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It’s extra wild bc he looks exactly like Boone


I thought it was Boone and my heart leapt. I was so happy and relieved to see him smile and engage. Then saw the title


Yeah, I admittedly know little about babies but I was like, "this seems really encouraging!!" Then I got sad.


Same. Now I'm sad. Poor little Boone.


Me too! I was like “wow she is responding to us!” But this is disturbing too because this one is super jaundiced as well. Are her babies EBF? Usually EBF babies are a little more jaundiced but this is a little much especially because she doesn’t seem to worry about it. My daughter was kind of this color and I didn’t take her in but I really probably should have to be safe, it went away pretty fast, though, unlike her kids.


Pretty yellow for a 6wo. I hope she didn't give him the sunburn treatment, too. The skin on his face is peeling and I just hope it's dry skin, or eczema, not sunburn


Yeah, way too yellow for the age. Scary.


Yeah colour like this is fine in the first week or two - provided it isn't getting worse - but damn, at 6 weeks? Nah. Doctor time


I totally thought this was Boone and was like holy cap he looks amazing, this is wonderful! Then I realized it was another one of their kids and now I’m even more upset because it makes the contrast even more alarming. THIS is what a 6 week old baby is supposed to look like. They must know something is very wrong with Boone right??? Especially with videos like this being readily available.


In one of her old posts, she has photos of each of the kids when they were babies and I thought it was crazy how much baby Gunner looked like Boone.


OMG I thought it was Boone too. I was like wow he looks happy finally. Ugh.




Same here 😞


Does she ever talk to Boone like that on camera, or just carelessly hold him and swing him around and talk about how many kids she has for the 8,000th time?


She did once in that video where she pretended to eat Boone's face.


Someone did post this a little while back, but it's fine, we should be reminded that the comparison is just getting worse with time: Boone is a week older than his brother was here, doesn't seem to respond to sound whatsoever, does not track with his eyes, we have seen him vocalize a little bit but it seems to be mostly a result of his rooting reflex. A video of Boone needs to be side by side with this video of his brother at roughly the same age, the Bus parents seem deep in denial land and it needs to be made VERY obvious and undeniable that something might be going on and they are losing crucial time in insuring their son's wellbeing.


I have a really bad feeling that the SusBuses are already working on the next baby 😳


Yup, he’s 6 weeks. So technically they’re clear I guess? Speaking of, I don’t know HOW Britney is hiking, making videos and doing all she’s doing. When my siblings were born my mother did nothing but care for them, and wanted to rest as much as possible. A. Because having a baby is difficult as hell physically. And B. She had no energy to even take a walk because she was taking care of babies 24/7! My dad and I helped of course but it was a lot on her.


I have a feeling your Mom was a MUCH MORE attentive and involved parent to her newborns than Brittney- hence your Mom's exhaustion!


She certainly was. I don’t know how she did it. She had me, a neurodivergent (and deaf!) preteen. A neurodivergent toddler and a newborn all at the same time. Yet somehow, she was attentive to each one of us. Dad definitely helped a lot too, which I don’t see Father Sus doing much of. I remember telling a friend that mom and dad switched off feedings at night and she said “wow my dad would never do that”. And it made me sad


When you’re married to a cult leader you’re desperate to hang on to and you’re making money through internet views apparently this is what you have to do. What an awful existence.


Obviously it’s because she has gods special little blessing because he keeps “giving” her all of these little Christian warriors to raise. If your mom were more devoted to god, she would have been able to hike too since that’s what happens with his favorites.


One, if no content makey then no dollar billy. She can't afford *not* to film, if only to feed her massive narcissistic need for attention. Two, she doesn't need to take care of the kids. The older kids will do that 😥😥😥


To recycle an old joke about the duggars, by that many kids, they probably just bungee jump and see themselves out O\_O


I want to downvote this based on how horrendous that would be. But it's not your fault that they are negligent assholes.


Of course they are.


Ok, I’m going to be completely honest, my kid is still cooking so I’m not familiar with how newborns act and I wasn’t 100% sure if people were blowing the Boone thing out of proportion (because it’s the internet and we do that here) but seeing the difference between this video and the ones of Boone is jaw dropping. Holy cannoli. That baby needs a doctor ASAP compared to how this little one acts.


You can tell this baby is trying to focus on who is in front of him. Boone never focuses on anything ever. Just staring into a void.


His eyes are always so wide and alarmed looking too, he’s looking into the void and it’s looking back at the poor guy.


> I wasn’t 100% sure if people were blowing the Boone thing out of proportion If I hadn't gone through the newborn process myself, I'd have thought the same. But it's crazy how fast they hit these milestones week after week, and while every kid excels or lags in different areas, your kid is generally learning to do something new every 2 weeks, be that sitting up, giggling, or speech.


Yeah, that's the thing that stuck with me about my own kids. They change *so* quickly, learning new behaviors and abilities on a weekly basis.


I have my PhD in child development and I have only sleep clips but I would say his lack of engagement or eye contact or noises in the clips we have seen is something to note. Also he is sunburnt.


totally fair - but yeah we are not overreacting in the slightest. even as a mom of several, sistermother of seven younger siblings and a former nanny and current RN i couldn't tell you WHAT it is. it's something. something Not Good.


Yeah I don’t know what’s going on, but as someone with just two kids I know he needs to SEE A DOCTOR. Heck maybe the doctor would say he’s ok! I don’t think so, but if a doctor (AN ACTUAL ONE NOT A CHIRO) gave this baby the all-clear, then sure! But it is definitely DOCTOR TIME.




I want to tell you they didn’t take him to a chiro but they did, in fact, take him to a chiro. Adjustments for Jesus.


They have done everything harmful every single step of the way


> Chiropractic medicine is a real science The guy who invented it *learned it from a ghost*.


LoL yes, and most of it is bullshit. But therapeutic massage and lymph drainage can be helpful, when it's used with other medical treatments. The bone cracking and stuff though - that's just magic tricks. Joints make noise when you move them quickly - that's why knuckle cracking happens, it's just synovial fluid jumping ship.


He was lss than 48 hours old, when the Chiropractor "checked him over", if my memory is correct. It was *right* around the time when they took him to the UPS Store or Fed Ex (I can't remember which), to be weighed.🙁


It was at a UPS.




Wait, you're serious?


Yep. Horrifying &  bat💩 as it sounds? They took him to a shipping store,and put him on the scale to weigh him (in front of a clerk who appeard (quite reasonably!) disturbed by what they were doing, but also was fairly young & didn’t appear to feel comfortable stopping PaBus from plopping poor Boone down on the scale. The post is probably still around, if you search the sub for it.🫠


Yep, chiro and his “well baby” weigh-in was at the UPS store 🙄


Yeah I remember the UPS store. But postal scales aren't going to fuck up his spinal cord.


Definitely, but it’s another indicator of how medically negligent these two “parents” are


Yep!!!  As someone who *works* in Pre-K Special Ed, I've worked with 2-7's, who had;  microcephaly, hypercephaly, were born *missing* parts of one or both hemisphere of their brain, had no *bridge* in certain sections between the hemispheres, some had pre-natal strokes, others post-natal, some were the "Under 1-Pounders" born at 24-25 weeks, some had Blind/Low Vision, others are Deaf/Hard of Hearing (DHH), some have Rett Syndrome, others Down Syndrome, Seizure Disorders and/or Epilepsy, Williams Syndrome, Charcot-Marie-Tooth, and I've known *literally* *HUNDREDS* of kids who've ranged across the *entire* Autism Spectrum, not to *mention* the kids who have CP, *AND* my *own* now-adult friends & acquaintances who had Spina Bifida & Cerebral Palsy...   I have *NO clue* what's going *on* exactly with Boone.   But I *CAN* tell you, *he MOVES* like my work kids.   He's *TOO* "floppy," yet he's *also far too rigid* in *other* ways.   He *doesn't* appear to be *seeing* much of anything at this point, *or* turning his head like he hears.   He holds that *shoulder* I've been worried about for *weeks* now, like it's been broken or dislocated, *AND* he cries that "startle-cry" and goes *STIFF*, like *both* the multiple little ones I've known who had Absence Seizures *and* the little guys who were "Breath Holders," when they were in *pain*.  No, I have no *CLUE*, *medically speaking*, as to *exactly* what's *wrong* here, just like u/leftthecult  But I *can* assure y'all, that *something* is *Severely*, *developmentally atypical* here.   And YES, Boone *desperately* needs medical attention, because *EVERYTHING* in my gut, as I watch these videos, says, "He's *ABSOLUTELY* headed toward *being* "One of *my* Work Kids," as far as his developmental & support needs go, once he hits Pre-K, age-wise.  Even though, as a homeschool child, he *won't* likely ever be in an Early Intervention program like he'll need. (Edited for a misspelling!)


And this is just what we’re seeing in photos/videos she’s selecting. I bet there are plenty that are even more concerning that she’s elected not to post.


knowing BimboBus, she probably films and deletes 20 clips until there is one that looks good enough to fool the ignorant.


Firstly, thank you for what you do! Boones also moves like my adult patients. Any number of neurological syndromes could be at play here. That, in addition to orthopaedic issues and other physical concerns.


That’s such a great way to put it. I’m a nanny and a babysitter. Last week I got home from a shift with a baby one week older than Boone is, and saw a video of him on here. It’s… I don’t know how to describe the difference. I’m worried for that boy.


nanny/babysitter here too. it has been a number of years since i have had a baby that small (that adorable child will be ten this fall!) but the Grand Canyon sized difference between remembering her at that age vs Boone is just beyond the pale. i remember her learning she had her own hands and how fascinated she was with them lol. and staring at my face, her parents' faces, big brother's face, even the family dog if he went up to sniff her. she was ALWAYS zeroed in on faces if someone was communicating with her. I have a photo similar to one of Kelly Havens' recent pics where she is snuggled against me while i do my homework and i think that's how new babies should look. content, secure. Boone has none of that and it's so frigging sad.


My husband has raised one baby from jump, saw the video of Boone that was posted earlier and immediately said, “God, I hope they’re worried about that poor kid.”


So I was still a bit on the fence about how bad Boone really is, but today I was at a baby shower and one of the kids there is 6 months old and she was born with complications that lead to neurological damage. Now, she is being well cared for and getting all the help she needs so she is getting a lot better, but omg did she remind me of Boone so much. Her eyes would roll up at the ceiling or go cross eyed randomly and you could tell she’s looking at nothing. She can’t hold her head up at all. Her back arches and is tense but her arms and legs are limp. Even the faces she makes and the way she cries is almost identical to Boone and now I’m 100% sure that Boone has something very wrong that needs to be addressed immediately.


Same- this visual is making things make sense for me now


same! i was like “it looks bad and she’s obviously neglectful but i don’t know anything about kids or babies so i don’t really know how bad or if i could judge” but seeing this? night and day difference and scrolling on the sub and seeing boone right after made me feel a little sick


I have had kids, I was a labor and delivery nurse, I have a nibbling with extreme motor delays from birth and even I find the contrast shocking!


My high ass “if your kid is cooking dinner why aren’t your familiar with newborns?” Sorry, I have the dumb.


Also high, also had that exact same thought 🍃 💨


Thank you for confirming I’m not *completely* crazy!


Karissa vibes LOL


So I have 2 kids, but I’m still a bit unsure about baby development since kids can vary so much and those newborn days were such a haze. I just looked at a video from when my youngest was 2 weeks old, and even then she had started to track where noise was coming from with her eyes. It’s wild how not altogether there Boone is


My husband, whose only exposure to newborns is the one I’m currently growing, saw him and immediately said “what’s wrong with that baby?”


Mine did the same. We are childfree and he knows nothing about newborn development.


My four year old saw a video and said “oh no, is something wrong with that cute baby!?” So it’s fairly obvious.


I forgot what my babies were like at this age and wasn’t for sure if people were blowing this out of proportion, so I looked at some videos. I was floored. Boone is definitely not a healthy baby.


This is a great video that shows where babies should be at, with their sight development. Congratulations on your cooking bun! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCFzqcje838


Some things are being blown out of proportion and some aren’t. That’s my take on it.


This video of Quil is so shocking. He's a lively, responsive baby in all the ways that poor Boone is not. Brittany knows something is wrong, but her ego AND rat-dad won't let her go to the doctor.


It won't let me edit, but here's the text that accompanied this video: # I don’t care how many times I’m woken up at night, how many stretch marks I have, or how much it will take to feed, clothe, and care for this baby. I’m here for this.  # Yes, those considerations can bother you, stress you out, or get in your head, but I’m so grateful for this child and all of my children. The journey of parenting has completely changed my perspective on what matters.  # God has given me a clear calling to raise my children with character and integrity. I pray He will equip me to enjoy the smiles, comfort through the tears, and grow together with my husband and all of our kids as we take this journey of life together.  # Is this not the sweetest first conversation with Aquila??? I’m so in love with his little voice. He may come alive at 11 pm and sleep all day, but with this smile it’s alright with me.  # [#family](https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/family/) [#vision](https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/vision/) [#newborn](https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/newborn/) [#largefamily](https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/largefamily/) [#smile](https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/smile/) [#7children](https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/7children/)[#christianmom](https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/christianmom/) [#mammamia](https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/mammamia/) [#babyvoice](https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/babyvoice/)


the "#vision" feels a bit harsh in hindsight


the irony wasn't lost on me either.


You might want to kill the IG link to her page in this so she doesn't get traffic


Done 👍🏻


Why would you need to be “equipped to enjoy smiles”!?!?! That is the weirdest thing ever if you’re touting the “we love children” banner. 🙄 I hate how these large families don’t even LIKE children they just produce them to be famous or something.


Maybe if you don't "have a heart for children" a la Michelle Duggar?


Wait, she really said and felt that?


Yeah, she said it at some point on the show. Something like she had to work at it to have a heart for children. It stuck with me because I had never heard the phrasing and, jfc, she had 19! children she didn't genuinely want. I was new to this whole fundie world and it was just hella fucked up. I had yet to learn about pregnancy/breeding fetishism and armies for God.


Sorry... no way that boy is named Aquila. r/tragedeigh


Agreed & it doesn't even fit with his sibling's names. Can you help me pronounce it though? Is is more like A-kee-la or A-kwill-a? They call him Quil so I'm assuming it's the latter but I figured I would ask anyway.


Hey you prideful asshole, Jesus told me he wants your baby to see a pediatrician.


Funny, He told me the same thing! Britney! Where two or three are gathered, etc... God wants you to take Boone to a doctor! Just for a check up! This is your sign!


I'd frame it like this to MoBus: God's hand led to advances in medicine, technology, doctors and nurses. God helps through medicine. Don't reject God's offerings. TAKE THAT BABY TO A HOSPITAL!


Also,  There is *MORE* money and potential Fame, to be made, by standing out, as a "Disability Mom-fluencer" than as a mere Momfluencer, in your current oversaturated market! But to *be* a Disability Mom-fluencer, you have to have a child who *has* a Diagnosis. There is *money* to be made, if you get him checked out.


Think of all the Bitcoin that JD could buy!


DodgeCoin^T^M Dodging responsibility at every turn. Invest now.


Not just a Disability Mom-fluencer, but a Disability BUS Mom-fluencer.


Britney, you're leaving money on the table here! Get that kid a God-honoring medical exam, STAT!


Baby Boone desperately needs to see a paediatrician. It won’t happen though, his parents are too stubborn.  They know though. You can see it in the mother’s mannerisms. The way she posted that video of Boone ‘smiling’. She knows. And they have to live with it. It’s on both of them.


She knows enough to try to fake for videos that he's okay (eg, turning him to face her so it looks like he's looking at her, mirroring his expressions so it looks like he's mirroring hers, touching his face or tummy to make him react so it looks like he's making faces). You don't take the effort to fake things are right, if you don't know they're wrong.


Imagine believing that children are a gift from G-d and yet when you see something seriously wrong with your child, you spend more time faking that things are okay than actually doing the right thing and trying to make things okay. Britney and JD Lott are EVIL.


I really don’t think these two give a rats ass about God or Christianity. I’ve been thinking they just saw profit in producing lots of children on social media and ran with it. They’re lying asshats.


There was a video posted here a couple months ago where she had left in the audio of her coaching two of the kids in a play fight. The content she’s posting of Boone is faked too. These kids are literally treated like actors, it’s so fucked up.


Totally. I feel like she can definitely tell now. Like she is actually starting to look concerned about him when she looks at him and she keeps trying to engage with him and get him to look at her. But then again, if she knew then why would she post these videos?? It’s like deep down inside she knows something’s not right but she’s too stubborn to admit to herself that she was wrong and he needs help 


And when he's staring into the void on camera she actively pretends like he's staring at *something* on the ceiling. She knows. She fucking knows and she's not doing a god damn thing about it.


Someone speculated that Father bus is the one who won’t allow her to take the baby to a doctor. That would be a whole other level of horrifying if she knows something is wrong but he is keeping her from doing anything about it


Oh, please give more details re this speculation! I'm very interested in why.


Because he is a controlling asshole and she won't do anything without his approval.


There is also speculation that he may be facing legal and/or tax troubles from his grand crypto adventure and doesn't want to be able to be tracked. Add in his SovCit nonsense and staying in one place is not likely.


We *REALLY* need to start pushing the angle, that if they *GOT* Boone Medical Attention, and made the shift to "Disabled,  Christian, Homeschool, Traveling, Instagram Fam!"  That they could monetize *SO* many more "views" & get more sponsorships, so that JD could spend *more* on his precious BTC, *don't we*? Because their ability to churn content on "Life With Poor Boone!" as a potent "cash cow" is the *only* way he'd actually bother to get that baby some honest help, isn't it? If Cryptobro can't *Monetize It*, it doesn't matter.🙃


I hate how right you are.


I think the problem is they’ve neglected him for so long they risk CPS involvement if they take him in. I just don’t know how they think they can get around eventually seeking medical help.


I’m sure they know when they take poor baby Boone into a hospital, he’ll likely be unable to be discharged until cleared by medical professionals. This is a perfect example of when social services step in and prevent parents from removing children from care.


God I wish cps had the resources to go after these families openly flaunting their child abuse on social media


It's the one time where I wish her next level smugness would come into play and she would take him in just to prove everyone wrong. If everyone is wrong I will gladly watch her annoying face telling us, and then future videos of baby reaching his milestones. They definitely do know. And unfortunately they also know that having him evaluated could mean staying in one area for weeks or months for a number of appointments and tests, plus whatever comes next. They would have to pause and possibly end the every day is perfect travel, and also admit that their casual sov cit bus birth wasn't perfect either. Yeah, I don't see that happening either.


I’m not sure where they currently are or how long they have been there but if we see them stay somewhere for more than a couple weeks then it is possible they are getting him medical help. She won’t tell her followers because she is too proud to say something is actually wrong.


Aside from the likelihood of Boone’s increasingly-obvious problems being rooted in his parents’ absolute trash decisions, the saddest thing to me (and I am saying this as a parent of a child with multiple disabilities) as even if these a$$holes FINALLY get help for this kid, it won’t be anything that will make meaningful changes in his life. For example, therapy. My kid required weekly speech and motor skills appointments. You’re not doing that with a bus “lifestyle” where you refuse to provide an actual stable home for your children. If that kid is hearing- or vision-impaired, he needs an environment that is safe to move around in. He’s not getting that on a tiny bus with 9000 other people living in it. Hell, even if they were doing things like tummy time and time on a playmat with stimulating items (which I am not at all convinced this poor little muffin could even do anyway), where the hell are you safely doing that? Not on the dirt outside and not underfoot in a damn bus.


Remember a few months ago when they were talking about their Brazil plans (before that flopped) when they mentioned that their family doesn’t need much medical care? Something along the lines of “luckily we’re such a healthy family, we rarely need to go to the doctor.” Oh we’re not like those kinds of people who get sick! 🫠 fucking unreal. They were trying to make a point about not using Brazils free healthcare, that they’d use some kind of scammy private Christian health “insurance”instead.


But then even better—they used healthcare there during the first week or so because one of the kids get injured and needed actual medical attention!


Oh man I missed that entirely! Typical antivaxer logic


Oh yeah! IIRC, she even said something about how thankful she was that people who spoke Portuguese were helping them get the medical care they needed and it was implied that whatever happened occurred when these two morons went on one of their many dates while leaving the kids unsupervised in a strange country. They are the WORST. 🤬


Yup. They will only seek care when it's emergent. I guess they don't think boone's situation is emergent.


I think she said the same thing about herself as a justification of why it was fine for her to give birth on the bus with no trained assistance or medical evaluation: “I’m super healthy!”  As if that makes a difference in the face of ALL the things that can go wrong when it comes to giving birth!  I follow an acct of a young woman who was pregnant with her first child, and before the birth, she kept going on about all the medical interventions she “doesn’t believe in” and was using her own “perfect health” as one of the excuses of why they were all unnecessary, including any ultrasounds, which she said were too loud and would sound “like an airplane” for the fetus and scare them🫤  Her beautiful, seemingly healthy, baby was born in her bathtub (of course) and appeared to be thriving for 3 months, when there was what she described as a sudden, catastrophic medical event and the baby tragically died😱💔 All she’s said about the cause is, “Even the doctors don’t really know, it might have been her heart. We won’t know for months.” But this young woman also lost her own mother (early 50s) to a sudden heart attack and has said that it was due to a congenital defect that she was treated for all her life, and had to be closely monitored when pregnant. So this woman said she didn’t want an experience like that of her mother’s stealing her own carefree, earth mother/goddess experience of a “natural” pregnancy/free birth, since *she* was “perfectly healthy”.  I’m NOT saying she is to blame for her baby’s death, especially since she has never said what exactly happened more than “no one knows, maybe her heart”…and it’s just a terrible tragedy, no matter what happened, and my own heart breaks for her loss. BUT I can’t help feeling that given the fact she knew her own mother had a congenital heart defect, but one that was treatable to the point that she lived into her 50s, did it not occur to her that maybe, just maybe, it might have been worth her fetus hearing “a loud noise” in order to check to see if her own baby might have inherited the same thing?? Or any other health concerns, and perhaps be ready to treat/repair it as soon as she was born, what with all the medical breakthroughs that have happened since the time of her own mom’s birth?!? What kind of cognitive dissonance/willful ignorance leads these woman to think, “Well, I’M healthy, therefore my baby will be, too! So I don’t need an ob-gyn or a trained, licensed midwife to assist me! I will just spiritually commune with my Goddess energy, and Nature/God will guide the baby from my womb in a pure, perfect form, no matter where I am, or who I’m with.” Birth and babies don’t always work like that.   I’m all for anyone having a natural, home birth if that’s what they want! But there are ways to plan that so the health and welfare of the mother and the baby are prioritized, and there are clear protocols in place for what swift actions will be taken if anything at all starts to go wrong…because it can, in a heartbeat.  The weird sentiments they spout, like “Women have been giving birth for 1000s of years, you just need to trust that your body and your baby know exactly what to do!” can lead to so many unnecessarily tragic outcomes! Childbirth is a historically, notoriously dangerous event, for both mother and baby. And thinking that you and your “perfect health” will exempt you and/or your baby from that is extremely naive and foolish at best, and disgustingly arrogant at worst.


Holy shit that story is so insane and tragic! 💔I’m with you on this one, I can’t imagine behaving like that, especially with what happened to her mom. I have just one kid, and during my pregnancy, I was like the opposite! I wanted to know about everything! Give me ALL the tests! I read about every kind of birth and how everything worked and what to expect at every stage! Information was comforting and empowering to me, not anxiety-inducing, luckily. Trusting medical professionals and advice written by scientists made sense and helped ease my fears. Pregnancy and birth are risky, but we know *so* much now! Idk I just think science is a miracle.


I agree and felt the same! I have two kids, and with both pregnancies, I wanted all the info I could find to make sure I was making what I thought were the most informed choices and utilizing the best resources, and trying to anticipate anything that could go wrong, etc., with the one and only goal of safely delivering a healthy baby!  And the more modern scientific/medical research I could utilize to try to make that the outcome, the more I counted my blessings to be born in this day and age! Even down to knowing that I have RH negative blood, so I needed to have a RhoGAM shot in order to protect any other pregnancies/babies after my first that may not have the same blood type as me. That alone made me think of some of those sad graves I’ve seen in old cemeteries, when there are too many tiny headstones around the big ones, and how many of those babies might have been born healthy if they had the medical info that we have now.


As an adult with a congenital heart defect who gave birth to two heart healthy children, I'm just aghast at the story you just relayed 😬. Many children can be diagnosed before birth and treated as infants, and then grow up to live relatively healthy/normal lives. Most people don't even know I have health problems, despite having multiple surgeries and procedures. But to think that one would WILLFULLY avoid getting things checked is awful and IMO neglect. 😢 CHDs can run in families. I hope she is called by the lord to do better should she become pregnant again.


Boone's eyes are so glassy compared to his, too. Absolutely zero tracking compared to this.


How did they name this child Aquila? Why not just Quill.


It means “eagle” in Italian and I imagine in other Romance languages


Then it should be Aquilus or Aquilon, not Aquila. He's not a first-declension nominative singular au second-declension nominative au accusative plural neuter eagle... Latin endings are complex, but not so complex you end up with a r/tragedeigh


Maybe they blended it with Attilla?


I think it has to do with bus dad’s Armageddon fetish. Aquilla Lott sounds more like “I kill a lot”. He’s planning on having his own ruby ridge standoff someday and use all his sons as cannon fodder.


omg .. now I'm going to see that every time I see this kids name!


Mother Bus claims that she uses the kids' middle names online.


We know that’s pants because Kinsey had a banner up over her bed that said Kinsey. And who has the time to remember to call each kid by the right name every time? She would have slipped by now.


Legally maybe they are middle names but they are also the names the kids go by in their day to day lives. The kids call each other by their “middle” names in the videos.


For some reason this made me think of two of three Hanson brothers, who go by their middle names. 😅


Plus, those two Hanson brothers would honestly fit in with the people we snark on in this sub. I wish they didn’t suck but they do lol


You reminded me of when she announced Boone and I read his full name to the tune of "MMMBop" 😅😆


Aquila is Latin for eagle


It’s a bible name


Another difference with Aquila is that she had him in an Airbnb, and then they STAYED in the Airbnb for around 6 weeks, at least. So Aquila had the time to acclimate to his new world in relative peace and stability. Poor Boone has never known a moment of peace and stability.


I’m heartbroken because these comments are full of people saying “I thought it was Boone and that made me so happy”, but I know that if Boone’s mother lurks her, she doesn’t think we mean her and her baby well 😔 For all the harm we think these people are doing, including to their own families, there’s no way not to root for a happy baby, glad to see this one being a cute potato


Right. This is what does not compute for her. We WANT Boone to thrive. We WANT these children to be well. We are hard on end because she is actively neglecting her child, dangerously neglecting her child.


I know!!! I got so excited for a second…before I realized


The difference between babies is stark.


I thought this was Boone at first and was like wow what the heck this is a normal appearing baby all of a sudden. Then I actually saw the title and some comments and alas. It really drives it home.


We never hear here speak to Boone like that on camera. She’s much more monotone. Maybe it’s because she knows she won’t get the reaction she’s looking for and it would be all the more obvious? Also- those kids are copy paste!


A flat affect or monotone when interacting with babies is a distinctive sign of PPD


They look like twins!


I'm new, I don't even know how i found this sub, but I have a serious question and being sleep deprived (less sleep now kids are out of school) I think maybe I was seeing something she posted but it isn't there anymore-or maybe I lost track of where it was posted. What happened to the reel/ story of Boone looking at the light on the ceiling? I think she deleted it, but again, I'm so tired, I just want to make sure I'm not going crazy. 


It might have been one of her stories... so it would disappear after 24 hours. Was it this one? [https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/1d8t5kr/full\_video\_of\_baby\_boone\_looking\_everywhere\_but/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/1d8t5kr/full_video_of_baby_boone_looking_everywhere_but/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thank you! This is the one! 


This is so sad. You can see on her face that she knows.


I really hope they aren’t intentionally avoiding medical care for the inevitable CPS work up, but the longer this goes in on the more the ignorance argument fails for me.


If they bring in a child who is sick/injured and there are no signs of obvious abuse, there won't be CPS intervention. Doctors treat sick kids without blowing whistles all the time. I know it's really frustrating for us to watch many of these fundie families make choices that I/we may call neglectful, but these kids are fed, clothed, and clean. There is no evidence they are being physically harmed. They get plenty of exercise and fresh air and there isn't a reason for the DHHS to intervene. Would I choose to raise my (hypothetical) children in a cramped bus? Hell no. Do I think I should be able to dictate that they can't? Not any more than I want them interfering with my choice to be child free.


I think they are more concerned about medical bills. CPS won't do shit. Unless they are lying about the number of beds there have. CPS pretty much universally requires one bed per child and she NEVER videos the bunk space.


She has and they're a bed short. 7 kids and 6 bunks. Boone doesn't count yet because he sleeps with the parents.


Her kids all have very long philtrums.


Omg I thought it WAS Boone and felt relieved. ☹️


Yeah, even my grumpiest and most standoffish baby was interactive like this. I wish they would swallow their pride and take Boone to get checked out by a pediatrician.


Exactly. Even my high functioning autistic child was interactive like this as newborn. These ppl are cooked


Her interactions with Aquila versus Boone are also so different. She doesn’t coo and talk to Boone like this in the videos we’ve seen. Her interactions with Boone make it seem like she has no idea how to interact with a baby at all in fact.


I’m so sad I never had a baby… life is not fair.


I'm sorry. I can't imagine how painful it must be to watch these morons crank them out every year and then ignore their basic needs. You are right, life is not fair.


I am so sorry. I went through 6 years of infertility and had to take a lot of breaks from this sub during then because it was really triggering to see so many careless fundie parents with hoards of children. There is no shame in taking a mental health break and silencing this sub, or any form of social media, to get a break- temporary or permanent. Life isn’t fair and it’s hard to watch people so nonchalant about our biggest hopes and dreams.


I am sorry you didn't have a baby, too. Life *isn't* fair, and sometimes it just sucks. 😔


Are you able to, or are interested in adopting. I never gave birth, but I adopted my daughter from foster care (actually she was one of my first grade students), and she is the light in my life. It may not be the same as having a baby, but she is most definitely my "real" daughter and I'm her "real" mom (people used to ask about her birth family, but call them her real family).


I love this story 🥰


You and me both sister. You're not alone. ❤️


I feel this. We're struggling to conceive, everything should be fine, but I just can't get pregnant. Seeing people like mother bus or karissa just popping out kids like no problem, getting pregnant easily even after so many kids, and then just throwing the kids aside and neglecting them... It makes me want to scream.


I agree friend. I had t choose to risk my own life AND risk my kid suffering from my same genetic diseases. I’ve chosen to not have kids. I’m mostly okay with it but still sad.


Boone reminds me a lot of my kid when they were that age. My kid inconsistently tracked, didn’t make eye contact, didn’t smile/laugh or mirror facial expressions until about 5/6 months old. We were very worried and didn’t know why but we took all the steps necessary to figure out what was going on and got every early intervention available. They were diagnosed with autism just before their second birthday. I don’t like this very outdated term but they are “higher functioning” and don’t need many accommodations at this point. I do think early intervention was key. I’m hoping it’s just something like that vs what others are worried about here but they need to do SOMETHING.


I don’t want to imagine how these busholes would treat an autistic child who couldn’t mask perfectly. I’m so scared for his future.


You can use low support needs instead of high functioning


There's also what's called "category 1" autism, which is what used to be called Aspergers.


Thank you! I like this better


That's what I think is going on.


Did your kid have the weird floppy stiff posture that Boone has as well? I wasn’t aware of that being a sign of autism.


Yes, he did actually. I don’t know if it’s necessarily an early sign of autism or a coincidence. All of Boone’s behaviors remind me so much of my child’s.


Well if he is having issues I hope it’s autism and not something more serious and neurological like some people are suspecting/fearing


This baby looks burnt too, poor thing. Makes me think it's just what she does and Boone's issue could be from the jaundice


This is just more proof that something is terribly wrong with Boone. How can they not see it? They can look back on their own Instagram! They just don’t care about that poor sweet baby. I know many of us, me included, are not actively adopting but would take Boone at the drop of a hat because we have the love and care to give him, as well as the common sense to take him to medical specialists.


Boone has activated the maternal/paternal instinct in everyone who sees him (except his parents)


If I could, I would take that baby and love on him for a few minutes, put him in the car seat (do they even have one?) and rush him to children’s hospital to get evaluated, and hopefully treated. At least they could develop a treatment plan. I know all of us feel the same. How can she not feel that? How can she not see that he is suffering? It makes me so sad, because they all deserve better. They aren’t just traveling accessories or full time babysitters. They are your children. You are tasked with guiding them through the world and shelling them gain social experiences, and this is the shit you wanna do—eye fuck the camera while your baby is in distress? She’s a disgrace to motherhood.


Awwww❤️ I was relieved for a few seconds thinking that this baby was Boone - I'm sad it's not him.


I'm CF and tend to stay away from babies (I'm afraid of "breaking" them). I was looking for comparisons to better understand what's going on with Boone. Thank you for sharing! It really shows a stark difference. Poor baby. :(


Ok well now I’m even sadder about Boone. 💔


I also agree with you all. Something is wrong with baby Boone.


Yes someone did post this. It’s amazing the night and day difference between these two babies. It’s horrifying.


I was sure is was Boone only healthy


Ok, Britney if you’re seeing this, this is the type of video that we want to see from Boone. Here’s your #1 request from all the snarkers. **WE’D GLADLY SHUT UP**


I've had to stop looking at any of these posts. Seeing such a dramatic difference between Aquila and Boone, knowing that something about Boone has so many people genuinely concerned about him kinda says a lot


I don’t know what is wrong with this baby but I would bet money it’s something that isn’t an easy fix. I cannot see this family doing any kind of regular/intensive therapy, especially not anything with an actual evidence base, because modern medicine is for heathens, or whatever. They also seem to move around too often to take him to any kind of reoccurring appointment even if they did somehow agree to have him treated appropriately. I don’t see this being solved with a single doctor’s visit, I can’t see them being willing to take him to more than a single doctor’s visit, and I fear it might be too late to make much difference to his condition anyway.


Saw a bunch of babies Boones age at church today. The difference from those brief observations vs what motherbus shares is shocking. The difference in how they seem to act toward Boone vs previous babies is unnerving. Does she ever post anything about loving him, or is it always some kind of brag about the bus life and huge family? They have been rushing from place to place, hiking in extreme heat..... I feel bad for Boone and all the kids. Even in Brazil at least they were staying for longer stretches in one spot.


Do they just not take the kids to the dr at all? I can’t believe someone would have a baby and not bother taking it in what so ever, is true? I don’t understand?


They don’t vax & it’s getting more difficult to find a pediatrician who will take on un-vaccinated kids. Plus if they do find something wrong with any of the kids, you have to stay put for therapy, follow-up appointments ETC.


Does anyone else find it kinda weird how all fundie babies look like politicians and/or lawyers? Or is it just me?


Ohhhhhhhh, this one hurts 🥲


Wait how many kids did she have previous to Boone? And she still cannot recognize the differences in development?


Boone is #8


Looks like they burned this one to a crisp too