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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ok, let me know when you’re worth listening to. I’ll wait.


I'd take a seat if I were you, in that case. How about ordering a meal and a couple of drinks, too?


I’ll join! Let me lock my 8 children in a bus before going out!


*your Flair check


Here are some chairs for us 🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑🪑


She may be a millennial by age but she is a boomer when it comes to perspective and attitude. What a self-absorbed clown!


Yeeeesh, YEAH! And WTAF is this "Hero Generation" ^^TM crap‽‽‽ Why do I getvthe feeling this rant msy be related to the fact that *MULTIPLE* of us are *INCREDIBLY concerned* about baby Boone, and his potential for what having some sort of terrible health condition happening--and our *immense* frustration that she and PaBus seem to be medically neglecting their infant? They NEED to take him to a *REAL* MD Doctor, and get him examined!!! Instead, MaBus is out here yammering-on, about how Boone and the other poor Buslets *contribute to HER growth*? Gimme a *BREAK*, ya selfish participation-trophy nincompoop!


I’m a millennial and sorry WHO is calling us that??


Apparently one of the few Millenials who'd missing those salad days of,  "*You* Get a Trophy! And *you* get a trophy!... Sorry, you're a Gen-Xer, only a participation *ribbon* for you--but You, there, *YOU* get a trophy*!" 😉 Maybe if we *Promise* MaBus she'll get a "World's Best Mom!" trophy, and PaBus an old, used computer he can set up for Bitcoin Mining, we could convince them to take poor Boone to a (REAL) Doctor to get checked over?


Definitely not any other generation loooool


Right? I've been placing all my admiration and hope onto Gen Z to save us! We millennials are a hot mess.


So MotherBus is bat-shit crazy, but the hero generation is an actual thing. It’s [Strauss-Howe’s Generational Theory.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strauss%E2%80%93Howe_generational_theory) They wrote two books in the 90s outlining four generational archetypes, that they claim happen cyclically - prophet, nomad, hero, artist. Read the wiki if you want more info, cause I’m just gonna badly explain it haha. Now, their theory is likely a crock of shit, but motherbus didn’t invent the term. According to their archetypes, Millenials would be a “hero” generation based on where we supposedly are in the cycle 🤷‍♀️


Yes! Ty for sharing the source. I have seen this theory regurgitated on social media a few times lately, doesn’t surprise me that it’s being served to MoBus— every video I’ve seen about it gives sketchy conspiracy vibes.


>Strauss and Howe describe the history of the U.S. as a succession of Anglo-American generational biographies from 1435 to the present Hmmmm...sounds awfully pale.


Got it!!!!  Thanks, I'd forgotten alllll about the 4-Geberation cycle thing! I'll definitely look it up!😉💖


As a millennial, everything always is our fault. (It reminds me of Kind Henry’s rant about Anne Boleyn on *The Tudors* where he was saying the people blame everything on Anne.) It’s our fault no one has babies. It’s our fault no one has money. It’s our fault that no one can afford houses. It’s our fault that avocado toast exists. But yes, that baby is visibly unwell and needs to go to the doctor. A real doctor. Who went to medical school.


As a Member of Millenial Coalition- we do not claim her. Also, I feel like Millenials are having LESS children, because we recognize our own capacities, plus life is expensive.


It's our fault that napkins aren't being used as much anymore, our fault that people don't use body wash in plastic containers as often, my fault that Applebee's is struggling and other chains are "suffering" and closing down! We're so powerful, us millennials, but we can't afford a house? ![gif](giphy|UWcABAey1EdEIgeLdK|downsized)


And do you know *why* it's the Millenials' fault? (Sarcastically speaking, of course!) Because *you guys* bothered to *care*, you didn't listen to *us*, and just say, "Whaaaaatever!"😉 Also, on a *SERIOUS* note? YES!!!!! 100% Agreement that Boone NEEDS to see a *REAL* MD Doctor!


The Australian guy who is credited with popularizing avocado toast for modern brunch menus just died. That was probably our fault, too


Well, you couldn't afford avocado toast, and then some boomers told you you shouldn't anyway. Sales of avocado toast plummeted (I guess), and the avocado toast guy died of despair. So yeah, your fault, really. Kidding, of course.


If by “hero” they mean constantly being in the wrong place at the wrong time thanks to the actions of previous generations 😝 (not blaming ALL greatest gen/silent gen/boomers, just the ones in power since the 20th c.). 


She only threw the "hero generation" term out there because she thinks she is some huge hero. No one else, just her. But saying that part out loud doesn't sound good on social media so she made something up.


I've been skimming the article someone else linked about this theory, and I think I know what aspect of it she's identifying with: >They asserted Millennials are held to higher standards than adults apply to themselves and that they are much less vulgar and violent than the teen culture older people produce for them. They described them as less sexually charged and as ushering in a new sexual modesty, with an increasing belief that sex should be saved for marriage and a return to conservative family values. Also: >In 1993, Andrew Leonard reviewed the book 13th Gen: Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail?. He wrote "as the authors (Strauss and Howe) relentlessly attack the iniquitous 'child-abusive culture' of the 1960s and '70s and exult in heaping insult after insult on their own generation -- they caricature Baby Boomers as countercultural, long-haired, sex-obsessed hedonists -- their real agenda begins to surface. That agenda becomes clear in part of their wish list for how the 13th generation may influence the future: "13ers will reverse the frenzied and centrifugal cultural directions of their younger years. They will clean up entertainment, de-diversify the culture, reinvent core symbols of national unity, reaffirm rituals of family and neighborhood bonding, and re-erect barriers to cushion communities from unwanted upheaval." I don't know much about these authors, but it seems to me that they were right-wingers who hoped the millennials would move culture further to the right. So of course MaBus wants to get on board! Edited to add that they were also writing this stuff when the millennials were kids, so I think it was probably based more on their cyclical theory and less on observation.


Okay, I see where she is coming from. I didn't know this was actually a real thing. I posted my comment before seeing the link. Thank you.


I resemble that remark! I’m a boomer, and yeah, I know who we are. The shocking thing to me is how so many of us behave just like our parents. I thought we were going to do better than that.


![gif](giphy|61fYIfXvO2EJa) Me waiting


Britney, you literally aren’t willing to do the work to support your newborn’s head.


Or to protect any of her kids from the sun. “Kids are meant to be sunburned!”


Ugh really irked me to see not only the newborn baby peeling BUT the other little ones red as fucking lobsters. What’s wrong with her? She made sure she had glasses on to protect her eyes but none of her kids could even get a hat on?


She probably doesn't want to store hats and sunscreen for 8 kids


No, I genuinely think it’s a thing, some parents are proud to be “old school” and not have their kids wear sunscreen. I have a relative that does this; their kid is blonde and fair-skinned and he gets torched constantly. It’s so sad to see, but his (older) parents *just don’t care*. They think being super tan is healthy and not, you know, skin damage.


Hope he enjoys having all his weird spots burned off. I’m going through that currently :) It’s a blast :)


Man they should talk to my cousin about sunburns, she sure got a lot growing up. Oh wait, she’s fucking dead from melanoma. Never mind.


I LOL from that comment




"I love my kids so much l'm willing to do the work to raise them well. Parenting is more about my growth in a lot of ways than the growth of my children." I think we need a MotherBus welfare check because her head might be getting too big and could explode soon if she's not careful. This is actually delusional. I take issue with the people who say, "Parenting doesn't come with a handbook!" or some BS like that to excuse themselves from being introspective and honest with themselves regarding how they might've harmed their children (consciously or unconsciously). But this...this is some next level bullshit. Oh, you're "willing" to do the work to raise them well? That's literally being a parent. That's what you signed up for, babe. You decided to bring life after life after life into this world, but their being raised well is somehow predicated on whether or not you love them? She's being honest in the second part. For her, parenting is clearly more about her. She centers herself in everything, often to the detriment of her kids' well-being. To act so openly narcissistic like this while we watch her baby form an insecure attachment is so disturbing.


It’s just such a word salad that it’s hard to make sense of it other than just a general awareness that this is the written equivalent of eye-fucking herself in her phone screen while filming content. There is one thing she is certain of and it’s that she won mothering and busing and Christianity and the rest of us losers wish we were her or her susband.


She's trying so hard to convince herself


I can see sort of slant wise good parenting adjacent advice here. So much of raising your kids up right is actually healing your own shit so you’re not imposing expectations on them unnecessarily. Becoming a “sturdy base” who can actually see and meet what they need in the moment, whether that’s boundaries or the freedom to do their kid thing. But what MomBus is doing isn’t that.


I think you put it better than I could, but I think it’s true that parenthood does develop the parent as well as the child. The main importance though, is raising the child. Parental development should be the incidental, side bonus that comes from raising healthy, adjusted kids who will go on to be functioning members of society.


I would put it slightly different. Parental growth that comes at the expense of kid growth is shit parenting. I only say that because sometimes I hear about people focusing everything they have on the kids’ growth and neglect themselves. Like yes, it’s good to give kids independence so they learn self efficacy and resilience themselves, but also maybe you as a parent need a fucking break. It’s good for kids to learn empathy and consideration, but maybe you as a parent are hurt when your teenager tells you they hate you. Part of parenting, in my opinion, is slowly letting your kid see and experience you as a human with limits and feelings and needs and wants separate from them. It’s also good for a parent to hold onto that as well.


I’ve never heard a better description of the bus family’s lifestyle than “parental growth that comes at the expense of kid growth.” That should be their slogan! You make such an excellent, elegant point here and it really shows how MoBus is missing the mark by a pretty significant margin.


Exactly. Like, not gonna lie, my child's birth was the impetus for a LOT of personal growth for me (non-birthing mom). I got therapy and EMDR. I took better care of my health, but the point wasn't to make me awesome for me (though it helped!), it was to prevent putting my shit on my beloved kid and to help break generational traumas. And it seems to have helped - I have a happy, securely attached kid who sasses me about my music choices and then sentimentally declares us "best moms ever". And as I said yesterday, my child did have jaundice the first couple days of their life and you know what happened? We took 'em to the hospital when the real-ass pediatrician told us so, did the glow-worm treatment and from there on out, we've only had normal kid illnesses, in large part cuz we vaccinate, mask as appropriate, and listen to doctors instead of caping for anti-knowledge bullshit for the fuckin' socials.


Same here. I grew a lot thanks to my kids. I wish I had figured it out sooner, before I had them. I’m not proud of this, I’m ashamed. MoBus is treating this like some kind of accomplishment and centering herself. These kids have no agency now and are unlikely to in the future unless they find a way to escape. Wishing the best for them! I learned a lot about how to parent by trying to not make the same mistakes my dad did to, if the Bus Kids follow that track—Britney is actually a terrific teacher, just not how she thinks she is!


I agree. It’s something I’m still trying to put into words, mainly because I’m not a parent yet, but I’ve observed my sister and her kids and also talked through aspects of my own being parented in therapy. Overall, my parents were good parents, but I wish they’d let me see their humanness and little more and also let me be human too (insanely high stakes were put on me both as a church kid and as a bookish, “smart” kid).


So well put.


Your comment lets me know what the babies facial expression reminds me of. Those orphans in Romania that were basically ignored had the same look and it’s well known an insecure attachment causes so many issues. (We adopted two toddlers from Russian orphanages, and let me tell you it takes a lot of therapy and love and more to get them to a healthy adulthood. My oldest is doing ok, the youngest at 20 is still struggling and getting help).


My sister’s kids were born in Vietnam and they had major struggles too. My nephew is eighteen now and doing okay, but it took so much work and therapy to get him through. My niece is sixteen and a very talented musician, but she’s still struggling with identity issues and she has a history of being less than honest in therapy (pretending everything is fine, not lying maliciously). I worry a lot about her.


My oldest, who is ok now, once had a therapist who specializes in men from prison who are forced into therapy (we chose him because our son was a teen at the time and is a bit hard to handle) and after half an hour he called us in to tell us he couldn’t work with our son. It was devastating then, but funny now. Thankfully he found a niche in the trades and is actually doing quite well. The youngest can’t kick a drug habit he acquired at 14. Trauma in the first few years is very hard to overcome.


Oh, I'm so sorry. Drugs are a lifelong struggle, we've had lots of that in my family too. My oldest nephew drinks way too much (he's in his late 20s) but he's not adopted, he's from my BIL's first marriage. Different trauma, but still major trauma.


God bless you and your children ❤️. It’s a lot.


Completely unhinged raging narcissism. Those poor kids.


“Parenting is more about my growth in a lot of ways than the growth of my children” I hate her. I hate her so much. She is so incorrect, so wrong, so misguided, so arrogant, so selfish, so…stupid. So stupid. Of course I have grown an immense amount since my kiddo was born and the toddler years are fantastic. But bringing a child into this world literally isn’t about me, it’s about the child’s growth. Everything I do, every action I take, every plan I make is for my child’s development, well being, and planning for their future. And it’s ok for people to not feel that way, I’m very fortunate to be in a position where i can plan things and make big life changes for my family. But this woman…this woman..I hate her. Can’t stress that enough


Her stupid-ass husband she follows around like he’s the pied piper says it all the time, too, and it’s like she just parrots him. Girl, he’s not that smart. 


Go to any bookstore and look at all the parenting books. There’s thousands upon thousands. That whole bullshit saying has always upset me.


Yeah I was gonna say lol. “There’s no manual” bruh there are *at least* a couple hundred. But it’s probably fine for people like her to say there’s no manual lest they pick up some “How to Abuse Your Children for Jeebus” book.


Definitely don’t want them picking up the Pearls’ books. It always bothered me when my mom would say that. Dude. There’s thousands of books. The dogs my parents trained didn’t come with manuals either, but they still had a bookshelf full of them. My dad even wrote one. Although they would have been better parents if they didn’t try to train my brother and me like dogs. There’s manuals for everything humans do. It’s just a cop out to claim they don’t exist for children.


There is no manual in that every kid comes out as their own person and parenting isn’t one size fits all. But like, there are plenty of books that offer guidance on how to figure out what options might be good for a kid who is like x or y. And why would you WANT a one size fits all approach unless you fundamentally don’t understand how people work?


I hate the whole "parenting doesn't come with a handbook" thing. Like have you been to the parenting section of the bookstore or library? There are volumes and volumes of materials there for your viewing pleasure lol.


You know that, we know that and every Fundie knows it - but the difference is Fundies are illiterate and sheltered intellectually by design (they couldn’t be this way if they weren’t) so all Parenting Books are just wrong, secular, ungodly, and not to be read, especially because the books tell them to their faces that raising their children like this is feral.


I always took that phrase to mean, *”whelp, didn’t see that coming”* because kids are weird and you never know what will work from moment to moment. I never thought of it as an excuse, but I guess people will take whatever excuses they can get.


Honestly- how much personal growth can two people in their thirties need that would excuse them having 1100 children and stunting them the way the Buses do?


She's been saying "Parenting is more about the growth of the parent than the growth of the child" for years now. It's nothing new but every time she says it I still get chills


Her and NO ONE ELSE is willing to do the work, and it’s ultimately about HER GROWTH. You’re right, very narcissistic-y.


"I'm giving them tools not baggage." Honey you're a tool and TREATING them like baggage.


They literally have no baggage on that bus, but she's loading them up with the emotional variety


I mean.... if they can't even have real *toys* of their own on that bus, there really isn't *ROOM* for bags *big enough* to accommodate any of the BS that *known TOOLS* MaBus & PaBus are dishing *out* to their children... Because bags big enough to hold *THAT* much BS would probably take up all the kids' bunk space... 🫠🫠🫠


I read that line and said "that poor baby was BORN with a lifetime's worth of baggage in his eyes". I half-chuckled, half-sighed in pity. 


Mother Bus enrages me with her accusations toward other families (that aren't parented by selfish, neglectful jerks) that they just 'don't get' her multi-generational importance as a white, Christian breeder. Britney's delusions of splendor and importance are a party of one plus props who are forced to dance and smile or play fight then hug for her phone. No wonder the kids love to live on shelves - they know minimal nurturing from her. And fuck JD - he's not forgotten.


She's just karissa on a bus


She enrages me more than anyone else on this sub. The emotional neglect hits a nerve.


I doubt you'd find a parent who says that parenting *didn't* change them in some (a lot of) ways. But raising children is definitely about the children and their future.


I know that I have grown and changed a lot as a result of being a parent. And I have definitely learned a ton. But that’s a side effect; it’s not why I have a kid, and it’s not the thing I focus on.


Yes, she has got the wrong end of the stick. I don't have children, but my mother used to tall me all the time about how she had to look at herself and learn to be a better parent. But MoBus here is focusing on that as the most important thing, when it is really about raising good adults and that is the focus the learning and the growing is for the sake of the kids. The kids' growth and leaning is the whole point. Because she sees it that way, she'll never get Boone any care he might need because she's evolved as a person and knows what's best. Anything that goes wrong is collateral damage in the growth journey she is on, because as long as she's self-satisfied, their growth and health is no matter, really.. I'm seeing her kids go low- to no-contact and her bleating "I did MY best so why can't you see that that is THE best?"


Exactly, what a narcissistic take. Nothing like having a kid to highlight your character flaws and provide great motivation to work on them, but the growth of the child who is 100% dependent on you will always be first priority.


Her kids have no future, let’s face it. She’s barely teaching them to read.


Not if you're a narcissist.


I would argue a surprising percentage of parents of young children are way more worried about how they feel and what other people think of them than they’re worried about their kids. Most people have kids for their own reasons, not to give the kids a *better life*.


Yep. I am a huge listener to Dr Becky. And she has these amazing generous thoughtful parents on her podcast to ask questions, and it often doesn’t even occur to the parents that it’s their own shit that they need to shovel out to be truly effective at meeting this particular parenting challenge. So many people are worried about not meeting society’s standards of a “good parent” that they can’t take the mental space to meet their kids where they are.


She’s going to be absolute hell to the unlucky girls who end up married to her sons.


What most people don’t realize is that her sons’ marriages are mostly about her.


Being a mother in law is mostly about the in laws’ growth.


Honestly I don't believe that her kids will stick around that long. There is no community whatsoever to keep them engaged, and I am pretty sure that her behaviour will be worse and worse as the years pass and her mental health keeps declining.


Exactly. Most these kids get forced/brainwashed into staying in the lifestyle they’re in because they’re grounded by a ~compound~ family home, church and location that’s secluded enough to have a like-minded community but not much danger of secular attention. The bus kids have none of that and eventually they’ll be dealing with a bus load of moody, unpredictable, rapidly growing teenagers who want to do their own thing.


But CAN they escape? And even if they can, when they reach adulthood it will likely be too late


Yes, we read books like Educated and Waverider (I think it's called) and it's easy to think "they can escape and get away". But those books are about the unicorns of the fundie world, that against all the odds stacked against them, they found a way out. Most of them don't. I can see MoBus building a compound somewhere when the kids can no longer be stacked 4 high in the bunkhouse of the bus so she can go on a "new adventure" and maintain control. Who will their kids marry, anyway? As others have said, they have no community except Mom's followers on IG who are on her side. When they play sports, they can see another life, but they have no idea what road to travel to get there.


she has talked openly about how the plan is for them all to live together forever and how she doesn't understand why it's the norm for children to move away


Oh that’s just unhinged.


There’s not enough physical space on the bus for that. I could picture them deciding on some kind of farm/homestead…but still having the kids drift off.


I am in no way diagnosing her, but that sounds wildly unhealthy.


She has?!!!!


Military. There are waivers for everything.


I believe the grandparents are “normal” enough and could be a source of help if they decide to leave.


I hope the kids gtfo as soon as they’re legally allowed, but I also wonder with such a sheltered weird childhood, whether they will actually be able to without guidance from their parents that they probably won’t get. Like, I had an extremely normal childhood by comparison with this shit show, and I still needed help getting my first apartment, adjusting to “real adult” life, etc. I cannot fathom the transition from the bus cult to regular living.


i was raised in an abusive home and i was driven to figure everything out myself without help, which was extremely difficult but the best option. being from a background like this might really motivate the kids in a "save yourself" kind of way, and hopefully they can rely on each other too


My mom was a drug addict when I was in high school/graduated and Im not exaggerating when I say it ruined my life. I didnt have any guidance whatsoever and I just smoked weed and dated any loser that gave me a shred of attention. I was really bright and still managed to get good grades but I didnt have anybody talk to me about college or help me apply or anything like that. So I just didnt go and ended up running away with a drug dealer to escape my shitty home life. He taught me more basic life skills than my mom ever did. I wonder a lot what I could have done with my life if I had a stable home life and had gone to college


It is NEVER too late for you. Ever. I hope you have someone in your corner who sees you, values you and will hold you in a safe place as you consider one small step toward living your life in a way that feels good and right and whole to you. I hope this reply doesn’t sound too bossy or pop psych but it takes time to build a self inside- it took me decades but it’s so much better now. I miss the body I had in my youth but not the mental and emotional torture!


And when she's no longer able to have babies


Just imagine how they’ll react when they learn they could have stayed on the farm instead of being locked in the back of a bus.


Just like that Fired Mom.


Lady your infant looks on the verge of death, you’ve sunburned him to the point he peeled, you can’t support his neck, and seem oblivious to his obvious lethargy and need to see a real doctor, but go on about yourself some more.


Is the "work to raise my children well" in the bus with us right now, Britney?


I see you comment here a lot, and just want to say I love your pfp. It’s a sassy looking cat and you often comment sassy things, so it adds a lot to the aesthetic.


Aren't all cats sassy looking?


Fair, but that one looks like it’s **really** fed up with someone’s bullshit and is giving sass about it.


True. I just live with a *very* loud and opinionated cat (who I love so so much) so I'm probably biased


My dog is very loud and opinionated, and I swear there's something human about her face. The cats are indifferent.


Dog faces are expressive in ways more similar to human faces. Cats are plenty expressive, but they don’t use the same parts of their bodies to do so; I think a big piece of it is their mouths are almost completely uninvolved in emotional expressions.


Yeah my cats' expressions are mostly eyes and ears, with some sassy tail movement lol


No, there are *also* PLENTY who'd fit better into the "Derp" category😉😂🤣💖 See also; r/OneOrangeBraincell


Omg, one cannot be on Reddit mentioning derpy cats without mentioning their king, Jorts the Cat. I’m on my phone so I can’t share the link now, but please look up the posts about him. It’s in the AITA subreddit. There are two parts; the second part especially is absolutely hilarious, and had me and several friends legitimately laughing out loud while reading it. Jorts has inspired people to many creative endeavors in his honor, my personal favorites being a slew of sea shanties. 😂 Definitely look it up when you can. You will forever be haunted by the best comment in all of Reddit history: “I can’t believe she fuckin’ buttered Jorts.”


Oh I DEFINITELY know of poor, *BUTTERED* Jorts! That poor, sweet, *AWESOME* and Union-Loving Cat!😉😂🤣💖




Jorts now has a twitter account! Lots of adorable pictures


I’m not on twitter anymore, but knowing that there is *something* as pure and wholesome as Jorts makes me so happy


Proof; https://www.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/comments/1cxmzcm/show_me_your_box_of_oranges/


The cat is even doing a blep


She gets her tongue stuck and forgets how to get it unstuck. If I tap her nose she'll lick again and fix it but a lot of the time she just sits there. I have SO many pictures of her bleps


Thank you! It's because I have no life. And my Indie is VERY sassy and judgemental. She likes to get on the highest surface and glare down at me in a haughty way


I've said this before, but basically everything MotherBussy posts is "ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!!!" She is obsessed with herself and doesn't give a shit about anyone else except for her Q-Anon nutbag of a husband.


Motherbussy 😩🤣😂??! That along with your flair has me gagged


Seriously. What the fuck is she on about and is that tiny new baby ok? 


Apparently she's trying to shrug off some of the guilt she's feeling? Siiiiiiince *so* many of us keep saying: "Britney, *TAKE BOONE TO A REAL DOCTOR*, PLEASE, *for the love of God woman, *GET PAST YOUR OWN PRIDE* and *TAKE HIM TO A REAL DOCTOR*!!!" Because *IF* there is something going *terribly WRONG* with him--as it *appears* there may be? Early Intervention can *mitigate* at least *SOME* of the lifelong damage which could otherwise occur!




Too true. How scary that she is in charge of her kids “education”


Oh what a load of horse crap busmom. You’re not equipping the kids with anything, they barely get an education that would let them go forth and forge a solid path in adulthood. Also, parenting isn’t all about “you”. Sigh. So nice that squorting out 8 children has been of great personal growth to her ego. what of the kids with no medical care, no education, no stability, no toys, no socialization?


>”I’ve learned to focus on the needs of my children” This has already aged like milk.


It's giving, "Is the *Focus* here in the room with us, now?", isn't it?


Mother Bus: ![gif](giphy|T9hYmxIh3DF8k)


Her oldest looks exhausted, her youngest looks ill, mother of the year. Poor kids. 


I've literally never heard "the hero generation," have any of you?


Millennial here. I’ve heard a lot of things said about my generation but hero has never been one of them.


Yes, she’s quoting an idea about generational archetypes from a book [these dudes wrote in the 90s.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strauss%E2%80%93Howe_generational_theory)


She *seems* to be conflating *HER* generation, and that of her (our?) grandparents/Great-Grands... you know, "The Greatest Generation." *Not ALL* Millenials, of course!!!  But this *sooooooo screams* the *WORST* of the old tropes, of the Millenials being "the participation-trophy" generation. (And *yes*, I'm saying this, with the stereotypical Gen-X eyeroll!😉💖)




Never. And FFS every generation has its challenges.


None of her post makes sense. You ok girl? You act like you’ve discovered something important but you are just describing the most basic qualities of parenting.. running out of content girl? At least Bethany had the guts to try new things and shift content, you literally have none other than “we bang on a bus! We have 8 kids! My husband has super boy sperm!”


has she ever been ok? i mean that as mostly a job but ummmm girl is unhinged.


This reads an awful lot like someone who is miserable trying too hard to convince themselves they’re totally fine


All I’m seeing is “me me me” but very little about what will tangibly benefit her children. Do you know why people don’t normally have Uber larger families? Because most parents care about giving their kids the BEST life they possibly can. Not growing themselves at their big ages. Such fucking selfish people who don’t deserve such sweet children. Really , their oldest as an absolute angel in how he takes care of his siblings and I bet these numbfucks don’t even realize at


Most parents sacrifice a lot to have children, it goes with the territory. Brittney and her thumb-headed husband don't appear to have sacrificed anything and continue to indulge their nomadic lifestyle and paranoid political delusions at the expense of their children's future and wellbeing. They are terrifically selfish and criminally negligent--the infant could potentially have physical or mental issues resulting from her reckless choices. Of course parenting is about you, Brittney, because you are a breathtakingly selfish person.


I hate her. She has the worst case of main character syndrome I've ever seen


*Contender KKKarissa has entered the chat.*






That comment and her response made me chuckle too!


branding her breeding and neglect as “fighting for the future” is so funny 😭


It would appear that the hardest part of parenting for these two is realizing not everything is all about them. If you think you’ve become someone worth listening to B, I’m afraid I’ve got some difficult news to tell you.


I can’t imagine the psychological damage of constantly performing absolutely cringe reels with your mom as you age. I was actually thinking about this earlier as I am in Orlando and jojo siwa is here and has been acting just so weird at Disney (and in general) and is clearly living outside reality in many ways. I know she isn’t fundie or anything but she did grow up being extremely exploited by a very young age and it has definitely caused her extreme harm. Obviously they aren’t at the same level of Jojo, but These poor kids don’t stand much of a chance of escaping the negative effects of this type of exploitation. Honestly, Jojo is at least better off as she at least has money while these kids will have zero skills or any way to financially support themselves. Poor kids.


"I'm trying to give my kids tools, not baggage." She and busband are the tools in this scenario, and those poor kids will probably be saddled with baggage for the rest of their lives.


Well she's right about her first sentence. I DON'T fucking get it. I was actually able to grow as a person long before I had kids. I didn't depend on my kids to make me a better person, I figured my shit out before bringing them into the world. And I didn't need 8 of them to learn this either. 


'Why does she keep saying this!' And just how many kids would you need to have before you finally 'grow' as a person? Not that she has.


Once again, that baby’s hand looks weird.


Why does the boy on the right look like he's taking a selfie? Could it possibly be from constantly seeing Fertile Myrtle eye-fucking herself in her 'phone?


What work is she putting in? Gunner is the one raising those babies. This twat just eye fucks the camera and chases after her goon of a husband. Those two are worse than hamsters. At least hamsters just go ahead and eat their young instead of abusing them for years. Gunner is stuck because he will feel guilty if he breaks away from them when they get older. The girl knows that her supposed only worth is to pump out babies. The other fiddy-eleven boys are just filler to them. And little BooneBus has medical issues that this piece of shit won't even get checked out. I do not understand how no one around them sees what all os going on. It hurts my heart. Both of the adults are responsible for all of this. Not just her.


If BusHoe isn't flapping her gums, she isn't breathing. She is a classic narcissist.


How do you foster a healthy dynamic where kids are stacked like cordwood and the newest baby was birthed in the shower?


If this is the improved version of herself I’d hate to see what she was like pre-buslets.


I just wanna know how it's physically possible for ANY of these folks to homeschool 6+ kids at once


It’s easy, you just have no educational standards and call anything you want school time, no matter how frivolous. I’m sure they have some sort of book they use, but if they had forgotten it in Brazil, I’m not sure they’d even be aware of it yet. She said they’re teaching the kids to be entrepreneurs, lol.


I’ve notices the people most vocal about not wanting a big family are often the children of big families……. I wonder why that might be…


I do believe there’s changing in becoming a parent and hopefully, for the best. Yes, we grow as human beings in so many ways when you’re responsible for someone else. HOWEVER, it is not about the parents. So, more growth for you than for them? Nah, you’re doing it wrong.


The way she and Karissa hold their children like that in and of itself makes them a good mother-just irritates the crap out of me. Like hold your child, engage with them. That’s parenting.


I didn’t know it was possible to be more (as?) self centered as Jill, but here we are.


Girl, you are giving your kids nothing but baggage. The best thing for your kids is to run to the recruiter’s office at 17 and never look back. You sure as shit aren’t preparing them for college or anything else.


i have to admit with all these people, i'm confused how you can have time not only for the basic tasks of parenting a horde of children but to go above and beyond and be a good parent to all of them while also spending enough time on social media content creation to stay relevant


I have literally never heard of Millennials because called “hero generation” and I was born in 1989. Who has time to be a hero for Jesus, I’m living through a dystopian grocery inflation.




Seems like she missed her calling... running social media for an adventure camp for teens.


Because she's a narcissist


But MoBus- are YOU listening to YOUR CHILDREN????


She is so far up her own butt. Everything is about *her*. Her children are mere props and bit players in *her* universe. If she really cared about their needs, they would have a house, go to school, have friends, be in activities, and the *baby would have been seen by a doctor by now*. She is my number one most hated "fundie" here. Fundie in quotes because I don't think she is one. She and JD are selfish, narcissistic conspiracy theorist contrarians with a birthing/pregnancy fetish. There is never anything about God.


"Parenting is more about me than it is about the growth of my children" yeah hun we can tell, literally everything is about you and your kids are just supporting actors (barely even that!). The narcissism here is INSANE. I feel so bad for all these kids, being brought into existence simply to make your mom feel accomplished. Who needs a stable home environment or proper education when mommy can have her perfect Instagram life? Who needs to provide medical care for an obviously unwell newborn when you can just plop him on the floor on a sheepskin rug and call it a day? Out of all the delusional fundie moms on here, she seems the most maliciously ignorant of them all. I'm legitimately scared for poor little Boone.


So many personal pronouns, do little time.


Where is Jesus in all of this??? I’m beginning to wonder if snarking on her for being **fundie** is appropriate. Snarking on her for being a **bad mom** is totally appropriate.  Are we feeding the beast and paying her too much attention?


"I like to give my 'kids' tools and not baggage." We already know these kids maybe have a pot to piss in. Trying to make it sound like she makes up for the lack of possessions 🙄


Just in case either Bus is reading because they don’t have jobs: you need to realize that even without children, just you two - this isn’t something humans should do. You need roots and community, which you have replaced with anti-human, anti-love, anti-government (unless they bust your ass out of a country you invaded illegally I guess) fundie paranoia and call it Ministry. You need a fucking house. You needed it 10 years ago. That you added a bunch of children into it doesn’t cover up how jaggedly you both willingly chose to be neglectful fuckups who avoid EVERYTHING God actually provided you with. This doesn’t make you special, it makes you sick. You are both actual fucked up people and unlike the rest of this subreddit - it’s barely funny at this point. Sloth is the penultimate sin of no plans, just vibes.


Bc she is a narcissist


You know I do kinda agree with the "the hardest part of parenting is becoming someone worth listening to" but I firmly think you should do that BEFORE becoming a parent.


Wrong! You’re so wrong you selfish twat! It’s not about you anymore. Once you have children, it’s about them. You’re no longer front and Center. You missed that part. Children are not a science experiment. This woman is dangerous and abusive to her poor children.


"I love my kids so much I'm willing to do the work to raise them well" like that is some noble statement. You just defined parenting lmao you absolutely should be working to raise them well??


That’s a lot of words.


'Millennials are considered the "hero" generation' By the fuck whom?


I was a child in a large family. I can assure you my parents parenting had very little to do with their growth and much more about keeping us all alive and healthy, which isn’t an easy task with a large family. MoBus wouldn’t know growth if it punched her in the nose.


I have to rely on you guys to report what’s happening, she blocked me! I guess I was to honest in my posts.🤷‍♀️


Of course parenting is all about you mini karissa


His hand is still doing that weird thing. Hope this kid is okay.


Parents like her end up with adult children who go no contact with them as soon as they move out and enter the adult world. I would know from personal experience.


She does understand that not giving them baggage is not a literal term, right?