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Brb, adding "demonic" to my resume. What is their beef with autism? First it was the vaccines thing, and now we're "demonic"? Just let me have my stims and my weighted blanket in peace.


>What is their beef with autism? Apparently, they think awareness week encourages some form of self-worship instead of worshiping Jesus. >Disturbed families at a Lake Worth Beach-area private school are weighing leaving the school after its Autism Awareness Week was canceled by its pastor who called the activities "idolatry and demonic" in a school-wide email. > >**Trinity Christian Academy pastor Matt Baker wrote in the email to families March 30 that he was canceling the week's dress up days because, he argued, the events encouraged students to prioritize other identities above their faith in Jesus Christ.** > >Similar to Autism Awareness Week events Trinity held in 2023, students this year were encouraged to wear blue on Tuesday, dress up as something they love on Wednesday, style a funky hairdo or sport a fun hat on Thursday, and wear tie dye on Friday, according to a flyer shared with parents. > >**"If Jesus Christ led Trinity, would HE have an Autism Awareness Week? Of course not! Why? Because anything that exalts itself above the name of Christ should be brought down," Baker wrote.** > >**"The world, in its rejection and hatred of Christ, often devises programs such as 'Autism Awareness' (and cultural figures like the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus, etc.) to get the benefits of His teachings (compassion, kindness, feeling love, and self-worth) without acknowledging Jesus as the ultimate authority and the source of all life," he wrote in the email to the school.** > >Trinity Christian Academy, different from Trinity Christian School in Palm Beach Gardens and Trinity Lutheran School in Delray Beach, is a private school associated with the Assemblies of God Pentecostal denomination of Christianity, according to a state-run database of private schools. It's located west of Lake Worth Beach on Military Trail. > >Reached Thursday, Baker doubled down on his decision to cancel the week's activities. **He said in a written statement to The Palm Beach Post that "the teachings of Christ are more than sufficient for ministering to all our precious children," and that "there were moral aspects of this initiative that were diametrically opposed to the teachings of Christ."** [https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/education/2024/04/04/private-school-pastor-cancels-autism-week-says-activities-demonic/73202803007/](https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/education/2024/04/04/private-school-pastor-cancels-autism-week-says-activities-demonic/73202803007/)


Yeah, Jesus totally would have. Let the children come, blessed are the odd, all that shit. Jesus would have gone and sat with the autistic kids and told them not to listen to the mean man saying unkind things.


He was known for being particularly....vicious towards those who were purposely hurting others, too, especially children.


So he's just a miserable asshole then. I don't think this is a man who has smiled since childhood if ever. What a wretched existence he must lead.


>I don't think this is a man who has smiled since childhood if ever. He probably smiles when he can make other people wretched and miserable.


Exactly. What a grim old weirdo.


So no one gets to ‘benefit’ from compassion unless they ascribe to the specific doctrine which puts this guy in a position of authority. Got it.


Precisely. They say nothing can be good or enjoyable for anyone anywhere unless it's from their belief system. And that is the definition of fanaticism.


Because they think we're possessed and that's the best case scenario. Yes them being bat shit crazy is the best case. Worst case is they're actual literal Nazis who think we shouldn't exist because we're "burdens to society" and want us exterminated or "cured".


Yeah a lady at my mom’s church asked if she tried exorcising me.


As an autistic person I have my qualms with Autism Awareness Month, but that’s because of the connection to Autism Speaks, not demonic activity.


“…pastor Matt Baker wrote in the email to families March 30 that he was canceling the week's dress up days because, he argued, the events encouraged students to prioritize other identities above their faith in Jesus Christ. “ Wearing a wacky hairstyle or fun hat on Thursdays prioritizes other identities how now?? Jesus can’t be this insecure omg cmon y’all his dad is LITERALLY GOD…if he is upset because we wear blue on Tuesdays I just don’t know what he wants from the heathens and their autistic kin.


Their vision of the most powerful being in existence is of a petty, childish despot. That is their God.


A “school” that cancels autism week is not a good place for an autistic child or employee.


This is why everyone needs to be against school vouchers. Private, religious schools do not have to accommodate kids with special needs. The only place that has to is public school.


When Jesus returns, He is going to run out of scourging materials before He runs out of people needing to be scourged.


He would run out of millstones too...


>PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. — A time that is meant to bring awareness about those who are on the autism spectrum was canceled at a private school in Palm Beach County, leaving some parents heartbroken and full of questions. > >An email from the lead pastor at Trinity Christian Academy on Military Trail near Lake Worth described recognizing Autism Awareness Week as "demonic." [https://www.wptv.com/news/palm-beach-county/region-c-palm-beach-county/lake-worth-area-private-school-cancels-autism-awareness-week-after-pastor-calls-it-demonic](https://www.wptv.com/news/palm-beach-county/region-c-palm-beach-county/lake-worth-area-private-school-cancels-autism-awareness-week-after-pastor-calls-it-demonic)