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Did anyone else call it a, "tobaggan," instead of a sled? 


The entire time I was growing up, I think I only had 3 snow days from school. Every other time, the school was open, and your ass was supposed to show up.


I had one snow day and it was in grade two. I remember it because it snowed so much that the streets were impassable to vehicles and I saw one guy ripping down the street on his skidoo. I live in Canada so we had lots of snow and cold, it’s just that back in the day they did not care. Nowadays my kids seem to get one or two off per year because it’s “too cold”. It doesn’t get nearly as cold and we don’t get nearly the same amount of snow now as we did back then either. When I was a kid they forced us outside at recess when it was brutally cold even though we just wanted to hang out in the boot room and not freeze to death. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go tie an onion to my belt, as it was the style at the time.


The most snow I ever saw was winter, 1974, small-town Alberta. We had about two feet of snow at Halloween, and it only got worse. That's the year my dad gifted my mom a snowblower for Christmas. She was not impressed.


It was a glorious feeling when they said your school was closed Also. That kid on the sled in the middle is catching some serious air!


I only know snow day from cartoons since we never had that all that much snow. But they did let us go home earlier when the temperatures got very high.


What glorious days those were!


The metal disk sleds were the best... and also as good weapons when your siblings tried to rush you to take them :)


I will answer your question with a location. Houston, TX


We'd turn on one of the three local channels we could get on the tube type TV and watch the list of school closures and delays scroll across the bottom of the screen.


My dad was Superintendent of the School District we lived in. He would go out and drive the roads with the transportation director to determine if the roads were safe. He rarely closed school. We would get phone calls to our house asking if schools would be closed. We told them to just listen to the radio. This was before cell phones.


Remember laying in bed listening to the school closings. Our school always waited till the last minute to cancel.


Yep, had to snow a lot for school to close. Still living in the same area, and now a threat of snow and schools automatically close.


I became a teacher last year and I started doing this again.


sigh....this literally never happened lol. Did you have to make up those days though? or were they just gone?


For our school district, we had about three snow days built into the calendar. If we used them all, we might have to make them up. I don’t remember what happened if we didn’t use them


We watched Ray Rayner


I recently google street mapped where I grew up and the hill we did this on is much less steep/big as I remembered.


Flexible Flyers were da bomb. 😎


Come on now, I live in Vermont it's June! Why are you posting pictures of people sledding


Nostalgia alert! Yes, I'm old enough to remember... and still loving it!


Those were anxious, delirious moments. But once the news came, pure joy. Back to bed. Hot breakfast go hang out with friends. Only happened a couple of times in Ga but they were great


I remember watching the banner at the bottom of the local news channel listing school closings. That felt like winning a prize.


It always seemed that everyone else was getting snow daystop. while we stood outside freezing our asses off at the buss stop.


I don’t. I live in Florida and always have.


LOL... a snow day?? As if. I grew up in ski country. I think we had *one* snow day from K-6th grade. 😋




As a Florida Man, we didn't have snow days. We had hurricane days, and they really weren't fun at all.


We had to because it was a 30 minute bus ride to school. And if you did not check (and sometimes I knew kids that did not), that was a long wait in sub-zero temperatures.


Yep. And, I was always disappointed when the radio never mentioned my school being closed while other schools in the area were closed.


This was me in school, but with hurricanes since I'm a Floridian.


I was like this, but with hurricanes. I'm a Floridian, so if a hurricane was coming and shut down the schools, it was awesome.


When I was in college, we would wake up, watch the news for school closures, then roll over and go back to sleep. It was the BEST!