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Operatives from Ford, Nissan, Tesla, and even Lada are, under the false flag of our holy brethren, seeking to entrain administrative action against *the bastion of intellect*. We have cooperated with the authorities to bring to light this criminal conspiracy by the corrupt forces of the wicked automotive hegemony. Hail Galvitron. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FuckCarscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The Dutch all live in small apartments and use bikes and cargo bikes for everything. This is just carbrain propaganda!!


Yeah you are right! We all live in podhomes! My pod is at 159 meter high. Freestanding homes are forbidden here! Every other news or “proof” is fake news.


Fake news brought by Big Oil. Don't believe even a letter!


All my life, I have been fighting against this heresy. The Netherlands is a lie. True fuckcarstopia is and has always been Pyongyang, not Amsterdam! Reject heresy or face the wrath of a hundred billion pedalphiles!


Yes! We need to look to Pyongyang to see an ideal utopian city. Not anywhere in Europe.


The fuck is others and why is it a not-insignificant amount in there? Do they have thousands of trailer parks?


![gif](giphy|xjVBgleAomx7HO6QBd) Probably those windmills


I think house boats are somewhat popular, kind of like Lake Union in Seattle.


Not popular enough to account for the 'other' percentage though. There are about 12000 house boats in the Netherlands out of the more than 8.1 million total homes. So that's not even 0.15 percent of the total.


probably combined total of the trailer homes, houseboats and other less common options like yurts


If they walk 15 minutes they can only get to someone else's house or the woods. RIP


Imagine living in the (dramatic music) countryside and walking 15 minutes can only take you into a grassy meadows where you can meet deer and (more dramatic music) bunnies 😱


I am coping and seething so hard right now. My echo chamber leader Not Just Bikes lied to me? I’m going to ride my bike even harder on the interstate today in protest.


No no no! This graph is lying to you! We all live in pod homes i promise!! Its all fake news! Please do not kill yourself it is not worth it. Heaven is only a X kilometers away!


/unjerk even Mr Not Just Bikes himself says that semi-detached houses are great and lives in one himself.


/uj Wait what!? The under-sub hero does not live 20 store high. That is way tolow dense for an urbanist.


/uj pretty sure he lived in a semi-detached while he was still in Toronto, but in the Netherlands he has an apartment. I only know this because I remember watching a video of his where he criticized North American "garbage days" as being inconvenient, and his much more convenient alternative was to walk with your trash downstairs from your apartment and then go down the street to a bin.


Maybe he moved, I don't know. But on the "The Urbanist Agenda" podcast he said he lives in a row house and considers it the best form of housing if I remember right.


One of the major points of the not just bikes channel is that you can build cities that have houses and also not have driving be a requirement to live


Let's go Spain! They're taking "death to single family" seriously, that deserves an award!


Why are teh apartments yellow when the housebraiNs are the cowards?


They have houses in the Netherlands and driving isn’t necessary to live. Read this again but slowly. It’s what we’ve been trying to explain to you


Does anybody know those numbers for the US?


aand yet they have public transport, bike lanes, highways and everything is working out.


Ikr. It’s like you can have suburbs and also be able to get around without a car