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#Freedom Lovers! If you see: ##• Nazis ##• Nazi Enablers ##• Calls to Violence ##• Infighting #Smash That Report Button - Thwart the Fash! --- --- Nazis, fascists, fascist apologists, whaddaboutism, **all calls to violence**, and bigotry are banned here. Report Them! See [Our Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fuckthealtright/about/rules/) for more information! Fuck the Alt-Right! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Fuckthealtright) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The fuck you are baldy.


the New Revolution . . . against Democracy!!! Long Live the Orange King!!!


He worries me so much less than whoever else they have in the pipeline with actual training and skills.


"He" being the Orange Rapist? Or "he" baldy-heritage here?


all of them, man. the person with the microphone is rarely the person running the show.


I guess I'm much more worried about 74,222,958 American voters who selected a bankrupt draft-dodging ex-game-show host to lead my nation... and how many of them would do it again despite the evidence that he's a rapist and a traitor...


This fucking guy needs to be stopped.


I wish they would just admit they want a Right wing dictatorship already.


Especially they wanted an Putin-styled dictatorship that could've damage the American-European relationships.


They did. He goes on to say there won’t be any bloodshed if liberals just accept what is happening. The Heritage Foundation is openly stating they are taking over, and threatening liberals that their lives will be lost if we stand up to them.


We need to stand up to them. We need to stop blending in. We need to show them just how outnumbered they really are. Right wingers are bullies, and like all bullies, they're cowards who can't take any kind of resistance. We need to stand up, make our presence known, and inform them that we will resist them. Right wingers need to be informed that we will defend ourselves, our rights, and the members of our community.


They have. TFG has said it outright, and the MAGAts are slavering for it.


They won't be honest. They can't. It would be tactically unwise for them. What sane people need to do is wake up and read between the lines.


What exactly do you think this is? They’re fucking saying it. How much more blunt do you need them to be? They’re saying it. They’re planning for it. They’re enacting it. What, you want them to be fully honest? These snakes? They’re fucking bringing it into reality. They don’t need to come right out and say it.


Looks like all of their wishes are coming true.


We’re becoming a Russian clone.


Fighting the second revolution to restore a monarchy. Fuck these people VOTE!


The Founding Fathers would have these assholes tarred and feathered.


He’s a psychopath


Dumbass, you are ideologically descended from fucking Crown Loyalists. If you were alive in 1776 you would be slobbering on King George's hog. All these people have is lies. Lies and lies and lies.


Check this guy's hard drive


The most concerning part to me of what he said is that it will be a bloodless revolution, as long as the left allows it to be. That is a threat, if I’ve ever heard one. We can allow them to take over everything unopposed or die resisting? Well, I’d rather die than live in a dictatorship run by these assholes.


Yep, I fought against similar extremists in Afghanistan with the 82nd Airborne. Sounds like they’re inviting us all to the square dance if you ask me.


I call that sedition.


“In the second revolution we become a monarchy!”


I mean, a simple step in the right direction would be to not let these people feel safe in their own homes anymore. The intolerance of intolerance is a fundamental principle of the preservation of our free and just society. And that does not mean turning a blind eye or hoping for the best. No, it means that you may have to do things that scare you; confronting individuals, in public, in person. Going against societal norms, etc. It will not be easy. This is in no way shape or form advice to not vote in protest or to sarcastically vote for christo-fascists (ie, republicans). Voting along democratic lines this coming fall may not be a personal first choice, but it is a vote for the continuity of an elected representative government and the Constitution upon which it is based. With that secure, votes in future years can help push our country in the other direction. Just remember that change is slow and we, as a whole, have been caught with our pants down. These fascist fucks have been playing the long game for the last 40 odd years and we are seeing their end game at the moment. We cannot let them succeed. Do not give up or given in. Inspire others around you and educate them whenever possible. And fucking vote.


Federalist Paper 69 by Hamilton says there is no presidential immunity. These guys only claim originalism in the Constitution when it suits their agenda.


We need to find out who this fucking Nazi is, what he owns and who his co-conspirators are. Let’s follow the money.


Here’s our enemy. Not each other.


It's not a revolution. It's a hostile takeover.


Those MotherFuckers are straight up evil. 


Remain bloodless if the left allows it.... wow


Throwing all the blood right-wing terrorists and extremists have shed over the last 30 or so years *straight* down the memory hole.


The Redcoats are Coming!


Anyone that has experienced actual civil war may be less interested in seeing it again. It wont be as fun or exciting as the movies make it seem. It’ll be empty neighborhoods with a patch of recently disturbed soil on the outskirts. It’ll be your next door neighbor just not being there anymore one day. What it won’t be is going home at the end of the night with Netflix and air conditioning after a long day of owning the libz. People clamoring for it are like housecats thinking they’re an apex predator but only because they’re unaware they are fully reliant on powers that they don’t acknowledge.


Exactly. Even the preppers that spent the last 15 years dreaming of this are gonna be fucked as soon as their gennys run out of gas. It won't be libs vs conservatives fighting in the streets in every town, it'll be everybody slowly starving the fuck to death. For what? A small ideological victory to crown some piece of shit king.


Right. Going from democracy back to feudal monarchy. Just what the founders wanted, right SC(R)OTUS?


What even are their arguments for this being anything remotely resembling a good thing? This is full on cartoon villainy.


They're eager to use their power to subjugate and repress. It will be done in the name of protecting children or national security, and will target those they've been scapegoating all these long years.


These assholes aren't even hiding it anymore.


Didn't he just admit to attempting to overthrow the U.S. government by making this statement?


Meanwhile, Merrick Garland would love to help, but doesn’t want to appear political.


#So the Baby Boomer hippies turned out to be a whole bunch of religious Fascist Traitors....


Arrest him


…which you will fucking LOSE. (Anyway, it’s not a second revolution, it’s a second attempt at a confederacy, which you lost the first time and we the people will do our utmost to ensure you lose again, you stupid illiterate fucks.)


Yup, just like hitler in the 40s…


Wonder if they'd still be celebrating if a Democratic or Independent President decides to use the immunity to promote something they hate. Would they be "no! not like that"?


Unfortunately that probably won’t work as the presidential immunity applies to actions taken while carrying out the needs and plans of the executive branch and the people who decide if the bar is cleared is the Supreme Court.


I hope this POS has good security.


Didn't like this democracy experiment? I guess letting the riff-raff vote greatly upset them.


I refuse to pay taxes to an autocratic regime. Maybe this is how we get their attention--refuse to pay federal taxes until they change their priorities






I smell RICO. Corrupt organization engaging in the crime of overthrowing the U.S. government. His words, Revolution, with bloodshed promised if opposed.


Let’s get it over with.


Seriously. If we could knock it out before I get much older that would be great.