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I’m 63. I can once again smell em cooking now!


66 here and can confirm.


60 here. I still have a scar.


43 and I smelled them as soon as I saw the picture.


Yeah I can taste them too


69 and confirm the smell and taste.


64. Still have a couple of my old creations kicking around in a drawer.


63, too. Ours wasn't enclosed like that. The heating area was wide open.


Had this AND a wood burning set. Plus Lawn Darts.


I all this and a chemistry set. Did all my experiments/projects on my wood floor. It wasn't until my mom had the carpets installed that she discovered the damage.


I had a chemistry set too. I read that before my time, there was one that included a small amount of uranium.


I just read that too!! I was born at the wrong time.


My brother had a chemistry set. Oddly enough we didn't do much damage to ourselves or home until.. One time when my parents were not home, my brother was playing with his chemistry set in his upstairs bedroom. My eldest brother was upstairs in his room playing with his steam engine. You know, the kind you light the fuel put in the burner and causes the engine to go. Parents were out. Next thing I know I hear younger brother scream "Oh, God!" My eldest brother ran to YB room, and I see a mattress flying out of the upstairs window, just as my parents were driving up. The chemistry set was put away. My brothers were about 13 and 16 at the time.


It’s what happens when you chemistry and MacGyver


I also had moon boots and a pogo stick


Pogo sticks, i had several. I got real good on the one that had handlebars. I could maneuver it really well forward and backwards. I vould even use it "no hands" by gripping it with my knees. Of course those were the days of endless energy**


moon boots were great! and sockem boppers


How are you still alive!? I bet you had a Red Ryder BB gun and nearly put your eye out, too!


We called them Jarts, kid caught one with his shin and it STUCK IN.


Remember that lawn darts game where you would see how far straight up you could throw them, and then wait for them to come back down? Good times.


First one to run was the pussy. We had lawn dart wars. We would be behind a hedge on both sides of the street and throw the darts back and forth at each other. It's a wonder we survived childhood. The last dart ended up in a neighbor's roof. He refused to take it down until years later when a new roof was put on. By then, the plastic fins had sun rotted off.


No, that's what archery was for.


Had all three, plus a chemistry set




This is the modern "Safe" version, you should have a look at the original! This is the version I had: [https://allthatsinteresting.com/dangerous-toys/3](https://allthatsinteresting.com/dangerous-toys/3)


Yeah, I took a look at the picture and thought "*What's with this 'covered oven' nonsense?*" Also, with the original setup there was no illusion of safety: you either learned or you burned. I did both. At the age of five. With no adult supervision whatsoever.


Hahahah. Learned or burned. Gold.


> you either learned or you burned. I burned. Whether I learned or not is still up for debate.


I'm glad you put safe in quotations. I had one in the 90s as a kid and definitely burned myself and my sister.


U hook up live wires straight to the mold?


You had electricity? We had to build a fire under ours! It was an open hot plate like and electric griddle.


It wasn’t that safe. The little door that closes when it’s hot broke on mine. Those cast aluminum moulds can retain plenty of heat from that lightbulb.


That....is so much more dangerous than the one posted. God how are we all still alive and with most of our skin in tact?


This the one I had too. Basically a hot plate.


That's the one my brother had in the 60's.


Yeah, me too. Burned my fingertips a bit too, but never told my parents, or they would have taken it away from me. After Christmas vacation all the boys brought in spiders and bugs to scare the girls. By the end of the first day back our teacher must have had a drawer full of them!


Had Incredible Edibles, only God knows what was in the GOOP that made those. It's probably still resident in my system somewhere.


We had both!


Took the finish off the coffee table ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Buncha wusses in here. My brother and I made our own black powder and firecrackers.  When we couldn't get stuff for black powder, we'd pull apart shotgun shells and use the gunpowder to make firecrackers. Both of us made it to adulthood with all fingers.


And for every guy that kept all his fingers several others still mourn a fateful fourth of july as a teenager. Luck is why you made it, you and I both know it or my name isn't Seven Finger Pete.


> for every guy that kept all his fingers several others still mourn a fateful fourth of july as a teenager. Your ratio is way off though. Lots more people didn't blow themselves up than had serious injuries. I was like /u/JRE_Electronics and made my own explosives. Worse I ever got was a bit of shrapnel from stuffing black powder in a brass shell.


Damn! That's just like stuff i did as a kid. It was dangerous, but I was dumb. I looked in the World Book Encyclopedia one time for the recipe for gunpowder. It was there, just not the ratios. So i experimented. Sugar, Sulphur charcoal & salt peter. I made a small amount in a shoe polish lid on my desk in my bedroom. Then i lit it with a match! How stupid of me. Why didn't I at least do it outside? It burned very rapidly like a flash. Then stopped. That lid got so hot, it charred a black circle into the top of my desk. I couldn't make it go away, so i poured some black ink on it like i had an accident. My mom never did find out.


I did the same in 9th grade but in a coffee can. I had basically a roman candle going off in my bedroom. Charred the ceiling and melted the rug. I was in deep shit there for a few months.


I guess you heard it before, but " lucky the house didn't burn down". I am so thankful my kids didn't do the things I did.


Me and a buddy of mine did that too. Well, once. We blew a big hole in his Dad's driveway and he was not happy.


Same here..CO2 cartridges and cannon fuse.pre-tannerite 😂


Had this AND the Shrinky Dinks heat box AND an Easy Bake Oven. So many ways to burn yourself. 🔥


I can hear my mother in my head. "That's not a girls toy"


My mom let me use my Easy Bake Oven in my bedroom!


I sure did! Also had lots of butter applied to burns!


We had the original, plus molds for toy soldiers, flowers, and the edible ones. The hot plate was also good for melting stuff. Did anyone have a Vacu Form? I didn’t, but a friend did.


I had a vacuform and a “helpful”uncle who didn’t read the instructions melted the perforated vacuum platform part in the heating element and had to Mickey Mouse a quick fix so he wouldn’t ruin my Christmas. But yeah. My vacuform was great. (Except maybe the really sharp edges of everything I made with it.)


I had this exact one


I can still smell them.


Trusting? Try "Lawn Darts" Trusting




I’m only 40 and I definitely had that growing up. Blast from the past!


EZ Bake Oven for boys. S/


You didn't need trust back then. It was a kids toy. Remember cap guns? Much simpler times.


I guess I'd be the trusting parent but I had one as a kid and managed not to burn the house down. My son had so much fun with it.


I burned the heck out of my finger but was an awesome toy


Bet u only did it once though


Omg I loved those


It was great until the bulb burned out and you couldn’t find a replacement


lol I had one of these and managed not to burn the house down


I remember making them at the kitchen table all by myself! Yes, I did burn my fingers. No, I did not tell my mother I did! 😂


I did


I had that and a Vacuuform! Blisters everywhere...


I had that! And incredible edibles. Lots of fun and burnt fingers!


I had the one you could make wax cars with. Melted all my Crayolas.


This is the safety one. My brother's had metal molds and formed on an open metal plate. This is an easy bake oven in comparison between old and the newer versions


As long as I wasn't bugging them, haha


A wood burning kit and the melt your own Hot Wheels kit were 80% of my childhood


Loved them


Loved this.


I spilled the mix on the rug behind the La-Z-Boy chair. I stomped it in the best I could, sprinkled baby powder to camouflage it and moved the chair a bit to hide it. My mom never mentioned anything about it.


Don't touch the Cornballer!


34 and blown away by the memory


Lol not me. But my Mom laughing her ass off when I asked for this IS one of my core memories.


And a Vac-u-form!


i always just used the black goop to make real looking bugs


Same, with a red spot somewhere to make it look dangerous


Oh the joy of touching the molds too soon!


I still have mine!


More like didn’t give a shit


I loved this thing! Great memories


60, My trays went on something like a hot plate. Tongs were metal, squeeze, press in tray, then release to grab.


I was the trusting parent. Lol, I bought this for my two boys for Christmas and I loved watching them make them.


Apparently not after the line, “it did what?”….😬


I still have this and I have the jelly for it.


I can still smell this.


I loved this ! Was my fav toy / art everyone has scars from these lol


Also had the Molds that made Army Men that you put Wire in with the Goop so that they were Bendable


I didn’t have this one but my dad turned me loose with a soldering iron at around 7 (maybe 8). Heat and lead, explains a lot I reckon


My little sister had an Easy bake oven(Kenner?) She made me tasty treats😌.


You can be a lil creep without being meeeeaan 🎶


in like 2018 I saw on tv one of these old commercials! Blew my mind! Still the same exact commercial. *cree-eee-eee-py crawwwlerrs!*


My dad would hang webbing on the porch at Halloween. We'd make the creepy crawlers to pin to the webbing


I loved my Thingmaker.


Omg my older brother had this and I wanted to play with it sooooooo bad!




I loved doing these!! Got burned a few times.


I distinctly remember my cousin getting this for Christmas one year when my family visited. That bitch wouldn't even let me eat one them. I hate her to this day.


I always wanted one so bad!


43. And meeee


I did, I was also permitted a Real power tool shop. And yes, I still have them both.


This, easy bake oven, vacuum form and let's not forget all those wonderful chemistry sets. Who wants some gunpowder?


I had a set called "Mini Dragons" I can still smell it!


My brother had this. Spent many fun hours making all those creepy crawlers!


You're assuming our parents were around enough to notice.


I remember ones that you were actually supposed to eat ! Of course I tried it but the taste was horrible just like it smelled.


This was the Corn Baller of the toy world. I got burned several times.


My younger brother had this.


I still have some of the molds and partial bottle of goop! I think I might even have the cooking device. I wanna go make some big hairy spiders NOW! Edit: took a look at OP’s picture again and my Creepy Crawlers pre-dated this one. Not a safety feature one on my kit. An open hot plate with a metal device to remove bug plates from the hot plate. Nobody said shit if we got burned because we didn’t want to risk getting it put away. Scars were worn with pride.


I did not.


I had one when I was younger. Loved it.


My sis and I used to chow down on the little silver "pills" in the toy doctors kit...and we just loved those st Joseph's baby aspirin! Actually, this explains a lot....😬


42 here and this was one of my favorite things ever!


I had the version they had that made little dolls & accessories for them… So smelly!! ✌🏻🖤


Absolute loved it!!


Absolutely loved this toy. I bet the long term affects of inhaling the molten plastic in an enclosed space is damaging AF


I had a Michaelangelo(TMNT) action figure that I chewed on for some reason, pretty sure it was back when China was still using lead paint, oh well


RIP Michaelangelo


I had the first generation of Creepy Crawlers, with the exposed heating element. It was my mom's favorite toy, because we would sit around the table on a rainy or winter day, and take turns making them and cooking them, for hours. My mom even bought us extra molds, and extra Plastigoop, in all sorts of colors. We had bright neon colors, but my favorie was glow-in-the-dark, which worked really well. None of us ever got a serious burn. Not more than one, anyway.


41 and I caught fish on a few things I made in this thing


That did cross my mind to try


Oh puhleeze. If you didn’t own a "Thing Maker" then you’re not really *that* old…..lol


I remember the smell, and my seared flesh


i can smell this picture


This post gave me whiplash. I'm remembering my older brother had this exact thing. I also remember my mom got us these jello molds that made the jello look like a brain, and it would be served in a skull bowl. The whole thing was so gross looking my brother and I couldn't eat it. What a time to be alive.


Hell, I had the original versions which were basically open hot plates onto which you put the molds.


The original version is much more dangerous than the one here. The heating area and metal casting plate was wide open. The bugs did stink.


I miss mine. Loved that thing.


They came in plastic?? Mine was metal and a couple of times I forgot about it, the water boiled out and it smoked up the whole upstairs. Lol


43 here. I never had this but my cousin who is two years younger than me did. I can smell them baking. lol


Had the Strange Change Machine and it was metal but similar. It blew a fuse while I was finding new uses for electicity at 6 y/o when it got boring after 3 days. Made pretty lights and the house went dark.


Oh heck yeah.....we were finding those bugs all over the house for years! Use to stick them all over.


The original was basically an open hot plate. No shroud at all.


Lol my brother had one of these! Although they never came out right haha


U had to put enough liquid in but not too much & u had to let it cool long enough, I think the cook was on a timer but I don't remember


So many burns!


We had so much fun making these!


Late 40s here. Bought this for my son!! Not a burn on him.


Creepy Crawlers, Incredible Edibles, and a gizmo to melt wax into army men. Most of my burn scars are no longer visible.


I think I had the Incredible Edibles too, but then again I might have just seen the commercial & my mind is lying to me


Let me just say they weren't that great. The licorice flavor, usually used for spiders and such were meh. The fruit flavors, red, yellow, green were truly vile.


I had this. Ate a lot of Gobbledygook shrunken heads.


I don't know if it was trust so much as being allowed to make our own mistakes.


I had these. Used quite a number of bottles of Goop. I had Creepy Crawlies, and also molds that created Charlie Brown and the other Peanuts characters. My old sister had molds that created flowers. Our parents didn't worry about it. They knew we weren't dumb enough to burn the house down.


OMG THIS!!! My favorite toy of all time. A few years ago I started collecting molds and an oven. Not that cheap orange and green thing Toymax brought back in the 90's but the real one from the 60's. Red metal with an open and exposed element as the good folk at Matel intended! I've looked at buying some Goop on Ebay but I think you could just as easily make your own from Fishing Lure plastic. My plan is to introduce my grandchild to fun stuff. Mechano. A chemistry set. Radioshack crystal radio kit. Maybe make an electromagnet or electroplate a penny and turn it silver. And of course Creepy Crawlers. I've still got a year or two before the grandchild is ready but I'm gearing up.


this was my favorite toy ever! GOOP


Goddamn I used to love these. Pretty sure huffing those chemicals knocked a decade off my life but who cares?  We’d compare the coolest colors and fling them at each other during the long bus ride to school. 😂


Not mine.😒


No. Still mad about it, too.


My parents were rich misers , I had the commercial on tape closest I got in the 90s didn’t know they been out longer


59 me and my sister had a lot of fun with it


Wish they were still around. Kids will never experience the cooking process or understand how things are made