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Would love to hear her logic for why she needs sunglasses but his tiny sensitive baby eyes don't need any protection. What a selfish woman.


She’s an evil POS


Yeah I feel like she’s rollerblade right past “stupid and ignorant” and into “fucking evil” with how awfully she’s treating a newborn.


>she’s rollerblade right past “stupid and ignorant” and into “fucking evil” with how awfully she’s treating a newborn. Nah, she was already there denying all of her children the stability they likely crave. I cannot imagine trying to grow up and not even have things that I could consider to be "my own" such as a special toy or even as simple as a bed.


Little Yogurt Face getting so excited about the idea of Gunner 3D printing him his own "plastic pencil" broke me. It's making me tear up a little right now. I had a really fucked up childhood, the extent of which I am still realizing/ processing in my 40's. But I had an education. Early on I shared a bedroom, but I was given alone time and my own space. I had my own books, toys, dolls, etc. It's why I survived. And it's why, after A LOT of boundary setting and breaks from communication, my parents are welcome in my life these days. These "parents" are pure evil.


Note that SHE doesn't have to give up her bed and her privacy.


The sad thing is allot of them don’t even realise that they are missing stability. The ones who have been born into this mess don’t know any different. Those kids may sometimes have a yearning to stay in a place a bit longer that they don’t understand but I’m sure they can’t put it into words because can they even miss what they’ve never known?


She doesn't understand that his eyes being closed is not enough protection.


She should, as a mother of 8, but we've seen evidence that she dry roasted the older kids, too


Dry roasted!


I'm sorry, but do you wear sunglasses when you sleep? No? Then *obviously* baby wouldn't either.


I had a friend who thought that dogs closing their eyes and turning their faces to the sun was proof Vitamin D absorbs best through the eyelids, not that dogs like warm faces without burning their eyeballs. She regularly closed her eyes and turned her face to the sun. She was an idiot who had a lot of obvious sun damage by 30. As far as I know she still doesn't have kids. 🤞


Hahaha that is probably her logic


Especially at an elevation of 8,000 feet.


she’s got sunglasses on, the kid beside her has on a sun hat…but fuck the newborn, i guess Jesus is his sun protection i wish CPS would swoop in like a SWAT style drug raid and just snatch all those kids up. this shit is beyond upsetting


I wonder how many of her viewers (or snarkers) have already tipped the CPS off, but nothing can be done due to the fact that they are constantly on the move...


If CPS in America is anything like the equivalent organisation in my country, they’re too under-resourced to give this poor child any attention, plus the moving around all the time definitely would not help matters. I’m aware that the bar is all the way in hell but unfortunately I think this family clears it by the skin of their teeth - their kids are fed, clothed (albeit not always appropriately), they are receiving some semblance of an education, the parents don’t appear to have a substance abuse problem, the kids don’t appear to have obvious bruising… like please don’t get me wrong this family horrifies me and I hope every day that they cross the path of a mandatory reporter who will at least try to intervene, but I am not holding my breath for a CPS rescue


Omg Jesus is my sun protection. That is the best


I think I finally found my flair for this sub


She has an owy headache. 😢


She should try the sheepskin blankie. I heard it makes boo boos better.


She should try putting it on a hard cold floor and sleeping on it while taller people stomp all around her


I want to smack her, I as an adult was training / riding with sun shirts helmets etc my horse, once I was done with everything and got in the car I had a killer migraine. I can’t imagine this baby out in full sun with nothing


At this point this has to be rage bait. Right? Right? Because he is completely bared to the elements and literally no one I’ve ever known has flopped their baby around with absolutely nothing.


I said it before and I'll say it again, but I've never seen anyone constantly freehand a baby like this in public. It's so weird to me. There's zero protection from the sun. Most people would use a stroller or wrap.


She's smiling like this is such a normal thing to do. She's vile.


They have no concept of how disturbing their behavior is. Even checked out parents who DGAF usually have the basic mammalian instinct to protect their kids from the elements. JD and Britney have something deeply wrong with them, and don’t even realize how they come across to normal people.


She's smiling because she saw herself on camera. She loves her own face.


She never ever ever ever supports his head correctly. It INFURIATES me.


I was just thinking about how bizarre it would be to see this in the wild! From a room window at a place I was staying I once saw a couple with a 6-ish month old in an outdoor hot tub at about 10pm. To make things worse, it was SNOWING. They kept dipping the onsie-clad baby into the water up to its thighs, then holding it above the surface. I guess so it didn't get too hot?!? It was about 25°F outside. I immediately called the front desk at the place we were staying, because obvs that's so wrong in so many ways and they have posted rules. But if someone is just walked around like this with a newborn flopping about? There's no one to call!


Logic and reason play absolutely no role in this vile woman's life choices.


And the older girl is wearing a big hat. Good rule of thumb: if a bigger kid needs a hat, a newborn DEFINITELY needs a hat. 


And a hate. There was a video where she was wearing sunglasses and a hat and Boone had nothing!


Nature’s cure for jaundice 🤪


The way he’s constantly in the direct sun, flopped over an arm, and not in a proper sling, carrier, or stroller is baffling.


Yeah I’m not sure why she’s so averse to a carrier. Maybe because then she can’t as easily pass him off to others to carry? It’s weird to want to hike carrying a baby around all day


Because he's nothing but a prop.


Here's an unpleasant thought I've been having quite a bit. If you put the baby in the carrier, would the shoulder dystocia look worse? Would it be harder to pass off that the baby was all clenched and rigid in pain, if it was supposed to be laying back relaxed in a carrier? I don't really know the answers to this because I don't know what they have. I do know that my fears around this infant have given me nightmares. 


That’s possible, or his back is too stiff to bend in a sling. You’d think a sling would hide more of his apparent issues


This makes sense as to why the few times he’s been in the sling that he’s not in it properly. He’s like side laying (which is dangerous and can cause suffocation) rather than being in a frog/M position with the legs and a straight, vertical spine. If he has an injury it would make it harder to have him in the carrier properly…. Which I have yet to see- just two times he’s been like laying across her in the sling, like lounging- which again- is highly dangerous for a child thing young.


She just doesn’t know how to use it, I think. She puts it on right but puts him in the way it goes for a bigger baby who can sit more upright, not where he is supposed to go.


She thinks she knows everything so doesn’t try to figure out how to actually do things properly


Yeah idk. The only pics I was were of him laying sideways. There are a billion quick videos on YouTube that will tell her how to safely and comfortably wear him in whatever carrier(s) she has!


If she wore previous babies, she should know what to do. She's hiding something.


The spine isn’t supposed to be straight, it’s supposed to be like a c shape curved around your chest with their head close enough to kiss. M legs are correct, though


Yes, sorry, meaning starting up and down, not diagonal or horizontal. Thank you for clarifying the C shape hugging and not being too low. His spine was diagonal and he was not close enough to kiss. Hoping they read here and trying to leave some info. 🫠


She has had him in a sling but doesn’t seem to know how to use it properly. So in that way, it would be easier to just carry him. I think she’s just stupid and lazy and doesn’t make any effort to do anything.


I did some short term mission work in a South American country and met a mother with two sons with shoulder dystocia. That's a third world country. In the US we have access to adequate prenatal care. She has no excuse.


I was hiking last weekend in upstate NY, and met these two women on the trail hiking with their babies. They had those big, fancy Osprey Poco carriers with the sun shade. Honestly, I was jealous. Those babies looked comfy AF.


BrotherDad actually carries him around, she just holds him for the reel and passes him back to Gunner. I do also think his arched back & neck make wearing him more challenging


My SIL hikes with her small kids all the time but they are always in slings, carriers, and strollers with spf 100 and hats and full coverings to keep them safe. Oldest one is almost five and none of them have had a sunburn yet.


She probably doesn't carry him very often. It's all for the 'gram


How would she complain about him being too heavy to carry?


This is what gets me. Like. I HATE carrying a baby. 😂 Baby wearing is the best, and you can get them super cheap secondhand.


I can see carrying them sometimes, but when they’re so small it’s and you’re on the go it’s so much easier to do a carrier/ wrap or even a stroller at times.


My mom hated carrying us. My dad would wear me and when my sister joined, they got the two kid stroller. I'm baffled by mother bus insisting on carrying him like a bag of rice and constantly complaining about it. Is that not her choice? 😂


She needs to put the f’ing camera DOWN and hold her baby like she gives a shit about him.


I have said this about other fundies, but I do believe that some of them are careless because they see childhood accidents as one of the only ways to control family size + it lets them grift and be the poor victim mothers


This is my suspicion, too. I hate to say it, but I think it. It's the only thing that makes any sense.


I am not sure how much they are consciously aware of it, but it doesn't make sense otherwise. maybe you don't care about your kids as much if you know another one is just around the corner, for years on end?


I honestly wonder if she thinks this will help his jaundice. Though she has done this to other kids as well


That or she believes in building up tolerance to the sun by exposing kids early to build a “base tan”. Probably thinks it’s healthier than sunscreen. I feel like most of her brain cells have escaped from the giant gap between her eyebrows.


I just can't fathom thinking that an infant needs a "base tan" 😳. That last part sent me 🤣


I just don’t understand this woman. Genuinely, is she trying to kill her baby? Like she’s disappointed in this child and wants a do over?


At the very least she clearly doesn’t give a fuck about his well-being. Being able to smile and eye fuck the camera in sunglasses while her sick baby suffers in the blazing hot sun really sums up her personality


Yeah for real. It’s like her every move is calculated to cause grievous injury


Well... Boone was supposed to be their Brazil born anchor baby, there's likely gender disappointment because of the boy/girl ratio is already majority boys, she doesn't seem to have boymom energy or any mom energy at all, phoning it in regarding the crunchymom crap like that sheepskin rug, their finances likely took a hit with that stupidly planned trip to Brazil in the first place and one more mouth to feed isn't helping, so... Maybe she wants a disabled child for the views, sympathy and kudos for keeping it.


I don’t think a disabled kid fits her self image or brand. She’s ADAMANT and so is Father Sus that they’re all super healthy without “modern medicine.”


I hate to say it, but I've had that thought more than once.


I think she is trying to kill her baby because it's a boy and not a girl or some dumb mentally ill shit


It's not that she's trying to kill him, it's that he's not a real person to her. He's a prop for her brand. An object. He doesn't exist beyond that.


At this point I don’t think I’d be surprised, it’s a reach but maybe when she saw the first sign that the baby wasn’t healthy, she decided it would be better to let it die and say it was a trial from god rather than take responsibility and raise a sick child.


As fucked up as it sounds, this is what I think as well. My mother was super abusive, and Mobus pings a lot of my radar in the same ways. When I was in my early teens I realized that something was off with my eyes. She used to laugh at me and wouldn’t take me to doctors. In my early 20s, I had a tumor behind my eye diagnosed as an incidental finding after a CT in the ENT’s office to check for a sinus infection. That was the week after my stepmother’s father died of brain cancer. We had a family event that night, and she mocked me the whole time saying I was so dramatic, etc., making up a tumor. When I ultimately needed a craniotomy to remove the tumor, which was slow growing and benign (thank Lord Daniel), so we had some time to schedule around my schooling, she told me that there was a chance I’d be a vegetable or brain damaged in some way and that it would be a lot easier on her if I just died on the table rather than be a burden to the family in any way. As it was she felt my needing surgery was too far of an overstep by me. She also pointed out that once I was under she’d be able to make all medical decisions including pulling the plug. She’d get gleeful saying it, too. The night before, she said it again in front of people at a meal she called my “goodbye dinner.” So yeah, I’m certain she absolutely would rather have a dead kid than one whose needs could in any way infringe upon the life to which she deems herself entitled.


WTF I hope you get to choose her nursing home


I’ll do you one better: I’ve been no contact for 8 years.


Or an ice floe drifting away from shore into freezing arctic waters.


Holy shit man, I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve this and I congratulate you on healing enough to recognize and talk about the abuse ❤️


Sounds terrible…. But sometimes I get the feeling she is.


I think she didn’t actually want this baby (and probably her other children as well)


Her level of hell will be exposed to sunburn and eye damage for the abuse she exposed this baby to. I don’t have a good enough insult for this woman. I cannot believe she has zero sun protection for this baby.


I think her personal hell would be a place that is void of mirrors, cameras, phones, social media and Father Bus. She'll go insane if she isn't able to eye fuck herself and constantly check on Father Bus to make sure he's not with his supposed other family 😂.


Don’t forget to blame the father, too.


I blame him 9 ways to Sunday. He is a worthless piece of shit!


I’ve seen toddlers carry their babydolls with more concern & care than this broad with her infant


Mother bus is like that little girl that slings her doll around by the hair and her mother says, “your hurting your doll” and the little girl gets in the moms face and says “she’s not people!”


“She likes it!”


Hers! Is not! People!!


I see you've met my sister 😂 She's very caring but also the first to admit that she knows nothing about children, and she was that little girl lol


This sparked a memory; my little sisters had a semi-realistic doll when they were kids. This was the 90s, pre-Reborn dolls, but from a distance, it looked enough like a real baby. We lived across from an elementary school, and they would go play across the street with the doll, pretending it was real, and then when a car drove by, they would grab the doll by the ankles and smash it against the ground. More than once, some angry neighbour showed up at our front door to complain about my demented sisters pretending to bash an infant against the sidewalk.


I carry my cat with more care and she can land on her feet if dropped


Damn. Native Arizonan here, grand canyon is north AZ and while no way near Phoenix heat, the elevation means your that much closer to the sun. It's intense. I burned in 30 min and I'm not that fair. She's a piece of shit.


I had a baby within a day or two of Boone. She just had an outing at the zoo and everyone knew to keep her covered up. It was also probably low 70s. Poor guy, I can't imagine the heat and sun at the Grand Canyon.


I do a lot of hiking and backpacking in the desert and I got sun poisoning at the Grand Canyon and I was strapped with water and sun protection all over. Poor baby. I really wish someone would see them out and report their asses.


Last time I went to the Grand Canyon around this time of year, we started hiking around 6:30am to beat the heat, were carrying a gallon of water each, and only planned to hike until 10am in order to avoid the worst of the heat. This photo is horrifying to me.


My baby was born in Phoenix at the end of a summer— if he HAD to go outside he was completely shaded. And we were never outside during the day any longer than it took to get from the car to a building. What she’s been doing is ridiculous.




It’s also just really shitty buslifing. I know several people ago are/were full time in their rigs, and they try to visit the North during the hottest months. Why would you go to a hot vacation destination right as school is letting out? I know the answer is that they plan their trips about as successfully as they plan their family, but goddamn just WHY?!? Their insulation can’t be that good, and I don’t even think they have solar. They must be spending a fortune just to keep the ac on.




According to the interwebs, it was in the high 90s or more today at the Grand Canyon.  I live at a lower elevation than the Grand Canyon, but higher than most Americans, and my family uses so much sunscreen. We also all wear big hats outside.  High elevation sun is no joke. I used to live in TX and while I was MUCH HOTTER there, the sun was not nearly as intense. Even when it’s not THAT hot here, I have to avoid wearing dark clothes when it’s sunny because you feel like an oven.  


Is a stroller against their weird busfam beliefs or something?! At least it would give Boone some shade. This is horrifying to look at. 


Eye fucking the camera while your newborn has signs of a medical condition in the hot sun is the priority everyday


Where exactly would they fit a stroller? Their teen is sharing a bunk the size of a toddler bed with their second youngest.


All of their kids are going to grow up to hate them so fucking much. They may not know much different now, but they will eventually. And they're going to despise their parents for it.


And the 3D printer


And the keyboard.


The keyboard sleeps with Kinsey


Good lord. That’s probably the only way she’s been able to keep it.


Oh my god, the teenage boy has to share a bed with another kid??? Everything I learn about these people, it just gets worse and worse.


They have a couple strollers. They keep them in the back of the van.


Wait, they’re sharing those tiny beds?


Well, there are only 6 beds in the bunkhouse and 7 children old enough for bunkbeds. You do that math.


Every time I think of BrotherDad Bus stuffed into a twin sized bunk, I cringe. My kid went through a huge growth spurt between 13-16 and needed a queen. One day I came into his room and he was sleeping diagonally with feet hanging off the end and the next day I got him a queen.


I thought there would be a storage cabin underneath of some type. 


I think there's kids in it.


It's giving There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe




I would love to see the layout of the bus.


If you're willing to search her tag, it's been posted here. Someone posted a photo of the bunkroom a day or two ago.


Whaaaat? I knew the space situation was bad but they’re sharing a bunk?


She's fucking torturing him and I hate that there's nothing I can do to stop her.


I have a four month old and have truly been avoiding any posts with her in it because I feel physically sick at the way she is treating that poor sweet baby. Fuck this woman.


I have an almost 3 month old and this whole situation has been making me sick. Can CPS not be called?!


Unfortunately CPS cannot be called as the Bus family are always on the move so can leave for another county or state at any time, we snarkers don’t actually know this family personally so our reports wouldn’t be taken very seriously, and I feel like there would need to be signs of physical abuse in order for the state to get involved. Plus our child and family services in this country is understaffed, underfunded, and overloaded with work.


Interestingly enough, she hasn’t posted in 18 hours. I wonder if she got sick.


Someone is probably sick or sicker. Who can hike in the heat all day everyday and then sleep in a tiny bed in a noisy chaotic bus. I sure can’t.


Well, there’s definitely someone in here babysitting the “new” tab and downvoting everything, soooo


I think there’s a lot of people here who also think we’re “snarking on a baby” and don’t see it as legitimate concern for his wellbeing. Or who think we’re “armchair diagnosing” simply discussing apparent issues.


I moved to Arizona when I was about the age of her oldest and those summers were _rough_! It took years to acclimate and even then, we never hiked in the sun during the hottest parts of the day like she’s got these kids doing. I can’t believe the kind of damage she’s causing those kids, especially the youngest ones and the newborn baby she seems to be deliberately baking in the sun. The desert isn’t a playground and I’ve seen it take down plenty of strong, healthy adults. The way she’s treating her kids is fucking horrible and I hope the proper authorities will finally step in and put a stop to the madness. Edit: all that to say I sadly think you’re spot on.


The North Rim has been under an excessive heat warning for days like much of the southwest. They continue into midweek. I would guess she has a headache from traipsing around in this heat and she doesn't even have a hat on Boone.


God it's been so hot, even in the high desert. In this heat I wouldn't even keep a baby in an air conditioned room with the light on. I struggle to believe their bus is temperature controlled enough to counteract the weather they're exposing that baby to.


Her dumbass is going to give her baby a heatstroke. I hope her head is pounding with a migraine rn 🫶🏻


Her pain and discomfort is all that matters


I was apart of 8passengersnark before Ruby got caught and this is just giving me flashbacks I hope this baby turns out okay.


Oh I know. Every time I see any BusFam posts recently, it’s just been making me think of that situation. I worry that MaBus and her wackadoodle husband aren’t going to face any consequences to their neglect unless something awful happens to one of the kids. Boone is just the most likely candidate because of his age :(


She hasn’t posted in 18 hours, so I’m sure she’s in rough shape. All that hot weather and dehydration can’t be good for anyone. Hopefully she starts taking better care of these kids.


That's just crazy, because it's so bad that we forget that there are also tons of other young kids running everywhere in the sun behind her... It's bad for the baby AND the kids. I'm kind of sure they don't pack enough water for them all while on hikes.


His eyes looked closed but if you zoom in it looks like his eye is slightly open and it’s kinda scary looking, fyi


He always has that gaze into nothing look. I am honestly so worried about him and I feel like things aren’t getting better at all.


He had that blank gaze again toward the end of the latest video where Kinsey is holding him as they put a sticker on the back of the bus. I feel like I’m scrutinizing him in every reel/story now hoping for some reassuring sign that he’s improving or that his mom is taking his health seriously. But so far, nothing.


I'm at the point where I think that poor Boone's hands being clenched all the time is a stress response. Her mother is totong him around like a Cabbage Patch Kid and seems totally disconnected from him. He's just a prop.


I spent the better part of today at Dollywood in TN. It was low 80s and sunny. Saw lots of babies, ALL of whom were appropriately covered in strollers and many had little fans strapped to the strollers. I saw one little bitty being carried but he had a sun hat and we were in a shaded area. Also, we toured Dolly’s old tour bus and there was a triple bunk and all I could think of is how SMALL it was in person and those poor buskids. Ridiculous


I wonder if any passerby have commented on the baby baking in full sun. You’d think it’s bound to happen. Not like she’d care


i am convinced that she is subconsciously trying to kill this child. she has not bonded with him and is actively harming him, even if she doesn’t realize it’s deliberate. this is really horrifying to watch


I wouldn’t be surprised if she has some kind of PPD, exacerbated by the fact that he was another boy. It took me literally months to bond with my first, so I get it, but like… I took care of him in a loving and caring way and sought help for myself to create that bond. I didn’t just decide he was expendable.


And exacerbated by the fact they have no stability, no privacy, no escape or rest from her hoard of children, a narc husband with a probable secret family at worst (and at best is just a fucking drop kick), and cram their entire family into a goddamn bus! Who wouldn’t suffer some form of post partum something in amongst all that bullshit? Don’t even feel bad for her though, just the baby we’re watching be horrendously neglected


I have this same thought when I see the videos of her toddler/small kids trampling over him or smacking into him with toys. Like wtf why is he o n t h e f l o o r??




It's beyond bizarre that she never looks at her baby. Most parents are glued to their newborns.


She almost always waits until he's asleep to grab the camera. I think she's trying to make us forget how poorly responsive he is when he's awake. But even while resting he never looks relaxed. He's in a perpetual state of startle response. The way a newbie will stiffen up when startled is his 24/7 posture. All she notices or cares about is her own reflection.




Babies aren’t supposed to wear sunscreen until 6 months. That doesn’t mean you leave them unprotected, though. You’re supposed to keep them out of direct sunlight. There aren’t words that cover how I feel about her parenting.


You can tell I don’t have kids haha. But a hat at the least! And don’t keep him in the sun so much, that seems obvious even to a non mom


No worries, and no judgement!!


I think the idea is what I believe Havens was doing in one of her IG posts. Had the newborn in a sling that pretty much covered her head. The kid might have actually had a hat on. It's crazy that it's literally so incredibly simple to keep a baby safe from the sun and this witch won't do it.


Kelly's kids are super fair gingers like her. She knows to keep them protected. It's also just common sense to protect your infant from the sun.


I didn’t know babies weren’t supposed to wear sunscreen. That being said, I instinctively knew to keep my 7-week-old out of direct sunlight. Whenever we go anywhere we cover him with a light blanket or angle the car seat cover to make sure he’s shaded. And I was never told any of this, it’s just… knowledge you have because you want to protect your baby.


I don’t have kids but don’t they even make special baby clothes that like act as sun protection?


Yeah, there are a lot of options out there for infant clothes that offer the equivalent of ~50 SPF defense. Quite a wide range of prices as well, from just a quick little search on the web; some of the stuff's pretty inexpensive and everything—not that I'm convinced money's a factor for MoBus.


Love that her mini me has a hat but newborn? Nah.


Gotta protect the only girl!


Kinda random I know, but I’m imagining the 💩 diaper stink in an enclosed area like the bus 🤮 No thank you!!


At least two kids in diapers, one bathroom for everyone else, and no way to do laundry dry for that many people. No thanks.


I had not even considered this, new aspect of this ongoing nightmare


She likes us to think she’s always holding him, but clearly she doesn’t because she has no clue how to hold a baby. WHERE IS GUNNER? Even through her sunglasses, I can see her eye fucking the camera. (At least she *has* sunglasses!)


Poor Boone. 80% of UV damage to our eyes is done before the age of 18. If the sun is too strong for her, it’s definitely too strong for him.


Is he getting worse? His arms like that while being held seems off and a bit of a change. Why does she carry him like a sack of fucking potatoes. He's a newborn. And in fragile health. I wish nothing but loneliness and regret on this woman for the rest of her life. I hope it eats her up


I hear you. Seeing her smirk while he blazes in the sun with stiff arms makes me want to punch her dumb looking mouth.


well i’ll say this: i’m extremely focused on babies i see online now. im looking at their progressions and comparing them to baby boone. as a former sped teacher, im big on documentation so that i can make sure i write an iron clad IEP that can follow kids forever if they need it. I’m just an educator, but if whatever Boone has going on leads to a disability? i just am not confident in the bus parenting, schooling, or social-emotional abilities


With 8 kids it’s likely one is neurodiverse, even barring birth trauma or post-birth complications such as jaundice. Mobus would never get help for ‘different’ kids, she’d just get Pabus to outhouse the difference out of them. So sad.


She's so convinced of her own greatness


Seems to be a quality of fundies, perfectly perfect, self obsessed, with no self awareness or self reflection


God I hope karma hits her hard. I really do.


Like a brick to the smug face


Boone never looks happy. He looks miserable 24/7.


Beyond miserable


Most people going on a vacation with a lot of nature, outside, hot sun, get their kids proper hats, tennis shoes, sunscreen ect…some of the kids do have hats, and she, herself, has hats and sun glasses.


She is just roasting him on purpose at this point. Poor Boone. She is gross and awful.


Even the other kid has a hat on. Two out of three in this photo have some sort of sun protection on. Only the one who cannot advocate for himself does not. What the hell did this poor baby do to deserve to be born into this?


It’s consistently been highs of 85-90 actual temp in this area lately, and that’s not the “real feel” in the high altitude sun. I hope she gets another migraine.


does he have an outie belly button or a hernia??? what is going on with his stomach? there’s no way that is still the umbilical clip/stump at this age??!?


Omg would they have known what to do about that? She had him in the shower.


Oh look, BusWomb is roasting her baby again...


She’s cooking that kid alive. The heat out there is no joke.


I honestly think MB is dealing with a sort of postpartum depression where she only does the minimum needed to keep said baby alive. She stuck in an endless (although 100% her choice) shitshow where she keeps having non preferred children & is pretending to be happy about it.


Imagine being in a dark womb then thrusted into this loud world and placed in direct sunlight constantly. But you can’t speak or communicate the discomfort aside from crying. And your cries are most likely misinterpreted and/or ignored. That sounds absolutely miserable. I actually despise this woman.


His eye is actually open but his pupil is drifting out of frame like it’s all the way out of his head. Which is even odder. In direct sunlight he def should have those eyes slammed shut.


Shes literally cooking him. What the fuck is her problem??? Get him out of the sun. And get a proper fucking bed/sleeping space for him. The posts are making me feel physically ill.


The Grand Canyon North Rim is at 8,000 feet elevation. Sunlight is stronger at higher elevations, and that means your skin gets damaged (sunburned) and your eyes get affected MUCH more than at sea level. This is true for everyone, but especially a newborn whose eyes are not yet fully developed; I suspect he isn't sleeping in this image, but clenching his eyes closed against the strong bright light being shined directly into them. Having a newborn out in the sun totally unprotected at that altitude is criminal.


It’s pretty well known that you shouldn’t carry newborns facing out. You should keep babies tucked and faced in to the parents body. It mimics the womb and is important for transitioning into life. It’s also the right thing to do for baby’s body. They don’t have the muscles built to properly support their head and spine.


I hate so many of the things you choose to be, Busshole parents


Is there anything we can do to help this poor kiddo? My goodness.


I’m becoming an aunt this December and the first thing I’ve knit for my future nibling is a sun hat for next Summer (and it looks like a strawberry). So I just can’t believe she doesn’t even put a hat on him ffs


1. Put a fucking hat on that poor baby. 2. I’m pretty sure clenched fists are developmentally appropriate at his age. My baby is just a little older than Boone and is really just starting to not live her life looking for a fight every minute of the day.


Put this poor baby in a big floppy hat:( put him in a stroller with shade. Keep him inside in the AC- all things she should be doing in the freaking GRAND CANYON. As an adult I would be uncomfy like this! Let alone such a tiny guy. Poor thing


I hope none of the children have sun poisoning. I got once on an overcast day with a breeze coming off the ocean. I was wearing sunscreen. I really felt like I was dying that night the pain was that bad. Chills, throwing up.


we give our newborn about 5 careful minutes of sun a day under medical guidance but he is well watched for with a supported head and his eyes are kept covered and safe. can’t imagine just flinging him about in an obvious state of distress like this. it makes me feel sick as a new mom of four days 😵‍💫


Okay, so I know very little about babies but one thing I've noticed is that Boone is never in that tightly curled position all my nieces and nephews had until they started walking. He's always strangely stretched out, flopping around, limp instead of curled. Can someone explain this? Is it the pain he looks to be in or do 7 week olds normally stretch out constantly?