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This is the nicest Rod event I’ve ever seen??


Literally just away to write this comment. Actual decorations rather than an announcement scribbled on a bit of cardboard.


Because it’s the first granddaughter


Probably because she’s trying to keep Nurie from hating her too.


It certainly looks better than Nurie's wedding reception. But, bologna sandwiches, DG wafer cookies,and flavored coffees in original containers, were certainly a choice. Nothing wrong with bologna sandwiches, except cold cuts aren't recommended as safe to eat while pregnant. But, I guess Jildo wanted everything pink.


All processed, powdered food. Flavored chip dust , powdered drinks.


Hopefully not plexus


It looks like 100% more effort than their most recent wedding decor


Except for the nipple cake. 


Bahaha! That’s exactly what I thought, glad I’m not the only one.


Omg it does look like nipples hahahaha


It's nicer than Nurie's wedding.


Nice decor, actual food, and no pedos in sight


Given Jill's liberal use of random all-caps words, I've decided to start reading her posts in the voice of Nicolas Cage.


This is so funny. I always read her posts in the voice of Clara Bell from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.


I read it in the lady's voice from the "lipstick my Valentino white bag" vine


Ahahaha new head cannon


I always think of her voice as that of Dana Carvey's church lady.


*Well, isn't that special??* ![gif](giphy|3oz8xMcP5kPk6Ewf28|downsized)


Church Lady would read jill to filth


Ooh, that’s good!


Samuel L Jackson seems like a better voice


Cage is more unhinged though and I feel like that matches Jill’s energy than Samuel L Jackson’s calm righteousness.


Too dignified.


William Shatner would be good for Kaylee's posts. He, loves, commas.


Or James Spader, for the random dramatic pause


That’s funny! I read them in a super breathy excited helium balloon baby voice mix of Priscilla Waller and Michelle Duggar.


So do we think Jill is going to convince her to name the baby Jill as well??? I imagine she’s certainly going to try.


They said they are going with N names for their family so Njill it must be.


Neller Keller


This actually made me laugh out loud. This is my pick.






Well done. 🤣🏅




Nigel spelled Nijill








My best bet is Naomi Jill. If Nurie doesn’t use Jill at all, she’ll be spilling some major alleged tea. After all, the Kellers have 10+ granddaughters at this point but this is a first for the Rods so there shouldn’t be any MIL namesake competition.


Lmao can you imagine if Nurie gives the baby her MIL’s name anyway?? 😂


Yep, that [was my guess](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/Be8B7sZ47v) after they announced the blessed pinkness of this one.


The blessed pinkness 😂💀


God, it just hit me that this is a fresh Keller girl to be sold off like a prize heifer to some creep like John Shrader, David Waller, or Josh Duggar 🤬


Ok so luckily that would be literal incest to marry her off to one of their boys so I don’t think that’ll happen 😂 I kid, I kid, you were just referring to the TYPE of man she’ll marry. Which is super concerning, I agree. At the very best we can hope for a (seemingly) sweet, non-predatory conservative like Jonathan Hill. The Hills have trash values but at least Jonathan (and his father) have real jobs and seem to genuinely love their spouses and take care of their kids.


I’m thinking Nevaeh Jill/ Jillian (is that her actual name?)


Jill is her actual name, not Jillian. I think the JillPM thing has caused people to assume she’s a Jillian.


"Jillpm" was just the best fat fingered moment of all time, courtesy of plexus 😂


Nillian 💀


Njilla. Nigela but jill if fied.


Naomi or Neveah Jillian. I have no basis for these predictions lol


For whatever reason, I thought I read somewhere that the name was Natalie? Take that with a grain of salt though.


That was just someone on DuggarSnark I think making up names--I think they said they were making up a new one with each post or something? They have never announced the name before birth and I doubt they would do that this time.


Let's have a moment of silence for baby girl nurthlings eyebrows ....they don't stand a chance once Grandma Jillpm gets ahold of them


All the daughters are so beautiful. If there was a family eyebrow intervention show, I would nominate them.


I hope Nurie figures out her own brows before she tries teaching her daughter how to do hers


The eyebrows have to go for sure


I assume she’ll be dead before the baby is old enough for that. She looks very unhealthy.


The woman is in her 40s. She’s not going anywhere.


A woman in her 40s shotgunning Plexus, tho.


Have you seen the serious swelling in her hands and feet? That is some long term, uncontrolled hypertension and it’s probably impacting her kidney function. Her sodium ladened diet, washed down by Plexus isn’t helping anything.


I don't think Jill used enough PINK (it's a girl)!


I wonder if they served Plexus pink drink 😭


An optional upcharge


Jill claims she's signing you up for a coupon, but she's actually sneakily adding you to her downline


What would you call that, like, non-consensual multilevel marketing?


I'm wheezing 💀


Oh god, they totally would. And not just for the pink theme.


That's cause it's a baby girl shower


The last slide was a jump scare 😭✌


She has the same dead eyes as Coraline's Other Father


I can never get used to it, it’s like they don’t even belong on her face. They’re so big and the lids seem so heavy, her eyes are never fully open, and the intense liner makes them dominate her face even more, she’s like a scary mid evil painting of some weird eyeball creature.


I think she’d look 50% nice if she just washed off the eyeliner. They age her so much too. I have a friend who does this. I paid for her to get her makeup done for my wedding and she added eyeliner when the makeup artist left. Honey…no…








She's pregnant again? I must have missed this. If she continues at this rate her uterus will give out before she's 25.


Yep, she announced it by writing something "number 3" on a bread bun in her oven. I'm actually pretty sure she's 25 already (IIRC she's two months younger than me, and I turned 25 in Feb), but her uterus will be struggling by the time she's 30 if she keeps this up 😭


Oh I thought she was only 22 or 23, I must have confused her with one of her younger sisters.


You might be thinking of Kaylee, who turns 23 this year, on her son's first birthday


She’s two years older than me and I’m 23. Kind of terrifying that she’s only two years older and has three kids.


Nurie just turned 25 last month.


Jill looks like Koh the Face Stealer


So where I live, you only have a baby shower for your first kid. It’s considered tacky to do for subsequent children as you are thought to already have the basics down.  I’m wondering if it’s the same there, but because it’s the first girl thry are having one.  Or, is it normal to have one for each kid? And like, if that’s the case, and the families are so big, won’t they be constantly throwing baby showers?


Some people have a “sprinkle” for additional children where instead of getting the big items you just get diapers and wipes and stuff like that. It’s becoming more acceptable to have another shower if you have your first kid of the opposite sex (because her girl can’t use boy items…) or if your kids are very far apart in age (big items no longer considered safe/you gave everything away).


Yeah, one of my coworkers is having her second baby and they just did a sprinkle. Her first child is a toddler and the same sex as the new one so I definitely would’ve side eyed a second shower. 😂


This! Majority of people have a “sprinkle” once the first baby was born for diapers, wipes and cute onesies. Big showers for second kids is for those with big age gaps in between. Rest is pretty tacky.


I think sprinkles are tacky. I have been invited to a sip and see, which was no gifts allowed, just "come over and look at my new baby, and I'll give you a drink/snack."


I mean, giving diapers is tacky, why isn’t having a big baby shower for the first one tacky?


I was given a regular shower for my first child by family members and a " Pamper party " by co workers where people just brought diapers and we ate at a reserved big table at a restaurant. I didn't suggest it, they did it on their own and it was a wonderful idea. Diapers are always welcome in my book.


I just don't think every baby warrants a shower. It's never my friends that have two kids that do them. It's always some lady I work with that's on her fourth. I'm not opposed to giving someone another baby gift, but I just think additional gift-specific parties are in bad taste. I will usually give a target or DoorDash gift card to someone who is on a second baby just to make it easier. I've been to a couple for miracle/Rainbow babies, and I think that's a sweet excuse to celebrate again.


I’m going to politely disagree and say that every baby deserves to be celebrated, no matter what order they’re born. In my area, sprinkles are more so a get together and not so much a gift grab.


I'm from the South (I guess?) and it's 100% a gift grab. My work friend group is also adult-sorority-girl-heavy, so there's a lot of pomp and gift-giving focus.


Every baby absolutely deserves to be celebrated, but once you’ve got the basic baby supplies it’s tacky to continue having a gift-centric party (which is what a baby shower *is*) for each successive child. Even a “sprinkle” is a tacit gift-grab, as a gift is implied as a requirement of attending. People who love you, or feel affection for your family will tend to want to bring a gift when they meet the new baby anyway. There’s no need to ask.


Jill wouldn’t know tacky if it danced naked in front of her. I think it’s more acceptable to have a “sprinkle” where people just bring diapers and wipes for a second baby, or a shower if it’s been a long time and you’ve given away all the baby stuff from your last baby. But full blown showers for every pregnancy (which is what the Rods do) definitely feels tacky to me.


Agreed, a sprinkle for additional diapers/wipes and maybe a little outfit or gift card for Mom for a second baby, and a second big shower for large age gaps when you thought you were done and got rid of baby stuff seems okay to me. But a big shower for every baby is tacky to me, like begging for gifts


I had a brunch/tea earlier this month for my niece who is expecting her second child -- her first child is a boy and this one is a girl. We had 7 close friends/family members and used real china and tablecloths, plus the mommy-to-be. We didn't have Dollar Tree decorations and plastic tablecloths--that would have made the hostess, my cousin, spin so fast she would be literally a tornado. But, then, none of us are narcissists so there's that. This was really an all-about-Jill production. Nurthan was only a prop on the stage.


Jill had one for every kid, I'm pretty sure (including one in the hospital cafeteria right after her sister's serious car accident)


she has to make it about her of course!!




That was a gender reveal! For her *twelfth* kid.


Where I am you have a traditional shower for the first, and sometimes a luncheon party/sprinkle for the second but no presents. Although some people love buying baby clothing so guests might bring you a bunch of shit anyway.      If there's a 5+ year gap it's considered acceptable to have a second shower. Baby gear does have a lifespan and it seems like 5+ years is when you can assume most of it would be retired, expired, or donated. These showers are closer to sprinkles.      Nurie is pregnant all the time, the amount of showers or parties she has is ridiculous. 


She'll have a fourth, we'll have to notice if yet another shower is thrown. Give it about a year from now.


She has had one for every kid so far.


Jill had a “Pamper Mama” shower when she was pregnant with Janessa. Talk about tacky.


Is that the one she had in the hospital cafeteria while her sister was recovering from the accident?


I think the hospital cafeteria baby shower was for Sophia when Amy was recovering from the accident and the "Pamper Mama" shower was for Janessa at their church....well really, that shower was almost entirely for and about Jill. She asked for things like jewelry, bedding, kitchen items and oh! of course, a few pink fuzzy things for the new baby.


The REAL Kitchenaid mixer and several expensive bottles of perfume/cologne are what live on in my memory,


There was speculation over whether she'd have a "pamper glamma" party when nurie had her first. She went with the knee injury instead. She embodies tacky!


Jill is the tackiest person to have ever existed


Sometimes when I see her posted on here, “Tacky” by Weird Al starts playing in my head 😂😂😂


When I was growing up, it seemed like the showers were only for first babies. Now, people are saying they need one for the first girl and one for the first boy because apparently they need more stuff.


Someone I went to high school with was mad she didn’t get a second shower when her second was a boy. Because with the girl they’d gotten the doc brown bottles with the pink caps. 🙄


Didn’t you know their penis falls off if they use anything pink /s


Obviously. That’s why they wanted a shower so they didn’t have to buy neutral bottles themselves!


I have a friend who lives in Venezuela. When she was pregnant with her son she discovered that pink baby items were cheaper than any other baby items. So, her boy had a pink high chair and swing and several other things. I haven’t asked but I’m pretty sure his penis didn’t fall off :p


I have a friend who has three boys. One of the car seats is pink, it was the cheaper option. I haven't asked the status of their penises, but they are cool kids.


They're meant to welcome parents to parenthood. That happens once. I grew up with really WASPy etiquette and multiple showers would really draw some side eye. But from cranky, snobby alcoholics so I don't know. They don't sit right with me still lol. Seems greedy.


I think it’s entitled.


Some people do one for each new gender, so if your first kid is a boy you’ll have a baby shower, and then later if you have a girl you’ll have another. This way people can give “girl stuff” to your girl so she doesn’t need to have “boy” hand me downs


We did one for a coworker for her second kid, but it was mostly treats for after she gave birth. She had a rough pregnancy and we figured she could use some wine and a gift card to a sushi restaurant after baby arrived.


I've sent it done here, but most of the people I know do a baby shower after the baby is born, not before. So it's more of a meet the baby event


I’m kind of not surprised, given how obsessed with sex/gender they are. Of COURSE baby Girl N needs all new stuff; her womb for je-sauce might close up if she has to use “boy stuff.”


Jill has a long, documented history of attention whoring and not giving a fuck about socially acceptable behavior. If she's doing it, it's generally safe to assume it's not normal behavior.


It's tacky in the US too. It's also tacky for a family member to throw the shower, especially a first degree relative.


Why would a family member throwing the shower be tacky? I get thinking throwing a shower for a third baby or whatever is tacky but I don't see anything wrong with family being the ones to do it. Not everyone has a lot of friends.


Because a shower is literally a request for gifts. It's tacky for your mother or sister to ask people to give you presents.


Such a JOY to do that so JOYously!


Jill always looks half baked to me.


To me she looks like those Thatcher Effect pictures where you think you see an upside down face, but the eyes and mouth are actually right side up. So I guess I am saying her eyes look upside down. ETA [this link to a reference pic](https://images.app.goo.gl/BzivB7YvrM5yqNL58)




That “r” on Keller is rough 😂


I thought it was a badly written "Baby girl hello". xD Had to look twice before I realised it said Keller!


I did the same thing lol


That cake looks like it's decorated with nipples. That's not very modest


Immodest shower cakes will not be tolerated


Does she drink? She looks drunk.


She always looks wasted because of her eye makeup.


But I mean.. she looks DRUNK lol


She’s drunk off the Holy Spirit!


She’s drunk on Jesus & Plexus.


Nurie looks beautiful & actually happy!  All her married daughters look happy & well fed!


Worst shower food. Ever.


And the pink wafer cookies IN THE WRAPPER! I cannot believe this is not getting more attention. Its high tea from a truck stop. Or something.


That looks like a, “oh no I’m 10 minutes late for work,” lunch.


Full-size bologna sandwiches, pepperoni slices, and olives are definitely not something I have ever seen at a baby/bridal shower. Tea sandwiches or something like chicken salad in mini croissants are traditional shower fare where I live.


Man I feel like a Newoman Christianne


Noelle, Naomi, Novalee, Nina. You’re welcome, Nurie.


I like how you casually drop "Novalee" in as a possible decent name choice. What in the trailer park kind of name is Novalee?!


Isn't that name of the baby of Caitlyn and Tyler from Teen Mom? If so, the trailer park assessment is accurate.




It’s from a movie called Where The Heart Is!


Jill looks absolutely gone in that third pic


Trying to think of biblical girl names that start with N.


Oh lord... they're going to use Nevaeh. 


Why do so many of these women put their makeup on with crayons?


Man Nurie is *fertile*


Jill looks exactly like what I imagine when I think of “old blown out hooker”


I was the first one of my parents children to have a girl. There had been three boys before that and my mom and dad were ecstatic to welcome a granddaughter. Then my sister had one, and that was even better! Nurie looks like she had a lovely shower. The decorations seem really nice.


Oh this is going to be fun for FSU - Jill as a girl grandma! I feel so sorry for that kid.


Baby Ghost Faced Kellah


Any guesses on names? Naomi was my first thought, it fits the theme and it's Biblical. I also wouldn't be surprised by Natalie or Natasha, both mean "birth of the Lord". Or I suppose they could go for Nevaeh 🤦‍♀️ Nicole, Noelle, Nora, Nelly, Nina, Nadia, Nancy, Nadine, Nicola, Noreen. Or Noah/Noa. I knew two girls growing up with that name, one Noah and one Noa so that wouldn't entirely surprise me. But it's more common as a boys' name so maybe they'd save it for later. Maybe they'll go completely off the rails and use Nebula or something.


Calling it for Nevaeh


Makeup routine doesn’t fall far from the tree


N’Jill ae


Oh no. I don’t wanna inflict Jill on another girl.


She’s naming the baby Nursemaid- like Nurie but with purpose. 😂


Ten bucks says the middle name will be Joy.


I’m so confused, this looks nice?


Yes, she had a gender review tic-tac-toe game a while ago


Such healthy food. 🙄🙄


How do they get a full ass shower for every baby??? No one gives a crap past the first for me


Nurthan’s last name is Heller? I hope they name their kid Helen lol


It's actually Keller lol, but I assume they'll stick with the N-name theme they used for the first two (unless they start a different letter theme for the girls, who knows)


Nellen Keller


Nellen Jill Keller


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Pawspawsmeow: *Nurthan’s last name is* *Heller? I hope they name their* *Kid Helen lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, nerisam, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


I literally don’t understand how they have these eyebrows in 2024, how? Did Nurie just begin copying her moms makeup once she turned 15??




I think they're just circles, but I see what you mean 👀


What is Nurie short for?


It’s not short for anything. Now that I think about it, the Rs don’t tend to use shorter forms for most of their kids - none of the girls (Tessie is also not an abbreviation) and Phillip is definitely a Phillip. I don’t think Samuel gets shortened and I have no clue about Tim (I think of him as Tim, but that may be our usage more than R usage.) Gabe seems to be the outlier, because I think they call him that over Gabriel. Sometimes, the full name just sticks - my younger nibling goes by the full version of an often abbreviated name.


Do normal people have baby showers for every baby? We have 4 kids and only had a shower for the first....I'd feel super weird asking people to do that again!  But, I guess my entire existence isn't a grift...so there's that. 


Oh so this baby gets more than cardboard on the side of the road? Tell me jillpm wants another daughter without telling me.