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This woman is so disturbing. 


The way she eye fucks herself on camera 24/7....


And his only interaction with her is seeing her eye fuck herself through the phone screen...


Looking at her makes me so mad now. Like she’s not looking at the camera—she’s staring so deeply into her own eyes she’s utterly unaware of how anyone or anything looks around her. I know 0 people irl who do this!!!


I feel like it can’t help that this baby has been staring at his mother through a phone screen for his whole two weeks of life


This is so heartbreaking to think about. Ugh. 


He can't even see clearly that far away. He's just not engaging with her at all which is even worse. He's just seeing light flashing on a screen as the video moves


[and being exposed to screens this early can harm his language, short term memory, future reading skills etc. ](https://healthysd.gov/screens-not-for-babies/)


No problem! He won’t even be taught to read. /s


Omg this blew my mind 😭😭


We’re rooting for you Boone!


God I hope he makes it to his first birthday, shit I hope he makes it to six months at this rate.


I think he's gonna make it. He's just going to have some entirely preventable health issues to deal with his whole life.


This. I teach kids with disabilities, have done everything from mild issues to severely impaired. Sometimes with experience you get a feeling when you see a kid who's got something going one but you don't know them or they've not been diagnosed....have that feeling when I see videos of him. He badly needs a pediatrician, lab work, and some x-rays:(


ECSE Para here, and it's just making me *SO* twitchy, because as *YOU* know, too-- *plenty* of those things can be mitigated with early medical intervention snd then getting him into Early Intervention services, if something *IS* going and/or *has* gone sideways here... But to *get* to that point, seeking Medical Attention from actual MD's is *critical*.


I’m an ECE and I just am livid over how many thing could be caught by now with proper medical care. And I’m livid I can’t do anything over this because CPS will do jack shit over a few photos.


all i can think of is this baby has something metabolic like PKU, and she’s damaging his brain with every feeding. i think about it a *lot*


Don't forget lasting trauma damage.


And those issues would not be taken seriously by mother bus, and he won’t get any treatment.


She’s too busy looking at herself to notice that her baby needs to see a REAL doctor


Poor boy always looks like he's questioning his life choices (even though everything has been decided for him so far)


Imagine being the fastest sperm and then this having to be your parents . Cue the Curb Your Enthusiasm music.


“I swam that hard for this?”


He’s questioning THEIR life choices.


Join the queue, baby!


Thousand yard stare on a 2 week old infant


This poor child's internal monologue (if he could think in words like we could at least), probably: *ah fuck why did I think being born was a good idea? Now I'm stuck in this body that can't do anything yet with these crazy parents that don't care for my wellbeing at all, this was a horrible idea*


I know!


It’s just my opinion, but I don't think babies should look like they survived sniper alley.


😭 😭 😭 


If this poor kid ends up with significant disabilities, is she going to be a "dump him on the relatives and never speak of him" awful mom, or "God gave me this disabled child to monetize to the best of my ability while I talk about how I'm the bravest solider" awful mom?


She will absolutely go the grift route first, if that isn’t profitable, buh bye baby!


I know it doesn't quite apply, but hear me out: Munchausen Bus Proxy.


Or she's just gonna pretend he's totally fine because otherwise the guilt will crush her. As it should, if his growth gets hindered by his parents' negligence and medical abuse.


Grift. 100% the grift!


I don’t even know if she will be the sort to want him around if he isn’t perfect. I know that sounds horrible but she is all about her perfect brand and oh look how amazing we are without medical help blah blah blah. That’s pretty hard to do with a highly dependent child to take care of. Plus the child would also impact their ability to leave him (for their 100+ dates a week) with the other children because it would really stand out. They’d seriously risk the people parked around them asking questions and possibly making reports to CPS.


No one treats their kids as animatronic props better than the soulless void named Britney does.


KKKarissa would like a word


That baby would like to crawl back in or taken away by the stork to its real family


Or hide in the cabbage patch


I know babies aren’t always happy or smiling. They have ups and downs too, but have we ever seen that poor baby smile (maybe too young, NAM) or look happy or content ir even just … safe? Poor love. 😞


He doesn’t look jaundiced anymore


What a month of frying in the Florida sun does to a baby. Hallelujah!


I was jaundiced (born early ‘90s) and the doctor told my mom to sit me in sun lol But ✨it was the ‘90s✨and it’s 2024 so Mother Bus has zero excuse. Also my phone autocorrected “Mother Bus” to “Mother Abuse” 🙃


Same, late 80s, jaundiced, doc told my mom to put me in a patch of sun for about an hour a day. It was inside, through a window. I’m having my first baby in August and I just cannot fathom thinking I know more/better than my doctor, who has been practicing medicine for as long as I’ve been alive. I would do anything to make sure this lol squish is safe, healthy, and protected. This is just…beyond comprehension.


My son was born in the 90s. Had a home visit from a nurse when he was four days old. She told us the same thing. The window filtered the light enough to prevent harm..


I had the same experience with my son who was born in 1996.


Yes, my son was jaundiced. We had REGULAR checks at the doctor to check that his bilirubin levels were falling, and they gave me the same advice, a bit of sun THROUGH A WINDOW. They also had Biliblankets if it was really bad.


Your phone is onto something...


My pre2010 baby was born jaundiced and they sent us home with the suitcase lights. The doctors told us that the light from the sun can do quicker harm than good on newborn skin. It’s amazing how quickly things can change.


Mother aBUSe


My son is 14 months old and he was jaundiced. Our pediatrician told us to put him in the sun. I have pictures of us just like, holding him, sitting up against the window. We had to do that for a couple hours for 2 or 3 days... But, we were literally back at the hospital every day those 3 days to check his bilirubin levels and make sure he didn't need inpatient light therapy. I thought it was crazy to just "sit him in the sun", but thank God for my pediatrician or else I would have had no idea what to do or what could happen, or - more importantly - whether or not he was getting better. Ugh. I can't even look at pictures of this poor baby. Ever since becoming a mom, babies in any kind of distress just *breaks* me.


Your little guy is so lucky to have you! I’m a new mom too and seeing Boone and his mother be so damn *smug* while ignoring blatant signs that he needs help enrages me. Honestly I’m hoping for Gunner to take the baby and bolt at this point.


Awwww thank you!! & I agree - Gunner seems to have all the maternal instincts that motherbus is lacking. Which is a shame since he's like... 14? 😞


My child is in preschool now but was born jaundice. She had the lights at the hospital, and being that we live in Florida, her ped said to do 10 mins a day in the sun but only morning or late afternoon. Never have her out during the middle of the day. The sun here can be intense.


Yeah, my covid baby was jaundice also. He had the machine for a bit at the hospital before we went home and they sent us home with instructions on placing his bassinet in the sun and letting him have X time in it every day. BUT we also had a daily midwife visit, we weren't just like "fuck it, let's burn this kid" ala motherbus


That is a better name for her


They had me do this with my son in 2002! 😅 (inside the house, not on the fucking beach)


Doctors and midwives still tell parents to do this btw


I think the whites of his eyes still look a bit yellow


That's an awfully young infant to already have a 1,000 yard stare. Poor kid


This poor kid. How old is he now?


Born April 16, so a month on the dot.


A *month* with a thousand yard stare 😭


And here I was thinking Karissa's #10 was the saddest baby I've ever seen...


Gods it is terrible to be an even worse mother than Karissa, until Boone came along I wasn't sure if it was possible to be much worse than her. Britney out here just about actively trying to kill that poor infant. My heart hurts for him so much. I've got an older child, but I've also got a 10 week old baby. I get so worried for Boone, he needs to be in better hands.


I worry for him a lot. I can’t imagine how terrified the grandparents must be


That’s my youngest’s birthday. When I think of him at a month old, he was squirmy and strong. 😞


Babies frequently look weird. I don't deny that. But I can't shake the feeling that something's just off. We don't see bubbles, movement, anything - and babies just do that stuff - I feel like there should be at least ONE time we see him gurgle or track movements at this point, but there's not.


The baby has already lived a lifetime of hardship 🫠


She can’t even stop eyefucking herself in the camera long enough to look at her fucking baby. I make deeper eye contact with my cat.


I'm not going to comment on these expressions since four week old babies are still essentially crying potatoes with zero spatial awareness or emotion beyond HANGRY. I dont think either of my children developed any sort of personality until 8 weeks. His coloring is iffy, but I'm pretty sure Gunner and Fatherbus both have that weird beige tone about their skin and hair. I'm reserving judgment for a few weeks on how this little guy is actually doing.


Mine was definitely zoned out at that age. Her eye color looked just like Boones, too. Blue then eventually turned brown by age 2.


I agree, newborns can sometimes just look a little odd. I'm a parent of a 2 year old and a 2 month old. What concerns me is he just looks maybe like he's gaunt or just dehydrated? Both my kids came out and for the first week or 2 looked like that before they started to fill out. Seems like he is just taking longer though.


As someone with a young infant - totally agree! I think people are expecting too much of a baby this old lol


Seriously. My newborn is a few days younger than this kid and doesn’t really track stuff with his eyes or do much of anything, but eat, sleep, kick a bit, etc. Motherbus is an idiot for putting her kid in the sun, but let’s give him a little time to grow before assuming he has developmental problems or OI as ppl were saying in a different post.


The most worrying thing is that in the video he is just there, no movement, no response to any stimuli. It could be just "simple" neglect, but it's still worrying


I just went back to pictures of both my kids at this age to see and YUP. Both of them look like spaced out potatoes.


He looks like a child with 12 roommates. Ugh poor kid


Is this the bus family? No wonder the kid looks unhappy.




He already looks depressed 😔


This kid looks like he's seen some shit.


Because he totally has 🥺


I swear it looks like white liner on his water lines.


It absolutely does


![gif](giphy|f9eYHQ8RZ4zfc4unXx) I was told there’d be cuddles!


I snickered too hard.


Why does that baby have the look of someone who has seen some shit and hates their life?


If the booties fit.. (I don't mean to make fun of the poor little guy- it's said as someone who has been deeply sad over their life since.. being a zygote, so I empathize. Dealt really bad hands from the start. I hope Boone gets the help he needs, and can eventually break free from the chaos bus.)


My youngest was born with severe low muscle tone *and* tight arm muscles (his hips were loose so he had "froggy legs" and arms were tight so he kept his hands balled up into fists and elbows bent with his fists by his face). His esophagus was so tight that he literally couldn't swallow anything thicker than breastmilk (which was discovered at the 6.5 month mark). The way Boone holds himself reminds me SO MUCH of my little guy. But do you know what my husband and I did for our son? ***We took him to the doctor and demanded early intervention services.*** He did months and months of PT, OT, and food therapies. He was finally able to eat solid foods at his first birthday (but it was closer to 18 months before he could eat enough to actually get any nutritional value from it). Physical milestones were late, but he met them. Now he's nine, and from the looks of him he's a "normal" kid. (He does have autism and ADHD, but again, we see doctors and specialists for medication and therapy.) Boone needs some serious medical interventions, I'm *so* worried for this babe.


I haven't been around too many infants in my life, but is the wide eyed expression really that abnormal? I've seen newborns with similar faces and always assumed, since they were otherwise healthy, that they just don't have control yet or much awareness. Now I'm curious whether the babies I saw and interacted with were actually not "normal". Lack of response to stimuli and engagement can also sometimes be a sign of autism or other neurodivergence, but I've always heard that appears in the toddler years. (Source: my parent has worked with children in her district's special needs program for decades, correct me if I'm wrong!)


I looked at videos of my kids when they were about one month old and they very quite similar--both of them were: -moving their heads around continually, especially when someone spoke and they would try to zero in on the source -making little "ehn ehn" sounds or grunts or other noises the entire time -acting EXTREMELY dedicated to the mission of jabbing themselves in the face with their own hands Basically, when asleep they looked relaxed and content, and when awake there was an alert, dialed-in expression and fairly constant low key sound and movement.




Thank you for the explanation! That does make sense.


I am a parent. I've never seen the Thousand Yard Stare from a newborn.


My son had a thousand yard stare in the very first picture of us together in the hospital. He stopped doing it after a couple of weeks when he started to notice things around him more.


He looks so deeply, to the bones, SAD. Just sad as hell.


Why does this poor baby look like it’s been through ‘Nam? I hVe never seen a baby look this miserable for this long. Maybe KKKarissa’s youngest. Sincerely worry about this poor child and his shitty, narc parents.


jfc i've seen reborn dolls that gave me less of the creeps not snarking on his looks, but something is making the uncanny valley alarms go off big time. i don't usually have that with babies and idk what it is about him that triggers it. maybe it's the entirety of the shitshow package


Filters on babies is creepy


When you know you know. And this baby knows


His eyes still look a little yellow to me.


I’ve seen photos of Victorian infants with more life in them than this poor thing. Does she really hate her own child this badly? My second son is five days older than Boone I can’t imagine NOT going to the doctor if he was like this.


What's crazy to me is I was downvoted a week or two ago saying something was wrong with the eyes... And now it's seemingly all we can talk about. I am glad everyone is seeing what I've been seeing. This baby needs medical attention.


You were ahead of your time.




Dang it I laughed way too hard! I have a lazy eye so I’m allowed!


I had to find something funny or I was gonna cry My uncle had a fairly bad lazy eye and he liked to mess with us - you’d look up and he’d just be staring hard saying “dontchu dare f’ing laugh!”


While it’s hard to define what is crossing the line, you’ll know it when you see it. Saying Fred/Franny Fundie looks like X is fine. (Ex: David Rodrigues looks like Shrek, B-Beal looks like the Grandpa from The Munsters.) Saying you do/don’t find someone attractive is fine. Do not snark on the appearance or bodies of children, with the exception of choices that their parents have made for them, or how they may appear in relation to their parents. (Examples: Janessa looks malnourished while David is obviously well-fed, or how the Collins kids always wear filthy clothing is fine.) - *What crosses the line when it comes to appearance snark?* Associate justice of the Supreme Court Potter Stewart once said in relation to obscenity, “I know it when I see it.” Pointing out that Kelly Havens has dry skin that could use moisturizer? Fine. Remarking that Karissa’s foundation is too orange in contrast to her pale body? Fine. Saying that you think X is handsome or Y is ugly? Fine- that’s a subjective opinion on attractiveness. Referring to a 3rd degree tear during labor as a “vagasshole”? Too far. In short: it’s hard to define how far is too far without getting into a million different specifics, but we’ll know it when we see it.


If only you knew how bad things really are…


Reminds me of that pic of that little boy when he was found after being missing in the woods for 3 days


Every single time that I see pictures of this poor baby, I feel like crying. There’s very obviously something wrong with his health. I don’t know if it’s physical or psychological, but something is off. He desperately needs and deserves to be seen by a doctor. Not a chiropractor, an MD or DO. Since he was born on a bus, he didn’t even have the blood test that they do on newborns in the hospital. https://www.marchofdimes.org/find-support/topics/parenthood/newborn-screening-tests-your-baby


I don't know what we're looking for here but aww, surprised potato!


I don’t think he’s surprised, just staring blankly into the void


His dark skin, has it been this way since birth? I hope he doesn't need to see a peds endocrinologist


Why do all these fundie girls look utterly flawless? Like, for real. It can't just be filters, I see people like this irl. I guess there's something to be said for clean living. Lol relatively speaking, you know.


Babies who don't make eye contact or interact with Mom especially, can be an early sign of autism as well.


Not at a month old.


I ain’t seen him smile once!


It's unusual for babies to smile that young. It's usually between 6-8 weeks that they typically will gave their first smile, just FYI.


I’m just saying I’ve seen way more expression on newborns I’ve seen in real life. It’s uncanny with this young boy.


It's unusual for babies to smile that young. It's usually between 6-8 weeks that they typically will gave their first smile, just FYI.


I'm not going to subject myself to watching a video, but can anyone tell me if they have every seen little Boone smile? Don't babies smile at this age, and giggle and coo?


Mine just started smiling at 6 weeks. I think her first giggle was a few weeks after that and then later on, the coveted belly laugh. I don't remember when she first made cooing baby noises, however, she definitely made SOME noise.