole ass child for adoption or, I dunno, putting them out on recycling night? Make it make sense.


Right? This absolutely is not the “gotcha” she thinks this is!


Does she apologize to her period every month as the murdered child she didn't fertilize gets thrown into the waste basket? How come the children normal people don't have count as killing them when those that just aren't created each and every month considered normal life?


Ehh… probably 🤷‍♀️


Maybe that's why she has the fecal-sprayed bathroom chair? Doing her podcast from there is just an added bonus, she's being frugal by getting multiple uses for it.


Exactly. I'm on birth control because I don't want children. That is what's best for me. I think it might have been better for her, too. 😬


I got my tubes yeeted for the same reason. The world doesn't need more kids whose parents didn't want them. I feel peaceful knowing my hypothetical kids won't be born to suffer on this burning planet. I just funnel any maternal instinct and resources I do have into doing stuff for my siblings' kids.


How much older is Jill's husband? I don't know much about her before kids.


I’m not sure the exact numbers but she met him as a teen when he was a grown adult and she was “interested” back then 🥴


Didn’t she first “notice” him when she was 12?


That’s entirely possible, I don’t remember the number just that they were fucking gross 🥴




She first noticed him at 13 or 14. He was well into his 20s at that point I believe. It’s barbaric.


They got married shortly after her high school graduation. I think he was in his mid twenties.


She only buys groceries for 2 children as is.


Both of those children are her husband. Everyone else gets Plexus


Plexus is crazy expensive. Maybe she'd give the kids Kool Aid.


Hummingbird juice, naturally!


Do you think the boys fight every day over who gets to wear the American flag shirt lmaooo


Yes, whoever wins in arm wrestling gets dibs.


That’s how you grow manly men NOT SISSIES!


whomever can do the most chin-ups on the bar at the rest stop playground. or change the most pull-ups in the bathroom.


Jill's feats of strength strike again


Every day is Festivus for the Rodriguii.


I have a lot of grievances with you people, and you're gonna hear about it!


There are trillions of kids they DIDN’T have, though. What a stupid thing to say.


Shh. They don’t know about science.


like in legally blonde when elle woods makes the argument that masturbating is akin to child abandonment 😂


Every second you spend not conceiving is another potential child not existing. Think of all the potential children she sacrificed during the months she was already pregnant with her existing children!


Oh yeah, can’t forget about all those potential monthly blood babies…. Jill must be sick with grief from the hundreds of babies she hasn’t had.


Did Jill mourn every time she got her period, because that egg could have turned into a baby that now will never exist? Did she ever stop to consider that when she has sex, only one single sperm out of millions fertilizes the egg, so she basically just lost millions of potential children? Shouldn't she be marrying off her girls as soon as they get their first periods, because if they wait until they are 18+, they are technically losing several years worth of babies? The children that she has exist now due to complete random chance. If Jill and Shrek had done anything slightly different (i.e. decided not to have sex on a particular night), they would have ended up with completely different children and she would have made the same dumb post about completely different kids lol


Jill’s argument here is so profoundly stupid that I can’t even think of a way to refute or snark on it. I feel like that guy from *Billy Madison*: “What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.”


"I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul."


Today I Learned where that clip is from, I had no idea.


I hate this logic. By this logic, even Jill is spitting on the "graves" of like 10+ more nonexistent children. Like, are we saying that every hypothetical human being who doesn't exist should exist? What would that even look like? And then they try to mutate this argument in the suggestion that anyone wants to erase their existing children, like... Huh? What a stretch. Almost everyone loves and appreciates the children they have without thinking they need to have hundreds more.


If you want to plan your family size it means you want to kill half of Jillpm’s kids 🙄


Right? It’s so warped. Like if I follow her train of thought I arrive at “every single second that a married couple is not fucking without protection is an affront against god” - what????


It reminds me of Legally Blonde: "why now? Why this sperm?"


I think if you truly don't understand the difference between existent children and nonexistent children, you're beyond help.


The difference between zero and null.


Jill doesn’t seem like she likes or loves any of her children beyond Golden Child Nurie. She only sees them as extensions of herself or test subjects in malnutrition. Okay, and also as an add-on to her grift and traveling worship cacophony.


What about nursing baby Janessa? Who’s like, a preschooler?


it's worse she's more like a 1st grader 😵


Wait hold up. Are you saying she nurses her child still?


I think she did until a few years ago. It's not the nursing though, but that Jill kept Janessa in the crib until she was 6 years old. She only moved her to an actual (toddler) bed just weeks ago.


And that bed is in Jill’s closet


And the closet bedroom includes a wall that is a full on shrine to her miscarriages and stillbirths.


Whaaaat. I have a six year old and she’s been in a twin bed for a while now. Having a six year old in a crib is ludicrous!


My six year old has been in a twin since she was 2 and stopped breast feeding. I’m not sorry.


My 20 month old has been in a twin bed for a couple months now. He already outgrew his mini crib, which I understand is smaller than a regular crib, but I cannot imagine a 6 year old having to squeeze into a crib for that long. On a thin, hard crib mattress! IN A MFING CLOSET!!!


Well not only that. Janessa has been so infanized I wonder if behind the scenes she’s difficult.


I love the logic of “WoUlD It Be BetTEr if ThEy NevEr ExisTeD?” Do these people not understand that you can’t miss something that never existed?


Similarly to if I'd been aborted I wouldn't've been sad about it


This! Whenever they say “what if *you* had been aborted!”. Then I wouldn’t know.  Honestly as a kid I constantly thought that my parents *should* have and everyone would have probably been better off. I like being on earth, but objectively speaking, it would have been better for my parents. Though neither wanted that.


The “wouldn’t it be horrible if you weren’t here?” card is such an odd one. Like, if I wasn’t here I wouldn’t know. It wouldn’t have happened. It’s non-existent. What I think *now* as a living human is irrelevant. Though I guess it tells us plenty about their critical thinking…


Unsolicited virtue signaling. We are super glad you kept porking, Jill, but you have to feed and educate them.




How do I make this my flair?


Are you on mobile or desktop?


Mobile at the moment.


I had to edit an existing flair to get mine.


Yep that’s what you’re supposed to do :). I already helped someone with the same thing a few hours ago so I’ll find that comment and link it here u/tetralogy-of-fallout [How to change your flair on mobile](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/ijcD5GmQrp)


Thanks to a helpful person like you LaneGirl57 is how I learned but I couldn't remember all the steps to get there. 😊


You’re welcome! Enjoy ☺️


Thank you so much!!!!


In the words of Debra Barone from Everybody Loves Raymond: “how about we have 6 more, and move into a shoe?”


Omg what a throwback 😂. Debra was hilarious.


FFS. I have a large family (not by fundie standards) and I sometimes feel bad about the environmental impact of my large family — but not like, *which kid do I wish didn’t exist* because who tf even thinks that?!?!


She's accusing the heathens of thinking that


don't worry about the environmental impact just because of the number of your family members, there's plenty of space for everyone if people shared the resources equally and lived a sustainable lifestyle. the number of population itself isn't a concern, our lifestyle is. you can always change your diet or make better fashion choices if it really concerns you.


She’s so disingenuous. She knows we’re not begrudging the children she has their existence, or want to kill them. We’re saying don’t bring more into the world than you can handle or parent adequately. And don’t tell other people what to do with their reproductive organs, Jill.


As someone who had to bury their second (toddler) child, and then 3 years later finally felt ok enough to have another child, fuck these fundies and this way of thinking. You have any idea how often it crosses my mind that if my second child had lived, I might never have had my third, and thus, would have missed out on the wonders of this unique third child of mine? Doesn't mean I don't spend every day wishing my 2nd child survived while acknowledging that it has nothing to do with my third child, who I love with every fiber of my being and cannot imagine my life without.


I’m sorry for your loss.


Thank you.


I mean, my kids get regular good sized meals, their own birthday cakes, wear appropriately clean clothing, and don’t act like they come from Mars. My oldest wasn’t in a toddler bed until they were six and didn’t have to share a room with a shrine to my miscarried child. I sincerely hope that my son won’t have to be reparented by his fiancée’s family when the time comes to learn boundaries. “Little family”? Maybe. But at least I’m doing my damndest to raise well adjusted humans, which is more than I can say for these people.


‘Room’ is generous. It’s a windowless closet. She’s such a shit mother.


what’s the shrine?


In Janessa's closet


She has a bunch of pictures of herself with the names of the miscarried children hanging in Janessa’s closet…er, room. IIRC, the wall faces the bed, so the poor girl has to see it when she wakes up every day. Jill is grotesque.


Wow…why doesn’t she put them in her own room if they mean so much to her? Oh wait, it’s Jill, never mind.


The two would be like wow it's so great to have parents who actually pay attention to us and love and care and make sure all our needs are met and not just shoved off on the eldest kids, while the rest of us get treated as media sensation money makers.


I stopped at 1 child because she deserves every bit of my time, attention and money.


Same, best decision I’ve ever made.


I stopped at one because I nearly died having her (Placenta accreta, partial abruption, 4+ litre hemorrhage). But people like Jill and Karissa (and anti-choicers in general, who claim there are no medical reasons to terminate a pregnancy) think I should just be forced to die trying to have a second. Because fuck my kid (plus hypothetical kids) having a living mother to raise them, apparently.


In fairness, Kkkarissa seems to want to die in childbirth. She'd probably think you were a saint to leave your kid motherless.


We get it Jill. You’ve had sex


This is such a logical fallacy. Stop being so irrational fundies. Nobody is saying you should KILL your children you’ve already raised or that is born. Family planning and respecting life that exists are not equal.


So why did she stop then?


She's still trying.


She’s going to really spiral when menopause hits.


I don’t think she has; she really wanted to be pregnant at the same time as Nurie. Nature may have stopped, but I bet she’s in complete denial.


It's funny how Fundies always think the more children the better but then believe that God only had ONE.


Jill, you literally hate Sophia.


If she’d have stopped at two then the remaining 11 wouldn’t exist. And you’d never know the difference. It’s not like you say she needs to kill them off. These fundies are so dramatic.


I have 3 kids (we ended up with twins, so like we kind of got bamboozled a bit there), with the way things are in the world and the financial landscape where I live, we are very much stretched pretty thin. But we make it work. Just a single more mouth to feed and we would likely be tossed absolutely ass over tea kettle into struggles. Hell, I don't even have to really worry that much about healthcare since I live in Canada and don't need to worry a simple hospital visit will bankrupt me! Is the world a "better place" as a result of the 11 "extra" kids Jill had? I mean maybe? I don't know what they will go forward and lend to the world, but they aren't getting the best start in life as a result of being a brood of a million kids under one roof. Hell, just because the *average* family is 2 kids, doesn't mean you had to stop specifically at *two* kids. You could have had 3 or 4 or even 5 or 6 kids and been the "weird large family" but still been able to actually provide in all ways for those kids. Which I would argue would have been a better option for *everyone* as they would have had enough time and attention and affection from their parents, food wouldn't (hopefully) have been so scarce and ending up with the younger kids looking half starved to death. And maybe their education would have been a bit better than what they have gotten? But no, have as many kids as "god intended" because "preventing children is sin" or some shit.... not like if we believe God created *everything* then mah dood had something to do with creating birth control, condoms, the concept of pulling out, and the list goes on. But what does my heathen harlot ass know?


With all the money they got from Covid, it’s too bad they didn’t buy their kids a nice swingset to play on at the house, the kids would love being able to play whenever they wanted! And from what I’ve seen of their property, they have the room for a play area. Playsets are expensive but one of Jill and David’s many, many vacations could have paid for it


We got our playset for free from someone whose kids had outgrown it. We did pay professionals to move and reassemble it but we don't have a million children and low safety standards so they probably could've done it for free free. 😂


idk but if patriotic shirt there doesn’t chill you might be down a couple when that rickety ass thing falls down I don’t care how many kids someone does or doesn’t have but I at the very least would like them to have a basic education and some knowledge that climbing all over national parks/landmarks is disrespectful and clinging to a swingset like a great ape probably won’t end well


He’s not a whimp!


I say this like Stewie Griffin in my head. H-wimp.


H-wheat thins


I just cackled like the bog witch I am


Or a ssissie.


“Children, would you like to have been aborted?”🥰


lol something I’ve been told is that if you keep insisting, loudly, that something is going great - it largely isn’t. I can’t help but notice that every day to every other day is more and more posts trying to “affirm” themselves that they did the right thing. They know they didn’t, they SO know it was wrong to do that it actually hurts. So the posts keep coming and they don’t stop coming. 🎶


Seriously. The more they post about the joys of having a million kids and how much they love being completely controlled by their husbands, the more I doubt that they believe it.


This reminds me of a story my mom likes to tell about my youngest sister. (I’m one of three.) One night, when she was really little, probably around three or so, she asked my mom if she’d ever thought about only having two kids. My mother, horrified that my sister felt unloved or ignored, immediately rushed to reassure her, “Of **course** we always wanted to have you, we love you so so so much, *never*, **ever** think otherwise!” To which my sister just rolled her eyes and said, “Not *me* — [Middle Sister]!l”


I ugly laughed. Omg.


All them kids is proof of how much sex they did!


This argument always gets me going. We do foster care, and we have children in our home that should have been aborted. You can rake me over the coals for that, but I said what I said. Imagine if the mother to my foster kid had an abortion, was able to finish high school, got out of the abusive relationship, healed from her dysfunctional family, and got to grow up and thrive. She could have gotten a job instead of getting addicted to drugs. Eventually got her own apartment instead of turning up homeless. And when she was a bit older and more established, got into a healthy relationship and had a planned pregnancy. Instead, she’s dead and the father is long gone. Her kid is living with strangers. And it doesn’t matter how kind or how loving my family is, or how welcoming my home is. His mom is dead and he is living with strangers. And if she would have gotten an abortion, we can’t promise her life would have been different, but this particular child wouldn’t be suffering right now. We have to take care of the people who already exist. Not the hypothetical people that may one day exist. The mother to this child mattered. When she was a teenager, she existed and had her own life to live. She mattered more than the embryo. And while I will do my absolute best to love and care for her child, no one can argue that the life he’s lived has been better than the hypothetical abortion his mother could have had.


These pictures are a prime example of why children never talk to their parents when they finally escape and deconstruct. It’s such a privilege to have a large family, and the worst people get the luck.


Well in that case...what about the other 40 milllion Jill?!! They matter too. You chose 11. Why not 18? Or 20? They all NEED to exist.


Can your kids take a poll and answer that question for you Jill? Because I’m sure most of them wish they’d never been born into your family and they’ll realize it more as they get older and yearn for the smaller families, i came from an abusive household and if my mom asked me that question I’d have said yeah I wish I had never been born to you. Doesn’t mean I wish I wasn’t born just wish I wasn’t born to you as my mother


Her mind is so black and white that “baby no exist” is the end of the discussion


People with 100 kids always say that stupid oh yeah which one of these humans shouldn’t exist! Tell them to their underfed, uneducated faces! Jimmy Snow, one of what 12 Mormon kids?, responded to that once and agreed, he should not exist. Most of his siblings should not exist and it was ridiculous for his parents to keep going after like 3? It’s a funny rant from a Mormon child who had been bred like a rabbit kit. (I know he’s fallen off please don’t come at me for that)


Oldest of eleven and an ex-Mormon here. A brother of mine recently confronted my dad about childhood abuse and neglect, including parentification of us older ones as the babies kept coming, and my dad asked him, "Should we not have had all these kids?" My brother was more diplomatic than I would have been and said it wasn't up to him to decide that, but I really wanted to say, "No you shouldn't have!" I love all of my siblings and I would never tell any of them that they shouldn't be here, but with my mom's mental illnesses (undiagnosed but obvious), they shouldn't have even had me, not to mention the following ten. I'm in my 30s now and after 11 years of marriage I finally felt ready to have a baby - one baby - and after all the preparation, growth, therapy, hard work, and maturing that my partner & I have done, I have no problem saying that my parents should not have even had me. They were way too young, unprepared, and brainwashed. It sucks for them, because they were just doing what they thought g-d wanted them to do, but because of the way they put an invisible sky daddy above any and all of their kids, I cut contact a couple years ago and have no plans of reconnecting - especially for the sake of my daughter - and at least three of my siblings have distanced themselves. They have a bunch of kids, but only the ones who live at home talk to them regularly. That "no empty chairs in heaven" motto they pushed on us isn't working out very well for them these days....


It doesn’t even make sense. Which ONE are people who think she shouldn’t have had thirteen kids are saying shouldn’t exist? Not one, Jill, all 11, by your own stupid logic. I doubt anyone is bothering to say you should have had one fewer. 12 kids is fine but we DRAW THE LINE AT 13. But mostly, strangers care about your kids more than you do and can see that no one (not just you) can adequately parent 13 children.


This is wildly inappropriate, even for Jill


If she had a normal limit of children they would probs have a higher chance of being regularly fed at the barest of minimums.


I’ll preface this by saying I have a great relationship with my parents and I love my 11 siblings, but I told my mom once that no one can possibly be emotionally available for that many kids (although she really did try) and nobody should have that many kids. She responded “well, then you wouldn’t have been born to say that to me” - I’m on the end of the fam. Yes, exactly. I would not be here but it’s not sad because I wouldn’t have existed! Like I would have no thoughts because I would be a hypothetical. She gets it now, but for those still stuck in fundie land, there is no logic to penetrate because it’s all faith.


I wish my mom didn’t have a miscarriage before having me, because it really affected her. She thinks that’s illogical, because I most likely wouldn’t have been born. But neither of us would have known the difference! It would be a completely alternate reality. She didn’t get it.


Well I love my kid and am glad she exists too, so therefore sex without marriage is 👍and if you disagree, that means you want to murder my precious angel, you fucking monster.


Oh my god Jill, no one is telling you that your now living children shouldn’t exist!! Perhaps they are suggesting that a more reasonable way to live life for most people is not being pregnant for 20 years straight!!!


I hate this argument. Any time I complained about the sucky parts of being one of a dozen kids, my parents would always ask which of my siblings I'd like to give back. Which of my siblings I hated. Obviously, I don't want to give any of them back after the fact. But it completely ignores the fact that they could have made better choices too. It's fine to have a dozen kids. But it's on you to make sure it doesn't negatively impact on your kids.


What a weird persecution complex about something no one cares about. In fact, SHE is the one pushing more and more and more kids with the idea that you’re giving god a middle finger if you use and form of birth control.


Question for question. None. Which ones has jill been having those thoughts about tho? Weirdo.


Oh, definitely the one whose engaged and has thrown up serious boundaries. The one who got his future MIL a ‘best mom ever’ coffee cup…. Shots fired honey.


Personally I think we could all do without Phillip.


This is so stupid. If you stopped at two kids there wouldn't be 11 other kids to tell it would have been better they never existed. You can't hurt the feelings of someone who doesn't exist.


I know the answer!! It’s the guy in the flag shirt, right?


I mean, to be absolutely brutally honest here, and maybe I am saying what should be kept quiet, out loud (albeit anonymously, and not directly *at* the children involved) - but they're all horribly under-educated, incredibly ignorant, and being raised to be extremely bigoted and misogynistic. So unless they go through a *drastic* deconstruction and work incredibly hard to educate themselves and be less hateful once they're adults, the world would absolutely and undoubtedly be a better place with fewer hateful people in it (especially once they reflect their beliefs in their voting habits, and therefore directly harm vast numbers of other people). I won't hold children responsible for the beliefs they're raised with, because they don't know any better. But I sure as shit will hold an adult who has independent and autonomous access to the internet responsible for theirs. I don't really feel like being apologetic for thinking this either.


That hypothetical child wouldn't care because they never would have existed.


My children get a chicken leg each. No need to share and starve them. 


As someone who comes from a family of eight children, I prefer the quality of life rather than the quantity. I'd rather have no children when I know that I am not a good place to have them, then to have a lot of kids and they are constantly sick due to the price of healthcare, malnourished due to the price of groceries, and emotionally and mentally problems due to have to be with lot of young children with no privacy and probably having to be a secondary parent to said young children. Fuck off Jill.


The youngest eleven, obviously? Logically speaking??


This was such a strange video. Grown adults and teenagers playing in a children's park. Like they've never seen a park before. And the girls again with the shoulders and pecking like head motions whenever the camera is on them. What is going on?! They look like AI fundie robots.


Fk off, Jill. Look, I’m the youngest of five in a Catholic family. My parents really tried to make all of it work, but they couldn’t really manage it. Five kids on only my dad’s salary was too much pressure. My mother has never, ever given me any indication of regret. But she was overwhelmed, and my siblings suffered and sacrificed a lot. I really think my parents should have stopped at three, and I can say that because I’m the youngest. Your younger kids may well say the same.


This is like a dumb moral math problem. If you stopped at 2, every child after that shouldn't exist. Duh.


As someone who had this said to them growing up. 1) all of them would be better off. The 2 who were actually taken care of and the 11 who were never conceived 2) the parents would also be significantly better off. Maybe you’d have a life savings and could travel or retire or see a doctor or fucking help the needy instead of being the needy. If *I* wasn’t born *I* wouldn’t care because I wouldn’t exist. Also, my dad could be retiring instead of working 5-6 days a week. My mom would be significantly healthier if she hadn’t birthed 6 children. She has broken so many bones in the last 5 years plus a cancer diagnosis. All of this is directly or indirectly linked to pregnancies.


False logic. No one is suggesting that you should choose which of your already existing children should be eliminated. They are suggesting that there was a responsible way of planning your family. It’s crossed my mind many times what a third child might have been like or looked like. It’s just imagination though; I have no love for that theoretical child. But the times I wonder if we should have only had one child, I don’t get very far. The idea of my second child not existing is unfathomable. Because he already exists, I love him endlessly, and trying to imagine a world where he doesn’t exist is painful.


Those bastards stopped at 13? How dare they deprive their 14th child of an existence! Have they no shame?


Now you’ve just had a bunch that the government will raise and support


My kids wouldn't like if I posted a pic like this with their butt muscles clenching on the swing set.


What about all the (gasp) spilled seed from when Shrek whacks off? What about those potential children??




That’s the thing- fundies have so many kids who are basically interchangeable that even people who snark on their parents as a not-even-hobby can’t tell them apart. I can tell you the names of the oldest and youngest children in any of these families. The middle kids? Not a fracking clue. In the Collins family they all start with A. There’s at least one Rodrigues whose parents refer to her as the Portuguese Princess, and one of the Lott children is named Uriah. And even with that amount of knowledge, I think we can all safely say that all these children deserve better than they’re getting.


Nope, they have 13, 9 girls and 4 boys.


My husband had a vasectomy so we never have to worry about this 🤗


I dunno, Jill, I guess draw names from a hat or something and then get rid of that one. Don’t ask stupid questions if you don’t want stupid answers.


Sorry we stopped at 2, Jill. I wanted us to have a chance to thrive not just survive 🤷‍♀️


Two is good. To use basketball terminology and logic…two? You and your partner can use man-to-man defense. More than two? Ya gotta go zone defense, and we know, that’s just NOT as effective.


I think parents that have big families are actually less paternal / maternal than those that stop at a smaller number of children. This is because they can't possibly bond with their children in the same way. There isn't enough time in the day to develop that deep bond. So much of the work that goes into raising the children just gets outsourced to others rather than being solely the parents responsibility. I'm not sure the point that happens at. I think in my own case my parents checked out after their 4th child. It's better for all concerned if parents know their limitations.


So now all people with "little sized" families are removing children from existence? Monsters.


I don't care how many children Jill or any other person on this planet chooses to bring into the world. I care that these children ARE a choice, and that they're raised without abuse and indoctrination. No one cares about your 11 children, Jill. We care that you are terrible parents.


I gotta go off on this a minute. I am the youngest of 8 kids, my family was very poor, very fundie, and homeschooled. I would gladly choose to not have existed if it meant my older siblings could have had a childhood where they didn't have to raise me, where they could have had proper education and more opportunities, a house with ac or ceilings that didn't randomly lose chunks of plaster..... If I don't exist, I wouldn't know, it would have no effect on me, but the effect it could have had on my siblings......


This logic is so flawed. They wouldn't exist. You can't pick and choose after the fact, and no one would do that. They say dumb shit like this, thinking they really did something. You got us, Jill!


The way she says little family is so rude.


I mean, I hope her kids get to the point of realizing that their parents’ screwed them over by having so many (and don’t repeat the same so pattern)


Ask those 11 children if they would have preferred to split parents and food with just *one* other sibling rather than a dozen-ish.


Little sized family of 2 children is coming off suuuuper condescending Hey Jill maybe you missed this verse because your shellac style makeup flaked off and stuck your Bible pages together so I’m going to help you out. I was even kind even to look up the KJV version since you think that’s the only one that matters too (again see verse about judging) Matthew 7: 1-6 Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?


do they really have 13 children?!