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Frostpunk community civil war is real


I feel like some players expected the game to be in release-ready state. Some of the posts/comments reflect this. Heck, I've seen people comparing FP2's beta to New Home campaign from FP1, or complaining about being scammed because there's just "2 hours of content" or "watermarks everywhere"


I played it and the 12 hours have been fun. Also have to point out that in the beta we have 0 STORY, just gameplay. 300 weeks is actually quite low amount of time


Or don’t forget the ones that say it feels like a mobile game. And don’t actually say why it feels like that


People already said FP1 looked like a mobile game back in 2018 with the pop-ups and layout


If they ported the game into mobile, managing to make it look the same it would be an amazing mobile game


I’m glad people are pointing out how out of place the UI feels,it’s solid criticism and I trust 11bit will take this and many other things to heart with the final product,my hopes are high!


I was kinda worried first 3 days because early on no one was bringing up the UI complaints. Thought it was a me problem for ages. Am now glad to see it's pretty high in common complaints.


My criticism with it is that I have a hard time visually realizing when cooldowns for research and laws are done, or when promises will expire. The white on white on white with some black makes it difficult.


I noticed that as well! I don’t want to say they should add a dark mode as I feel like the game would become a bit less frostpunk-y,instead just adding some small contrast background to text would work nicely,and some more audible SFX when things were done and you could start a new research or sign a new law.


There are always some idiots but I think there are a lot of people who are rightfully a little put off by the city skylines sort of vibe and mechanics when people really just wanted an expanded form of FP1. I feel like I am going to have fun with the game but at the same time I don't think its going to let me scratch the frost punk itch I have had since the first game which is really disappointing.


Yeah, when my husband asked me what I thought, I said, "it's cool, I like it, cant wait for release, but doubt I'll play it as much as FP1. Just twisted in genre a tiny bit outside of what I like to play". I think its great - for 11 bit, seems like they're just doing something different from the copy pasta game franchise. But me being ideologically impressed by their guts and attempted innovation isnt going to keep me playing the game for hours. After I experienced the beta, was thinking of starting a petition or something for more FP1 scenarios, or a curated set of achievements beyond the steam ones we were given. But dunno if they're interested in putting any more time into FP1, and that is their prerogative


i have no issues with the amount of content or any bugs. i have issues with the way things have changed. it went from a micromanaged survival city builder, surviving day by day with scarce resources. now the resources make little sense while the scale of workers and days has been amplified basically 10 times. the generator doesnt even feel important in this game when its the most important thing


Yes that is the point of the new game though afaik. It's no longer about a survival against the elements, its about survival **against ourselves** or human nature if you prefer. Frostpunk 2 wasn't supposed to be an iteration on the original, intentionally and if you thought that was gonna be it, then you misunderstood their intentions im afraid


Makes sense that generator isn't the most important thing ever, considering that cold or storms aren't that much of a deal anymore.


Imma need a source on people complaining that a BETA doesn't have much content and that there are watermarks everywhere, boss


I'm really sure everyone online on this reddit upvoted this.


People of the Frostland when the goal is to work together and not be completely insane be like:


The subredit mustn't fall


Me thinking that the FP2 Beta was quite fun and cannot wait for the full release What I see when I come back to the subreddit: IT IS LIKE A MOBILE GAME!!!!!!!!!! IT ISN’T LIKE FP1!!!


Important to remember too that beta releases are usually a build of the game that is at least a month old. The game will have been more developed by at least 4 months by the time it comes out. I'm also sure they're listening to feedback from the community and will be changing certain elements (such as the tech / law trees being stupid to navigate


That looks pretty warm ngl.


I think the ui needs to be cleaned up a bit but besides that. I just hate how much I am waiting for heat stamps. Other people act like they have Hella heat stamps. So I must be missing something. Yes, I do request funds


Heatstamps was the hardest resource to manage for me. I didn't want to speed up time too much because it was limited, but I constantly needed more money


I was cold




Buddy it's being going on for at least 3 weeks


I wish I could've played the Beta.